
Sam’s Daddy Headed to Port Charles!

In a recent post (Who Will Save Danny?) we have speculated that perhaps the one to save baby Danny won’t be who we think it is. Fans across the board seem to think the story is leading to Franco being a bone marrow match for Sam’s child. However, the story may be taking an unexpected twist. A surprise if you will. According to Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis), she tweeted that “Someone’s coming to town and it ain’t Santa Claus.” She also mentioned that we are one week away from Sam’s Daddy. Check out her tweets below. Comment with any guess you may have on who Sam’s Father may be!

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/NancyLeeGrahn/status/351883599185850369″]

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/NancyLeeGrahn/status/351887601738842113″]

Who Will Save Danny?

Sam received some unsettling news from Dr. Silas Clay when he paid a visit to the Davis home. While he did confirm that his revised protocol is working on Danny, he warned Sam that this is not the end of her nightmare. Although Sam and Jason’s son Daniel is responding well to the treatment, Silas informed Sam that Danny will most likely have to undergo a bone marrow transplant. He encouraged her to start looking for donors right away. Spinelli, Danny’s God Father, sprung into action and told Sam he would be gathering all the information in search for a match.

So now we ask, WHO WILL SAVE DANNY? This would be a perfect time to finally find Sam Morgan’s biological Father. This just may be the story line leading up to how everyone will find out who Sam’s Daddy is. It would be completely necessary to find a blood relative in hopes for finding an exact match. Perhaps Alexis knows where Sam’s Father is and will be determined to find him now to help save her precious grandson. Or maybe the arrival of the man she conceived Sam with will be a surprised to everyone.

If you want to know who Sam’s Father is SHARE this!

Help Save Kelly Sullivan (Connie Falconeri) From Being Let Go!

Here is what is going on… Earlier today, Kelly announced that her character Connie Falconeri has been written off of General Hospital. Thus resulting in Kelly Sullivan being let go from the show. General Hospital Blog is calling all Kelly Sullivan, Connie/Kate fans, SoCo fans to try and help get this situation reversed!

A couple years ago, there was an announcement made that Rebecca Herbst had been let go from her role as Elizabeth Webber. With support from her large fan base, petitioning and protesting, fans were able to save Rebecca’s job and Elizabeth Webber has continued to be a beloved and adored character on General Hospital.

That being said, there is no reason fans cannot try the same thing for Kelly Sullivan. We know there are many Sonny and Connie (SoCo) and Sonny and Kate (SKate) fans out there who do not want to see her go. Kelly Sullivan has a very large fan base and GHB believes we have a chance to turn this thing around.

Here is what you can do:

CALL the comment lines @ 323-671-4583 (GH), 818-460-7477  ext. 1 (ABC)

TWEET Executive Producer Frank Valentini using the hashtag #KeepKelly @valentinifrank

SHARE this post using the Facebook, Twitter, Google + icons

MAIL letters in protest to Frank Valentini C/o General Hospital4151 Prospect Ave Los Angeles CA 90027

Kelly Sullivan OUT at GH!!!!

The official Kelly Sullivan Fan Page on Facebook has just announced that the rumors that have been circulating have been proven to be true. Connie Falconeri played by the wonderful actress Kelly Sullivan has been written off the show. It has been stated that there are no ill feelings toward the cast and crew of General Hospital.

Kelly Sullivan Leaving GH

General Hospital’s Kelly Sullivan (Connie Falconeri/Kate Howard) has been rumored to be leaving the show. As of right now, this is only a rumor. However, if you are a GH and Kelly Sullivan fan, and would like to see her continue her work as Connie Falconeri on General Hospital, please help support Kelly and her fans by commenting your positive thoughts below, requesting that she stay at GH. Also, if you have Twitter, tweet Frank Valentini @valentinifrank using the hashtag #KeepKelly.

Support from fans has been known to help and sway decisions of the executives. A couple years ago it had been known that Rebecca Herbst had been let go from General Hospital. But with the uproar of Becky’s fan base and support, fans were able to turn the decision around have Becky has remained a contract actor on GH ever since.

Please share this post on all GH related boards, forums, Facebook pages, etc. Let’s get the word out that we want to #KeepKelly!

Thank You,

General Hospital Blog

What is Ava Hiding?

There is a lot more to Ava Jerome (Maura West) than we all had anticipated. She is more than just the Mother of Franco’s child, Kiki aka Lauren Katherine Jerome (Kristen Alderson). We recently learned that she has attempted assassination, whether the bullet was meant for Franco or meant for Olivia, Ava pulled the trigger. She is money hungry and will jeopardize the relationship she has with her daughter to get what she wants. It is looking more and more like Ava has deeper rooted connections with the residents of Port Charles than simply having a romantic relationship with Franco. She is a Jerome, which means she knows more about Duke, Anna, Lucy, and more of the PC gang than she is leading on. What does she want? This week on General Hospital, Ava reveals a past relationship. Perhaps Kiki isn’t Franco’s daughter at all… Or maybe Franco isn’t Franco… There are lots of possibilities and this story hasn’t even begun to unfold!

GIF by: Francorobertfrank.tumblr.com

Maxie and Britt’s Babies

Things are getting more difficult for Maxie as she approaches closer and closer to her due date. She is becoming more emotionally attached to the child she is carrying. When she thinks about Spinelli you can see in her eyes that she is dying to tell him this is his child, and is longing to be a family. Tension is also thickening for the devious Dr. Britt Westbourne. She is feeling the walls closing in on her as Sabrina, Patrick, and Felix start to zero in on her. Maxie and Britt are both hiding some pretty big secrets regarding the babies they are carrying. Maxie is knowingly carrying her own baby she and Spinelli created on New Years Eve, while Britt is most likely carrying Dante and Lulu’s baby by impregnating herself with their specimens. The truth is bound to come out and both of these women are in for a whirlwind of back lash and heart ache. Maxie seems as if she is going to cave and come clean to at least one person involved. When she does, she will be hurting many of her loved ones as she has lied to them for many months. It’s doubtful that Britt would ever willingly tell the truth about how she is manipulating Patrick, so I will assume for now that her truth will be revealed by another party. Felix really wants to take down the Britch so maybe he will be the one to out her for the lying, egg and sperm stealing liar that she is. For now, we will sit patiently waiting in hopes that Maxie does the right thing and tells Spinelli, Dante, and Lulu the truth about the baby. Keep watching to see what happens!

Soap Opera Genre Making History: All My Children and One Life to Live Reboot

It was announce that Oprah’s OWN network will be airing the reboot of legendary soap operas All My Children and One Life to Live starting July 15th! General Hospital Blog would like to congratulation each and every person involved in these two iconic shows. I am so happy for them and the genre as a whole. Fans knew is was a big mistake for ABC to cancel this show and create a dying American genre. Well, welcome back to the land of the living! Congrats to AMC and OLTL and thank you to OWN!

The Spencers vs. The Cassadines

Just as we thought Luke and the rest of the Spencer clan defeated Helena and her evil spawn Stavros, we got a huge surprise. Even dead Helena is out to take Luke down. In her DVD to Luke, Helena mentions that if he is watching the DVD, then she is indeed dead. The DVD offered more information about Luke’s medical condition than the doctor was able to offer him. Earlier that day, he was told by his doctor that there was a foreign toxin in his body. One that did not occur naturally, but one that was introduced by an outside factor. Luke learned that he was poisoned by Helena through his very one earring. She had it laced with a toxin that would slowly attack his body, ultimately killing him.

With Tracy by his side, Luke faces an epic battle against Helena Cassadine. She is so powerful that she can even torture him after her death. Do you think Luke will combat this poison? Will he live to see his grandchild?

Is Kelly Sullivan Leaving GH? Will Connie Die in the Jerome Family Mob War?

Ava Jerome is a new face around Port Charles, but in the 1980’s and early 1990’s the Jerome name was not an unfamiliar one. The Jerome’s were a mob family in Port Charles. In 1988, Anna DeVane was kidnapped and Duke Lavery joined the Jerome mob family in order to use their connections to find her. After Anna was found, (first by Robert Scorpio), Lavery wanted out of the mob. Ultimately, Duke ended up testifying against Victor Jerome, and Jerome was sent to prison. The other Jerome, Olivia (Victor’s daughter), ended up in a mental institution. The Jerome’s had connections with many PC residents. Victor was obsessed with Lucy Coe. Lucy did not return his affections which led to Victor swallowing a pendant he had engraved for her, killing him. Victor’s son Julian headed up the organization in 1990 after the death of his Father. He had his sights set on Duke. Julian ended up shooting and killing Olivia because she was going to warn Anna that her brother was coming after Duke.

It looks like the Jerome’s are back, and Ava is one devious woman. We know now that she was the one who shot Olivia Falconeri on the terrace of the Metro Court. However, what we don’t know is if she intended on killing Franco and missed, or if Olivia was her true target.

Here is where Connie comes in… there have been rumors circulating that Kelly Sullivan will be leaving General Hospital. Fans have speculated that the story will lead into the direction of the Falconeri cousins being the targets of this new mob war. Olivia was first but survived, and it has been said that Connie is next on the list and unfortunately does not make it.

This story is complete speculation from fans based on the rumor that Kelly Sullivan is leaving the show. No information has been confirmed on whether or not Ms. Sullivan will remain on GH as Connie Falconeri/Kate Howard. General Hospital Blog is a fan of Kelly and her work. We sincerely hope that she will remain at GH for the foreseeable future. We will keep fans updated with any concrete information that may arise on the status of Kelly Sullivan and GH.