Some Familiar Faces Headed to Port Charles

The residents of Port Charles are always engaged in some sort of life altering drama that involves, lies, deceit, murder, baby drama, and rising from the dead.

This week on General Hospital Patrick runs into his wife Dr. Robin Scopio Drake (who was once thought to be dead) while helping his good friend Sam, investigate her boyfriend Silas’ wife, Nina Clay. Wow, that was a mouthful. All the while, it has been rumored that Sam’s presumed dead husband, Jason Morgan, is also in that very clinic (Crichton-Clark) that she and Patrick are in, searching for dirt on Nina Clay. Sam is convinced that she isn’t as helpful as she presents her self to be, and that she may indeed be able to walk.

Along with Robin, it has been rumored we will be seeing another familiar face. The man that brought the brilliant doctor Robin with him to save Jason’s life, Victor Cassadine. Of course to save Jason’s life there was a catch… she also was obligated to resurrect a few Cassadines. Has Robin succeeded in saving Jason’s life? Sam may just come face to face with her husband. Who do you think will be coming back from a cryogenic state? Helena, possibly Stavros?

What familiar faces of past PC residents and the un-dead are you hoping to see in the upcoming weeks?

Robin Scorpio Drake Returns!

Are you all ready for the storylines to pick full force? From Patrick and Sam to Nina and Silas, to Robin and Jason, get ready for an extreme August that will lead us into late Fall.

This week on General Hospital, Sam and Patrick head out on an adventure to dig up dirt on Nina Clay. Sam has her suspicions  about Nina and she asked her pal Patrick Drake to accompany her in a quest to find out what Nina is really up to.

While at the clinic, Patrick remains silent about what he knows about Jason and what Robin is actually doing while she is away. We see Robin this week and she won’t be in Port Charles. Keep a look out for her at the clinic where Sam and Patrick are spending time looking into Nina’s medical files. Will Jason be right around the corner to where Sam and Patrick are conducting their detective work?

The amount of time Robin will be on screen is unknown. Actress Kimberly McCullough has not disclosed how long her stint on General Hospital will be this time around.

General Hospital’s Best Kept Secret

ABC’s General Hospital has had 51 years to keep it’s fans coming back for more. There has been so much drama and suspense throughout the years that lure us to tune in every single day. We feed off the “who done its” and the “cliffhanger Fridays.” We even get frustrated with storylines at times because the mysteries are so intense and we are too impatient (with excitement) to wait and see how it all unfolds.

Throughout the years there have been many stories that have kept us on our toes, kept us guessing, and frustrated us to no end, just to try and figure out who was behind a murder, who is really someone’s baby’s father, who kidnapped someone’s child(ren), who is the masked man, etc.

In recent years, there have been mysteries from the text message killer, to what happened to and who was behind Robin Scorpio Drake’s disappearance, what really happened to Jason Morgan the night he was shot and fell in to water, Who caused Patrick and Sabrina’s accident, Jerry Jacks (aka James Craig) in the Metro Court hostage crisis, and many, many more.

Currently, General Hospital writers are doing an excellent job with the keeping Fake Luke’s identity a mystery. Every single GH message board, GH Facebook group, fan page, blog, twitter, tumblr, and any other form of fan participation in the media is constantly stirring about who Fluke really is. In this age of General Hospital, it is safe to say that Fluke’s true identity has been General Hospital’s best kept secret. Everyone has their educated guess based on characters of the past and storylines that involve villains who hate Sonny, want revenge on Luke, is a pervert, and wants to take over ELQ, It seems that no one is 100% sure on who exactly fits that bill. Suggestions from Damien Smith, to Anthony Zacchara, and Jerry Jacks to Helena Cassadine are filling the fan sites. Everyone has their reasons for theorizing the upcoming plot involving the real Luke Spencer, and his impostor Fluke.

Fans have been waiting months for this story to unfold. Since Tony Geary is out on medical leave after having back surgeries, he will not be back to tape until this coming Fall. Writers and Producers have stated that fans won’t be finding out who the secret mob kingpin really is until at least October. General Hospital Blog would like to know who you think could be behind the biggest mob ring in Port Charles. WHO IS FLUKE, and which storyline (past or present) do YOU think is GH’s best kept secret? Let us know your thoughts and theories by commenting below.

The Colbert Report: Stephen Colbert Asks James if He Will Go Back to General Hospital

In the July 30th episode of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report, James Franco was Stephen Colbert’s guest star. In the interview, Stephen and James discussed his new film Child of God, his degree in English that will give James a new title (Dr.), and much more.

When mentioning Franco’s upcoming accomplishment in education, Colbert jokingly asked him if he would be going back to General Hospital. Get it? A Doctorate degree? Haha. Well James clarifies that he will be receiving this degree in English, but… Are you ready for James Franco’s answer to Stephen Colbert’s question?

James said, “I would be a doctor of English, but I still might go back to General Hospital.”

I don’t know about you all, but this news is extremely exciting to me. James Franco was an amazing talent on General Hospital and it was such an honor for him to play on our beloved favorite soap. James is a man of many talents including acting, painting, directing, and teaching young minds as a professor at UCLA. What he brought to the table at General Hospital was pure, raw, talent which displayed a tremendous amount of mystery, drama, and excitement. As a fan og GH and James Franco, I feel we the fans would be blessed to be graced with his presence on our show again.

SHARE this post if you want James Franco to return to General Hospital.

Check out the clip of James Franco on The Colbert Report below!

Hidden Spoiler Behind Fluke’s Contact Number


Well, well, well, what do we have here? It’s been quite a while since we have seen Luke Spencer’s face on our TV screens. Although, we know the man behind our beloved Luke’s face isn’t actually Luke. This ongoing mystery is probably the biggest and most suspenseful piece of information to be withheld from the audience. General Hospital fans are just dying to know the true identify of the fake Luke Spencer, AKA, Fluke. On Thursday’s episode of GH, Julian Jerome had a video chat conversation with his boss. The recent “message” that was sent to Julian in the form of a bomb has Julian out for blood. Julian wants nothing more to be out of the mob business and to start a life with Alexis. Fluke told Julian that if he can give him the information he needs on Sonny, they will have a truce.

Did anyone notice how a lot of attention was placed on Fluke’s video chat contact number? That number read 13-107. Could this be a secret code to Fluke’s true identity? Apparently the word out on the street (in our case it’s GH fan sites and Facebook groups), is that 13-107 (that’s Fluke’s contact number), will lead you straight to …




Jerry Jacks!

Try typing General Hospital 1-31-07 into YouTube and you will see what shows up. You will discover a huge clue in the GH episode regarding Fluke’s identity.

Nothing has been confirmed as of yet, and we won’t actually find out who is behind the Fluke identity until at least October, when Tony Geary returns from his medical leave. We strongly believe that Fluke could be Jerry Jacks. Please refer to our previous article involving the potential connection between Jerry Jacks, Luke Spencer, and Levi Dunkleman. You can find that article by clicking HERE.


In the words of Julian Jerome to Fluke, “Peace out, bitch!”


WWE Wrestler Tweets About His Cameo on General Hospital

The beloved maid of the Quartermaine mansion has been cooped up in General Hospital for a few weeks now, awaiting a heart transplant. Alice Gunderson is loved my all the Q’s and they are doing everything they can to ensure Alice gets a new heart.

Alice and Morgan Corinthos have something in common… they are both fans of professional wrestling. Alice needed some cheering up during this trying time. Today on General Hospital, Alice got a visit from one of her idols, WWE star David Otunga. The professional wrestler tweeted today about his time on GH.


General Hospital’s Head Writer, Ron Carlivati also sent out a tweet regarding today’s episode. He sent out a direct quote from today’s dialogue.

Now didn’t that just warm your heart? SHARE if you are rooting for Alice to get a new heart!

Teresa Castillo Talks About Her Return to GH After Baby

General Hospital’s Teresa Castillo originated the role of Sabrina Santiago almost two years ago. Sabrina came to Port Charles in September of 2012 as a student in the nursing program at General Hospital. She has had a rough go at her time in PC with work, love, and life in general. Sabrina has become a very well loved character among the fan bases.

Recently Teresa Castillo departed General Hospital for her maternity leave. In a recent Soaps Opera Digest interview, Castillo talks about her return to the set of General Hospital after the birth of her first baby. Teresa’s daughter Victoria Milani was born on May 29, 2014. “I’ve really enjoyed being home with my girl and just snuggling her all day.” Castillo discloses. She is also very excited to be back at work with her GH family. “I’m excited to see what Ron (Head Writer) has planned for the next chapter in Sabrina’s journey.”

So what’s in store for Sabrina after the loss of her baby boy Gabriel? Will she and Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson) rekindle their love or will Sabrina find love with Carlos (Jeffrey Vincent Parise) or someone new?

Look for Sabrina to return to Port Charles in just a few weeks. Her first air date since maternity leave is scheduled for August 21, 2014.

Olivia and Ned Get Closer

Sonny always manages to hurt the people around him. His destruction knows no limits. It doesn’t matter if it’s his children that he hurts, his flavor of the week woman, his best friend, or his worst enemy. There always comes a point in his relationships where Sonny ends up hurting someone emotionally, or they are physically injured as a result of his business.

Sonny has hurt the Mother of his child yet again. No, we aren’t talking about Carly this time, but Olivia. Sonny cheated on Olivia with Ava Jerome and the situation goes so much deeper than just cheating. The reasoning behind the hook up may even be more reason to be angry than the act of cheating itself. Ava and Sonny are both involved in the killing of AJ Quartermaine. Olivia is hurt deeper than she could have imagined just by knowing Sonny slept with Ava. After a night of drowning her sorrows in alcohol, the damsel in distress was rescued by her knight in shining armor, Ned. He saved her from drunk dialing an animal shelter and adopting all the adorable puppies… which would result in Carly being very angry with their new “doggie hotel.” He was there for her as a shoulder to cry on and to hold back her hair when she was too drunk to do it herself. He gave her a nice warm place to sleep, and a listening ear. In the morning, Olivia thanked Ned for his hospitality and let him know that Lois was crazy for letting him get away.

Even though Sonny is the one who destroyed his relationship with Ava, when he finds out about Ned and Olivia’s new found friendship, it’s almost certain that he will take his temper to his usual level 10.

Will this be the beginning of a beautiful love story for Ned and Olivia? Seems like they have already started on the right foot. Man saves woman from emotional despair… doesn’t get much more romantic than that.

Do you think Ned and Olivia could be the next hot couple on GH?

Franco Helps Ava



It looks like Franco is up to some of his old tricks. He can blame the brain tumor all he wants for his actions in the past, but he won’t have an excuse for how he is about to betray Carly.

Ava and Franco have a past. The two were ex-lovers and recently, Ava led Franco to believe that Kiki was his daughter. Ava and Franco are far from being friends. She tried to kill im as a matter of fact, and ended up shooting Olivia Falconeri instead.

However, in this week’s turn of events, Franco will be assisting Ava in taking down Sonny. Ava asks him for his help and he obliges. Franco sneaks onto Carly’s laptop. Ava is hoping that he will be able to retrieve the recording that incriminates Sonny in the killing of AJ Quartermaine.

What will Carly do when she finds out Franco is sneaking behind her back to take Sonny down, with Ava nonetheless? Can she forgive Franco or will this lead her straight into Sonny’s arms (and/or bed)? Haha





Photo from: General Hospital Official Facebook


Will Alice Get Mickey Diamond’s Heart?

Alice, the Quartermaine’s beloved housekeeper is still in dire need for a heart transplant. After the death of teen Rafe Kovich, with Silas Clay’s consent, Dr. Obrecht gave the OK to give Alice a heart transplant, using Rafe’s heart. Michael, Morgan, Monica, Tracy, and Kiki, were relieved to hear that Alice was going to be alright since Rafe’s heart was a match. Tracy told Alice the news right away, only to have to tell her soon after that the transplant was off. The doctors at GH found heroin in Rafe’s system and transplants are not allowed to take place if that is the case.

Now what? Poor Alice. Will Alice die or will there be another unfortunate accident that will lead to saving her life?

Coming up on General Hospital, it has been said that Mickey Diamond searches deeper in to Jordan’s past and eventually discovers that she is working undercover as a DEA agent. This leaves Jordan in extreme danger, as we all know Mickey is capable of anything when someone crosses him.

It is likely that Shawn will step up and save Jordan. In his attempt to protect her, there has been speculation that Shawn will shoot Mickey. Mickey will then die and be able to give Alice his heart which is a perfect match. If Mickey’s heart is a match for Alice, they two could be related, siblings perhaps.

Here’s to hoping Alice is saved!

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