In last week’s episodes, General Hospital spoilers revealed that mob Prince, Johnny Zacchara knows a lot more about his ex-girlfriend’s father than Lulu believes. Johnny and Lulu were catching up at The Haunted Star after Johnny’s release from Pentonville. Although Johnny has been out of Port Charles and out of Lulu’s life for some time, the connection between the two of them is still there. It’s obvious that Johnny still cares about Lulu, and the feeling is reciprocated. Lulu is still absolutely in love with and loyal to her husband, Dante, but Johnny and Lulu will always care about one another.
Even so, Johnny is still not being truthful with his old friend. He has led her to believe that he is out of Pentonville because he is truly innocent of the crimes he was accused. In conversation, Lulu was discussing her father, Luke, and Johnny maed a comment that would insinuate that Luke isn’t exactly who Lulu thinks he is. After that slipped, Johnny had a flashback of himself talking to the Luke imposter, but did not say anything further to Lulu.
We now know that Johnny knows about Luke, but we are uncertain of the extent of his involvement with Fluke and Helena’s plans. General Hospital rumors suggest that someone is going to die. There will be two explosions and a shoot out, and someone is going to pay the price. GH rumors have also been circulating, stating that Brandon Barash was only brought back to General Hospital for a short time. The actor has not signed a contract with the show, and has been rumored to be killed off.
Will Johnny be the one to die when catastrophe strikes at The Haunted Star?
Let us know how you think this will all play out. Leave your comments and thoughts in the section below.
It looks as though our suspicious were spot on. General Hospital Blog’s December 9th post regarding the true identity of Fluke rumored to be that Luke’s mind was actually being controlled by Helena Cassadine and that there was not another Luke (in the physical sense).
On today’s General Hospital, Dante was knocked out by Fluke and locked in the basement of where the audience believed the real Luke Spencer was being held captive. When Dante woke up from being unconscious, fans got the surprise of their lives. No one wanted to believe that there actually wasn’t another man behind Fluke’s true identity. Fans were convinced that the fake Luke Spencer was Bill Eckert, Anthony Zacchara, or some other long time enemy of the Spencer family. As it turns out, Fluke actually was a long time enemy of the Spencers. He was the product of a master-mind -or should we say, mind control? It looks like Fluke is the result and doing of the Spencer family’s biggest enemy, Helena Cassadine. Dante didn’t exactly make the discovery he thought he was going to make. He expected to see his father-in-law, the real Luke Spencer, down in that basement. Instead, all he found was a old, decrepit, dead body. Who is the body you ask? Well that’s a mystery that’s yet to be solved. But it’s safe to say that it isn’t our beloved Lukey.
Fans are away are Helena has a thing with conditioning. Decades ago, she had Lucky Spencer kidnapped and tried to condition his mind. It didn’t go exactly as planned, but as we see, many years of practice has come along way. She has successfully programmed Jason Morgan into working for her, under her control, without remembering the things she has him do. Although there are still a few flaws, for the most part, her plan was working.
It’s pretty safe to come to the conclusion that the body Dante found in the basement of the old Spencer home was not Luke, and the Fluke is actually Luke himself, under the mind conditioning of Helena Cassadine.
What did you all think of today’s episode? Are you stunned at the revelation we have been waiting an entire year for?
As the mystery of Fluke is unraveling, the story is finally coming to a close. For over a year, the executive team at General Hospital has had fans pulling their hair out, trying to figure out who has stolen the identity and life of the legendary Luke Spencer. Every theory from mask, to mind control, and everywhere in between has been rumored. Top theories of past characters having plastic surgery include, Luke’s cousin, Bill Eckert, Bill’s son Sly, Anthony Zacchara, and many more. GH fans everywhere just can’t seem to put their finger on the truth.
General Hospital spoilers reveal that Head Writer, Ron Carlivati has made a statement regarding Fluke’s true identity. This morning via Twitter, Carlivati proclaims that the revelation fans have been waiting for will happen on today’s episode of General Hospital. Check out Ron Carlivati’s tweet!
Will Dante come to in time to rescue Luke? Is everyone on the Haunted Star doomed? Who is Fluke? Find out today on @GeneralHospital! #GH
Lorenzo Alcazar helped Carly deliver baby Morgan when she went into labor. But he wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. He was bad. Very bad. His twin brother, Luis was even worse. In 2002 Luis Alcazar came to Port Charles with one main goal, to be responsible for the demise of Sonny Corinthos.
Luis Alcazar has a laundry list of criminal offenses which include but aren’t limited to the following: Keeping the beautiful Brenda Barrett captive for about 4 years, convincing her that she was mentally ill. All the while he was drugging her. He caused the death of Alexis’ sister Kristina by blowing up Sonny’s house. Alcazar also tried to kill Zander Smith when he threw him overboard… There are many more heinous crimes where those came from which ultimately led to his death. Alexis killed Luis in self defense by pushing him off a balcony.
In 2003, Ted King returned to GH as Luis’ brother, Lorenzo Alcazar. He played this role until 2007 and left quite a mark throughout his time in Port Charles. Lorenzo was a lot like his brother when it came to his reason to be in Port Charles. He wanted to take Sonny down and would stop at nothing until that happened. Lorenzo was responsible for kidnapping Sonny, sleeping with Carly, kidnapped Spinelli and Lulu and ordered a hit on them, kidnapped Sonny’s sister, Courtney, and the list goes on…
General Hospital spoilers reveal that Ted King tells sources that he is ready to return to General Hospital. After accepting a role on One Life to Live as Tea Delgado’s brother, Tomas, the show was prematurely canceled and Ted King was out of a job. On coming back to GH as Alcazar, King tells a source, “There’s a lot to work out logistically. They teased the audience about a year ago with bringing him on, but that’s up to Head Writer, Ron Carlivati and Executive Producer, Frank Valentini. I certainly know that those guys are creative enough to figure it out.”
Could Lorenzo come back to Port Charles after being shot and killed by Sonny’s hit-man Jason Morgan in 2007? Stranger things have happened in this town. Would you like to see Ted King return to General Hospital, bringing his character Lorenzo Alcazar back to Port Charles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
General Hospital drama is on fire right now and February Sweeps is about to take fans by storm. With the Fluke mystery finally about to explode, we can say this February Sweeps will be one for the books.
GH spoilers have warned fans that Fluke’s plan for a party could end in catastrophe. Any party held in the city of Port Charles is bound to end badly. What will go down at The Haunted Star?
General Hospital spoilers from the cover of Soaps in Depth magazine indicate mayhem is about to go down! With upcoming explosions and a shootout, it is uncertain whether or not everyone will make it out alive.
Many changes have been taking place with the cast of GH. Several news reports of the ins and outs of the actors, contract renewing, and actors moving on into new directions. Nothing has been confirmed of an actor/actress leaving the show as of yet. So far we know that Kristen Alderson has decided to not renew her contract, but the role of Kiki Jerome has already been recast with Hayley Erin.
Who is going to die this February Sweeps on General Hospital? The residents of Port Charles better take cover.
Join my daughter in bringing awareness to the serious nature of heart disease! Jump Rope for Heart is a school program that encourages children to become aware of living a heart healthy life. Since February, heart disease awareness month, is creeping right up, it’s time to show our support!
Please help support the cause! You can make a donation by clicking on the link below!
As fans come to terms with the fact that Kristen Alderson has decided to leave General Hospital, it was inevitable that the role of Kiki Jerome would have to be recast. Kiki is too involved in current story lines to just have the character killed off the show or move away. Also, Kristen Alderson has already taped her final episode, which would leave no time to develop a story for the character’s demise.
TPTB moved quite quickly in hiring the new actress to play Kiki Jerome. The Young and the Restless star (Abby, 2008-2010), Hayley Erin will take on the role and step into Kristen Alderson’s shoes.
General Hospital Blog sends well wishes to Kristen in her life’s new direction! Kristen as been part of the ABC Network since she was 6 years old. Her role as Starr Manning on ABC’s One Life to Live has left a lasting impression with soap fans everywhere. We also welcome Hayley with open arms to the GH family.
This past year, ABC’s General Hospital and CBS’ The Young and the Restless seem to be having fun playing a good game of actor swap. From Maura West to Steve Burton, 2014 was full of exchanging stars from one soap to the other.
Tristan Rogers is yet another daytime star that has bounced from Y&R to GH from time to time. Although the actor, and GH legendary character Robert Scorpio is currently away from GH as he plays Colin on Y&R, there is hope that he will be able to work out a deal that allows him to take part in both daytime dramas. Rogers just signed on with The Young and the Restless for another year, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he cannot appear on General Hospital as Robert Scorpio.
Rogers expressed via Twitter that the issue regarding being able to appear on GH while still under contract with Y&R has yet to be resolved. That being said, it is highly possible that the two networks are ironing out an agreement to let Tristan Rogers return to General Hospital while he is also playing Colin on Y&R.
Rogers’ character, Robert Scorpio would fit perfectly into current story lines over in Port Charles. The identity of Fluke is about to be revealed, which Luke and Robert have a long history with each other. Also, Robin, Robert’s daughter, is still being held by Helena Cassadine. General Hospital rumors have indicated the return of Robin Scorpio in the near future. What better timing for dear old dad to return as well, right?
Let us know if you’d be excited to see Tristan Rogers reprise his role as Robert Scorpio on General Hospital. Comment below!
This week on General Hospital, spoilers let fans know that this will will be a week you definitely DON’T WANT TO MISS! Many mysteries have been left unsolved for far too long and this week, fans will be getting the answers they have been waiting for.
There is a lot going on with the residents of Port Charles and it’s imperative that the audience doesn’t miss a beat. Jake still doesn’t know that he is the one who kidnapped Sam at gunpoint, Sam still has her hunch that it was indeed Jake who grabbed her, and she is on a mission to find out what happened to the Phoenix.
As Jake is beating himself up, trying to figure out what has been happening to his memory lapses, Carly is right by his side, assisting him in recovering his memory. Ultimately, Carly reveals her suspicions about Jake’s extra curricular activities.
Around town, Fluke is causing problems for Sonny and Julian. Dante breaks into the old Spencer family home and Fluke catches him.
Silas pays Ava a visit. What news could he have for her?
Franco has a proposition for Sonny and Julian… Sonny, Julian, Franco, and Ava form an unlikely alliance. Will they use the power of 4 to try and break out of Pentonville?
Brad confesses to Lucas.
Nina is in danger. From Heather?
Dante makes a shocking discovery about Luke.
There isn’t a party in Port Charles that hasn’t gone down in flames. Why would this time be any different?
General Hospital has had many villains come an go over the decades. However, not many of them made such an impact as the more recent villain that swept into Port Charles unannounced, caused quite a stir with not only the GH audience, but also on-screen with the other General Hospital characters. The residents in Port Charles new there was something very off about Maxie Jones’ (Kirsten Storms) new friend. She brought him back home with her after she went on her Eat, Pray, Love, journey of self discovery. She was totally under his spell. Maximista was no longer a fashionista, but she was an anti-meat eating, inner spirit seeking, yogi. Levi Dunkleman caused some serious reactions with GH fans and friends and family of Maxie.
In his time away from General Hospital, Zachary continued his acting career with taking part in a Christmas film auditioning, and guest starring on a few TV series.
A couple months back, the executives over at General Hospital sent out a tweet to actor, Zachary Garred, telling him that they wanted to call him back for some time a GH, but unfortunately, he was back in Australia at that time.
In recent GH news, General Hospital spoilers reveal that actor Zachary Garred hopes that his character, Levi Dunkleman aka Peter Harrell can return to the canvas. His death was sort of left open-ended. Although Maxie thinks that Levi was dead, with all the craziness that goes on, it is uncertain whether or not he will turn up alive.
Would you want to see Levi come back to General Hospital? Let us know by leaving your comments and opinions.
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