
General Hospital Spoilers: Selina Wu Has Victor Reaching For Viagra

Victor Cassadine’s erectile dysfunction

Victor Cassadine’s erectile dysfunction leaves him blue. Someone, please take Victor’s man card! It’s true, at times you’ve got to do what it takes to get what you want. Mr. Cassadine has no problem going to extremes to make sure he comes out on top. But, the tables have turned. Now, it’s Eileen Ashby’s (Heather Mazur) turn to do what has to be done.

General Hospital recaps recall, before having been caught, Eileen is now in a worse position than prior to working for Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy). Because; she has much bigger fish to fry now that she has been caught. She was duped by Anna Devane (Finola Hughes), and Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner) while made to believe she was haunted by their ghosts. Political corruption comes with a price. Silly Eileen thought she paid her dues by carrying out Victor’s orders. But the cost went up. Way up. (Something Victor would know nothing about wink????).

Victor Cassadine’s Erectile Dysfunction

Unfortunately, Eileen isn’t getting much out of going to extremes. Working double duty for spies as well as Victor isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Actually, the Deputy Mayor is doing what she has to do to get what someone else wants. She won’t even walk away with so much as any type of “satisfaction.” She will walk away with only the possibility of not getting killed.

Now, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), Anna, and Felicia call the shots. Eileen is treading lightly as to not cross any of her “bosses.” The dream team spy crew uses the Deputy Mayor as an informant. And in doing so, the Deputy Mayor tries to pump Victor for information in the most obvious way.

According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Eileen’s night with Victor Cassanova Cassadine becomes extremely awkward. Essentially, Selina Wu (Lydia Look) is to blame for that. Well, she and Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) of course.

Although it is Holly who asked Selina to carry out a favor, Selina is the one who poisons Victor. Using the vial received by Holly, Selina slipped it into his drink. Then later, Victor experiences the fruits (more like sour grapes) of their labor when he’s unable to “perform.” As a result, problems arise whenAshby faces Laura in a one woman ambush. Clearly, seduction isn’t the answer. So, how will the shady politician make it up to Laura?

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Runs Right Into Danger, Carly Creates A Diversion- Comes In Clutch With The Save

Carly saves Sonny Sonny and Carly reunite Sonny and Nina are over

Carly saves Sonny?! Sonny and Carly have a lifelong bond comparable to none. No matter the distance, they seem to always find their way back in one way or another. When thinking about Sonny’s relationship with Carly to well, anyone, it’s evident that she’s the only one who knows him inside and out.

Throughout the years, Carly has proven herself as a strong, confident asset to Sonny’s business. As General Hospital recaps recall, Carly held her own when playing with the big dogs. She marched into that Five Families meeting like she owned the place. Thankfully, Carly came through for Sonny while Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) held him hostage.

Fast forward, and Sonny and leaves the woman who risks her life for him for the one who robbed him of his. Yet through it all, Carly and Sonny’s connection prevails. According to General Hospital spoilers, Michael and Dex’s efforts lead Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) runs into more danger than he can handle. As Michael’s (Chad Duell) plot against his father inches closer to an end, the mobster finds himself in peril. Instinctually, Carly comes in clutch with the save.

Carly Saves Sonny

Recently, General Hospital spoilers tease that Michael faces the reality of what he’s set in motion. Choosing to use decks to take down his father is a plan he soon comes to regret. However, General Hospital rumors indicate that Carly still has Sonny’s back. despite the extreme danger brought on by their own son, Carly is able to stop things from becoming much worse. fans hope this is a Way sonny and Carly for realize they will always have each other’s backs. Their unbreakable bond and magnetic connection is something I’ll never share with another. That being said, is it time Sonny, and Nina call it quits? Well, he finally go back to where he belongs- with his wife family?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Baby Ace Falls Victim To Unsuspecting Danger!

Laura protects Ace from Kevin

Laura protects Ace from Kevin! The well-being of Esme Prince’s newborn son is in question. As his mother faces sentencing, the alleged father is nowhere to be found.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that because of Esme’s predicament, Laura becomes Ace’s legal guardian. The new mother puts her trust in the baby’s grandmother to care for Ace and keep him safe. Seemingly, choosing Laura to be Ace’s legal guardian is the most responsible decision Esme could make in this situation. But, unsuspecting danger turns a safe choice into the worst possible scenario.

Initially, the goal is so that Ace’s mother and family can rest easy knowing that he’s in good hands. As GH recaps recall, Esme got wind of Spencer’s intended custody request. So, she took appropriate consideration in her son’s well-being. As a result, Esme believes that Laura is the best option for Ace.

However, according to recent General Hospital rumors and spoilers, Laura is thrown for a loop when Kevin begins acting peculiarly. Despite Esme’s safe choice, choosing Laura becomes a regret. No we’re not saying that Laura is the reason. Ace falls victim to unsuspecting danger. However, it is her husband Kevin, that will become the threat. A true nightmare, Kevin struggles with cognitive dissonance as conflicting ideas zip through his mind. Soon, Kevin takes on the thoughts and actions of his brother Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom). It then becomes imperative that Laura protects Ace from Kevin.

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura’s Thrown For A Loop, Kevin’s Behavior Becomes Strange But Familiar

Laura sees Ryan in Kevin

Laura sees Ryan in Kevin?! Dr. Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) spent many years trying to disarm the bomb in his twin brother’s head. They spent years as opposites. Ironically, Kevin and Ryan looked just alike but couldn’t be more different.

After decades of terror, Ryan Chamberlain’s (Jon Lindstrom) murderous destruction is over. General Hospital recaps recall Ryan and Ava Jerome’s (Maura West) final standoff. She suffered through Ryan’s confession about Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) and Nikolas (Marcus Coloma). And relived her daughter Kiki’s (Hayley Erin) death. But, this time Ava wins. Finally, Mac Scorpio (John J. York) shows up and saves the day. It was then that Mac didn’t waste any time when going foe the kill. Ultimately, Ryan can’t hurt anyone again.

Now that Ryan is dead, his twin brother Kevin is filled with mixed emotions. The grieving process is complex and no two people grieve the same. According to General Hospital spoilers, dealing with his twin brother’s death becomes complicated. Ryan’s death takes a toll on Kevin’s mental state. While Kevin has always been of sound mind, something starts to change.

Laura Sees Ryan In Kevin

General Hospital rumors speculate that Mayor Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) is thrown for a loop when she notices her husband acting strangely. After some time, Kevin’s behavior grows increasingly out of character. As a result, Laura sees Ryan in Kevin.

Just as Ryan’s death brings a sigh of relief, Kevin becomes the next psycho killer stalker. Grieving his twin brother brought forth extreme cognitive dissonance. As Kevin battles the Ryan inside of him, Laura fears Ryan may win.

Will Kevin develop DID or some other form of split personality disorder?

General Hospital Spoilers: Liesl And Willow’s Heart To Heart Turns Into A Campaign For Nina

Liesl discusses Nina with Willow

Liesl and Willow discuss Nina. Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) has been living in a nightmare for far too long. And through it all, the young mother keeps fighting. She’s fighting for her children, herself, and her family. Willow and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) never gave up, even when their reality became too harsh to bear.

As the Quartermaine and Corinthos families prepared themselves for whatever outcome, Willow keeps solace in knowing that her loved ones are by her side. It’s true, Willow’s support system is extensive. With that being said, she finds the most comfort in the support she receives from Michael and his mom, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright).

As General Hospital recaps recall, Willow’s emotional state has been put to the test. News surrounding her biology puts strain on Willow as she fights for her life. Other than potentially matching bone marrow, learning Nina is her mom has been nothing but heartache. But, her new connection to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) will save her life.

According to General Hospital spoilers, Liesl Obrecht has a heart to heart with Willow. First, the conversation begins with an emotional explanation by Dr. O. As a grieving mother, Liesl becomes vulnerable with Willow about mothers and daughters. Losing her daughter Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud ) was a real eye opener for Liesl. So, it’s easy for her to empathize with her niece, Nina. Then, that is when Liesl’s heart to heart turns into a form of guilt trip.

General Hospital previews and spoilers tease that eventually, Willow is rubbed the wrong way. Apparently, she takes Liesl’s talk as one big campaign for Nina Reeves. Though grateful for Liesl’s generosity, Willow can’t help but feel like shes been pressured.

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer’s Custody Plans Come To A Screeching Halt- Grandmother Knows Best?

Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request

Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request! Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) is trying to keep it all together while her family and everything around them falls apart. In addition to leading her family amidst the drama, Mayor Collins is responsible for leading an entire city.

Some time last year, Laura’s focus turned toward protecting the city’s people. General Hospital recaps recall when the people of Port Charles became targets in mysterious hook attacks. Out of nowhere, Ava Jerome (Maura West) became the hook killer’s first victim in a vicious attack. From then on, no one was safe.

Meanwhile, as Laura and the PCPD worked to find the killer, Laura’s own family was under attack. As the tension grew between father and son, Laura tried to play peacemaker for her son Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss) and her grandson Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). However, the damage had been done and the fallout became too severe for repair. There was nothing Laura could do to save Nik and Spencer’s relationship.

According to General Hospital spoilers, recent circumstances require Laura’s attention once again. Her family is in ruins since Nikolas vanished just as Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) brought her and Nik’s baby into the world. Despite the Cassadine’s dark times, baby Ace’s birth sheds a little light on the family.

In Nikolas’s absence, Spencer feels a sense of responsibility to do right by his baby brother. With Esme facing jail time, Ace will need a stable home. And while Spencer thinks he’s the man for the job his grandmother sees things differently.

Grandmother Knows Best

General Hospital spoilers and rumors indicate that Spencer runs into a roadblock. Although his intentions are in the right place, his grandmother thinks that he’s too young to take on the responsibility of father figure.

Laura just wants peace among her family. But, being the reason Spencer’s custody plans fall through probably isn’t the best way to keep the peace. Based on recent GH rumors, Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request. As a result, Laura risks creating a rift between herself and her grandson. Will Laura drive Spencer right into Victor’s clutches?

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Turns To Sonny In Confidence- Mason And Pikeman Connection Exposed?!

Sonny helps Ava find Nikolas Mason Pikeman connection

Sonny helps Ava find Nikolas! Big problems require big solutions. So, it’s obvious why Ava goes to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) in confidence.

General Hospital recaps recall the events that lead to Nikolas’s self destruction as well as the slow death of his marriage to Ava. Unfortunately, Nikolas Cassadine’s (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss) life entered a whirlwind when his son Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) returned home with his girlfriend. Little did he know, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) came to Port Charles with a lot more to unpack than her boarding school luggage.

Clearly, Nikolas’s poor life choices and the repercussions that follow began long before Spencer returned home with Esme in tow. In fact, Nik had already caused damage to his father/son relationship when he faked his own death. Upon his “resurrection,” Nikolas wasn’t necessarily welcomed with open arms by everyone he loves.

Sadly, Spencer’s plan to get back at his father went way out of left field thanks to Esme. Consequently, Spencer and his father didn’t get a chance to mend their relationship through a string of ill-fated events. Ultimately, Nikolas and Spencer became more like enemies instead of reconciling. Needless to say, Nikolas’s downward spiral launched when Esme’s father, Ryan Chamberlain set his plan for Ava and Nikolas in motion. Fast forward to the present, Nikolas spun so out if control that he ended up threatening to kidnap Ava’s daughter… and we all know the rest.

Sonny Helps Ava Find Nikolas

Now, Ava faces the consequences after clubbing her ex-husband over the head to protect Avery. The lies, the cover up stories, and the help she received from Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) is going to cost her. General hospital spoilers revealed that in a shocking twist, Ava is in more trouble now that Nicolas it’s alive then she was when she thought he was dead.

According to recent General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Ava turns to Sonny in confidence. Currently, Austin is the only one who shares her secret. But, that all could change since she’s desperate for answers. Dante’s (Dominic Zamprogna) shocking discovery has Ava and Austin in disbelief. Obviously, Nikolas didn’t get up and walk away. So, regardless if he’s dead or alive, Ava and Austin know someone else is involved. General Hospital rumors tees that there may be a connection between Mason and Sonny’s current problem, Pikeman.

General Hospital Spoilers: Alexis Goes Digging Into Gregory’s Current Affairs, What Will She Find? Alexis Uncovers Gregory’s Secret!?

Alexis uncovers Gregory’s secret Gregory the hook killer

Alexis uncovers Gregory’s secret! It doesn’t take a professional Private Investigator to notice something suspicious about Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison). But, the cryptic way he evades questions just might need an Investigative Reporter.

Like mother like daughter? That’s absolutely true for Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and her daughter Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos). Following in her mom’s footsteps, Molly settled on a career in Law. But, Molly isn’t the only Davis girl having something in common with Alexis. However, “like daughter like mother,” better describes Alexis and Sam McCall’s (Kelly Monaco) common interest. After throwing in the towel as Attorney at Law, Alexis’s new career path lead her down a road similar to Sam.

Apparently, Investigative Reporter for The Invader, is her new claim to fame. Alexis takes her position very seriously while digging dirt on the people of Port Charles. General Hospital recaps recall her recent investigation lead to Heather’s arrest. Although Heather’s incarceration benefits the greater good, it’s possible the hook nightmare isn’t over. According to General Hospital rumors, despite the damning evidence against Heather, GH fans speculate that Heather is merely a copycat. That means, the hook killer is still on the loose.

Alexis Uncovers Gregory’s Secret

General Hospital spoilers tease that Alexis engages in another investigation. This time, there’s no high-profile crime to solve. On the contrary, this project is personal. Gregory’s cryptic answers and evasive conversation style sends incredulous thoughts through Alexis’s mind. As a result, she decides to dig deeper to find what her friend is hiding.

Fan theories that claim Heather only stepped in as the hook to protect Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl). Meanwhile, Alexis’s involvement in Heather’s case and Gregory’s secret leads to shocking General Hospital rumors. What if Alexis connects the dots a little too well, revealing both Heather and Gregory culpable to a recent crime spree? Discovering Gregory is the real hook killer certainly supports the copycat theory.

Is Alexis going to nab the scoop of the year?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Dex Tells Sonny The Truth, Sees Sonny In A Different Light

Dex tells Sonny the truth

Dex tells Sonny the truth! Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) spent his recent days on a mission to bring down Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). Originally, he took an employment offer from Sonny’s son Michael Corinthos’s (Chad Duell). And despite the position’s uniquely dangerous job description, Dex assured Michael he’s the man for the job.

Does Dex Understand The Assignment?

After meeting with his potential candidate, Michael thought that Dex seemed to fit the position well. Accordingly, Sonny’s son proceeded with his plan to use Dex to take down his own father. It was then when Dex began working for both Michael and Sonny.

General Hospital recaps recall Sonny’s suspicions of his new employee. It is loyalty and trust that Sonny holds in high regard, honoring those who possess these qualities. So, if anyone betrays him, there’s no going back. Since Dex is secretly working for Michael, the betrayal against Sonny is already a done deal. However, forgiveness might be an option if Dex comes clean on his own.

Meanwhile, Michael’s personal life has its challenges as faces a true nightmare. Although a focused businessman, Michael is a negatively distracted with Willow’s terminal illness. Additionally, drama follows the Corinthians family, and every turn. While Nina is the reason Michael feels betrayed by Sonny, she is also the source of the Willow’s distress. This makes Michael more determined than ever to make sunny pay for choosing Nina over his family.

Dex Tells Sonny the Truth

As revealed in recent General Hospital spoilers, there is more to Dex Heller than meets the eye. Previous General Hospital rumors speculate that Dex has a personal connection to someone(s) or in his new social circle. GH rumors tease that Dex and Sonny’s latest meeting highlights an unexpected connection between them. Although GH rumors suggest that Dex knows exactly who and what brought him to Port Charles, he never imagined his feelings could change. Clearly, something ignited between the two men during their conversation about cooking. Similarly, Sonny and Dex’s interest in cooking serves the same life purpose for each of them.

Sonny recognized in Dex what he knows about himself and did’t hesitate to admit their common trait. Previously, GH rumors surrounding Dex claimed the young informant would likely turn out to be either Sonny or Jason Morgan’s (Steve Burton) son. That being said, because Sunny indexes newly discovered commonality, be a nod to what’s to come?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Is Alive! Mason Uses Nikolas As Leverage Over Austin And Ava

Nikolas Cassadine is alive

Nikolas Cassadine is alive! Ava Jerome (Maura West) is left speechless after she stood witness to an unsolved mystery. At first, Nik’s family, friends, and the PCPD assumed he chose to make himself scarce. However, Detectives Dante and Bennett’s search uncovered evidence of foul play. Now, the former Mrs. Cassadine’s grandiose secret comes back to haunt her.

General Hospital recaps recall Ava’s last encounter with her ex ended in tragedy. Despite her efforts to talk him down, Ava couldn’t rationalize with Nikolas. After his threat against her daughter, she’d be damned if she let him get anywhere near Avery. Consequently, Ava did what she had to do to protect her daughter. And while in the heat of the argument, Ava made sure her ex-husband wouldn’t come anywhere close to her daughter. Next thing she knew it was lights out for the Dark Prince. A frantic Ava was saved by the bell when her new friend Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) dropped in.

Nikolas Cassadine is Alive

Surprise! Perhaps Ava should have left the vitals check to the medical professional. Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) unexpectedly swept in as Ava scrambled to cover up her ex-husband’s murder. Thankfully, the two worked as a team to move Nik’s body. They tossed him in the Wyndemere tack room and threw away the key. Clearly, never in their wildest nightmares did they think they’d return to an empty room.

Finally, the wait is over. General Hospital fans’ prayers are answered. In a shocking plot twist, General Hospital spoilers reveal Mason keeps Nikolas alive as leverage against Austin and Ava. Mason’s pulling the strings while his cousin Austin and Ava are mere puppets.

According to General Hospital comings and goings, news reports confirm Adam Huss returns as Nikolas Cassadine. Will Huss carryout the role permanently?