
General Hospital Spoilers: “Jake is Jason Morgan!” Reveal Promo

The wait is over people! General Hospital fans and the residents of Port Charles are about to finally find out who Jake Doe really is. Jake’s life is in jeopardy as he faces complications with his condition.

The new General Hospital Promo reveals Nikolas Cassadine stating what fans have known all along, “Jake is Jason Morgan.” Lives will never be the same now that the truth is out!

What will Sam do when she finds out her husband Jason Morgan is indeed alive? What does this mean for their relationship, or her relationship with Dr. Patrick Drake? Elizabeth and Jake have become very close since she took care of him in the hospital. Will there be a possible love connection?

JaSam and Liason fans get ready, this is going to be one hell of a ride!

Check out the GH promo below.

Spinelli Professes His Love, Who Will Maxie Choose?

Fans who have been supporting Nathan (Ryan Paevey) and Maxie’s (Kirsten Storms) relationship from the very beginning might be biting their lips right now, nervous that the new romance won’t even stand a chance now that Spinelli is back. Some fans who have been on the Naxie bandwagon since Nathan arrived supported the couple because it was second best to Spixie. Others just remained hung up on Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) and Maxie’s love story and didn’t want to accept that Maxie would move on with anyone.

When Spinelli and Ellie (Emily Wilson) still lived in Port Charles, Maxie was the one professing her love to Spinelli. She told him after all they had been through that she had wanted him back, and he rejected her love and chose Ellie. The two moved to Portland Oregon so that Ellie could pursue her career at the local hospital lab. Maxie was left alone in her thoughts of being rejected, and alter finding out that she lost custody of her own daughter to Spinelli.

Now that Maxie has finally put her life back together with the help and support of those who love her, including Nathan West, she had the courage to move on romantically. Nathan and Maxie have a large adoring fan base, but is it as strong as the 8 year romance that had developed between Maxie “Maximista” and Damian Spinelli. Today they have an even stronger bond, their daughter Georgie (Harper Rose Barash).

Spinelli is back in Port Charles and since Christmas, he has had a lot to think about. While still with Ellie, she pointed out to Spinelli that he and Maxie look like they belong together, as a family, with their daughter. Spinelli has now confessed his feelings for his Maximista, and since Nathan and Maxie aren’t seeing eye to eye over Johnny Zacchara (Brandon Barash), will this be the gateway for a Spixie reunion? Maxie said it herself, no one knows her the way Spinelli knows her. and accepts her the way she is. Does Nathan have it in him to love Maxie as selflessly as Spinelli does?

Let us know what you think! Would you like to see Maxie move on from Spinelli with Detective Nathan West, or would you like to see Spinelli and Maxie be a family with their daughter Georgie?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Knows Jake is Jason Morgan

Being the grandson of the legendarily lethal Helena Cassadine can’t be easy. In fact we know that Nikolas has been through some really horrible times as a result of being her grandson. Helena claims she acts out of love for Nikolas, and hopes that one day he will behave like a true Cassadine, but we know that she is pure evil.

Having Helena has his grandmother may actually serve as a benefit in this story line. As General Hospital spoilers and previews show, Nikolas makes a very blunt statement. Nik doesn’t really hesitate in proclaiming that he knows Jake Doe’s true identity, Jason Morgan. Nikolas confronts Helena regarding the situation with Jake and Luke Spencer. In questioning, he asks her why she chose Jake as her personal “soldier boy,” the man who she has condition to commit crimes on her behalf.

Now that Nikolas knows the truth, how soon will it be before news travels to Sam? Let us know if you think that Nikolas will keep this information within a select few, or if he will waste no time in letting Sam Morgan know that her husband Jason is alive and in the form of Helena’s science project.

Trouble In Paradise for Maxie and Nathan

It’s Valentine’s Day, but after Maxie’s confession to Nathan, they aren’t quite seeing eye to eye. Although coming clean so quickly about helping an old friend, Johnny Zacchara run from the law was out of character for Maxie, she and Nathan still find themselves at odds.

The fact that Maxie would risk the court finding out about her behavior and jeopardizing her visitation with Georgie was pretty irresponsible. Nathan also is irritated with the fact that she actually put him, as a Detective of the PCPD in a very poor position. Nathan now will lie for Maxie, claming that Johnny broke in and store her keys and cash.

The arrival of Maxie’s ex-(non)husband, and the father of her child might also put a damper on her relationship with Nathan. Spinelli confessed to Maxie that Ellie did not come along because they broke up. Apparently, she broke up with Spinelli over Maxie.

Now that Spinelli is back in town, Ellie is out of the picture, and Nathan and Maxie aren’t seeing eye to eye, will there be a Spixie reunion?

We want to know what the fans think! Do you ship “Naxie” or would you love to see”Spixie” rekindle their one of a kind love?

General Hospital’s Ryan Paevey to Co-Host ABC’s ‘The View’

Most fans just can’t get enough of Detective Sexypants, a name given to the character by adoring fans. Ryan Paevey has been a fabulous addition to the cast of General Hospital, and his character’s new romance with fan favorite Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) is front and center. Nathan and Maxie have become one of the most loveable couples on GH. “Naxie” as fans call them, finally got together this New Years.

If you want to see more of Ryan Paevey (Detective Nathan West), then tune in to ABC’s The View on Tuesday, February 17th. Paevey will  co-host with the ladies at 11AM Eastern.

General Hospital Rumors: Kiki Skips Town

Kiki Jerome has made it very apparent that she doesn’t really wan to lose her baby sister, Avery to Sonny Corinthos. Now that Sonny has been pardoned and is free, he as we know it is Avery’s biological father. Since Ava Jerome is presumed dead, legally, Avery should live with Sonny. Kiki is uneasy about giving her to Sonny, due to his criminal background, and the doubt in her mind that he actually tried to save Ava.

General Hospital spoilers have led to the question of how the writers will transition the role of Kiki Jerome from Kristen Alderson to Kiki’s recast, actress Hayley Erin. General Hospital rumors have been floating around that Kiki will actually skip town with baby Avery and when she returns to Port Charles, Kristen Alderson will be replaced with the new Kiki Jerome, Hayley Erin.

Do you think these General Hospital rumors are true and Kiki will run off with her baby sister just to keep her away from Sonny? Comment below and let us know what you think!

Harper Rose Barash to Play Georgie

The fans have been waiting for this day since they found out Kirsten Storms was pregnant with a little girl. General Hospital rumors floated that Kirsten Storms and Brandon Barash’s own daughter, Harper Rose Barash would play the role of baby Georgie. Those GH rumors just came true! General Hospital spoilers reveal that real life daughter of Kirsten and Brandon will debut in her role as Spinelli and Maxie’s daughter, Georgie.

Georgie will be arriving in Port Charles for the General Hospital Valentine’s Day episode. She will be accompanied by her on-screen father, Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson). Ellie Trout (Emily Wilson) is due to arrive along with Spinelli and Georgie.

Follow the adorable Barash family! Just click on the links below!

Kirsten Storms Instagram Brandon Barash Instagram




Photo from: Brandon Barash Instagram

General Hospital Favorite On His Way Out

Lately is seems like characters come and go through Port Charles as quickly as the wind blows. Whether it’s a vet character that has come back from the dead or back from a long mysterious disappearance, or a fresh new face, we have been seeing a lot of comings in goings in the last 2 years. A few characters make small appearances here and there, and their story lines are left open ended, giving them the opportunity to return.

General Hospital rumors have been circulating around social media sites that long time General Hospital actor, Wally Kurth is leaving the show to return to NBC’s Days of Our Lives. Ned Ashton has come and gone throughout the years, and his current story line has been a promising one. Currently, he has reconnected with his best friend and romantic interest, Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn). He is involved in a complicated love triangle involving Alexis and Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero). Olivia has made it known that she wants to be more than friends with Ned, but he is in a relationship with Alexis, who is only with Ned because she can’t be with Julian Jerome (William DeVry).

If the General Hospital rumors become true, and Wally Kurth is leaving General Hospital, that will leave Olivia with no one once again. It would be nice to see him stick around, to play out the story and end up with Olivia. What do you think will happen with Ned and Olivia?

General Hospital Spoilers: One Couple Will Be Expecting!

General Hospital spoilers reveal that one PC couple will be getting a very big surprise. According to Soaps in Depth magazine, there will be an upcoming baby shocker!

Sam and Patrick have recently taken their friendship to a level of intimacy as a romantic relationship. These two have been spending a lot of time together, in and out of the sheets! They have help one another through the tough times in life, and they spend time laughing and having fun with one another. If Sam ends up pregnant, it could be all sunshine and rainbows… except for one thing. Her husband Jason is alive! Sam’s pregnancy would put a wrench in a JaSam reunion, once Jake figures out who he really is.

Nathan and Maxie started off the new year with a bang… or shall we say, multiple. They definitely made the most of finally being able to be together after all the New Years Eve chaos that kept them apart, along with Levi and Judge Walters. Spinelli is due to return to Port Charles in the near future, most likely with their daughter, Georgie. Maxie getting pregnant by Nathan would definitely complicate things.

Ned and Alexis along with Julian and Olivia also got together right after New Years. Alexis is with Ned while she is clearly still in love with Julian. Getting pregnant would not be an optimal outcome for Alexis’ situation. Julian and Olivia openly used one another to get over their broken hearts caused by Ned and Alexis. Olivia desperately wants to be more than friends with Ned, but he is currently in a relationship with Alexis, who obviously would rather be with Julian. Oh they tangled web they weave!

Lisa LoCicero (Olivia Falconeri) has announced her real life pregnancy and fans have been wondering if the General Hospital rumors regarding writing it into the story line will come true. Julian and Olivia are far from being in love… but she just might end up with his baby!

What do you think? Which couple will end up with a baby surprise?


General Hospital Spoilers: Spinelli Serves Many Purposes During His Return

A few days ago, the exciting news broke out that actor Bradford Anderson was returning to the cast of General Hospital, to reprise his role as the tech savvy nerd with a heart of gold. Damian Spinelli will be making his way back to Port Charles very soon. It is uncertain if Spinelli will be bringing his daughter with Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) to Port Charles with him, but odds are Georgie won’t be staying in Portland with Ellie.

Recent General Hospital spoilers reveal that Spinelli will play a large role in identify the truth regarding Jake. GH rumors claim that Spinelli will pick up on something Jake says… something that only his best friend, Jason Morgan would say.

GH spoilers also indicate that Spinelli will be connected to the Fluke/Luke Spencer story line as well. GH rumors entertain the idea that Tracy Quartermaine will need Spinelli’s help. She will hire him to investigate Luke, to finally get to the bottom of all of this.

GH Blog is extremely excited for the return of Bradford Anderson, and his character Spinelli! We want to know if you are happy with this casting decision. Are you glad to hear Spinelli will be returning to Port Charles?