
General Hospital Spoilers: Who Has Nikolas Cassadine?!

Who has Nikolas Cassadine Selina Wu Helena Wu Victor Cassadine

Who has Nikolas Cassadine?! For starters, we know he’s alive. We also know that Mason Gatlin (Nathanyael Grey) took Nikolas from a locked room at Wyndemere. Furthermore, Mason is Austin Holt’s (Roger Howarth) cousin. He continues to threaten Austin, telling him that their boss needs him to do what he’s supposed to do. What who’s the boss? What is Austin’s purpose in the whole operation?

With that, we can suspect that Austin is indeed involved in some majorly shady business. As GH recaps recall, Austin wants out. His refusal to partake in, and carryout orders left Mason with no other option but to threaten his cousin. Still, Austin refuses. Now, Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and her kids, Georgie and James, are at risk.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) plan to unite the Cassadines is so much bigger than that. He plans to gather his family for a purpose. In his mind, recruiting every worthy Cassadine helps better reach his endgame. GH rumors claim that by kidnapping Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), Victor plans to use her medical expertise to help keep Nikolas alive.

Who Has Nikolas Cassadine?!

As we know, Nikolas Cassadine is alive. Apparently, Mason followed orders from his and Austin’s mystery boss. According to General Hospital rumors, the unknown boss is a woman. Also, since recent General Hospital news and spoilers confirm Helena’s return, we can’t help but wonder something… Is Helena their secret lady boss?

It makes sense that Helena, the Queen of Cassadine wrath, would continue her quest to reek havoc on Port Charles. Specifically the Spencer family. If she’s pulling the strings, Nikolas could be her prisoner.

Moreover, some GH rumors speculate that Selina Wu’s (Lydia Look) reach is a lot larger than illegal poker games at The Savoy. She slipped Victor a drug which made him experience difficulties with his manhood as a favor to Holly Sutton. But, what if she has her own reasons for wanting to see Victor go down? Once he’s out of the picture, Selina could slide right in as the next PC villain.

Does Selina plan to take over after Victor sets sail into oblivion? Will she need Nikolas alive to carryout her plans- or, is she working entirely alone?

General Hospital Spoilers: Molly’s Medical Shocker Derails Pregnancy Plans

Molly’s medical shocker

Molly’s medical shocker! Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos) and TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) plan to grow their family. A recent pregnancy scare put things into perspective for the couple. Once Molly and TJ learned how the other felt, pregnancy plans began.

Although their plans are still very early on, Jordan Ashford’s (Tanisha Harper) excitement inevitably puts on the pressure. Molly and TJ feel as if they have to race against other’s expectations. According to General Hospital rumors, Molly is eager to become pregnant and maybe have some expectations of her own. She wants to have a baby sooner than later. However an unexpected discovery sets her plans back.

According to the latest General Hospital spoilers, Molly and TJ happily continue their baby plans. That is, until Molly’s medical shocker details pregnancy plans. Upon sharing their news with Jordan, TJ’s mom got instant grandma vibes. She couldn’t hide her excitement and anticipation to become a grandmother. Needless to say, Molly is eager to live up to the expectations that they’ll quickly conceive. Unfortunately, things won’t come so easy.

Molly inadvertently discovers an issue while checking in with her doctors. Will they find away to resolve the issue Abs move along with pregnancy plans?

General Hospital Spoilers: Trina Learns Her Way Around The Haunted Star To Help Spencer And Ace

Trina rescues Spencer and Ace

Trina rescues Spencer and Ace?! Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) could sense there was something wrong when Spencer’s conversation with Victor seemed suspicious. She became concerned when he abruptly left her after the call.

As it turns out, Trina’s instincts were spot on. Something is definitely wrong. Predictably, Victor roped Spencer into a scheme under false pretenses. According to General Hospital recaps, Spencer trusted Uncle Victor to help him with baby Ace. The thought of Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) raising his baby brother doesn’t appeal to him. It’s unfathomable for Spencer to image his father and Esme are Ace’s parents. But allegedly, those are the fact. Since Spencer and Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) weren’t seeing eye to eye, Spencer didn’t agree with his father’s parenting skills. And in Nik’s absence, Spencer planned to acquire custody of Ace.

Trina rescues Spencer and Ace?

General Hospital spoilers reveal Spencer is caught in Victor’s trap. He was duped into thinking his uncle would help him keep Esme away from her baby. However, he never imagined they’d both become prisoners aboard the Haunted Star.

Meanwhile, Trina is learning her way around the ship. She understands just how crazy Victor has become. As a result, Trina is ready to do what it takes to help save Spencer and Ace. Thankfully, she won’t have to go it alone.

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Updates Esme On Baby Ace, The Fight To Save Him From Victor Begins!

Laura updates Esme on Ace’s kidnapping Victor’s bodyguard kidnapped Ace

Laura updates Esme on Ace. Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) is no stranger to the Cassadine craziness. Things were sort of peaceful for a while other than drama within the family. Although Laura is no Cassadine, her son Nikolas, grandson Spencer, and great grandson Ace certainly are!

Laura and Luke Spencer (Tony Geary) had been Helena Cassadine’s targets for years. The waters calmed down for a while after Helena’s death. But, she’s never really been free from looking over her shoulder. Everywhere she turns, there is always some Cassadine ready to make their next move. And as if Laura hadn’t had enough drama of her own from the Cassadine’s over the years, it’s never ended since she has lifelong ties to her rival family. Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) obsession with uniting his entire family is his attempt at completely Cassadine control. Unfortunately, Laura’s right in the middle because of Nikolas, Spencer, and Ace.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Laura continues to help Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) in the best way she knows how, given the circumstances. GH previews indicate that Laura learns more about Ace’s kidnapping. Esme was under the impression that Nikolas kidnapped her baby since he’s allegedly Ace’s father. However, that’s not the case. Laura updates Esme on Ace when she pays her a hospital visit.

Will Esme continue to trust Laura?

General Hospital Spoilers: Liesl Is Still Missing, Nina and Scotty Go Rogue!

Nina and Scotty find Liesl

Can Nina and Scotty find Liesl!??Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) was a good sport for the Nurses Ball. She agreed to partake in a magic trick with Maxie’s (Kirsten Storms) kids, Georgie and James. Unbeknownst to Liesl, the disappearing act was more than a magic trick.

It’s just hours before the bone marrow transplant between Liesl and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). Willow sat home with Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) as she relaxed and watched the Nurses Ball. She enjoyed watching all the classic acts from talented friends and loved ones. It was the perfect way to rest in comfort before her big day at the hospital. Although Willow and Nina’s recent revelation threw them for a loop, finding out Nina is her mother could be the miracle that saves her life. Because of her relation to Nina, Liesl got tested for a potential bone marrow match for her new great niece. Thankfully, Liesl was a match.

Recent General Hospital recaps recall a setback in Willow’s road to recovery. Shockingly, Liesl actually vanished from the vanishing cabinet used for a Nurses Ball performance. Liesl’s disappearance has Willow’s loved ones frantically searching for Dr. Obrecht. As her bone marrow donor, Liesl is essential to her survival. Sadly, every moment Liesl is missing is another minute closer to a tragic to Willow’s life.

Will Nina and Scotty go rogue? According to recent General Hospital previews and spoilers, Nina recruits Scotty Baldwin (Kin Shriner) to look for his ex-girlfriend. She asks him that they’re going to have to find Aunt Liesl on their own. So, can Nina and Scotty find Liesl? Or will they end up one of Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) along with the others?

General Hospital News And Spoilers: BREAKING! Charles Shaughnessy OFF Contract, Will Victor Meet His Demise?

Charles Shaughnessy OFF Contract Victor Cassadine

General Hospital’s Charles Shaughnessy OFF contract. Port Charles has seen its fair share of villains over the years. Since the early 1990s, trouble plagued the people of Port Charles when the mob families went to war. But prior to the modern day danger that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his organization bring, the Cassadine’s were the biggest threat.

According to General Hospital spoilers, Victor Cassadine’s agenda becomes much larger than anticipated. Initially, Victor’s main goal was to unite the entire Cassadine family. He’s a firm believer in the concept that there’s power in numbers. So, the more family members he can convince into his way of life, the more powerful they become as a united front.

GH recaps recall that Victor came to Port Charles on a quest to recruit Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) and young Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). His attempt to unite the family began with his nephews. Victor was sure they’d see things his way. But their daily lives and significant others got in the way of his plan.

He gave up on Nikolas after his nephew’s poor choices went against Victor’s expectations. Now, his main focus is on Nikolas’s son Spencer. Despite warnings, Spencer looks up to Uncle Victor. He put his trust in him and believed he could help save his baby brother. Victor’s fixation is strong because baby Ace is a Cassadine heir. His mother, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) is a dangerous criminal. She lied to and tortured Spencer and his family. But when she turned up pregnant with amnesia, she became a bigger threat than ever before. Allegedly, Nikolas is Ace’s father. However, some General Hospital rumors claim it will turn out that Spencer is Ace’s father. Therefore, Victor’s fixation on Esme’s baby is strong. He’s not going to give up without a fight.

Charles Shaughnessy OFF Contract!

General Hospital spoilers tease Port Charles is in an uproar after Victor’s body guard broke into Laura’s home and kidnapped Ace. Consequently, Laura came home to find Esme was knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, Spencer followed Victor’s instructions which he believed to be a reasonable plan. At the end of the day, Spencer’s main concern was his baby brother Ace. He wanted his uncle’s help to keep Esme from her baby.

GH spoilers suggest Victor’s big showdown leads to his exit. According to the latest General Hospital comings and goings reports, Charles Shaughnessy is OFF contract with ABC’s General Hospital. His exit ties into his current hostile takeover on the Haunted Star. Who will survive?

General Hospital News And Spoilers: Valentin Daughter Is Growing Up Fast! Meet The New Charlotte Cassadine!

New Charlotte Cassadine AnaSofia Bianchi

Meet the new Charlotte Cassadine! Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) is a loving father. He and his daughter Charlotte Cassadine have a solid relationship. Despite the Cassadine chaos, Charlotte is shielded from most. However, Uncle Victor’s reach sometimes get through even Valentin’s protection.

General Hospital news reports confirm Charlotte was introduced in 2016. The role was first played by Scarlett Fernandez. From then, the role was SORASed and inevitably recast. On December 21, 2021, Amelia McClain made her GH debut as Charlotte.

General Hospital recaps recall Valentin’s faked death. In order to help exonerate Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and distract his father, Valentin had to do what he had to do. But I’m doing what’s necessary, it’s at the expense of others. Charlotte, along with other loved ones had to believe he was dead in order to keep himself and Anna alive.

Meet the new Charlotte Cassadine

Now that Valentin has returned from his presumed death, he was reunited with his daughter. According to General Hospital news reports, AnaSofia Bianchi made her General Hospital debut in the 4/10/23 episode.

General Hospital Spoilers: How Does Trina End Up On The Haunted Star?

Trina’s aboard the Haunted Star

Trina’s aboard the Haunted Star. Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) and Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) relationship got a second chance. After all the Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) drama, Trina needs to know that Spencer is ready to overcome his urges to fall into old habits.

When Spencer received a call from Victor, he was told not to tell anyone about their conversation. He left Trina in the dark about where he was headed or what he was about to do. So, General Hospital rumors speculate that Trina is about to follow him. In recent General Hospital previews, Trina is seen sneaking around the Haunted Star. It’s unlikely that Victor snatched her up as well, but Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is worried for her friend.

According to General Hospital rumors, Trina’s abroad the Haunted Star. But contrary to Joss’s claims, she wasn’t kidnapped by Spencer. Trina follows Spencer to the Haunted Star to see what he’s up to and with whom.

Meanwhile, on the Haunted Star, w and Spencer argue. Spencer declares he’s been abducted while his uncle thinks he’s saved him and baby Ace. Now, many lives are at stake. Furthermore, if he kidnapped Liesl to use her to save Nikolas, Willow Tait could die.

General Hospital Spoilers: A Young Mother Clings To Life, Willow Is Moribund While Liesl Is Missing And Victor Remains At Large

Willow is near death

Willow is near death. Victor Cassedine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) plot to acquire, complete Cassadine control is coming along more successfully than he even imagined. For the longest time, Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) trust in his Uncle Victor allowed for his ultimate Cassadine take-over to progress.

At this point, Victor is well on his way to achieve his goal. For years, the Cassadine family attempts at sovereignty have ruined many lives. Currently, many lives are at stake. If General Hospital rumors are true, and Victor Kidnapped Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), the a young mother’s life is on the line.

According to General Hospital spoilers, Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) health is on a rapid decline. She and Liesl are scheduled to undergo Willow’s bone marrow transplant. In recent General Hospital previews, Willow is near death while Victor gets closer to victory.

GH spoilers and previews indicate that Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) learns Liesl is unaccounted for. She went missing while backstage at the Nurses Ball. As time moves on, Willow’s chances at survival are fleeting fast. When she found out Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is her biological mother, complex emotions rose to the surface. But among all the confusion, Willow and her family received a miracle. Through Nina, Willow has a chance at life. Liesl’s relation to Nina lead to a bone marrow match. And in that, a chance to save Willow’s life. What happens to Willow now if Liesl cannot donate her marrow?

General Hospital Spoilers: Victor Kidnaps Ace, Spencer Saves Ace And Turns On Victor

Spencer saves Ace from Victor

Spencer saves Ace from Victor?! Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) is out for total Cassadine control. He doesn’t hesitate when faced with having to destroy anyone who gets in his way. And when we say anyone, we mean even his own flesh and blood.

New storyline details emerge through recent General Hospital news reports. According to GH comings and goings, reports confirm that the ultimate Cassadine is set to return. In one of her latest social media posts, GH legend Constance Towers revealed she is set to return to General Hospital. Her post informs fans that she finished filming two days worth of scenes. Based on this information, GH rumors suggest that Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) is alive and up to her old tricks.

GH recaps recall Spencer just boarded the Haunted Star where Victor plans to take off with his essential family members. From there, he plans to create the ultimate Cassadine unit. When Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) went to his uncle for help with Esme and Ace, he never imagined this is what would materialize.

The latest General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Spencer isn’t happy with Victor. Needless to say, he won’t go along with the plan. Obviously, Spencer doesn’t want to leave Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali), Uncle Sonny, Grandma Laura Spencer (Genie Francis), and everyone else behind. According to Monday’s General Hospital previews, Spencer and Victor argue. Spencer feels like he’s been abducted while Victor believes he’s saved his nephew. Regardless, Spencer doesn’t want anything to do with this anymore. Therefore, GH spoilers hint Spencer saves Ace from Victor. Will Uncle Sonny show up to help? Do NOT miss a moment of next week’s episodes of General Hospital!