
Does Luke’s Quest to Save Himself Lead Straight to Robin?

Even from the grave Helena is able to cause Luke and the Spencer family misery. This time, Luke my pay the ultimate price, his life. Luke is on a quest to find the antidote for the radiation poisoning Helena gave to Luke via his own earring. Since last Summer, Jerry Jack’s life was in danger when he suffered from the same thing. He then poisoned the PC water supply and hit up the wealthiest residents in Port Charles to pay him for the cure. Jerry needed that money for his antidote. Luke is set to find Jerry in hopes that he has some answers.

I don’t know if you all remember, but back when Faison, Dr. Obrecht, Robert, Duke, Anna, and Robin were at the institution in Switzerland, there was a very brief Jerry Jacks cameo. Somehow he and Faison, Dr. Obrecht and Jerry are tied together. If you don’t remember, here is a little snippet from when this took place.

So will Luke’s quest to save himself lead to Robin’s return?


YouTube video by: LoriJoGH
Photo obtained via tumblr.