Who is Kiki’s Mother?

In today’s episode of General Hospital, we got to see a lot deeper into Nina’s (Michelle Stafford) thought process. She spilled her guts to Silas (Michael Easton) in an extremely emotional conversation about their marriage and unborn child. We have known that she is out for revenge and Ava Jerome is on her hit list. Nina was cheated on by Silas with Ava, and just before she went into her coma is when she found this out. Nina is heartbroken at the fact that she lost her baby with Silas but Ava got to have one… or did she?

After observing Ava (Maura West) and Kiki’s (Kristen Alderson) scene, and the way the conversation was played out, it is getting more apparent that Kiki could very well be Nina’s. Ava and Kiki finally had a touching mother-daughter moment after months of being at odds with one another. When Kiki told Ava that Nina said she was over the fact that Kiki was Silas and Ava’s, Ava responded to Kiki by giving her a bit of advice, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Nina has every intention of getting back at Ava and Ava better watch her back. The scene just seemed very well planted, as if Ava and Kiki are about to get closer, just as they are about to discover that Kiki is actually Nina’s daughter. Ava and Madeline Reeves, Nina’s mother, could have made this arrangement 20 some years ago, giving Ava Nina’s child.

It has been rumored that Ava will lose her child… in what way would you think that could be? Will she lose the baby she is carrying now, or will she lose Kiki because she was never hers to begin with?

The Fluke/Faison Connection

Cesar Faison. Just hearing (or reading) that name makes me shudder. Faison has been played by actor Anders Hove since 1990. He has been causing trouble for the residents of Port Charles, mainly, Luke Spencer (Tony Geary), Anna DeVane (Finola Hughes), Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan), and Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) from 1990-1990, then from 1999-200, and more recently in 2012.

Faison left the canvas not too long ago when Anna, Robert, and Duke got their revenge. Dr. Leisl Obrecht suspects that Anna, Robert, and Duke had a hand in the demise of Cesar Faison. Anna has never directly came out to say that Faison is dead. Faison has many ties to the residents of Port Charles now more than ever. Together, Dr. Obrecht and Faison share a child, daughter, Britta Westbourne. She resides in Port Charles and has been on and off involved with Prince Nikolas Cassadine.

Could Faison be Fluke? Rumors have been circulating and focusing on a few individuals who may indeed be the fake Luke. The theory of Jerry Jacks has been addressed, but here is some more food for thought. Faison has always had it out for Luke. He has always despised Mr. Spencer and even abducted his son Lucky under the order of Helena Cassadine. In past years, Faison arranged for Felicia Jones to be abducted in order to distract her husband Frisco. We also know that Faison is responsible for shooting Jason when he fell into the water off Pier 52.

Robin Scorpio, Mac Scorpio, Luke Spencer, Felicia Jones, Helena Cassadine, and more have all been involved with Faison. Since Victor is working on bringing Helena back from her frozen state, she has been rumored to return to GH along with Stavros. If Faison is Fluke, the story has the potential to tie all of these characters together, just like in the past. It would make sense that Robin is involved and has been forced to work under Victor Cassadine’s order. It makes sense that Maxie Jones (daughter of Frisco and Felicia and step-daughter of Mac) was a target in Levi’s plan to steal Felicia’s Aztec jewelry.

With all this connection to the resident of PC coming to light, do you think Cesar Faison is out for revenge in the form of Luke Spencer? Comment below and let us know your thoughts!

General Hospital Executive Producer Frank Valentini Reveals the Return of Villains this Fall!

Executives over at General Hospital have just announced the time slot change for the 51 year old soap. After 2 years of airing at 2PM Eastern/1Pm Pacific, General Hospital will return to it’s long aired time of 3PM Eastern/2PM Pacific. General Hospital Executive Producer, Frank Valentini explains that in celebration of the time change, there are big stories and big characters promised for this coming Fall.

In regard to big stories, Valentini states, “We’re interested in pushing the envelope in a way that challenges the audience’s ability to accept, understand and be entertained by the show.” The story involving the evil Victor Cassadine (Thaao Penghlis), the brilliant Dr. Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough), and the mob enforcer, Jason Morgan (Billy Miller), will play a big role in upcoming stories. Look out for more villains to return to the canvas. Valentini reveals, “Some favorite villains will be back in the fall.  I think the fans will be really excited to see what kind of trouble they will be causing.  There will be male and female villains returning, who are our fan favorites who will be causing problems for our friends in Port Charles.”


Are you happy about the new time change?

Do you think Stavros Cassadine (Robert Kelker-Kelly) and Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) will be “defrosted” so to speak by Victor? What other villains would you like to see resurface? May fans are at the edge of their seat with the assumption of Jerry Jacks (Sebastian Roché) returning as either Fluke (Tony Geary), and/or Levi’s (Zachary Garred) father. What do you think?


John J. York (Mac Scorpio) Talks About Upcoming Story Lines and Surprises

John J. York first entered the General Hospital canvas about 23 years ago in 1991. His character, Mac Scorpio has many Port Charles connections including, Robert Scorpio, Frisco Jones, Felicia Jones, Robin Scorpio Drake, Maxie Jones, and more. Mac is definitely a fan favorite. He is the good guy, the warm hearted father and uncle that everyone just wants to hug. Mac has always been there for Robin, Maxie, and the late Georgie, and is consistently trying to steer those girls into the right direction. Recently, Mac had been trying to convince Maxie that Levi is no good for her. He has changed her from the inside, and not in a good, self growth kind of way. Maxie didn’t see it that way, as she met Levi when she was very vulnerable. She was down and out about losing custody of her daughter, baby Georgie, to Georgie’s father, Spinelli. She thought Levi helped her through her dark days, when in actuality, he was creating more sorrow and misfortune in her life. Maxie learned her lesson when on her wedding day, Levi was exposed for the scheming con artist he really is. Levi was out to get Felicia’s Aztec jewels and he used Maxie to get there. Many fans have been questioning an even deeper motive that Levi may have for reeking havoc on the residents of Port Charles. Fans also want to know who he is connected to, and who his father is. In a recent interview with Michael Fairman, John J. York touches on some of those concerns.

In the interview, Michael Fairman flat out asks York if he thinks that Levi is Mac’s son. John J. York replied, “I don’t thinks so, but it would be crazy if he was. How ironic if Levi is a little mysterious rogue kind of pirate like Mac was when he first came on the show.” Levi being Mac’s son just wouldn’t mesh well with the story. Levi seems like pure evil and Mac is a good guy. Unless Levi is a disgruntled, long lost child…

John J. York went on about how much he likes actor Zachary Garred (Levi Dunkleman). In regards to the backlash Garred has been receiving from fans about his character, Levi, York said, “I love the story, and I love Zachary. He’s great!  You have to embrace the bad guy, and he got a lot of flack from fans at first.  Many people for hundreds of years have gone through that.  Some people didn’t like Susan Lucci when she played the more villainess side of Erica Kane on All My Children.  So there is that love/hate thing, but Zachary is awesome.”

That “fake” Australian accent has been a hot topic on social media among fans. We know that Levi’s portrayer, Zachary Garred is in fact Australian, so therefore his accent is real. But on the show, the character has been pretending to have an Australian accent, and when he revealed his true colors, the accent was dropped. Michael Fairman pointed out that when Mac first arrived in Port Charles, he too had an Australian accent.  “That’s right … Mac did too!  So there are a lot of things that are going to be surprises coming up!” York responded.


For the full interview with John J. York, please visit www.michaelfairmansoaps.com.

What are your thoughts about the current story? Will Mac survive being shot by Levi? What does Levi have in store for the Scorpio family?








Photo from: tvsourcemagazine.com

Maxie and Lulu: What Will Happen with Levi’s Hostages?

At the end of a very dramatic episode of General Hospital on August 14th, it was revealed that Levi Dunkleman is indeed a dangerous conman. He has been working Maxie to get closer to Felicia’s priceless Aztec jewels. His Australian accent that he has been sporting since he arrived in Port Charles has been a fake this entire time. Just as Maxie and Levi were about to say I do, his plan was foiled when Dante and Nathan busted up the ceremony and exposed Dunkleman for the scheming slime he really is.

As much as Dante and Nathan tried, they just couldn’t diffuse the situation. Levi had Maxie at gunpoint, and just as Dante stepped in to aid Nathan in taking Dunkleman down, Levi’s immigration officer surprised us all as he grabbed Lulu at gunpoint. He and Levi are accomplices and managed leave with best friends, Maxie and Lulu as their hostages. Nathan said to Maxie, “I will find you!” Even though PCPD Detectives Falconeri and West were unable to get their ladies out of the hostage situation, they have every intention of doing whatever it takes to get them home to their families safely.

In recent General Hospital rumors, it has been said that Levi pays a visit to Victor Cassadine. Will Lulu be reacquainted with Stavros Cassadine? What business might Levi and Victor have together? Does this situation have a connection with the Fluke story? Levi is definitely in Port Charles for more than some Aztec jewels!

Leave a comment and let us know where you think this story will lead.

General Hospital Blog YouTube Contest Winner!

Congratulations to YouTube user OOjinx! This fan has created a video displaying the romantic moments between a very hot couple! Patrick (Jason Thomspon) and Sabrina (Teresa Castillo) are featured in this music montage.

Even if you aren’t a Patrina fan, you will love this video! Well done, OOjinx!

You can check out the video below!

Visit the YouTube channel OOjinx by clicking here!

GH Head Writer Ron Carlivati Warns Fans of Next Episode

You don’t want to miss this!

Twitter is an amazing tool that helps people reach out to one another. General Hospital executives aren’t shy about speaking out to fans using this form of social media. After the airing of today’s General Hospitla episode, GH Head Writer, Ron Carlivati sent out a tweet regarding the substance of tomorrow’s  episode, Friday, August 15th. Can we say Cliffhanger Friday?

Is Mac going to survive? What is going to happen with Maxie and Lulu? Will Levi and his accomplice get away? What does Levi really want, and who is he working for? How deep does his operation actually run. Do you think Levi has any connection to fake Luke, aka Fluke? And Is Fluke connected to the evil Cassadine family that is about to be defrosted?

There are so many possibilities with this exciting story. Make sure you stay tuned to General Hospital to find out what direction all this will go.

Check out Carlivati’s tweet!



Maxie’s Wedding Disaster!

No everyone, I am not just talking about that disaster of a hideous wedding dress! (Which Kirsten actually looked gorgeous in anyways). I am talking about what happened to poor Maxie on her wedding day. But really, did we expect anything else? First of all, this is Port Charles, it is very rare that a wedding goes off without a snag. Secondly, we all knew Levi was a con artist, but what we didn’t know is how dangerous and determined to get those Aztec jewels that he really is. Even his immigration officer is a fake! Who saw that one coming? Now that Levi has Maxie, and the immigration officer has Lulu at gun point, will Dante and Nathan be able to save their women from these evil sleeze bags?

This raises a very important question… who are they working for? In a previous article, we mentioned that actor Zachary Garred) told Michael Fairman in an interview, that his father is someone who has ties to Port Charles. Can you take a guess as to who that might be? Perhaps the Aztec jewels are a small portion of a very large operation. Some say his Father is the one and only ‘James Craig’ aka Jerry Jacks. What do you think? Let us know by sharing and commenting!


General Hospital Spoilers: Missing Milo? He Will Be Back With His Eyes On Epiphany!

Where is Milo Giambetti
Where is Milo Giambetti?

It’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen Milo Giambetti, and fans have been asking what ever happened to him.

Milo’s most recent storyline had him pining over Lulu Spencer. She experienced a traumatic event when kidnapped by a Cassadine. Upon her return from Stavros Cassadine’s capture Lulu didn’t remember Dante and the rest of her family. In fact, she couldn’t even remember that she was married at all, or the love shared between herself and Dante Falconeri.

General Hospital recaps recall Lulu having spent some time with Milo in his apartment while she sorted all of this out. Even though Milo was in love with Lulu, he knew better than to pursue anything with a married woman. After that, he quit working for Sonny as his bodyguard, and left Port Charles.

In a recent issue of Soaps in Depth, General Hospital spoilers reveal that Drew Cheetwood will be reprising his role as Milo Giambetti, on August 14th. Milo have his sights set on a new lady… rumor has it that he has fallen for none other than Head Nurse at General Hospital, Epiphany Johnson (Sonya Eddy). Sonny (Maurice Benard) offers his ex-employee and current friend Milo, romantic advice.

General Hospital Head Writer, Ron Carlivati confirms via Twitter that Milo (Drew Cheetwood) will be back in PC, catching up with ex-boss, Sonny Corinthos. Cheetwood confirms via Twitter that he will be back at General Hospital for a few days this upcoming week.

Look for Max and Milo Giambetti this week on General Hospital!

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