Fan’s Intuition: Jason is the Father of Sam’s baby!

Well I think most of us have known all along in the back of our minds that Heather tampered with the paternity of Sam’s baby, and the baby really is Jason’s not Franco’s. Thursday’s episode set us up for the reveal on Friday, that Heather was in fact involved with the paternity results, exposing that the biological Father is Jason! This gives JaSam fans hope to hang on to that this couple will find their way back to each other. Things are still rocky of course, being that Jason ordered to have McBain threatened and beaten up, causing him to not be able to take Sam and her baby to the hospital. Sam doesn’t want to forgive Jason and Jason turns to Liz for comfort… but like that last wrench that was thrown in the JaSam relationship, the fans help on to hope and knew that things would work out. So this time, some how, some way, Sam will find her baby, and be able to forgive Jason for his attack on McBain.

TV Guide Interviews GH’s Anthony Geary

Anthony Geary (GH’s Luke Spencer) sat down for an interview with TV Guide to talk about his Emmy nomination, Guza, Jake’s death,  his “four way romance,” as TV Guide calls it, and gushes about Jonathan Jackson. Despite all the Guza ‘hate’ generated from GH fans everywhere, Geary talks about how he gave him his best material.  Luke has a lot going on right now with three woman in the picture. Luke is currently playing opposite Anna (Finola Hughes), Tracy (Jane Elliot), and Heather (Robin Mattson). And thanks to Frank Valentini, we will be seeing a lot more of the truly mischievous Luke at his finest. I was so pleased to come across this interview this morning I would like to share it with all of you. Its very nice to see Luke in the spotlight again, and Anthony Geary is pleased as well. Please take time to read the full TV Guide interview with Anthony Geary, just click here.

JaSam Baby Has Arrived!!!

Last week Samantha Morgan gave birth to her son! JaSam fans have been waiting many years for this to happen, and still hold out hope that the baby is not Franco’s and is indeed really Jason’s. There is still a lot of hope for Jason and Sam as a couple, they have been through so much, and so much has torn them apart. Jason and Sam have an undying love and I don’t think anything could keep them apart permanently. However, this last blip in their reconciliation, Jason ordering the attack on John, gets me a little nervous. When Sam finds out what Jason has done, it is uncertain if and when she could every forgive him. Not only did he order to have McBain (her friend who has helped her through many troubles), but John was going to get help for Sam and the baby, but Jason’s men slowed him down. Thus putting Sam and the baby in harms way yet again. Jason has not been acting like the Jason we know and love lately. He has always been stubborn but recently he has taken that to an entirely new level. Hopefully, with Sam being the amazing woman she is, she will be able to get passed what Jason has done to John.

Laura Wright on ABC’s The Chew: Don’t Hate!

General Hospital’s Carly Corinthos Jacks (Laura Wright) will be joining the cast of The Chew today, May 31st at 1PM Eastern/Standard time. Strong opinions against this have been circulating the soap fan world, as they are not happy with Laura’s decision. As we all know, The Chew is the replacement show for our beloved soap All My Children. I have not ever watched The Chew or The Revolution. However, I will watch The Chew today solely to support GH star, Laura Wright. I don’t think Laura is doing a bad thing here. The damage has already been done, our soaps have already been canceled. Laura is supporting her network, ABC,  and her winery, Standing Sun Wines. The way I see it, having Ms. Wright on The Chew can only do good things for General Hospital. I think ABC actually made a smart move by having someone from General Hospital on The Chew. Who knows, it may even draw more people to General Hospital. As for the possibility of upping the ratings for The Chew because of Laura, it will work for today, but I highly doubt it will cause wild popularity for the show in the long run. And I am good with that. I will be watching today, and any other day that The Chew will honor our soap GH by having one of the stars as a guest and promoting General Hospital. Will I watch The Chew any other time? Heck no. Simply because I don’t even watch those types of shows. Please stop hating on Laura Wright for her decision to support her network, promote GH, and have some fun!

(Dr. Ewen Keenan) Nathin Butler is NOT Leaving GH

I have had a lot of requests for this one. So here I am to confirm that Nathin Butler (Dr. Ewen Keenan) is NOT leaving General Hospital. Fans have been concerned since we haven’t seen him lately. A few days ago he confirmed via Twitter that he is sticking around Port Charles, and is on the show as recurring. There are lots of fans that hope for a Dr. Keenan and Elizabeth romance, and with this news it may actually have a chance to happen. 🙂

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2012 Daytime Emmy Awards Move to Cable Network HLN, Airing June 23rd.

I am so happy and excited to learn that with all that has been going on we will be able to see the Daytime Emmy Awards on television. Daytime fans look forward to this ceremony every year and and we appreciate HLN for giving the 39th annual ceremony a home. Get your popcorn and Twitter accounts ready!

The Truth Comes Out! What’s Going to Happen to Bad Boy Johnny Z.?

Well yesterday’s GH was simply fantastic. With all those twists and turns in the plot I almost thought I was on some huge Cedar Point roller coaster despite my fear of heights and the simple fact that I have never once been on one, haha. But needless to say GH got me all turned upside down in a roller-coaster exciting rush sort of way. At first I was so confused watching Connie and Johnny go back and forth and tell their stories. I thought, how could they both think they did it? Then Johnny made it all clear, and even did the unthinkable. Anthony Zaccharra is now dead and the blood is on his own grandson’s hands. I am sad to see Bruce Weitz (Anthony) leave the show, I have loved his villain portrayal since his first day on GH. Who would have thought, a main character monster would actually go through with killing another main character on this show? And his own flesh and blood nonetheless. Johnny has always had a soft sweet side, unlike his ever so cold Grandfather, Anthony. Yesterday he shocked us all by coming out with how he plotted to shoot out Anthony’s tires, and convinced Connie to take the blame. What is going to happen to Johnny now? Dante looked like he was on Johnny’s tail in the preview, but that doesn’t mean it won’t take forever to come out. How long will Johnny be able to hide Anthony’s body? I don’t see how this man won’t be spending some time in jail. From shooting out Anthony’s tires and inadvertently killing Cole and Hope, to convincing Connie to lie, and then ultimately killing Anthony, how can he NOT end up in jail? Anything can happen on GH though. Brandon Barash confirmed that he is not leave GH, so maybe we will get to see him in lock up for a while. Oh boy, Carly is NEVER going to take him back once all this comes out. She put her trust in him not only romantically, (which he failed her miserably), but also as a person. She defended him to everyone and swore up and down Johnny wasn’t the one to shoot out Anthony’s tires. After all, she was his alibi. They were together that night, but she was fast asleep when he slipped out. Carly won’t take this lightly, she isn’t one to be made a fool of. If you’re a Carly and Johnny fan, I fear there isn’t much hope for reconciliation. I just can’t wait to keep watching.

The Davis Girls Stick Together

Kristina (Lindsey Morgan) is coming home to PC in just a few days, and now more than ever will The Davis Girls really need each other. Sam disclosed her deep secret about Franco and the baby to Molly, and like any good sister, Molly was there for Sam to listen and comfort. Haley Pullos is such a good actress and is just so lovable. She brings innocence and intelligence to Molly which is something fresh for a child character. It makes me happy that Molly isn’t a snotty, bratty, defiant little child. It is nice to see a well behaved teen on a soap. (Except for sneaking around with TJ, but that isn’t so bad). Hopefully Molly’s current actions with TJ won’t go any further than what they have. So let’s leave the bad girl image to her sister Kristina! We know that Kristina has done things in the past just to get under Sonny’s skin and to get his attention. Now that she is back from college, she will be more defiant than ever. This trouble maker will need the love and support of her sisters, and I am sure Sam will have to intervene in some arguments between Alexis and Kristina. I am really excited to see these girls working together in their upcoming story lines. Alexis, Kristina, and Molly will be able to help Sam through this rough time because that’s what the Davis Girls do!


Click here to watch a Sam/Molly video by @HaleyJean45

Is Dr. Ewen Keenan Going to Recover?

Ever since Connie clocked Dr. Keenan over the head and put him in the ICU at GH, fans have been asking the question, “Is Dr. Ewen Keenan leaving GH?” Although there has been no confirmation, only speculation and assuption that has lead me to believe that no, Dr. Keenan will not be leaving GH and the actor who portrays him, Nathin Butler, is not going anywhere. Bulter will be tweeting with fans LIVE today during the East and West Coast airing of General Hospital. In my opinion, I don’t think the actor/character would be departing if he is just starting to get to know his fans better. If you have a Twitter account, follow @NathinButler and chat with him this afternoon. If you don’t have Twitter, sign up!

[blackbirdpie url=”!/nathinbutler/status/203157531583987713″]

Will Liz and John McBain be the Last Straw for Sam and Jason?

At this point, many JaSam fans are getting discouraged, and maybe have even given up on their favorite couple. But I see this time as a time for Jason and Sam to really fall apart, so that when they can pull themselves back together it will be better than ever. With all the things that Sam and Jason have been though together, from dodging bullets, Sam losing her baby, to Franco kidnappings, and (potential) rape, I am certain that Sam talking to McBain, and Jason talking to Liz is NOT what will keep these two apart. Jason keeps talking about Sam turning to McBain as if it’s the most filthy and unforgivable thing that a wife could do. I am really getting sick of how Jason is acting out of character. He has always been smarter than this. Sonny has always been written as the stubborn, hard headed, and often wrong one. Not Jason. He has always been rational and intuitive. The Jason I have gotten to know and love, the Jason that belongs with Sam, would understand where his wife was coming from when she was torn about telling him about Heather’s news. He would realize how most of the times Sam ran into McBain were simply coincidences and nothing more. But he on the other hand, has deliberately gone to Elizabeth to confide in. I have been patiently waiting for the truth to be revealed, the truth (that I am hoping for) of Sam and John McBain being siblings comes out sooner than later. I am pleased to see that when Sam and McBain meet, there are absolutely no romantic or flirtatious actions between the two of them. This helps me to believe that they will end up being related. Liason fans shouldn’t be getting too excited in my opinion. Although Jason is confiding in Liz, I have not seen one split second of attraction or rekindling of a past relationship with these two. As for now, I will endure through the pain Jason and Sam are going through, and the troubles they are facing because I am certain that when they get through it they will come out and prove to be th esupe couple that they really are.

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