
General Hospital’s Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine) OUT But Will Return: Find Out Why

Tyler Christopher made his debut on General Hospital in June of 1996. He has been on and off the show, but recently he has been a staple in Port Charles since March of 2013.

Actor and portrayer of Nikolas Cassadine, Tyler Christopher has notified fans that he will be off the GH canvas for 4 months.

Tyler Christopher explains to fans via Twitter, that he will be using 4 months time off of work to travel. He assures fans that he is NOT off the show, but only on a 4 month hiatus.

What will be in store for Nikolas leading up to his departure? Let us know your thoughts and theories? A Cassadine intervention perhaps? Will Stavros and Helena supposedly headed back, anything is possible.

Check out his tweets below!


Are Julian and Alexis Done for Good?

Julian and Alexis were the hot new couple of the Summer. They share a daughter, Sam Morgan, and were able to rekindle their one night stand romance after many years of not even knowing one another. Fans have nicknamed the duo Julexis, and their scenes have been nothing short of steamy.

Recently, Julexis had an all out blowout argument which led into pre-breakup sex. Alexis called it quits with Julian because she figured out he is the one who shot  and killed Mickey Diamond, and that Julian has been lying to her all along. He is still up to his neck in the mob, but he told Alexis previously that he got out of the business to be with her. In Julian’s defense, he had every intention of getting out, but Fluke is just too powerful.

Is there no going back after Alexis finds out the details of all Julian’s lies? He has been lying to her for months about Ric, claiming that he was his boss, the big time enforcer. As a result, Molly, the daughter of the woman he loves, thinks her own father is dead. Julia has risked Alexis and her family as a result of his lies. Thankfully no one was home when Mickey Diamond had someone place a bomb in Alexis’ mailbox.

Not only has Julian been lying about being in the mob, he has also been lying about Luke. This week on General Hospital, it was finally revealed the Julian knows that this fake Luke, Fluke, if you will, is not actually the real Luke Spencer. Does this mean he knows where the real Luke is? If Julian knows that Luke, who is very fond of Alexis, and Alexis of him, is drugged and tied up in some crazy house, and he is withholding this information from her, it is doubtful she will ever forgive him. Are Julian and Alexis done for good? Will he ever be able to win his family back after all of his lies come unraveled right in front of him?

Let us know if you want Julian and Alexis back together, or if they are beyond the point of no return.





Photo from: www.abc.go.com

Jimmy Fallon, Ricky Martin, and General Hospital, Too Funny! Must Watch

I don’t know what it is, but whenever other celebrities, talk shows, or the news talks about General Hospital, it’s so exciting and heart warming to see other genres recognize General Hospital l. It’s great when this amazing show gets exposure outside the regular daytime limelight.

If you haven’t seen this yet, check out this clip from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with Ricky Martin as his guest. The “scenes” these two star in are absolutely hilarious!


Julian Knows Fluke’s True Identity

Due to the fact that Tony Geary is on medical leave from GH, we know that he won’t be back to General Hospital until this coming Fall. Geary is set to return to the canvas as Fluke/Luke Spencer this coming October. In the mean time, Jordan Ashford (Vinessa Antoine) is working under cover to find out who the secret mob boss is once and for all. She has worked her way in to the Jerome organization, and has made it clear to Julian (William DeVry) that she wants to play with the big boys. Jordan keeps asking for him to tell her who their boss really is.

A few weeks ago when Jordan had a meeting in Mickey Diamond’s hotel room, Julian busted in and shot him. Julian sought out revenge because Mickey had a bomb set to burn down Alexis’ home. Later, when Jordan answered Mickey’s phone, she heard the voice on the other end. She recognized that voice as being none other than the voice of Luke Spencer.

Recently on General Hospital, Jordan walked in to Julian’s apartment while he was in the middle of a video chat with Fluke. She didn’t quite catch what Julian was doing on his laptop. When she addressed the idea that she figured their boss was Luke, Julian immediately denied the claim. He told Jordan that he swore on the life of his family that their boss was in fact NOT Luke Spencer. Whether or not Julian has known that Fluke is not actually Luke Spencer has been a mystery since the beginning of this story line. Should you take what Julian said to Jordan at face value? Do you think he is telling the truth when he claims that their boss is NOT Luke, because he knows who it really is?

Will Ava Oblige and Kill Michael?

Since the minute she set foot in Port Charles, Ava Jerome has used her venom to suck the life out of anyone who got in her way. She shot Olivia with a bullet that was meant for her ex-lover, Franco, she killed Connie Falconeri in cold blood, and she threatened the life of Sabrina and her unborn child when she blackmailed Carlos into taking the wrap for AJ Quartermaine’s murder.

The fake Luke Spencer aka Fluke, is as lethal as they come. He is limitless when it comes to who he will kill or order to be killed by someone else’s hand. In a video chat conversation with Ava Jerome, Fluke asked her to do the unthinkable. He told her to kill Michael Corinthos. After hearing news from Tracy Quartermaine that Michael found out she was scheming and fired her, Luke felt the need to take action. His plan is to get Michael out of the way so that he can take over ELQ full force. We all know that Ava rarely has a heart let alone a conscience, but will she be able to go through with killing Michael Corinthos? Michael has ties to her daughter Kiki whom she loves very much. Kiki and Michael are very much involved in a relationship. Will Ava be able to kill the man her daughter loves?

Billy Miller UPDATE! Frank Valentini Confirms Rumors of Jason Morgan?

Fans, we feel your pain. We are just as sick to death of the back and forth as you all are. Is Jason coming or is he staying dead? Is Steve Burton returning to play Jason, or will the role be taken on by Billy Miller from Y&R?

In his announcement regarding the new Fall ABC lineup, and the time change for General Hospital, General Hospital’s Executive Producer, Frank Valentini, has confirmed in an interview that Billy Miller (ex-Billy Abbott Y&R) WILL in fact be joining the cast of GH as  the new Jason Morgan. He will be replacing the role that Steve Burton (Dylan McAvoy Y&R) played for 21 years. Valentini also explains that Jason Morgan will be heavily involved in the upcoming Fall story lines with the return of some iconic GH villains!

For the full article please visit www.examiner.com

Do YOU believe The Examiner?

We know this has been rough, we all the back and forth, but just try…

Keep Calm and Watch GH!

Billy Miller NOT Joining General Hospital as Jason Morgan!

Wow! There is just no end to this vicious cycle of General Hospital spoilers, news, and rumors! Fans have been long awaiting the arrival of Daytime star, Billy Miller, ex-Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless. The pull of the back and forth is like entertainment torture and just as dramatic as the fictional daytime drama.

A few months ago, TV Guide’s Michael Logan reported that Billy Miller signing with ABC’s General Hospital was a ‘done deal.’ Nelson Branco, writer for Soap Opera UNCENSORED revealed that Billy Miller has NOT signed a contract with ABC’s General Hospital, and he will NOT be joining the cast as fan favorite, the legendary, Jason Morgan.

It seems as if there is a General Hospital spoiler war going on between two reporters. Who is most likely to be correct? Do you stand by TV Guide’s Michael Logan and his statement claiming that Billy Miller has signed with GH and is joining as Jason Morgan? Or, do you feel that was all said to create hype, and that Nelson Branco is correct in stating that Billy Miller has not signed on with General Hospital to replace Steve Burton as Jason (Quartermaine) Morgan?

Since we do know that Jason Morgan is definitely alive and awake after seeing his arm emerge from the cryogenic chamber, who do you think will be playing Jason Morgan? He IS coming back, but sadly, we are still doing this dance of who is going to play the role.


Will Ava Lose Her Child?

Nina is enraged at the fact that the woman her husband cheated on her with, and had his baby is pregnant once again. Silas cheated on Nina over 20 years ago and she found out just before she went into a coma. Her Mother, Madeline Reeves (Donna Mills) told her that she lost the baby she and Silas created. Nina wishes she could turn back the clock and have had the baby she was carrying with Silas. She is out for revenge and Ava is just the woman that Nina wants on the receiving end.

Today is Ava’s birthday and she is spending time with her daughter, Kiki. After months of not being able to see eye to eye, Kiki reached out to her Mother on her birthday. Ava looks like she is scared stiff that with Nina in town, things will start to unravel… and by things, we mean, perhaps Nina will find out that Kiki is HER daughter. That has been the rumor going around social media sites among fans. What do you think? Do you think Ava and Madeline could have arranged for Nina to “lose” her baby so that it would break Silas and Nina apart?

If Nina succeeds in ruining Ava, will Ava lose the baby she is carrying or will Nina take Kiki away from her?


Who is Kiki’s Mother?

In today’s episode of General Hospital, we got to see a lot deeper into Nina’s (Michelle Stafford) thought process. She spilled her guts to Silas (Michael Easton) in an extremely emotional conversation about their marriage and unborn child. We have known that she is out for revenge and Ava Jerome is on her hit list. Nina was cheated on by Silas with Ava, and just before she went into her coma is when she found this out. Nina is heartbroken at the fact that she lost her baby with Silas but Ava got to have one… or did she?

After observing Ava (Maura West) and Kiki’s (Kristen Alderson) scene, and the way the conversation was played out, it is getting more apparent that Kiki could very well be Nina’s. Ava and Kiki finally had a touching mother-daughter moment after months of being at odds with one another. When Kiki told Ava that Nina said she was over the fact that Kiki was Silas and Ava’s, Ava responded to Kiki by giving her a bit of advice, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Nina has every intention of getting back at Ava and Ava better watch her back. The scene just seemed very well planted, as if Ava and Kiki are about to get closer, just as they are about to discover that Kiki is actually Nina’s daughter. Ava and Madeline Reeves, Nina’s mother, could have made this arrangement 20 some years ago, giving Ava Nina’s child.

It has been rumored that Ava will lose her child… in what way would you think that could be? Will she lose the baby she is carrying now, or will she lose Kiki because she was never hers to begin with?

The Fluke/Faison Connection

Cesar Faison. Just hearing (or reading) that name makes me shudder. Faison has been played by actor Anders Hove since 1990. He has been causing trouble for the residents of Port Charles, mainly, Luke Spencer (Tony Geary), Anna DeVane (Finola Hughes), Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan), and Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) from 1990-1990, then from 1999-200, and more recently in 2012.

Faison left the canvas not too long ago when Anna, Robert, and Duke got their revenge. Dr. Leisl Obrecht suspects that Anna, Robert, and Duke had a hand in the demise of Cesar Faison. Anna has never directly came out to say that Faison is dead. Faison has many ties to the residents of Port Charles now more than ever. Together, Dr. Obrecht and Faison share a child, daughter, Britta Westbourne. She resides in Port Charles and has been on and off involved with Prince Nikolas Cassadine.

Could Faison be Fluke? Rumors have been circulating and focusing on a few individuals who may indeed be the fake Luke. The theory of Jerry Jacks has been addressed, but here is some more food for thought. Faison has always had it out for Luke. He has always despised Mr. Spencer and even abducted his son Lucky under the order of Helena Cassadine. In past years, Faison arranged for Felicia Jones to be abducted in order to distract her husband Frisco. We also know that Faison is responsible for shooting Jason when he fell into the water off Pier 52.

Robin Scorpio, Mac Scorpio, Luke Spencer, Felicia Jones, Helena Cassadine, and more have all been involved with Faison. Since Victor is working on bringing Helena back from her frozen state, she has been rumored to return to GH along with Stavros. If Faison is Fluke, the story has the potential to tie all of these characters together, just like in the past. It would make sense that Robin is involved and has been forced to work under Victor Cassadine’s order. It makes sense that Maxie Jones (daughter of Frisco and Felicia and step-daughter of Mac) was a target in Levi’s plan to steal Felicia’s Aztec jewelry.

With all this connection to the resident of PC coming to light, do you think Cesar Faison is out for revenge in the form of Luke Spencer? Comment below and let us know your thoughts!