General Hospital Spoilers: Is It The Quartermaine Mansion Or The Heartbreak Hotel? Willow Falls For Drew!

Willow Falls For Drew

The Quartermaine mansion is home to some of the most influential people of Port Charles. The mansion walls and roof provide shelter for the Q’s, along with extended their extended family and even close friends.

The Quartermaine mansion has seen generations of families as they grow up and bring their spouses to live in the legendary home. Currently, Michael Corinthos (biologically a Quartermaine) lives on the property with his wife Willow (Katelyn MacMullen). Willow, Michael, and their two kids, Wiley and Amelia share the home with immediate and extended family.

Historically, the Q family is known for their scandalous behavior. Whether it’s business or love affair scandals, the Q’s almost always live up to their reputation.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that the Quartermaine Mansion becomes the Heartbreak Hotel when the newest secrets are exposed. Shockingly, a hopelessly devoted Willow kissed Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison). As if Drew wasn’t already wrapped up in a taboo affair with Willow’s mother Nina, now he’s made things even more complicated.

According to General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Willow falls for Drew after their not-so-regrettable kiss. Meanwhile, Willow’s mother Nina romanticizes about Drew. Look out because this love triangle is about to explode!

Micki Swift: Micki is an avid fan or music, especially the lyrics, and storytelling. Additionally, she’s a dedicated General Hospital fan. Her passion for writing, intellectually emotional expression, and the compelling nature of the storylines is a perfect equation for writing a blog. Micki has a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University and spends her free time writing poetry and song lyrics, while inspired by her passions and interests. Thank you all for taking the time to read and support General Hospital Blog. It truly means more than you know. Corinthians 13:13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.