
Will There be a Sonny, Connie, and Olivia Love Triangle?

Connie has been noticeably jealous when it comes to Sonny and Olivia’s relationship and connection. They have a long history and are connected by their son, Dante. Lately Olivia has been day dreaming about times with Sonny and small gestures that make her feel close to him. Today on General Hospital, Connie and Olivia disclose their feelings regarding Sonny. Will this end up being an ugly love triangle between the old Bensonhurst crew? Or will either women surrender and let the other have him?

Who REALLY Shot Olivia?

Everyone believes that Carly set the hit in motion to have Shawn shoot Franco. Sonny and Dante are furious, Shawn and Carly are overcome with guilt, and Franco is relieved to be alive. But was the bullet really meant for Franco? There was another shooter and the target wasn’t Franco… Someone is gunning for Olivia (literally)! Is Connie next? But who? Why? Tune in to General Hospital tomorrow, Monday, June 24th for the big reveal!

Tyler Christopher Dishes about Nikolas and Elizabeth!

General Hospital’s Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine), spoke with Soaps in Depth, giving us a bit of a taste of what may come for Nik and long time friend and love interest Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst). Tyler says, “Becky & I are both really excited about [Liz & Nik] and working really hard to make their relationship work. (contd)… This time Nikolas isn’t apologizing for his feelings for her!” It looks as though AJ may be out of the running for Liz’s new man. With the recent news of Tyler Christopher signing a contract with GH, perhaps Nikolas and Liz will have a happily ever after? SHARE this post if you are a NIZ fan!

Nikolas Cassadine is Here to Stay!

Soap Opera Digest has revealed that actor Tyler Christopher has signed a contract with General Hospital! His character, Nikolas Cassadine will be sticking around Port Charles for the foreseeable future. Now that we know he is staying, he will need a love interest. Should he and Liz finally get together, or should Nik meet someone new? There is a lot on his plate right now, watching over his Aunt Alexis and her choices in men, and supporting Sam while little Danny is undergoing treatment. Hopefully he has time for himself and for love to blossom with a lucky lady.

This Week on General Hospital: Liz Finds Out!

This week on GH, Liz finds out that AJ slept with Carly. How will she react? Will this be the end of AJ and Elizabeth, leaving the door open for her long time best friend Nikolas to step in? Elizabeth wants answers. Do you think AJ cheated on Liz? They weren’t technically together at the time. SHARE this post if you think Liz should give AJ another chance.



GIF by: starrylilac.tumblr.com

Will Olivia Survive?

Everyone in Port Charles is pulling for Olivia to make it through. Some with genuine love, and others with a combination of  true emotion and personal benefit. A lot is riding on Olivia’s fate. Will she survive? If she dies, Shawn has to live with what he has done, Carly may meet her demise, Dante loses a Mother, and Connie loses her cousin and best friend.

Share this post if you want Olivia to live!

Sam Fears for Danny

It looks as though Sam’s son Danny may be ill. Previews mention that Liz is heartbroken when she learns about Danny, and Sam gets some answers from Patrick. What could it be? Frank Valentini encourages to watch tomorrow’s GH to find out!






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GH’s Bradford Anderson NOT be Renewing Contract

It has been confirmed that Bradford Anderson (Damien Spinelli) has opted out of re-signing a contract with General Hospital. However, the actor has not left the show completely, the character of Spinelli will remain on the show as a recurring role. Anderson assures his fans that he will remain as Spinelli on GH via Twitter with this message,  “Hey friends, I am still at GH and will continue to be.. Recurring isn’t a bad word:) keep watching, great stuff is coming!”

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/BfordAnderson/status/338019513327054849″]

Bradford Anderson to Recurring Role

The latest General Hospital casting news involves one of my favorite characters. There is a rumor circulating the internet that Bradford Anderson has been taken off of contract and the character of Damien Spinelli will now be recurring.

This news doesn’t sit well with me. Spinelli has been one of my favorite characters since the day he arrived in Port Charles. I have always had high hopes for Maxie and Spinelli. This just doesn’t make much sense they this would be done at this point in time considering the big story line that revolves around Maxie, Spinelli, and Ellie. Spinelli is about to become a Father with the woman he has loved for many years.

General Hospital Blog will keep you updated regarding the validation of this rumor. Please feel free to comment and express your opinions.

General Hospital’s New Girl Played by Kristen Alderson

Today on General Hospital, we saw a sneak peek of what is to come involving the OLTL trio, Kristen Alderson, Roger Howarth, and Michael Easton.

At the end of today’s episode, Michael knocked on a door looking for Michael. To his surprise, a brunette, young woman answered the door. Who exactly is Kiki? And what does she want with Morgan?