General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Saves Sasha! Sasha’s Hallucination Has A Deeper Meaning

Cyrus saves Sasha

Cyrus saves Sasha! …Despite her troubled recent past, Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) has still seen better days. What she’s going through now is unthinkable. Could you imagine the torture she’s currently enduring? Even worse, at the hand of her own family! Needless to say, Sasha’s in a bad way and Gladys is to blame.

As for Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober), GH recaps recall Cyrus’s hand in Sasha’s recent troubled past. After all, he was Sasha’s supplier when she took the dark path of binges and drugs. Fast forward a couple of years and Cyrus has had time to repent. After having the book thrown at him, Cyrus has had time to reflect in Pentonville. It seems great and all, that a hard core criminal is able to turn their life around and find God. But, just seriously should we take him? GH rumors tease that something sinister drives his motives.

Cyrus Saves Sasha!

GH recaps recall Sasha’s episode that landed her in. Ferncliff. According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, there might be more to Sasha’s hallucination about Cyrus. If you really think about it, it was pretty random for Sasha’s mins to see Cyrus when he’s been out of sight, out of mind. That being said, GH rumors developed surrounding Cyrus and Sasha. If he truly found God, he’s out for redemption. Will Cyrus become Sasha’s Knight in shining armor?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Gladys Begs Dr. Montague, How Long Will Sasha Suffer?

Gladys begs Dr. Montague Sasha Gladys Ferncliff

Gladys begs Dr. Montague to stop! …You can’t get something for nothing in this life. Apparently, Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) has to learn that the hard way because it seems she hasn’t gotten the memo. Additionally, she seems to think she can fall back on others to bail her out. This time, she’s in too deep!

General Hospital spoilers and previews reveal that Dr. Montague (Darin Toonder) wants payment! How else did Gladys think she could get a doctor to carry out her unscrupulous plan? Now that Gladys sees the utter torture she’s inflicted on her daughter in law, she finally wants it to end. I guess Gladys has some shred of decency that was thought to be lost.

According to the latest GH spoilers, Gladys begs Dr. Montague to stop torturing her daughter in law. Evidently, she didn’t really how far Dr. Montague would go, or how much if a psychopath he really is! GH previews show that Gladys tries to stop him, but she must give him what he wants first. Now the question arises why is Dr. Montague doing this and what’s he get out of it? And will Gladys deliver, or will Sasha suffer further because of Gladys?

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny’s On Valentin’s Tail!

Sonny’s on Valentin’s tail

Sonny’s on Valentin’s tail! …The Port Charles mobster (Maurice Benard) is no dummy. He can sniff out a phony and reveal it as the snake that it is. Sonny has past experience with betrayal and dishonesty with others. This time, it’s Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) who should be looking over his shoulder!

General Hospital spoilers tease that Sonny’s onto Valentin! (And so is Anna!). The fact that Valentin approached Sonny about the Pikeman situation is strange to begin with. Then, he admits to Anna his entanglements and freaks out when Sonny says he wants out of the deal?! Let’s just say that Valentin definitely seemed like he was in panic mode when he was talking to Sonny.

According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, Valentin’s connection to Pikeman is much deeper than he’s letting on. Sonny’s on Valentin’s tail and it’s only a matter of time before the Cassadine is exposed. Valentin is hiding something, and it’s bigger than Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) or Sonny could have ever anticipated. Luckily, Anna has her good friends Sonny and Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) for support. She’s really going to need people in her corner when the sh!t hits the fan about Valentin.

GH News and Spoilers: The Results Are In! General Hospital Blog’s 8/18/23 Performer Of The Week

GH Blog POTW Results GH Performer of the Week Sofia Mattsson

GH Blog POTW Results! Thank you all for voting! You shared your thoughts on which General Hospital star knocked or out of the park for you this week.

The competition was tough, and choices boiled down to three prominent actors who have really been giving it their all! Now, we are ecstatic to report General Hospital Blog’s very first Performer Of The Week.

The Results Are In! Here’s Who GH Fans Chose As GH Blog’s POTW! Congratulations to Sofia Mattsson for her incredible performance as Sasha!

Sasha Gilmore Sofia Mattsson GH General Hospital
GH Blog’s Performer of the Week Sofia Mattsson

General Hospital Spoilers: Rumors Surrounding Brenda’s Return Create Speculation Around Betty and Dex

Dex and Betty Sonny and Brenda’s kids

Are Dex and Betty Sonny and Brenda’s kids?! …Let’s be honest, Vanessa Marcil as General Hospital’s feisty Brenda Barrett is an icon. If you’re a GH fan then you know the impact Marcil’s role has had on the show. Therefore, there isn’t a period of time when GH fans don’t hope for her to return.

Meanwhile, Brenda’s popularity has fans hanging on to hope for decades, especially with it comes to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). Of course, Brenda Barrett is a force on her own. Whether she’s single or paired with one of Port Charles’s most powerful men, Brenda can hold her own. Die hard Sonny and Brenda fans keep the faith when it comes to those two reuniting.

According to recent GH spoilers and rumors Dex and Betty could be working together. For the full story, click HERE. Due to these recent rumors, GH fans speculate that there’s much more to Betty (Ella Lentini) and Dex (Evan Hofer) than meets the eye. Additionally, GH rumors surrounding Brenda’s return raise questions. For months, fans have wondered where Dex comes from and who is biological parents are. From Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) to Sonny Corinthos, fans continue to guess who Dex’s father is.

That being said, some GH rumors tease that Dex is Sonny and Brenda’s son. So, in the light of the newest GH rumors, some wonder if Dex and Betty are twins who are after their father. And their mother… is none other than Brenda Barrett! What do you think? Could these two sneaky cats be in Port Charles to take Sonny down?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Dex And Betty Are Twins- They Team Up Against Sonny For The Ultimate Takedown!

Dex and Betty are twins Dex Betty Sonny Corinthos Evan Hofer Ella Lentini Maurice Benard

Dex and Betty are twins?!?! I I How much can we really trust Dex anyway?! As we know, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) was dragged into Port Charles by Sonny Corinthos’s (Maurice Benard) adoptive son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell).

General Hospital recaps recall, eager to help take down a mob Kingpin like Sonny, Dex was practically throwing himself at the opportunity. To Michael’s pleasant surprise, Dex was considerably over qualified. In fact, he had all the traits that Michael was looking for. But did Michael really just happen to get lucky and stumble upon Dex?

According to the latest GH rumors, Betty becomes much more prevalent in the upcoming storyline. Betty becomes more than Avery Corinthos’s (Ava and Grace Scarola) nanny. There’s no doubt that she’s out to get Sonny. But what’s her motive?

Moreover, for some time now, Dex has been intertwined between the polarizing opinions in the Corinthos family. It’s never been entirely clear which side Dex is really on. Even while working for sonny yet against him, it was obvious that Dex had a soft spot for him and visa versa.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Dex and Betty are twins and team up for the ultimate takedown! Are these two out for their piece of the Corinthos pie? All of Sonny’s other kids got to grow up with a father. Sadly, Dex and Betty didn’t. Are these two actually Sonny’s kids and are they out for revenge?

General Hospital Spoilers: Betty Is Closer To Sonny Than He Thinks But Sonny’s Certain He’s Got Things Under Control

Betty is closer to Sonny who is Betty GH

Betty is closer to Sonny than he thinks! …Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) does his best to protect those he loves. Understandably, everyone in Sonny’s orbit is at risk for danger due to the nature of his business.

Even though stakes are high, Sonny’s a mobster for life. It’s all good though because when it’s all said and done, he protects his own. He’s always been a stand up husband and father, a true family man. That being said, many-a GH fan take issue (jokingly) with the number of offspring and baby mama’s under Sonny’s belt. So, it’s understandable that every single newbie to come through Port Charles is suspected to be another one of Sonny’s kids. Therefore, GH rumors speculate about Sonny and the new nanny in town.

Betty Is Closer To Sonny Than He Thinks!

General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Sonny and Betty! …What is up with Betty Rutherford (Ella Lentini) anyway? She’s so eager to please whoever it is she’s gathering info for. But, who could it be? Or should we ask, “who the Hell could Betty be?!” The way she slapped Ava Jerome (Maura West) shows she’s no pushover. Betty isn’t one to mess with, so, has Sonny met his match?

Obviously, Betty can hold her own in a crime ring complied of men. Was this tough girl trait inherited? She and Sonny seem to do business in a similar manner! Like father like daughter?

General Hospital Spoilers: Betty, Betty, Betty! What Is It About Betty?! Who Is She Anyway?!

Who is Betty on GH Betty Rutherford Ella Lentini Sonny and Betty GH

Who is Betty on GH (Ella Lentini)? …All of a sudden Betty swept in like a Detroit Red Wings 1997 Stanley Cup Win! Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Port Charles knew nothing of Betty before she arrived in town. Suddenly, her name consumes his conversations.

General Hospital Recaps: Sonny takes over for Ava Jerome (Maura West). Ava came to Sonny with a big problem. That’s when she explained to Sonny that she killed Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss/TBD) and Mason Gatlin (Nathanyael Grey) was threatening their daughter Avery (Ava and Grace Scarola). Expectedly, Sonny told Ava he’d handle things. Betty Rutherford entered their lives and she’s about to turn their world upside down.

According to GH spoilers and rumors, there’s more to know about Betty! Is she really just a plant to get information on Sonny and Pikeman? Or does she have an agenda of her own?

General Hospital Spoilers: Dr. Finn Finds His Dad A New Doc, Was Gregory Chase Misdiagnosed?

Was Gregory Chase misdiagnosed ALS Gregory Chase illness GH Gregory Harrison

Was Gregory Chase misdiagnosed?!

…Previously, General Hospital Blog shared the latest GH casting news. Jeffrey Stubblefield joins the soap as Gregory’s new doctor, Dr. Bronson.

General Hospital Recaps: Finally, Gregory caved and told his son about his ALS diagnosis. For the longest time, Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) was the only one who was aware that Gregory was suffering from a debilitating and terminal illness. She urged him to tell both of his sons, but he just wasn’t ready. Soon enough, even Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) began to ask questions.

Was Gregory Chase Misdiagnosed?

According to General Hospital spoilers, Dr. Bronson (Jeffrey Stubblefield) arrives as Gregory’s new doctor. GH rumors suggest that Finn takes matters into his own hands to ensure his father has the best care. As a fan favorite, will Gregory meet a positively unexpected fate? What if he doesn’t have ALS at all?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Is There Hope For Gregory? GH Casts New Doc

Gregory Chase’s illness Gregory Harrison GH Jeffrey Stubblefield Dr. Bronson GH

Gregory Chase’s illness brings a new doc to Port Charles!

…Is there hope for Gregory Chase and his battle with ALS? The cat’s out of the bag- well, at least to Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton). ALS is a devastating disease that targets motor neurons. In other words, it attacks the nerves responsible for voluntary movement. But, enough of that because I am in no means a doctor. I am a writer, however, and I will keep you up to date on GH spoilers, news, and more!

General Hospital recaps recall Gregory Harrison’s current battle with ALS. He recently brown down and told his some Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) about his illness. They both broke down and trades and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t too!

According to the latest GH spoilers, Gregory Chase’s illness brings a new doctor to Port Charles. Now that Finn knows what’s going on, Gregory is going to need a specialist for his illness. Without a doubt, Finn will encourage his father to do whatever it takes to prolong a good-quality life. Reportedly, actor Jeffrey Stubblefield joins GH as Dr. Bronson, Gregory’s new specialist. GH spoilers and news reports confirm that Stubblefield is somewhat familiar with the GH family since he once played on General Hospital spin-off, Night Shift as Roger Walker.

Gregory’s new doc GH Dr. Bronson Jeffrey Stubblefield

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