Just before the electroshock therapy, Robin called out to her loved ones, Anna, Robert, Patrick, Emma… now that I think about it, did she mention Mac? Anyways… she said, “I will never forget you!” She said this a few times over… is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Will Robin lose her memory and actually forget her family?
Are You Ready for More Robin Scorpio Drake?
This week on General Hospital has been so intense with the return of Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio Drake! Jason Thompson is doing a stellar job with these intense scenes. He makes loss and grief on a soap completely realistic and I am glad to see that he isn’t over Robin in one hot minute. I am hoping that Patrick and Anna don’t over look their instincts and mistake them for delusions and mind games for long. It would be nice to see them come to each other with their thoughts about Robin being alive so that they can share that they feel the same. Anna and Patrick teaming up to find Robin would be an awesome story! How much does Heather really have to do with it? Is she behind the whole thing, or just have an inside track? Rumors are that Dr. Ewen Keenan has a secret… could it be related to Robin, or the Cassadines? Something big is brewing here. This truly is a General Hospital Block Buster Summer!
Robin Scorpio Returning to GH….. Oh Heather!
WOW! What an ending to GH today! Heather Webber stating to ANNA, Robin’s own Mother, nonetheless, that Robin is alive. What a shock! I am so excited they are touching on the Robin story a lot sooner than expected. Even if Kimberly McCullough is not ready to come back to GH full term, I appreciate the fact that the story is not just being forgotten and suddenly brought up months or years down the road. Giving us a taste of what is coming is the perfect way to keep the fans wanting more. I don’t know about everyone else, but I am LOVING how these story lines are not drawn out for months on end. It seems more fast paced now. I am not getting bored with anything. They really know how to keep us on our toes. Heather Webber, played by Robin Mattson is one of my favorite characters. She is the perfect villain, and plays the crazy oh so well. Since she has been on the show, the plots have been so exciting, dramatic, and suspenseful. It was such a great move bringing this long time GH character back to the canvas. It is still uncertain if Kimberly McCullough is back to reprise the role of Robin long term. Kimberly is loved by all and it would be such an asset to the show to have her back. Scrubs was an amazing duo. Their family was a realistic reflection of family life. Working parents, an adorable child, a loving Grandma, and a doting Grandfather figure. Little Emma will get her Mother back some day. If only that could be true for every child…. oh the beauty of soaps. 🙂
Luke and Anna: More than Friends?
There is no doubt that these two light up the screen whenever they are together. They have a long history, have been through it all, and have remained friends throughout the years. They are connected in so many ways and their friendship runs true. But what if there is something more? A spark, a flame, an ignition that goes well beyond history and longevity. Would it last? Would it ruin their friendship if things didn’t pan out? Is it worth the risk? Don’t forget Laura, and Tracy, and of course there is Robert. Truth is, the idea of Luke and Anna becoming romantically involved is a nice idea on the surface. They are cute together, funny, care for and respect each other. However, I would feel really bad for Tracy. I realize she and Luke are not together and she is married to good ole Anthony Zacchara. But in her heart of hearts Tracy truly does love Luke. Those two are so fun together. They are funny which is an important element to be added to the drama of the PC canvas. Luke loves Tracy (Spanky Buns) too and right now he has been side tracked by her marriage to that crazy old man. Laura may never come back to Port Chuckles, but her memory still remains and Anna knows who she was to Luke and what she meant to him. Then there is Robert. Robert and Anna are also legendary. I am unsure if this sort of thing should be messed with. Some thing just shouldn’t be touched, even in soaps, but I am not 100% convinced this is one of them. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens and what the future holds for Luke and Anna. What do you think? Should Luke and Anna be the new GH “IT” couple?