Does Franco Have a Reason to be Jealous?

Sonny and Carly gave a long history and explosive chemistry. They have been through thick and thin, the good and…

Fan Favorite Returning to General Hospital! Check out the Script!

There is a lot going on in Port Charles right now, especially a lot of people coming back from the…

Fake Luke Could Be Who?!

As this story line involving Luke Spencer (or someone who looks like Luke actually) is unfolding, many speculations have been…

Who is Mickey Diamond?

It turns out that fake Luke, aka "Fluke" has a partner in crime. Let's call Mickey Luke's right hand man.…

Nina the Walking Psycho

After today's shocking outburst by Nina Clay, we are now aware that her sweet as pie persona really is fake…

She’s Already Been Taping Scenes at GH! What Could This Mean for Ava?

This fan favorite has made a couple cameo appearances on General Hospital in the recent past. Ilene Kristen who plays…

Donna Mills Headed Back to GH?

She blasted into Port Charles reeking havoc on the residents of Port Charles. Madeline Reeves, Mother-in-law of Silas clay, and…

Did Levi Ruin Maxie’s Chance With Her Daughter?

When Maxie came back from her soul searching journey, she brought something back with her, a complete nuisance! At this…

The TRUTH About Why Steve Burton Left General Hospital

The last few weeks have been crazy with the announcement of Billy Miller (ex Y&R star), coming to General Hospital.…

Jordan Figures Out Fake Luke’s Identity!

You are not going to want to miss a second of this week's General Hospital. According to some news circulating…