
General Hospital News and Spoilers: Genie Francis Confesses About Luke’s “Death,” Finola Hughes, Tristan Rogers Weigh In

Finola and Genie Weigh In On Luke’s Death
Finola and Genie Weigh In On Luke’s Death

Is Luke Spencer really dead? General Hospital fans didn’t expect Tracy Quartermaine’s (Jane Elliot) return to have such the impact as it did. Upon her return to PC, Tracy arrived as the bearer of bad news. Unbelievable news. In fact, it’s so unbelievable that… ????

General Hospital spoilers reveal Genie Francis, portrayer of the legendary Laura Spencer, and half of the iconic duo, Luke and Laura, speaks out on the current storyline involving the death of a legend.

Is Luke Spencer Alive?!

General Hospital news reports confirm that GH’s Genie Francis has opened up about the alleged, off-screen death of Luke Spencer (Tony Geary). In a recent interview, Genie admitted that she too is just as clueless (and hopeful) as the fans. When it comes to Luke’s demise, she doesn’t know what to believe. Genie revealed, “I feel like they’re setting the stage, really, for a wonderful comeback,” she confessed, “and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for that.” Genie also told an ABC reporter, “George, no one stays dead on a soap. I don’t know how many times I’ve been dead. Really!”

As expected, General Hospital news and spoilers reveal that Genie wasn’t only one who was thrown for a loop. Moreover, she isn’t the only one hopeful that the writers have a trick up their sleeves. In fact, other long time co-stars and friends weight in as well. Finola Hughes, Jackie Zeman and Tristan Rogers all agree. Hughes says,“I really want there to be some kind of mystery as to how this happened,” she disclosed, “what happened to Luke, and if we can investigate that, all of us, that would be perfect.”

Tristan Rogers Weighs In On Luke’s Death

What Does Tristan Rogers Believe?

Another co-star who has been down for the ride since day one, Tristan Rogers, expressed is disbelief as well. Rogers added. “And has it actually happened? I mean, frankly, we have a little urn that’s about this big that’s supposed to contain him and that’s it.”

Additionally, Co-star and friend, Jackie Zeman (Bobbie Spencer) doesn’t wanna believe that her tv brother is gone. Zeman said that she’s holding out hope that this accident is just a decoy for a bigger story- involving a very much alive Luke.

So, if General Hospital rumors prove to be true, GH fans will breathe a sigh of relief that Luke is still alive. Here’s to hoping!

Don’t miss Luke’s memorial episode!