
Dr. Britt, Maxie Jones, and Their Deceitful Pregnancies

Today on General Hospital Britta dropped a bombshell announcement at the Nurses Ball. At the event honoring his late wife, and in front of his young daughter and new love interest, Britta decided to tell Patrick that she is pregnant with their baby. She was forced to do this by her evil Mother Dr. Obrecht. Since Britt is the spawn of Dr. Obrecht and legendary evil doer Cesar Faison, her deceitful disclosure came naturally to her. Her Mother was proud of what she had done at the Ball and was sure Britt’s Papa, Faison, would be proud as well.

With this news many questions arise. Fans are wondering if she is actually pregnant with any baby at all let alone Patrick’s. In today’s episode Britta mentioned to her Mother that just because she is having this baby doesn’t mean Patrick is going to love her. It sounds as if she is indeed having a baby. Not only do we wonder if the baby is Patrick’s, but is it even hers? There has been speculation about how this is all going to play out. How did Britt suddenly become pregnant? She and Patrick were together long before she met her Mother in the park and constructed this plan.

We know that Maxie is carrying her own baby (with Spinelli) in which she is passing off as Dante and Lulu’s. Dr. Westbourne is the only one (other than Frisco) who knows the complete truth about Maxie’s baby situation. It may be possible that she uses this knowledge as leverage to manipulate a situation where she can obtain Maxie’s baby. Also, Dr. Britt has direct access to Dante and Lulu’s baby making specimens in which she could impregnate herself with their baby!

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Take a look at what the fans think!

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Faison is Dr. Britt Westbourne’s Father!

What a show! Although we have to wait until tomorrow to find out what Britta will say at the Nurses Ball, we know that Faison is her Papa! Dr. Obrecht was speaking to a photo of Cesar Faison saying how he would be such a proud Papa of Britt for what she is about to do. No wonder Britt lives up to her nickname given by fans, BRITCH. She comes from a lethal family, poison runs through her veins. There will be a lot in store for the residents of Port Charles. Especially the Scorpios and Drakes and those who love them.

Keep Lynn Herring (Lucy Coe) on GH! Sign the Change.org Petition

Hey GH fans! Please sign the petition to keep the legendary Lucy Coe, played by Lynn Herring on GH. After watching the 20/20 Special, General Hospital: The Real Soap Dish, it’s clear that Ms. Herring thoroughly enjoys playing Lucy. We the fans would love to see her stick around Port Charles. Let’s do what we can to make this happen! CLICK HERE to sign the petition. Thank You!


Is Robin Returning for the Nurses Ball?

What does Dr. Obrecht (Britt’s Mom) have in store for the Scorpio Drake family at the Nurses Ball?!

The burning question on every General Hospital fan’s mind is whether or not Kimberly McCullough will come back as Robin at the Nurses Ball. It seems like such a perfect time for her return since the Ball honors Robin herself. The Nurses Ball is a benefit for HIV and AIDS research. This year, partnership with amfAR marks the first time that the Nurses Ball will be linked to a non-fictional charity, and helps to continue amfAR’s vastly important mission of raising awareness for HIV and AIDS.

This year, a kind, caring, nurse, Sabrina Santiago decided it would be an amazing idea to revive the Nurses Ball to honor her friend Dr. Patrick Drake’s (presumed) late wife. Wouldn’t it be the most inopportune time for Patrick’s dead wife to reveal herself? In the soap world, the most inopportune time is actually the best time for these things to happen. Think about it, Sabrina has grown very close to Patrick and Robin’s daughter Emma, Sabrina finally builds up the courage to tell Patrick how she feels about him, and after struggling with his feelings and battling moving forward after losing Robin, Patrick admits to Sabrina that he has deep feelings for her, Robin frees herself from being Faison’s prisoner and presents herself at the Nurses Ball.

Robin’s return is what everyone is waiting for. I think that it could quite possibly be the biggest “gift” or “surprise” as Frank Valentini likes to call them for the fans during this special 50 year celebration. However, only time will tell if Kimberly McCullough has returned as Robin. The good news is, we won’t have to wait long to find out if she will return at the Ball since the continuation of the Nurses Ball takes place Monday, April 8th, and Tuesday, April 9th. In the event that Robin does not make an appearance for the 50th anniversary, there is always the possibility that the character will return in the future.

GH Cast Members Visit GMA!

Hey everyone, the General Hospital 50th anniversary celebration continues! Check out some of the cast member of GH on GMA tomorrow morning, Friday, April 5th, at 8:00 AM Est. time.

Get ready to watch  Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer), Kelly Monaco (Sam Morgan), Genie Francis (Laura Spencer), Finola Hughes (Anna DeVane), Jason Thompson (Patrick Drake),  Rick Springfield (Noah Drake), and Jack Wagner (Frisco Jones) discuss this historic event!

General Hospital’s 50th Anniversary: What GH Means to Me

General Hospital is the longest running television drama in history. For 50 years this outstanding show has been hitting our airwaves. I wasn’t around for it’s first episode on April 1st, 1963, I wasn’t even around for it’s 10 year anniversary in 1973. As a matter of fact, I was only 1 year old when the show hit it’s 20 year mark in 1983. It wasn’t until a little after that 3rd decade that I could actually start to really understand what was going on. In the early 90’s I was a pre-teen/teen with a Mom and an older Sister who watched religiously. I too, began rushing home from school to prepare a snack and wait for 3 O’clock for what would become my most favorite show of all time.

To many kids my age in the early 90’s, flannel shirts, Nirvana, Tupac Shazur, and Guess Jeans were huge. In my world, Jagger, Brenda, Karen and Sonny were my main focus when it came to extracurricular activities. I remember when Jagger, Karen, and Jason got stranded on the island. I can still recite lines from those scenes. I can still hear Jagger’s authentic Italian accent taunt Jason with sarcasm while trying to figure out survival tactics, “Oh I think um, we can order take out, whaddaya say?” And in response to Jason wanting to make spears to kill fish Jagger says, “Why don’t we make a gun, and shoot ’em?!” Those lines play in my head as if it were yesterday. But we all know it wasn’t yesterday. It was almost 20 years ago when I got hooked on General Hospital. 20 years of laughter, excitement, drama, tears, anticipation, and falling in love with my favorite characters and couples. 20 years of bonding with my Mom, Sister, girlfriends and husband. My husband has been watching with me now for about 10 years. I got him interested when Ric Lansing had Carly chained to a wall in a panic room in the house he shared with Elizabeth. That may be one of my favorite story lines still today. Not just because of it’s intense excitement and unpredictability, but also because during that time GH formed yet another bond between myself and someone else who could share in the show’s greatness. Not long after that my husband really got into the Sonny story lines with the mob. A guy in his late teens to early 20’s watching General Hospital? Well when the mob is involved, why the heck not?!

A few years later introduced the couple that would change my view on soap opera super couples forever. In case you don’t know who my all time favorite couple is, it is Jason and Sam. Or as we fans like to call them, JaSam. Jason and Sam were like no other couple on TV. Sure they had their typical break up, make up, and love triangle issues as every good daytime couple did. But they had something more. First of all, they were the epitome of “badass.” Excuse my language but that word bests describes the adventurous side of Jason and Sam’s relationship. Even though Jason was Sam’s protector, Sam could hold her own and as a team they got things done. Aside from JaSam being completely “badass,” many aspects of their relationship felt real, as if it hit close to home. Their laughter, their nights in ordering take out Chinese, they way he protected her, the star necklace he gave her, and near the end when he gave her his Grandmother Lila Quartermaine’s ring as her wedding ring. Those are things the real life couples do together. I will never forget the way these two actors/characters touched my life, and the memories of watching them grow on screen will forever remain in my heart.

Fast forward to this week’s 50th Anniversary celebration. I have to express how outstandingly well everything came together. Not only were the surprises like Ethan, Alan, Emily, and Rick Webber enough to send fans into excitement induced hyperventilation, but the over all emotion of the show was positively overwhelming. Dr. Patrick Drake was the perfect person to talk about the history of General Hospital. A strong, brilliant doctor much like Dr. Steve Hardy was, Dr. Drake has become a legend and anchor at General Hospital. His relationship, marriage, and life he built with the great Dr. Robin Scorpio reminds me of those that came before them, Steve and Audrey and Alan and Monica, and set the stage for this wonderful American tradition to continue.

Throughout the years I have stuck by GH’s side as a devoted fan. I am a lover of the history and all it stands for. I cherish the characters old and new and hold a special place in my heart for something that I was able to share with my Mom for so many years.  I know that if she were here today to see General Hospital turn 50, we would be celebrating together and reminiscing of all the characters and stories that have come and gone.

I want to congratulate each and every person who has ever been a part of General Hospital on this monumental milestone and thank them for finding a way to move in and take up residence in the hearts of their truest fans. Happy 50th anniversary General Hospital.

Emme Rylan (New Lulu) Air Date

General Hospital’s replacement for Julie Marie Berman (ex-Lulu Spencer Falconeri) will first air on Thursday, April 11th, 2013. Actress Emme Rylan tweeted the exciting news. General Hospital Blog welcomes Ms. Rylan with open arms. As one Lulu exits and another enters into the wonderful world of Port Charles, it is a bittersweet transition. Although we are saddened to see Julie go, we wish her all the best of luck and success in her future endeavors  We are happy to see the character of Lulu continue on and be filled by the lovely Emme Rylan.

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ABC News Chat with Finola Hughes and Jason Thompson for GH’s 50th

ABC News talks with GH’s Anna DeVane (Finola Hughes) and Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson).The two stars answer fan questions via Facebook and Twitter, discuss Kimberly McCullough, Frank and Ron, and reveal which character they would like to play if they could play anyone male or female on the show.

Check it out!



GH Stars Talk on Katie

Featured in this video are members of General Hospital’s cast discussing intense story lines throughout the years. Check out Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth), Sean Blakemore (Shawn), Leslie Charleson (Monica), and John York (Mac).