
Executive Producer Frank Valentini Tells What’s in Store for Patrick Drake

We have been watching Jason Thompson play the role of Dr. Patrick Drake for 7 years now. Since 2007 we have been able to recognize and appreciate his abilities as an actor. It’s always great to hear what General Hospital co-workers and TPTB think of our favorite stars.

In a recent article from Michael Fairman, he explains that in an interview on the red carpet for the 41st annual Daytime Emmy Awards, Frank Valentini let him in on what Patrick Drake will be up to throughout this Summer. He gives kudos to Jason Thompson for his amazing portrayal of the talented, good looking, father of the year, Dr. Patrick Drake. Frank Valentini revealed, “A lot will happen with Patrick over the summer and into the Fall, and we also have Sabrina’s return.  Jason Thompson is a tremendous actor who is constantly refining and reworking his craft.  He’s always in class, and he is such a wonderful guy and amazing.”

Valentini also gave major props to other actors on General Hospital. He explain that when casting new actors, they do it very carefully in order to keep up with the incredible talent that already exists in Port Charles. He mentioned Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos), Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos Jacks), and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis). In response to a question asking about the casting of Maura West (Ava Jerome), Donna Mills (Madeline Reeves), and Michelle Stafford (Nina Clay), he stated, “We have a tremendous cast, and we choose everyone very carefully, because of the caliber of actors such as Maurice Benard (Sonny), Laura Wright (Carly,) and Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) … you’ve got to bring in some pretty big guns to compete with them.  You will see Donna Mills (Madeline) again this summer.”

For the full article please visit www.michalefairmansoaps.com

Will There Be Wedding Bells in Port Charles?

It seems like it’s been a while since anyone has gotten married in the busy town of Port Charles. Patrick and Sabrina may be the latest wedding but they technically didn’t even get married. Timing is a bit overdue and fans are looking forward to seeing their favorite couples dive in to wedded bliss. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case when in Port Charles. People marry for all sorts of reasons, including protection against the law, like when Jason married Brenda in order to avoid testifying in court. Or when Jax married Alexis and Ned married Chloe just to name a few.

So what will it be this time? Will Maxie Jones marry Aussie Levi Dunkleman? Rumor has it that Levi will be facing deportation due to an expired or non existent visa. Maxie is hell bent on blaming Nathan for setting the deportation in motion. Will she self destruct and choose to blindly disregard Nathan’s concerns? Perhaps she will marry Levi in order to keep him in the country. Levi seems to have quite a hold on Maxie’s thought process. It is very possible that he will play his little mind games and convince her that the two should wed.

We all hope Maxie wakes up and sees Levi for the deceitful, manipulative little control freak he really is. She really needs to surrender to her knight in shining armor, aka, Detective Nathan West.

Share this post if you don’t want Maxie to marry Levi Dunkleman. We don’t want a Maxie Dunkleman!

“It Wasn’t an Accident, Molly!” Who Put Rafe Up to the Unthinkable?

Patrick, Sam, Silas, and other residents of Port Charles are finally about to wrap up the “who done it” story involving the car accident involving the death of Sabrina and Patrick’s baby, Gabriel. For weeks it has looked as though Rafe was responsible for running Patrick, Sabrina, and Emma off the road the night of Emma’s dance recital. There was a lot going on that night as Ava threatened Carlos by claiming he would warn him with targeting Sabrina. Fluke also warned little Spencer Cassadine to keep his mouth shut to Sonny or he would hurt his little Emma Drake. Then through the cocaine using Rafe Kovich into the mix. Now that we know that Rafe was in fact driving the car that ran Patrick and Sabrina off the road, then next twist keeps us wondering why.

In an intense getaway with Molly in the car, Rafe told her that he was not high when he ran the car off the road. He proceeded to tell her that it wasn’t an accident and that someone put him up to it. But who? Why? There are a couple theories…

Fluke. He is ruthless and extremely dangerous and obviously has no reservations about hurting a child. Whose to say he didn’t make Rafe cause the accident in exchange for drugs since Rafe is lacking in the finance department.

Nina. She caught Rafe with cocaine, and now she wants to blackmail him. She easily could have had him run them off the road in order to try and set up Silas.

Ava. Perhaps she got in contact with Rafe just to do her dirty work and follow through with her threat on Sabrina.

Which of these theories sounds most accurate? If you have your own theory on who put Rafe up to causing the accident, please share and comment below. We look forward to hearing your input!



Ava is on “The List” What Will Nina Do to Her?

Ava and Nina have a past connection. After all, Nina’s husband Dr. Silas Clay had an affair with Ava Jerome about 20 years ago. The two had a child together and now Nina is awake from her coma and she’s out for revenge. In front of Silas, Nina puts on her sweetie pie, ever-so-understanding, play the victim type of charade. But we all know what she is really like when her true colors come out in front of nurse Rosalie. Nina wants nothing more than for the people who have wronged her to go down in flames. SO much so that she created a “list” if you will. On that list is Silas, the cheating husband, Ava Jerome, the one he cheated with, her own Mother, Madeline Reeves, for harming her and her unborn child, and Sam, Silas’ mistress.

Social media has been swirling around the rumor that Ava will lose her baby. Right now, that baby is her 9 month insurance policy on her own life. Ava needs that baby in order to keep Sonny from killing her. She is unsure if the father of her baby is her boy toy lover Morgan, or his mob boss father Sonny. If Ava does lose her baby, will it be at the hands of sociopath Nina Clay? If so, what will she do to her?

A Kiss That Will Change Everything

This Summer on General Hospital is already super hot! Things heat up even more when two people kick off their Summer with a kiss. Of all the potential couples in Port Charles, who do you think will have the kiss of the season?

Let’s take a look at which two will have the most fireworks…




Ava and Sonny

Molly and Rafe

Patrick and Sam

Sonny and Carly

Kiki and Morgan

Franco and Nina

Nathan and Maxie

Nina and Silas

Nik and Britt

Nik and Liz

Alexis and Ned

Your favorite couple not on the list? Let us know who you hope will make their own fireworks! Comment and share!

Detective Nathan West’s Father… A Cassadine?

Ryan Paevey has been such a delightful newcomer to the GH cast. He has amazing chemistry with co-star Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones), he’s easy on the eyes, and his role as Detective West is nothing short of sweet, sexy, compassionate, and much more. He is quite a catch and right now Maxie is blind as a bat!

Nathan’s first few months in Port Charles have been quite eventful. His recently found out that his mother, Madeline Reeves (Donna Mills) is actually his Aunt. His Mother is none other than Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) who is actually Madeline’s sister. He just met his sister, Dr. Britt Westbourne… and who he thought was his sister, Nina Clay, is actually his cousin. Britt and Nathan share a mother, and with all these women in his life, they have yet to touch base on who his Father is. In a recent interview with Soaps.com, actor Ryan Paevey was asked about his GH family connections. In response Paevey replied, “I think we’ll meet him. If I had to venture a guess, I would probably have to say that he’s going to be a Cassadine.”

If ever General Hospital touches on Nathan’s paternal family background, which Cassadine are you rooting for to be his father?

Molly’s in Danger!

As it gets closer to the 4th of July, we know that General Hospital is going to be explosive! Fans are on edge with the rumors surrounding the 4th of July events in Port Charles.

Fans are anxiously anticipating rumors involving  a car accident with some of the Port Charles residents.According to recent spoilers, it has been noted that the General Hospital staff will be busy taking care of  car accident victims. There are rumors that imply Molly is in danger and that Rafe dies. During the discussion between Molly and Rafe the other day, Rafe apologized for acting out of jealousy and messing things up for her and TJ. They mended their friendship although Molly has no idea of Rafe’s recent drug use. Perhaps the two will get in a car together with Rafe being under the influence and be involved in an accident.

Here’s to hoping Molly and Rafe make it through this dramatic week!

Billy Miller as Jason Morgan; Maybe Not?

Trying to figure out what is going on with the role of Jason Morgan is almost as dramatic as the character Jason Morgan itself. After months and months of rumors regarding a recast for the role of Jason Morgan, a few weeks ago it was confirmed, or so it seems, that The Young and the Restless actor, Billy Miller had left Y&R  due to a recent disagreement with Jill Farren Phelps, and was headed to General Hospital. Billy Miller was said to be replacing Steve Burton’s 21 year stint as Jason Quartermaine (Jason Morgan).

Now things are looking a little uncertain. ABC has not confirmed any contract with Billy Miller. As of now, the actor has not signed a contract with General Hospital. ABC may just be keeping this information private for the time being, but rumors state that Miller will join the GH cast this coming August. Time is running out if a contract indeed still needs to be signed.

Comment below and let us know what you think of replacing Steve Burton as Jason Morgan.

Will There Be an On Screen Romance for This Real Life Couple?

It looks as though the rumors about Morgan setting his sights on a new lady just might come true. Morgan Corinthos and Dr. Britt Westbourne have yet to really cross paths in Port Charles. However, actor Bryan Craig (Morgan Corinthos) and actress Kelly Thiebaud (Britt Westbourne) have been an item in real life for quite some time.

The fans have been asking when Britt and Morgan would, if ever, have scenes together. Looks like wishes are about to come true.

Is it possible that these two will have a budding romance, or will Morgan just be a pawn in Dr. Obrecht’s little game to get Britt back with Nikolas?

In a recent Daytime Confidential interview, Bryan Craig gave a little insight on what fans can expect for Morgan and Britt. He said, “They’re doing things to bring our characters closer and closer to meeting. She’s running into people I’m related to and vice versa, so it could happen. We honestly don’t know. We hope it does.


Is There a Connection Between Fluke, Levi, and Jerry Jacks?

The Fluke saga has been an ongoing mystery that we have been trying to solve for many months. We know that the real Luke Spencer has been drugged and locked up at miscavige where the crazy Heather Webber was institutionalized. Someone “stole” Luke’s face and is running around Port Charles living Luke’s life. He has interjected himself into Luke’s love life with Tracy, his family life with Lulu and Dante, and he is getting close to long time friend of Luke, Sonny Corinthos. Fluke is manipulating everyone in town, especially Tracy. Fluke is in this to take down Sonny and to get his hands on ELQ.

There are still many missing pieces to this puzzle, but some seem to be coming together rather nicely. Who has been ruthless and crazy with no limitations of what he is capable of ? Jerry Jacks. He has committed some completely erratic crimes in Port Charles. We know Jerry is still alive because the last time we saw him he had Bobbie held hostage on top of the Metro Court. Why was he there holding Bobbie hostage? Well because LUKE stole his cure for polonium poisoning. There is motive right there. How is Jerry Jacks involved with Julian? Well when Jerry and Luke were fighting on top pf the Metro court, we saw Jerry fall, but we also saw him get rescued and driven away by Julian Jerome.

Now… how does this tie in with the obnoxious newcomer Maxie brought back with her? Levi is an Aussie. Jerry Jacks is an Aussie. Big connection possibility right there. Levi is manipulative and deceitful and he is trying to get his mitts involved with sabotaging ELQ, just like Fluke. Could Levi be Jerry’s son? Levi quite possibly be using Maxie as his ticket into the lives of the residents in Port Charles. Inching his way into situations he doesn’t belong, he is causing trouble for everyone. On today’s episode of GH, Levi convinced Maxie to protest with him where Michael, Morgan, and Kiki are preparing for the revival of the new ELQ Brownstone project. In conversation, Maxie brought up Jerry Jacks to Levi. That right there seems like  a hint that there is a connection between the two Australians. Rumor has it that Levi is muc more sinister than we could ever imagine… not a far stretch from being related to the evil Jerry Jacks.

SHARE this post if you think Fluke is Jerry Jacks and Levi is connected to Jerry.