
General Hospital News and Spoilers: Maura West Spills On Austin AND Roger! Is Ava Going To Kill Austin?

Does Ava kill Austin Maura West Roger Howarth

Does Ava kill Austin?! …Without a doubt, Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) is as shady as the trees, clouds, and moon combined. It’s difficult to put a finger on it, but there’s absolutely something off about that guy.

It’s obvious, Ava and Austin’s relationship is complex. What started out as friendship turned into partners in crime. Eventually, the two became intimate, and now all the lines are blurred. According to General Hospital news and spoilers, Maura West spills the tea on Austin and Ava! In a recent interview, Maura shares her inside take on what’s happening between the doctor and the lady mobster. Reportedly, Maura tells Soaps In Depth some critical hints about how Ava is handling Austin. “When somebody knows a dark secret, in her words, you either have to kill them or you’re sort of at their mercy,” she explained of her character. “I mean, those are her options. And she’s sort of at his mercy. And at the cousin’s, too — she’s at Mason’s mercy.” So, does that mean that Ava either remains the puppet, or she kills for the upper hand?

Additionally, GH spoilers reveal that Ava isn’t ready for a relationship with Austin. Tjay doesn’t necessarily mean she isn’t ready for any relationship. However, when reflecting on Ava and Austin’s adult playdate, Maura disclosed how Ava felt about the whole thing,. “Yeah, she was not expecting that,” Maura shared. “She’s not ready for that relationship. She’s not sure she wants that relationship! But, you know, there’s something irresistible about that Roger Howarth that comes through into Austin!”

If Maura thinks Austin and Roger are irresistible, then maybe Ava does too! ????

General Hospital Spoilers: Anna Runs From Valentin and Turns To Sonny

Anna turns to Sonny Valentin Anna Sonny Pikeman

Is this the end of Valentin and Anna? …Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) go way back. For the longest time, Anna and Sonny believed that their professional lives conflicted one another’s. Although it’s true that they have opposing business practices, these two are on the same side. However, it’s their means to the ends that has Anna and Sonny thinking they are on conflicting sides.

Over the years, it’s become apparent that neither Anna nor Sonny are against each other. Ultimately, they want the same things. And that’s for the bad guys to go down. Shocking, flip for the script. Anna discovers a bombshell when it comes to Valentin. His connection to Pikeman was a huge blow to Anna, and what comes next is anybody’s guess. However, according to GH spoilers and rumors, Anna runs from Valentin, and turns to Sonny in these confusing times.

GH Recaps: Finally, Anna became completely vulnerable with Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) for the first time. That’s when she admitted that she loves him. According to Anna, she struggled even with admitting that to herself.

Now that it’s out in the open, she’s been blindsided by betrayal. GH spoilers and rumors tease that this could be the end for Valentin and Anna. Thankfully, she has Sonny as a confidant.

GH News and Spoilers: Do The Writers Need A Class On Technology Since The Early 2000s? Here’s Why What Portia Did Would Never Fly Today

Portia lies to Trina

Portia lies to Trina! …Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) has gone from a caring and protective mother, to a controlling, manipulative, liar, even to her precious daughter. Trina and Portia’s relationship has seen better days, but they’ve yet to see the worst!

According to recent GH spoilers and rumors Portia’s actions eventually come back to bite her. Odds are, she pushes Trina away to the point of no return. Potentially, they could become estranged for the foreseeable future. It’s no surprise that Portia is sticking with her plan to drive Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) apart. However, it’s the way she’s going about it that comes as a surprise.

Until these latest scenes between Portia and Spencer at Portia’s home, she’s mainly manipulated Esme. Now, Portia’s taken things to an unrealistic level. According to GH recaps, Portia told Spencer his help wasn’t necessary and dismissed him from her home. Then, Trina walks down and asks where he sent. That’s when Portia told her daughter that Spencer took off, brushing it off as one of his character flaws.

General Hospital spoilers reveal, Portia lies to Trina in the worst way. Call me crazy but, does anyone else find this strange? Especially in this day and age when text messaging is prevalent. Anyone whose man just up and left would text that man ASAP, and ask, “why’d you dip?” Portia would never get away with this lie in real life because technology doesn’t allow for this level of stupidity. Honestly, there’s no way in Hell that his abrupt exit wouldn’t be addressed at some point. Thus, outing Portia. Of course, this is Port Charles. The fictional NY city is located in Soap Opera Land, where they pop up unannounced on your doorstep to “talk,” because smartphones and texting doesn’t exist.

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Catches Eddie Maine’s Eye

Carly catches Eddie Maine’s eye

Carly catches Eddie Maine’s eye! Anyone who meets Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) can see that she is a strong, capable, and driven woman. Many are intimidated by her strength. But something about Carly stops Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) in his tracks.

Sadly, Olivia Quartermaine’s world was turned upside down. I’m stating the obvious here, but Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) is not himself. As GH recaps recall, he got knocked out after taking a nasty spill at the Metro Court pool. When he woke, the Ned Ashton known and loved by his family and friends, was suddenly someone they haven’t seen in years. As a matter of fact, some of his family members haven’t met Eddie. Particularly, Ned and Olivia’s (Lisa LoCicero) son Leo (Easton Rocket).

Meanwhile, as Olivia is determined to get her man back, her man is out enticing others. While Olivia does everything in her power to help snap Ned back into present times and out of the 90s, he has other priorities. According to GH spoilers and previews, Carly catches Eddie Maine’s eye. Now, how will this go over with Olivia if she finds out that Ned, *coughs* I mean, Eddie, is throwing down pickup lines at her BFF, Carly?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie’s On The Move?! Maxie Gets An Offer She Can’t Refuse!?

Sam offers Maxie help

August 10th GH spoilers! Sam offers Maxie help! …Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) balances single mom-life and work-life with grace. She’s had her share of hope and heartache, so she’s ready for something good.

General Hospital recaps recall Maxie’s recent struggle with space. As her children grow and take up more room around their apartment, it becomes in easily difficult to maneuver through the chaos. Currently, Georgie and James are at sensitive ages where they argue more often than any adult would like. And of course, little Bailey Lou’s toys and other essentials take up space as well.

According to GH previews, Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) has a solution to one of Maxie’s problems. Could Maxie have confided in Sam about her living situation? GH spoilers and rumors tease that Maxie and the kids feel a bit cramped. So, Sam offers Maxie help. Will this be an offer Maxie can’t refuse? The last time I checked, Sam wasn’t in the Real Estate business. But GH rumors hint that Sam’s solution has something to do with Maxie’s current situation with her apartment. A mom of three needs more space, and Sam might have the perfect fix. Is Maxie moving out of the apartment she shared with Nathan West? (Ryan Paevey).

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Questions Nina, Olivia Apologizes, and Portia Is Over The Moon

GH Spoilers August 9

GH Spoilers August 9. Portia is over the moon! According to GH previews, Trina and Portia share a joyous moment! So,, what’s got Portia so happy?

Moreover, GH spoilers tease that Sonny (Maurice Benard) questions Nina (Cynthia Watros). He wants the deets on her recent conversation. Will Nina divulge?

Elsewhere in Port Charles, Carly makes Olivia an offer. That’s when a remorseful Olivia apologizes to Carly!

Don’t miss a moment!

General Hospital Spoilers: It’s A Trap! Portia’s Trap Backfires, Leads Trina To Danger!

Portia’s trap backfires Portia Trina Spencer Esme

Portia’s trap backfires when it leads Trina to danger! It’s a trap! However, the trap was meant for Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) and her ex-boyfriend, Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). Not for Portia’s daughter, Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali).

According to recent GH recaps, Portia plan to trap Esme and Spencer is well underway. It all started at Esme’s doctor visit. That’s when Portia began manipulating the young mother. First, she encouraged her to leave Port Charles, suggesting Spencer will follow.

Now, GH spoilers tease that Portia’s plan is begins to work, and Esme starts falling for Spencer. Baby Ace’s mom and big brother have been spending a lot more quality time together lately. Because of this, Portia thinks she’s driving Spencer away from Trina, ultimately keeping her daughter safe. Actually, she couldn’t be more pleased with the way things seem to be going.

However, things might be going Portia’s way at the moment, but they’re so much that she doesn’t realize that is at risk because of her plan. For starters, watching Spencer fall for Esme is only going to tear Trina’s heart apart. Secondly, GH rumors hint that Portia’s plan backfires when it leads Trina to danger! Her whole point of driving Spencer away from Trina is to keep Trina safe. She truly believes that Spencer and the rest of the Cassadine family Ian no good for Trina. According to GH spoilers and rumors, things don’t go as planned. Ironically, Portia is the one who puts Trina in harms way while Spencer saves Trina frlm the adversity of her mother’s actions.

General Hospital Spoilers: Got Beef?! Cyrus and Austin Are Known Rivals- Who’s The Real Villain?!

Cyrus and Austin are known rivals

Cyrus and Austin are known rivals! If looks could kill, Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) must’ve intentionally stopped himself from finishing Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) where he stood. Because a look like that would send anyone running for their life. Instead, Austin stood there, peering back at Cyrus.

What in the Port Charles craziness is going on here? Apparently, Renault has an extensive reach outside of Pentonville. In fact, his affiliations go at least as far as General Hospital where Dr. Holt practices medicine. In a shocking revelation, GH rumors hint that Cyrus and Austin may have been previously acquainted.

First, their hospital room encounter left GH fans suspicious. Back at Cyrus’s GH hospital room, the way Cyrus wished blessings upon him (and his family) raised concerns. Then, GH recaps recall when Austin caught Cyrus’s eye on his way out of the hospital. That’s when Renault shot a venomous smile across the hospital hall as the elevator doors closed.

According to GH rumors, Cyrus and Austin are known rivals! They know exactly who the other is! Are either Austin or Cyrus who they say they are? While Cyrus claims to have found the Lord, Dr. Holt claims that he’s an ethical medical professional. It’s seems to be that neither of those things are true.

General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy Sends Ned To Ferncliff, Sasha Makes A New Friend

Tracy sends Ned to Ferncliff?! It’s difficult to tell if Ned Ashton Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) genuinely believes he’s his 1990s rockstar persona, Eddie Maine, or if it’s a dirty scheme. As much a possibility it is for this to be all a lie, it’s hard to believe it. Ned had Nina right where he wanted her, and now dropped it cold turkey. Either he has something up his sleeve, or his sleeve rice memory is genuine.

General Hospital recaps recall Ned had discovered that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) was the one who turned Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) into the SEC. And just as he was about to spill the tea, he himself took a nasty spill. As a result, Ned’s memory now only fixated on the 1990s when he was a rockstar. Now, Eddie Maine navigates Ned’s life and Nina gets off scott free.

Meanwhile, his wife Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero), daughter Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton), his son, little Leo (Easton Rocket), and mother Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot), deal with the fallout. According to GH spoilers and previews Tracy has had enough. She tells Olivia that it’s time to have Ned committed. If Tracy sends Ned to Ferncliff, will Sasha gain an ally? Or will Olivia put a stop to the whole thing?

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Checks Up On Martin

Cyrus checks up on Martin

Cyrus checks up on Martin! …Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) has a taste of freedom as he recovers from his recent heart attack. Currently, he’s resting up over at General Hospital as opposed to serving time in Pentonville.

General Hospital spoilers and previews reveal that Martin Gray (Michael Easton) pays his brother Cyrus a visit in his hospital room. Martin still isn’t buying Cyrus’s new way of life, and he thinks it’s just another one of his brother’s crazy tactics. Additionally, Martin might think that his brother’s latest request is another strange tactic. According to GH spoilers, Cyrus checks up on Martin and follows up on his request to give all of his money away. What will be the outcome?