
General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Puts Up A Wall

Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) is trying to put her life back together after Peter August (Wes Ramsey) turned her world upside down with terror and torture.

General Hospital spoilers indicate Maxie and Austin Holt’s (Roger Howarth) budding romance may suffer from frostbite after Maxie seems to give off a colder vibe.

General Hospital previews reveal Austin asks Maxie if she’s trying to push him away. She seems to be caught off guard or doesn’t want to admit her hesitation.

GH rumors hint that Spinelli’s (Bradford Anderson) quest at finding love could lead him back into Maxie’s arms. Spixie fans are hopeful that Maxie and Spinelli will find their wait back to one another after years of going their separate ways. Georgie still bonds the ex-lovers, keeping a lasting relationship of love and mutual respect. Can their bond develop into something more?

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly’s Mission Fails, Will Harmony Complete The Task?

Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is devastated as her mother is clinging onto life.

She just learned that Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) was involved in an attack on Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn), and that she murdered Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Willow is ready to take in even more devastating blows as she begs Carly to tell her the truth. GH rumors and spoilers suggest that Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) interrupts Carly’s mission to tell Willow what she deserves to know, but then presses Harmony to come clean.

Harmony has a chance to be honest about everything- admitting to Willow that she is not her biological mother. Naturally Willow would want to know who her real mother is, which is where Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) comes in.

GH rumors hint that the confessions won’t get as far as telling Willow that Nina is her mom- but in time Carly will put the clues together.

General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Pleads With Carly

Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is staying strong amidst all the drama and heartache that has been bestowed upon her.

Willow has not had the easiest of upbringing. Her “mother” Lorraine Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) wasn’t always there for Willow, she got herself involved in illegal activity which was a result from joining the Dawn of Day cult. Despite everything Willow has been through as a result of her mother’s sketchy past and present, she still declares her love for her mom at her bedside. She knows that Harmony has committed murder but she wants answers.

General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that Willow has another chance to speak to Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Recent General Hospital previews show Willow pleading with Carly to tell her the truth about what happened with Harmony. She pleads, “whatever it is, just tell me!” At this point, Carly knows that Harmony has killed both Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan) and his brother Brendan (Joshua Coxx). She also knows that Willow is not actually Harmony’s biological daughter and that she has some past ties to Nina Reeves.

General Hospital rumors suggest that Carly will tell Willow as much as she knows for now but when Carly puts the pieces together and connects the dots between Harmony, Willow, and Nina, Carly will likely keep the secret.

General Hospital News And Spoilers: The Soap Opera Community Mourns The Death Of OLTL’s Jerry Verdorn (Clint Buchanan)

The soap opera community is known for its close knit relationships between the actors among the various daytime drama shows and networks.

General Hospital news reports reveal a fellow soap vet has passed away. Actor Jerry Verdorn began his daytime drama career on Guiding Light as Ross Marler in 1979. He remained in his role on GL until 2005. From 2005-2012;2013 Verdorn joined the cast of ABC’s One Life to Live as Clint Buchanan.

General Hospital news reports confirm Jerry left behind his wife, Beth. The two were married for almost 45 years and have two sons, Peter and Jake, their wives, Lauren and Erin, along with three grandchildren, Benjamin, Nora, and Penelope.

Jerry past away on May 1st after battling cancer for several months. He was 72 years old. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, loved ones, and the Soap Opera community.

General Hospital Spoilers: Scotty Prepares Nina For An All Out War In The Courtroom

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has some guts to go after the son of the man she claims to be in love with. Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Nina share a grandson and Nina is fighting for visitation rights against Wiley’s father Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and his adoptive mom, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Nina and Sonny grow closer despite her attempt at taking Michael and Willow down in court. Her lawyer, Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) knows his way around the law but that doesn’t mean he’s a voice playing dirty.

General Hospital previews indicate that Scott is preparing Nina for an all out war in the courtroom. Sonny has blown off not only his ex-wife, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), but his son Michael as well. Nina seems to be coming first these days, even when his grandson Wiley’s well being is at stake.

Nina sticks to her guns and fights for her rights as Wiley’s biological grandmother. GH spoilers and rumors claim Nina won’t have much of a leg to stand on when it turns out she isn’t biologically related to Wiley’s mother Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) but in fact she is blood related to his adoptive mother Willow!

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Sasha Ready To Trust Brando With Her Secret? Will Brando Come Through?

Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) has her fair share of life’s troubles. From the pressures of being a high profile model, along with her history with drug use and losing her son Liam, Sasha has been under a lot of stress.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest the time is come when Sasha is faced with the decision to come clean to Brando about her relapse in using or if she’ll keep trying to cover her tracks.

Sasha has been getting supper from an unexpected source as her usually meddling mother-in-law is acting as a solid support during Sasha’s hardships. Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) saved Sasha’s secret from being blasted by the tabloids but that doesn’t mean Gladys knows what’s on that memory card.

General Hospital previews and spoilers hint that Sasha confided in Brando and they work together to get Sasha feeling better and on the right track. GH rumors claim Sasha won’t disclose what she’s been hiding just yet. The longer she waits the more Brando will feel betrayed. Can she find it in herself to be honest with Brando before his support and concern are overcome with feelings of betrayal and deception?

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Warms Up To Spinelli

Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his relationship Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) has always been one of mutual respect but also an awkward dynamic.

It was difficult for Sonny to see past Spinelli’s goof-ball exterior, even when Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) would vouch for Spinelli’s value as a cyber genius. Over the years, Spinelli has proved himself worthy time and time again after solving mysteries and getting the Corinthos family out of numerous risky times. Although Sonny understands what Spinelli brings to the table, the two were basically only in contact when Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) was around to connect them.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Sonny and Spinelli will share an unexpectedly tender moment. These two don’t have a lot in common especially now that Jason is gone. But something bring be a these two together according to recent GH previews and spoilers.

General Hospital Spoilers: Harmony Wakes Up And Faces Carly

“Save the drama for your mama,” as the saying goes, and this time it’s spot on. Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) is the root of all the drama that’s surrounding Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) prepares herself to sit down with Willow and tell her what she knows about Harmony.

Previously, General Hospital Blog shared updated GH spoilers and previews indicating that Dr. Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud) will urgently search for Willow, interrupting Carly’s explanation.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest that Harmony awakens, giving her a chance to come clean to Willow. Carly may try to get Harmony to tell the truth. Carly knows too much to keep be able to hide it all now- but when Carly figure out that Willow’s biological mother is Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), she’ll likely have second thoughts about blowing Harmony’s secret out of the water.

General Hospital News And Spoilers: This Is BIG, Don’t Keep It Inside! May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health May
Maurice Benard Gets Personal

The month of May has snuck up is like Christmas music the day after Halloween. It got here fast but we are ready to Spring into new life.

ABC and General Hospital want to spread the word that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and what better spokesperson to advocate for mental health than GH’s own Maurice Benard.

Maurice Benard and the role he plays has at least one thing in common. Both have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and are climbing that mountain everyday. With the support of loved ones, and proper care instructed by a professional, Maurice and Sonny are navigating through life and succeeding at finding peace and stability.

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal Maurice Benard has reached out with his YouTube series State of Mind, to bring awareness and advocacy on the importance of mental health and taking care of ourselves and our ‘state of mind.’

General Hospital spoilers reveal Maurice and ABC are hosting an open discussion with NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Health and would love for you to join in on the educational and informative session. Sharing resources for assistance with improving your mental health is key to spreading awareness and making a difference relating to coping and stigma, along with everything else that comes along with living and thriving with mental illness.

Check out the video below for more details from Maurice Benard and more!

General Hospital News And Spoilers: GH’s Nicolas Bechtel (ex Spencer Cassadine) Reveals Story Of Being Bullied By GH Co-Star

Nicolas Bechtel is known by many General Hospital fans as little Spencer Cassadine. He’s also known for his roles in Disney Channel productions.

Bechtel gave Spencer his spunky, sassy personality that now actor Nicholas Alexander Chavez carries on and makes his own.

General Hospital news reports reveal Bechtel joined the cast of General Hospital back in 2013. In recent years Nicolas was not in contract when his character was whisked away to boarding school. He was recast in 2021.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Bechtel has disclosed some very unsettling news of how he was bullied by an adult, female co-star. Twitter is the social media platform in which Nicolas Bechtel chose to reveal a disheartening story about a particular time on set at Prospect Studios.

When I was younger I stumbled on a line during rehearsal & the actress opposite of me said ‘hahah, you can’t read,'” tweeted the 17 year old actor. “I replied ‘you are a grown-up & shouldn’t talk to a kid like that.’ I was forced to apologize but I just want to make it clear that I didn’t mean that apology.”

Nicolas Bechtel reflected on the situation but didn’t let it hold him back. He admitted to learning from the experience. He continued his tweets with the following: “A wise man told me that same day that throughout my life I would come across a lot of difficult people,” Bechtel noted. “He explained that it wasn’t about how you respond. It was more about learning how to deal with them. I learned a lot from that wise man.”

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest the man with the wise words could have been a member of the cast and/or crew but it’s uncertain whether or it the individual was a fellow actor on GH.

Not all experiences with co-stars were negative. Bechtel made a lot of lasting relationships, including his friendship with Brooklyn Silzer (Emma Scorpio Drake). He shares a photo of himself with former co-star, wishing her a happy birthday on April 27th.

Bechtel has gone on to appear in other productions such as Disney’s Stuck In The Middle, and American Horror Stories.

We sure hope Nicolas stays positive and focused despite the naysayers. Good luck in all your future endeavors!