
General Hospital Spoilers: Nik’s Blame Game Sends Victor After Ava, Will She Survive?

Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) has been outed about his one night stand with his son Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) girlfriend, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl).

Ava Jerome (Maura West) wasn’t going to let Nik live this down no matter how hard he was trying to her back on her good side. General Hospital recaps recall Spencer overhearing Ava and Nik’s argument about him sleeping with Esme. And instead of owning what he had done, he blamed Ava for talking about it while Spencer just so happened to walk by. As Ava told Nikolas, she isn’t the reason for this fallout with Spencer because she was talking about it. He’s the one who did it in the first place.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Uncle Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) has been desperate to keep the Cassadine family united as a form of power. He believes that anyone that could derail his efforts should be out of the way. Victor wondered what all the hoopla was about when Spence and Nik were arguing. As it seems pointing fingers is Nik’s technique for self preservation, he told Victor that Ava was the problem.

General Hospital rumors and spoilers hint toward Ava being a target of Mason’s after she overheard his conversation with Austin Holt (Roger Howarth). GH rumors suggest Mason is too obvious of a suspect, and Victor has motive for wanting Ava out of the family picture.

Nikolas’ selfish and self destructive choices have destroyed more than just himself. Ava could be breathing her last breath she lies there bleeding out. Did Victor attack Ava to get her out of the way?

General Hospital Spoilers: Cody’s Paternity Comes As A Shock To Most, Except For Mac Scorpio

Things are about to get shaken up for the nearly-retired Police Commissioner and grandfather, Mac Scorpio (John J. York) and his wife, Felicia Jones Scorpio (Kristina Wagner).

General Hospital recaps recall Mac and Felicia’s reflection on their lives as parents and how Mac hasn’t had a biological child but raised Robin Scorpio Drake (Kimberly McCullough), Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms), and Georgie Jones (Lindze Letherman).

General Hospital rumors speculate that Mac and Felicia’s conversation looking back on their lives was a nod to what’s to come. As GH rumors have spread, Felicia is suspected to turn out to be Esme Prince’s (Avery Kristen Pohl) biological mother.

General Hospital spoilers suggest that Felicia isn’t the only one who will be revealed as someone’s biological parent. GH previews and spoilers indicate that Mac’s awkward behavior around Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) is for a reason that no one in Port Charles knows, except for himself.

While Cody remains unaware of the identity of his father, Mac’s romantic past with Cody’s mom, Dominique Stanton serves as a dead giveaway. it looks as though Mac knows exactly who Cody is and what they are to each other. Will he come clean to Felicia, Cody, and everyone else who deserves to know the truth?

General Hospital News And Spoilers: The Role Of Michael Corinthos To Be Recast With Familiar Face

In early June, General Hospital news reports confirmed that the role of Michael Corinthos would be recast. The role played by Chad Duell was temporarily recast, as Duell confirmed it was Covid related.

General Hospital spoilers revealed Robert Adamson would be stepping into the shoes of business man and son of Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) for a few episodes. Duell returned to the role and has been currently playing out his character.

New General Hospital comings and goings reports confirm that Duell will be recast yet again, starting the week of August 29th. Luckily fans won’t be throw too far for a look since Robert Adamson will be taking on Chad’s character another time.

General Hospital news and spoilers have yet to reveal a reason for Duell’s absence this time around, but the recast should only last a few days.

Michael’s story with Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) and the rest of the dramatic crew will keep on keeping on even in Chad’s absence. Don’t forget to look out for a new/familiar face!

General Hospital Spoilers: The Cassadine Family Fallout; Spencer Confronts Nikolas, Ava’s In Danger, Victor Becomes Desperate

Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) has and his son Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) relationship has always been strong until Nik’s selfish decision to fake his own death and let his son believe he was gone forever.

General Hospital recaps recall Spencer’s resentment toward his father after his shocking return from the dead. To add fuel to the fire, Nikolas then proceeded into a relation with Ava Jerome (Maura West) the very woman who chose to literally “save face” instead of testifying against Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) for shooting him. Spencer wasn’t too happy with his father for being with her after she betrayed him. Everything after that has lead the Cassadine family where they are today. Every lie and every scheme has brought them to this very moment.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) is desperate to unite his family, believing there is more power in unity. However, Victor is going to have his work cut out for him, resorting to desperate measures.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Spencer confronts his father after overhearing his conversation about sleeping with Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl). Just as Spence was about to make amends with dear old dad, his ears cannot believe what he’s just heard. The sting of another betrayal is enough to tear this family apart for good.

General Hospital previews indicate that Spencer will go full on fury mode and Ava will walk out to give father and son space to hash things out. GH spoilers reveal Ava will run into a dangerous situation after leaving Nik and Spencer.

General Hospital Spoilers: Selina Doesn’t Take No For An Answer, Curtis And His Family Become A Target, Trina Kidnapped For His Mistake

When Selina Wu (Lydia Look) wants something from the people of Port Charles, she doesn’t ask, she just takes what she needs and doesn’t care about the wishes of those in her path.

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Selina gets in the way of Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) life plans when she moves on in and uses his legit place of business to move product.

General Hospital recaps recall Curtis’ pushing back when Selina strong armed him when they met up at her request. Selina has done some favors for Curtis, most recently helping Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) and the case against her. Now that Selina helped create the favorable outcome for Trina and her family, Selina feels that Curtis is indebted to her.

General Hospital spoilers hint toward intense drama for the Ashford family when Curtis and the ones closest to him become Selina’s target.

GH rumors claim Rory’s connection to Selina is the reason he has taken a liking to Trina and supported her no questions asked. When Curtis pushes back against Selina, Rory will kidnap Trina as Selina’s way of revenge and to get Curtis to comply with her orders.

Trina had Rory’s support early on, thinking he was more trustworthy than Spencer. GH rumors claim Trina has gotten Rory all wrong when she finds out he’s working under Ms. Wu.

General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors: Nelle Returns, Saves Her Sister’s Life

Every decision Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has made since Nelle Benson’s death has been driven by the fact that she feels she missed out on getting to know her daughter.

General Hospital recaps recall Nina’s longing to find her biological daughter for years, just to learn to little too late that her child has been right there in plain sight, living in Port Charles.

Nina has blamed Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) for missing her chance at a relationship with Nelle. Although Nelle was a psycho killer who threatened the lives of many, including Carly’s son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), their son Wiley Corinthos (Viron Weaver), slashed Brook Lynn Quartermaine’s (Amanda Setton) throat, and committed many other crimes, Nina still mourns the daughter she never got to know.

General Hospital spoilers and recaps remind fans that Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is also Nina’s biological daughter, as confessed by Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel), making Nelle and Willow sisters.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Willow’s health crisis will ultimately bring out the truth, putting Carly in the position to be faced with coming clean and spilling the secret Harmony made her keep.

General Hospital rumors claim Willow will need a bone marrow match, which will require family members to be tested if willing to donate. Knowing that Nina is Willow’s mother, Carly will likely have to come clean as a way to give Willow a fighting chance. However, siblings are among those most likely to be a bone marrow match, having a 1 in 4 chance.

GH rumors wildly speculate the return of Nelle Benson, with the potential of Nelle being Willow’s bone marrow match. Nelle’s body was never found after the tragic night of her argument with Carly when she fell over the cliff. It’s possible that Nelle is still out there somewhere, and will make her way back to Port Charles.

After all the damage Nelle has caused, will she be able to right here wrongs by saving her sister’s life?

General Hospital Spoilers: Josslyn Comes To Ava’s Rescue, Carly Is There For Moral Support

Lately Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) has been torn between sides and her loyalty has been put to the test in multiple areas of her life.

With friends, Josslyn has been torn between standing by Trina Robinson’s (Tabyana Ali) side while disapproving of the way Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and even her own boyfriend, Cameron Webber (William Lipton) has handled Trina’s situation with Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl). In her home life, she has chosen to stay loyal to her mother, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) after the stepdad she had loved her entire life had betrayed Carly with Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Josslyn will have to make a difficult choice yet again when faced with choosing to help someone who has wronged her mother on many levels.

General Hospital previews indicate that Josslyn is torn when she becomes witness to a Ava’s dire situation. Josslyn decides to help a woman who isn’t exactly on Carly’s bff list, but understands that she’s in need.

According to General Hospital spoilers, Ava’s predicament is serious enough to leave Josslyn rattled. Thankfully, she can turn to her mother for support.

General Hospital Spoilers: Rory Has Been Strategically Stationed At The PCPD, Curtis Protects Trina, Trina Regrets Her Choice

Rory Cabrera’s (Michael Blake Kruse) squeaky clean reputation as a dedicated officer of the law and gentleman has raised some eyebrows.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Rory’s past remains a mystery as he and Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) shoot their shot at getting to know each other.

General Hospital rumors hint that Rory’s background has connections with the new mob boss lady in town, Selina Wu (Lydia Look). Selina is strong arming Curtis into using The Savoy as a place to transport her “goods.” Obviously Curtis is tightly tied to Trina as he is about to marry her mother, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr).

Since General Hospital rumors point to a connection between Rory and Selina Wu, this will create an awkward dynamic between their families. How could Trina be involved with someone who is in connection with the woman who is using her stepfather (possibly biological father) as a way to commit her crimes in PC?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors hint that Rory has been strategically placed as an officer at the PCPD as a way to help Selina Wu run crime through the city. By having someone on the inside, it makes things much easier for Selina to take control.

Is Rory’s career as a police officer fraudulent as a way for the Wu family to take control of the Port Charles territory? Selina spells trouble and Rory is right there with her. Curtis and Trina better lookout!

Down the road…

General Hospital rumors suggest that Curtis will end up having to protect Trina against Rory, once things escalate surrounding his dealings with Selina. Maybe Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) would have been the better choice after all?! ????

General Hospital Spoilers: Trina Exposes Portia’s Secret

Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) and Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) are newly engaged. This is an exciting time for the happy couple, but how long will the bliss last?

General Hospital recaps remind fans that Portia is withholding life altering information from her immediate family. Her daughter Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali), her ex husband, Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews), and her fiancé, Curtis Ashford, are in the dark about a fact that will change their lives forever.

General Hospital spoilers suggest Portia’s worry surrounding Marshall Ashford’s (Robert Gossett) mental health stems from secretly knowing that Trina is at risk of his hereditary disorder. Marshall’s schizophrenia has Portia on eggshells when it comes to protecting her daughter from any mental triggers. The trial was hard on Trina and Portia was concerned that the toll it was taking on Trina mental and emotionally would trigger a response which would lead to an unfavorable diagnosis.

General Hospital rumors hint that Curtis and Portia’s engagement will run into some roadblocks. It seems like Portia’s fears regarding Trina could start to come to the surface if Trina begins exhibiting signs of mental health issues. Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) made mention that her son TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow), although not blood related to Marshall, still considers him as his grandfather. GH fans saw that as a hint toward Trina, and the fact that unknowingly, she is Marshall’s biological granddaughter, putting her at risk to inherit schizophrenia.

GH rumors claim Trina will begin to show signs of the mental illness which will cause Portia to spring into action. It’s likely that Trina’s mental health crisis will spark the revelation of Portia’s secret. The dots will be connected, and the idea is Curtis being her biological father as opposed to Taggert will become certain.