
Who Killed Connie?

Sonny walked in on the unthinkable… as he went into Connie’s office he saw his love lying on the floor with a gunshot wound. AJ was out for blood, but we didn’t see him do it. Ava Jerome also has a violent past and wanted revenge on Connie for blowing her secret about Kiki out of the water. What do the fans think? Was it AJ, Ava, or an unknown third party?

Connie Dies on General Hospital!

Today on General Hospital, shots are fired in this unforgettable episode. Today may be the day Connie dies. AJ is out for revenge and after publishing Ava’s secret about Kiki, Connie is on the top of his list. AJ feels as if he has lost everything since he lost ELQ. He isn’t in a right state of mind and has even hurt the one person who actually cares about him, Liz. With AJ’s anger running deep, will he be the one to end Connie’s life?
The Jerome family also have motive to want Connie out of the picture. After all, she is the one who spilled Ava’s secret that Kiki is not a Quartermaine. Julian is out to take Sonny down, so why not start with taking out his girlfriend?
Lives will change today in Port Charles!

What’s REALLY Going on With Kiki and Michael?

After the exit of fan favorite Starr Manning, Kristen Alderson took on the role of Kiki Jerome. Her love interest is Morgan Corinthos which is a bit ironic since when she played Starr, she and Michael were a hot item. Fans nicknamed the popular duo MiStarr. Now, her role as the multi faceted Kiki is causing a buzz with the fan bases. Those who were die hard Starr fans still miss their sweet girl tremendously. Those open to change are embracing Kiki’s new attitude. One thing remains constant is that fans are still head over heals for Chad Duell and Kristen Alderson’s chemistry. Whether Alderson is Starr or Kiki, it’s obvious that fans want the actress paired with her real life sweetheart, Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos). There is just one thing… most people don’t take too well to “Kissing Cousins.”

Kiki, although dating Michael’s brother Morgan, cannot keep her mind off of Michael. There is intense chemistry. Call it forbidden fruit, or call it fantastic acting, the two really do seem to be able to steam up a scene just by thinking of one another.

Franco is back and we have been led to believe that Kiki is his long lost daughter Lauren, (Lauren Katherine Jerome). Which ultimately means that since Franco and Jason are twins, Kiki and Michael would be first cousins. We also know that the Jerome family was a mob family in Port Charles back in the day. Ava, Kiki’s mom, comes off as a very sleek, sly, and manipulative woman. There are a lot of “what ifs” in this story. What if Heather Webber lied and Jason and Franco were never twins? What if the sneaky and manipulative Ava is lying about something? That being said, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to believe that Kiki isn’t Franco’s daughter at all. If that is the case, then eventually, when Michael and Kiki find out they are not really related, although Morgan is still in the middle, they would be able to be together.

What’s REALLY going on with Kiki and Michael? If you want them to be together, SHARE this post!


Photo from: alderson-duell.tumblr.com

What is Ava Hiding?

There is a lot more to Ava Jerome (Maura West) than we all had anticipated. She is more than just the Mother of Franco’s child, Kiki aka Lauren Katherine Jerome (Kristen Alderson). We recently learned that she has attempted assassination, whether the bullet was meant for Franco or meant for Olivia, Ava pulled the trigger. She is money hungry and will jeopardize the relationship she has with her daughter to get what she wants. It is looking more and more like Ava has deeper rooted connections with the residents of Port Charles than simply having a romantic relationship with Franco. She is a Jerome, which means she knows more about Duke, Anna, Lucy, and more of the PC gang than she is leading on. What does she want? This week on General Hospital, Ava reveals a past relationship. Perhaps Kiki isn’t Franco’s daughter at all… Or maybe Franco isn’t Franco… There are lots of possibilities and this story hasn’t even begun to unfold!

GIF by: Francorobertfrank.tumblr.com

Is Kelly Sullivan Leaving GH? Will Connie Die in the Jerome Family Mob War?

Ava Jerome is a new face around Port Charles, but in the 1980’s and early 1990’s the Jerome name was not an unfamiliar one. The Jerome’s were a mob family in Port Charles. In 1988, Anna DeVane was kidnapped and Duke Lavery joined the Jerome mob family in order to use their connections to find her. After Anna was found, (first by Robert Scorpio), Lavery wanted out of the mob. Ultimately, Duke ended up testifying against Victor Jerome, and Jerome was sent to prison. The other Jerome, Olivia (Victor’s daughter), ended up in a mental institution. The Jerome’s had connections with many PC residents. Victor was obsessed with Lucy Coe. Lucy did not return his affections which led to Victor swallowing a pendant he had engraved for her, killing him. Victor’s son Julian headed up the organization in 1990 after the death of his Father. He had his sights set on Duke. Julian ended up shooting and killing Olivia because she was going to warn Anna that her brother was coming after Duke.

It looks like the Jerome’s are back, and Ava is one devious woman. We know now that she was the one who shot Olivia Falconeri on the terrace of the Metro Court. However, what we don’t know is if she intended on killing Franco and missed, or if Olivia was her true target.

Here is where Connie comes in… there have been rumors circulating that Kelly Sullivan will be leaving General Hospital. Fans have speculated that the story will lead into the direction of the Falconeri cousins being the targets of this new mob war. Olivia was first but survived, and it has been said that Connie is next on the list and unfortunately does not make it.

This story is complete speculation from fans based on the rumor that Kelly Sullivan is leaving the show. No information has been confirmed on whether or not Ms. Sullivan will remain on GH as Connie Falconeri/Kate Howard. General Hospital Blog is a fan of Kelly and her work. We sincerely hope that she will remain at GH for the foreseeable future. We will keep fans updated with any concrete information that may arise on the status of Kelly Sullivan and GH.