General Hospital fans of the early 2000s, should recognize this face. The talented Bergen Williams has played Alice Dalton, the Quartermaine’s maid, from 2001-2014.
The Quartermaine family maid became an icon as her role provided comedic relief as Alice carried out her duties for the Qs. Alice brought heart and soul to the family, cracking jokes and not taking crap from Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) or any other Q for that matter.
General Hospital’s Bergen Williams Passed Away
General Hospital news reports confirm the death of GH actress, Bergen Williams. News of her passing has come to light four months later, as reports reveal Williams died on July 20th, 2021.
General Hospital spoilers reveal an account run by Bergen’s sister, who tweeted a death announcement, stating her sister had “succumb to the ravages of Wilson’s disease surrounded by loving family.” Williams was 62 years old.
Bergen Williams will truly be missed. The light she brought as Alice ‘The Dominator’ Dalton to General Hospital was unforgettable and irreplaceable. Her presence could cut the Quartermaine’s tension like a knife, breaking the ice and turning the argument into laughter. General Hospital Blog will keep the star’s family in our prayers.