Jimmy Deshler (Rafe Kovich) “I guess it was a surprise to all of us.”

Nobody saw it coming. The quiet, sweet kid with the sociopathic father, and a vampire loving mother. His Father is gone, he watched his mother get murdered before his eyes. Sam Morgan adopted Rafe and made him part of her family. He fell in love with her sister, Molly, but her feelings were not reciprocated. His uncle Silas fought Sam for custody, only to give in and realize Rafe was better off with Sam. Silas and Sam then fell in love. Rafe had a tough life and he eventually turned to drugs. Still, nobody saw it coming. The writers had Rafe be responsible (physically) for running Patrick and Sabrina of the road, which ultimately killed their son. It came as a shock to us all when Molly and Rafe were involved in a high speed police chase, crashed, and Rafe ended up brain dead. They even teased us a little more when Nina was hallucinating that Rafe was awake and speaking to her.

It looks as though the fans were not the only one shocked by Jimmy Deshler’s exit from General Hospital and the death of his character Rafe. In a recent Soaps in Depth interview, Deshler explains that his character’s demise was shocking news to him as well. He learned that Rafe would pass away only days before having to tape the episode. “I guess it was just confidential and they didn’t want any of the story getting out, so I found out the Monday of the week it was happening. I guess it was a surprise to all of us,” he tells Soaps in Depth.

Deshler has been a part of the GH family since January of 2013. Although it is sad to see him go, there is no doubt Deshler will succeed in any project he pursues next. He disclosed to SID that there is a possibility he will be attending college, and focusing on someday being a part of the big screen. “I have kid of set it as my goal to get a feature film and have that be my next project I work on.”

We already miss that sweet face!

As much as we hope Victor Cassadine has him frozen in a cryogenic chamber with Jason Morgan, it looks as the Rafe will not be returning from the dead for the foreseeable future.


CONFIRMED! General Hospital’s New Time Slot!

ABC/General Hospital Big Announcement!

Executives at ABC have been going back and forth with the decision to change General Hospital’s time slot yet again. Due to the cancellation of the Katie Couric show, Katie, ABC has decided to move the 51 year old soap opera back to 3PM Eastern/2PM Pacific time.

The Katie show first aired in September of 2012 on ABC at 3PM, taking the place of the longest soap opera still on air to this date, General Hospital. General Hospital moved to 2PM Eastern and it took some time for fans to get used to the change.

The Official General Hospital Facebook page has announced the change will take place on, Monday, September 8th, 2014. The change will take affect in these EIGHT areas:  San Antonio, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, and Raleigh-Duhram.

Does this time change work for you? What was more convenient, 2PM or 3PM?

Check out the confirmation here at Soap Opera Digest.

Weigh in and let us know!

New Couple? How Far Will Patrick Go with Sam?

Sam told Patrick how important he is to her- how important he has been to her since Danny got sick. She said she couldn’t have gotten through it without him. He was there for her yesterday and all the time in between. Yesterday, he held her close and let her talk about how much she misses Jason and how up until now, she has felt like he is out there somewhere.

Sam has been there for Patrick throughout the years as well. He has her to lean on when it comes to Robin, Sam has given him advice about Sabrina, and she is helping him investigate everything that happened the night that he and Sabrina were ran off the road. Patrick called Sam his “adventure buddy” but it looks like there may be something more between these two besties.

Patrick has known for some time that there is a possibility Jason is alive. For unselfish reasons, Patrick has not told Sam. Now that he thinks Jason is dead, per Robin’s lie to protect her loved ones, will Patrick go after Sam romantically?

How far do you think Patrick and Sam will take their relationship before Jason comes home to Port Charles?

Do you ship JaSam, Samtrick, or Scrubs?

Let us know which couple you are rooting for!

Watch the Amazing Nathan and Maxie Montage Here!

Before marrying Levi, Maxie had just had a talk with Mac, and then with Lulu regarding Nathan having feelings for her. She started remebering special moments they shared since the moment they met.

Watch the music montage that was displayed on GH here!

So man feels! Swoon!

YouTube user: JasamForever

Levi’s Motives REVEALED! …and With NO Accent!

Levi really had us all fooled. Ever since the scene where he called the court and told the judge that Nathan lied and was covering for Maxie, fans wondered if he really had the accent and dropped it to disguise his voice for the call, or if he had no accent at all. Today we found out that his entire identity has been a facade. The man is a phony! He isn’t even Australian at all. Rumors had been circulating that Levi’s deeper reason for being in Port Charles was a possible connection with Jerry Jacks. Some even thought Levi could have been Jerry’s son. Well since he isn’t even Australian, that pretty much shoots down that possibility. As previously posted, Zachary Garred (Levi Dunkleman) mentioned in an interview with Michael Fairman, that he is definitely connected to someone in PC, and that someone is his Father.

It’s good to know that Dante, Lulu, Mac, and Nathan are all suspicious of Levi, but what is mind boggling is how gullible Felicia is. Hopefully Dante and Nathan can work together to take Levi down before Maxie marries him and he gets closer to Felicia’s Aztec fortune.

Will Nathan save Maxie from making the biggest mistake of her life?

“Never Trust a Cassadine”








Photo from: andshesthemuse.tumblr.com


The wise words of the lethal Victor Cassadine will forever reign true. Since the beginning of their existence on General Hospital, the entire family with the exception of Alexis and Nikolas have been pure evil. The apples don’t fall far from the trees in that family. The have been reeking havoc on the residents of Port Charles since August of 1981. From the Ice Princess to Helena’s infatuation with Luke, kidnapping Lucky and making it look like he died in a fire, to the current cryogenic drama we are seeing today, the Cassadines are limitless when it comes to evil and getting what they want. Victor has managed to con Robin into helping him “defrost” Stavros and Helena Cassadine with the incentive of saving her best friend Jason Morgan. Robin was under the impression that after Jason woke up, she would be able to take him to Sam and Danny. Victor has much different plans. He has sent Robin away and is planning on using Jason’s strength to brain wash him into being beneficial to him.

If Victor is successful into making Jason his own, it may be a while before Sam knows he is alive. Will Robin let Victor get away with this? Do you think Jason will be a different man with a new life or will he find his way back to his true love and family?








SHARE if you think JaSam is forever!

Who is Levi Dunkleman’s Father?











Photo from: Zachary Garred’s Instagram @zjgarred

There has to be a deeper, more dramatic reason for Levi to be in Port Charles than Maxie and Felicia’s priceless Aztec jewels. Perhaps his extreme skills of manipulation and scheming is a lovely trait passed down from a previous generation.

In a recent interview with Michael Fairman, Zachary Garred touched on the possibility of being connected to Port Charles by his biological Father. Michael Fairman asked, “So, Mac Scorpio (John J. York) really despises Levi!  He has had him pegged from the beginning.  What if turns out that Mac is really Levi’s father?  Oh, the irony!” In response, actor Zachary Garred said, “Oh!  If I could wish to be the son of somebody it would be John J. York (Mac) who is wearing a white pink checkerboard sort of golf pants right in front of us! I love him.  Actually, that is the kind of guy I would like to have as my dad.” He later continued on to say that he is the son of someone in PC, but cannot say who.

Zachary warns that along with Levi’s new haircut also comes some new behavior.

For the full interview with Michael Fairman and Zachary Garred, click here!


Sam is a Cassadine, What is in Store for Her When Helena Returns?

Other than the fact that we all know Sam is Alexis’ daughter, the writers rarely touch on the fact that Sam is indeed a Cassadine. Alexis Davis, born, Natasha Alexandra Cassadine, is the daughter of Mikkos Cassadine. Helena was married to Mikkos and she murdered Mikkos’ mistress Kristen Bergmen (Alexis’ Mother) right in front of her. Alexis was traumatized by what she witnessed and experienced severe amnesia. She was raised under the assumption that she was poor and was given the name Alexis Davidovich. This story, similar to a Cinderella/evil step mother saga is what made Alexis who she is today. She is a Cassadine, but like her nephew Nikolas, she is severely lacking when it comes to being an evil sociopath like the rest of them.

Now that we have had a bit of a history lessen, let’s discuss where Sam and Helena fit into all of this. Sam is on the case trying to find out what exactly happened the night of Patrick and Sabrina’s accident. Molly told Silas that Rafe revealed to her that someone put him up to running Patrick’s car off the road. Victor Cassadine admitted to Robin that he was the one who get a hold of Rafe and convinced him to cause the accident in order to keep Robin in line. While Robin is working diligently on bringing Jason back to life, she is also there under strict order from Victor to bring Helena and Stavros Cassadine out of their cryogenic state.

What if…

If General Hospital rumors play out, and Helena is actually awakened by the brilliant Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake, we know that Helena will be out for blood. Sam and Helena have had little to no interaction with one another in the past, even though they are both Cassadines. Since Victor has Jason, and Sam is his wife, will Helena want something from Sam before she can see her husband? It would be an interesting twist to finally see these two pinned against one another. Sam is a strong, capable woman but Helena is pure evil. Do you think Sam would stand a chance against the legendary villain?

If you think Helena and Sam would make a great rivalry, share your ideas and thoughts on how such a story should play out. We look forward to reading your opinions!


Jason is Waking Up!

Whether you are a die hard Steve Burton fan and cannot even fathom the idea of a Jason Morgan recast, or you are just a super fan of the character Jason Morgan and are ecstatic for the role to be taken over by a new actor, now is the time for all those emotions to come to the surface and well, explode with excitement. General Hospital fans just cannot put this one down! The buzz has never been greater than it is right now circling the news and rumors regarding our beloved Jason Morgan. As we know, Steve Burton will not be reprising his role of Jason (Quartermaine) Morgan on General Hospital. However, we do know that Victor Cassadine has Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake working to being Helena, Stavros, and Jason Morgan back from their froze, cryogenic state. Despite what Robin told Patrick, that she failed and Jason is dead, we know that she lied just to protect him, Sam, and her family. Jason is very much alive according to the evil Victor Cassadine. Soon Jason will be saved by his best friend.

Spoilers have been alluding to Jason waking up as early as this week (August 11th-15th) on General Hospital. Do not miss a moment of this long awaited story line to reach the moment we have all been waiting for.

SHARE this post if you are ready for Jason Morgan to come home!

Check out the GH Promo “Jason is Waking Up!”

Nathan Reveals His True Feelings! Will Maxie Walk Down the Aisle with Levi?









It has been a long time coming. It’s so obvious that Detective Nathan West and Maxie Jones have amazing chemistry. Every time Lulu points out how charming and handsome Nathan is, Maxie quickly tries to change the subject and denies her attraction to him. Nathan has been putting up with Dunkleman and fighting his feelings for Maxie for months. Recently, he had a talk with Nina about his feelings and she encouraged him to fight for the one he loves.

This week on General Hospital, Nathan confesses his feelings for Maxie to Mac Scorpio. Rumor has it that Maxie overhears just before she is about to make a life altering act and marry Levi Dunkleman.

Maxie will contemplate her feelings for Nathan. Knowing how Nathan feels about her, will Maxie still marry Levi?



Photo from: heckyeahkirstenstorms.tumblr.com

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