Mystery man Marco makes an impression. Adrian Anchondo joins GH! General Hospital comings and goings keep the storylines fresh when news faces enter the arena. We gain some and we lose some, but the actors/characters introduced to the show serve their intended purpose.
According to the latest General Hospital casting news, GH casts Aidan Anchondo as Marco. Recently, Anchondo divulged details about how he landed this GH role. In a recent interview, Adrian revealed that he screen tested along side GH’s newcomer, Van Hansis. Although Hansis is new(er) to the canvas, the role he plays is not. Lucas Jones (Van Hansis) is a pretty big deal in Port Charles, and his family lineage can prove it. For crying out loud he is a Spencer as well as a Jerome. Lucas’s half sister Carly, his mom, the late Bobbie Spencer (the late Jackie Zeman), his late father, Julian Jerome (William deVry), and his Auntie Ava Jerome (Maura West) make up quite the family tree.
General Hospital spoilers tease that it isn’t family who Lucas spends more time with in the coming weeks. In fact, a stranger comes to Port Charles and sparks Lucas’s interest. According to General Hospital spoilers. Adrian Anchondo plays a mysterious lawyer named Marco.
Uh Oh! It looks like Brad isn’t the only one getting in his own way when it comes to Lucas. He had a glimmer of hope but it was quickly squashed after his Dawkins with Portia and Selina were admitted. Now, an intriguingly handsome lawyer waltzed into Port Charles to get in the way.