ABC’s General Hospital teases fans with an intriguing, upcoming story. This Summer will lead to “An Epic Spencer Adventure,” according to those over at GH. As we say goodbye to a legend, Anthony Geary will be accompanied by Luke’s closest loved ones. Jonathan Jackson (Lucky Spencer), Nathan Parsons (Ethan Lovett), and Emma Samms (Holly Sutton), will be joining Genie and Anthony as Luke and Laura set out to save their son, Lucky.
If Jennifer Smith, Frank Smith’s daughter doesn’t really have Lucky, then who does? Jennifer told Luke and Laura that she received a phone call with instructions to go about the scheme she pulled on the Spencer’s. Who could it be? If you have any thoughts or theories, let us know in the comment section.
We can’t wait to see how this story will unfold and we are certainly looking forward to seeing Nathan, Jonathan, Emma, and more to bid farewell to Luke!
Photo credit: General Hospital