
Fluke May Be Behind Literally EVERYTHING

Did you ever take a moment to think about ALL of the “bad” things that have been going on in Port Charles recently?

Let’s start with Nina Clay coming into town, and coming from the Crichton-Clark Clinic where she spent most of her time in a coma. Her mother, Madeline Reeves, who is Leisl Obrecht’s sister is responsible for what happened to Nina. Obrecht also had relations with a Cassadine. Victor is said to be Detective Nathan West’s father. Nina would also be connected to Victor Cassadine because of her stay at the clinic. Nina targeted Rafe, the nephew of her unfaithful husband, Silas Clay. In turn, Victor Cassadine was the one who told Rafe to run Patrick and Sabrina off the road to threaten Robin’s (daughter of Robert Scorpio and Anna DeVane) family. Today Maxie and Lulu figured out that Levi is actually the son of Felicia’s ex fiance, Peter Harrell. They called him out as wanting revenge against Felicia. Levi admitted that the jewels were just a bonus to what Maxie and Lulu have coming to them.

Luke and Holly took part in aiding Frisco and Felicia when Peter Harrell was after Felicia and her Aztec treasure. Levi disclosed to the girls that both of their sets of parents played a role in causing his father to live his life as a fugitive. He then warned Lulu that she was also part of this plan for another reason, and that there is something much different in store for her. Since Victor is working on the revival of Helena and Stavros Cassadine, it would make complete sense that Stavros wants Lulu all to himself. After kidnapping Lulu last year, and brainwashing her to think she was married to him, Stavros got a rude awakening when Lulu was saved by her loved ones. He was killed and now remains frozen in a cryogenic chamber. Levi (Peter Harrell Jr.) has plans for Lulu. What if he is going to take her to Crichton-Clark on Victor’s orders? Rumors have been circulating that Levi is headed to meet with Victor.

What if the Fake Luke, aka FLUKE is this Peter Harrell person? What if all these story lines are tying into one BIG story line that will rock the entire town of Port Charles? Have you ever thought about why Tracy cannot get a hold of Fluke when she is calling him to let him know his daughter has been kidnapped? Maybe it’s because Fluke already knows she has been kidnapped, because he is the one giving all the orders. After all, we all know that Lulu isn’t really “Fluke’s” daughter…

It seems as if Fluke is causing a trickle down or domino effect with the bad things that have been happening to the residents of Port Charles. With small connections like Nina to Crichton-Clark, Victor to Nina and Nina to Rafe, Victor Cassadine to Robin Scorpio, her father Robert Scorpio, Robin to Patrick, Sabrina, Emma, and Sabrina’s baby, Stavros Cassadine to Victor at Crichton-Clark, Levi to Maxie and Lulu, Levi (Peter) to his father Peter Harrell and Peter to Felicia Jones, Maxie to her parents Frisco and Felicia, and ultimately, Lulu to her father Luke… and so on.

Are these connections more than a coincidence or is one man behind all the drama?

Please weigh in and let us know what you think. Where do you think this story is headed? Is it possible that Peter Harrell is the fake Luke and is behind all the chaos in Port Charles?


The Plot Thickens: Peter Harrell Wants Maxie and Lulu to Pay

After months of wondering what in the world Levi Dunkleman has against Maxie Jones, it was finally revealed that Levi Dunkleman is actually named Peter Harrell. It looks as thought Levi (Peter), is the son of Felicia’s ex-fiance, Peter Harrell.

After disclosing to Maxie and Lulu that he took them hostage for a reason, not just to get away with the jewels, he also explained that Lulu is just as much a part of his mission as Maxie is. If Levi truly is Peter, son of Peter Harrell, he is obviously the son of a disgruntled ex-fiance. As he told Maxie and Lulu, he views Felicia to be a cheater who got swept away by Frisco Jones and left Peter behind. Frisco helped Felicia get away from Harrell as he was after the Aztec treasure.

What does Lulu have to do with any of this? Well way back when, when the original story line of the Aztec treasure took place, Robert Scorpio and Luke Spencer were ahead of Peter Harrell in their quest to find the treasure. Ultimately, Harrell was chased by Robert and Luke, and Peter was arrested for destruction of property. Later in the story, Luke, Holly, and Robert convinced the police that Peter Harrell was responsible for murder and Luke’s name was cleared.

It’s safe to say that perhaps Peter Harrell has it out for the Jones and Spencer families and he is using Maxie and Lulu to get revenge on their parents.

Jeffrey Vincent Parise Returns to General Hospital

Welcome back to GH, Carlos Rivera! It has been a while since we have seen Carlos Rivera on our screens. Carlos has been locked up for taking the wrap for AJ’s murder. He was blackmailed to do so by Ava Jerome as she threatened to harm Sabrina and her baby.

Sabrina is on a quest to find out who made Rafe run her and Patrick off the road with little Emma in the car. Will Sabrina help Carlos go free as she tries to uncover who put the accident into motion?

Jeffrey Vincent Parise reprises his role as Carlos Rivera tomorrow on General Hospital.

Levi Dunkleman is Peter Harrell? Who is Peter Harrell?

That was quite a revelation on today’s episode of General Hospital. Levi Dunkleman is not actually Levi Dunkleman. Peter Harrell you say? Well who is Peter Harrell?

Peter Harrell is an ex-fiance of Felicia Jones. Peter Harrell was after Felicia because she was an Aztec Princess. He was also interested in her precious Aztec treasure. Felicia found Frisco as she was trying to run and hide from the people who were after her for the treasure. She and Frisco ended up on the run together. In Peter’s pursuit of the jewels, he ended up getting chased by Robert Scorpio and Luke Spencer, and ultimately getting arrested.

Ulitmately, adter a long saga, Peter was presumed dead but a body was never found. Could Levi be the son of Felicia’s ex-fiance, Peter Harrell?

For a full history lesson on this story line, please visit www.generalhospital.about.com

Jack Wagner Returning to General Hospital?

Yesterday’s episode of General Hospital has caused quite a stir among the fans. Heads are spinning with curiosity, wondering if and when Jack Wagner will reprise his role as Frisco Jones.

Felicia Jones’ Aztec ancestry has lead Levi Dunkleman to come after the precious jewels she owns, and to get to the jewels, he used her daughter, Maxie. But how did Dunkleman know that those jewels even existed? Who sent him on this mission other than Coleman? General Hospital rumors imply that Levi’s antics aren’t over quite yet. Even after Maxie and Lulu return to safety, we will still be seeing more of Levi Dunkleman.

Detectives Dante Falconeri and Nathan West set out to find their damsels in distress. Lulu, the wife of  Detective Falconeri, and Maxie, the love interest of Detective West are in extreme danger. When Dante and Nathan found the cabin that the girls were once held in, they were surprised to find Levi’s accomplice, Scribner lying on the floor with a gunshot wound. Scribner was able to reveal that he and Levi didn’t see eye to eye when it came to letting Maxie and Lulu go. Levi got mad, and shot Scribner. In their search for clues, Dante found an old newspaper clipping with a photo of Felicia and Frisco, Maxie’s dad. Is Levi out to find Frisco and bring him to Port Charles?

There has been no confirmation as to whether or not Jack Wagner will be returning to GH as Frisco Jones. In one of our articles posted last Summer, it is explained that Wagner was disappointed with some of the material that he was given on his last sting on GH. That being noted, it is unclear whether fences have been mended in order to open the door for Wagner’s return as Frisco Jones. Check out the original article, ‘Jack Wagner Speaks Out About GH.’

She’s Baaaaack! Heather Webber Returns to General Hospital

One of Port Charles’ favorite crazies is headed back to General Hospital. Robin Mattson confirmed on her Facebook page that Heather will be returning to General Hospital soon. She has not stated when she will start taping or if she already has. The air date of Heather’s return is still unknown.

With all the insanity going on right now involving Luke Spencer and Fluke, and the kidnapping of Maxie and Lulu by Levi Dunkleman, it’s hard to say which story line Heather will be headlining when she returns to torment the residents of Port Charles. She has always had an obsession with Luke, so she could very well be part of his kidnapping and being held prisoner and drugged.

If you are excited for Robin Mattson to reprise her role as Heather Webber, share this post and let us know what you think she will be up to next!

Is Rosalie Playing Her Boss, Nina?

Rosalie Martinez (Linda Elena Tovar) has become another one of General Hospital’s little mysteries. Everyone wants to know, “What is Rosalie doing in Port Charles.” Fans have been speculating that her purpose in PC goes beyond being Nina Clay’s right hand woman, punching bag, and nurse.

The first time she and Morgan encountered one another in the park is when she threw her phone and it hit Morgan in the head. She said she was talking to her Dad. Hmmm… will we ever be introduced to her dad? General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest that Rosalie has a connection to Port Charles, Sabrina being one of them. In another encounter with Morgan, Rosalie was ran into him in the halls of General Hospital. She was upset and Michael was there to listen to her vent. She mentioned that she just got her ass handed to her by her boss. Then she proceeded to say that she will be getting the last laugh.

Nina and Rosalie have an odd relationship. It’s true that there have been moments of true friendship, but at the same time, Nina treats Rosalie like a piece of gum at the bottom of her shoe. When Rosalie told Morgan that she will get the last laugh, was she referring to her boss, Nina? It’s quite possible that Rosalie is working for someone else other than Nina. Rosalie puts up with a lot of disrespect from Nina. Perhaps Rosalie is taking orders from someone else, and when the time is right, she will turn on Mrs. Clay.

What do you think? Is Rosalie the daughter of a mob boss or another dangerous, well known family? What did she mean by stating she will get the last laugh when it comes to her boss? Does Rosalie consider Silas to be her boss and she and Nina are in this together until the bitter end?

Levi Runs Into Trouble…













Levi gets backed into a corner and his plan may begin to unravel before his mission is complete.

Anna, Dante, and Nathan are on the case to find Maxie Jones and Lulu Falconeri. Levi’s father has a connection to the residents of Port Charles and we are getting closer to finding out what he is all about. Police Commissioner Anna DeVane, Detective Dante Falconeri, and  Detective Nathan West start putting the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out Levi’s Dunkleman’s past.

Who is Levi connected to? Who is his Father? Rumor has it that he pays a visit to Victor Cassadine. What could those two possibly have to do with one another?





Photo from: thelaughingpenguin.tumblr.com

Coleman Returns to General Hospital!

General Hospital’s Mitchell ‘Coleman’ Ratcliffe will be returning to GH this coming Monday, August 25th. Blake Gibbons first aired on General Hospital as Coleman in 2002.

The character of Coleman is the current owner of The Floating Rib, formerly known as Jake’s. Back in 2002, Coleman owned a bar called The Oasis. He has had many entanglements with the Quartermaines. After AJ Quartermaine drove his car into the building while drunk, Courtney agreed to work as a stripper in order to keep Coleman from turning AJ into the cops. He has always been known as pretty much being a sleaze, but is still considered a fan favorite. He also was known for helping Skye, and taking the wrap for her when she ran down Nikolas Cassadine while drunk.

Coleman had many interactions with the residents of Port Charles including, Sonny Corinthos, Faith Roscoe, Dr. Patrick Drake, and Kate Howard.

The last time Coleman was in Port Charles, Luke paid him off to change the name of Jake’s to The Floating Rob. Luke was responsible for running down Elizabeth’s son named Jake and didn’t want the bar to be a constant reminder.

What will Coleman bring to the table this go around?