
General Hospital Spoilers: Stella Gets A Stern Warning

Auntie Stella (Vernee Watson) has been meddling in her nephew, Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) love life for far too long. First Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), and now Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Stella crosses a line this time when she brings up Portia’s daughter, Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla). Trina already overheard what Stella said about Portia and Curtis coming between a marriage then and now. Until then, Trina has no clue that Portia cheated on her dad, Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews), in the past.

General Hospital previews indicate Portia isn’t taking any more from Stella. General Hospital spoilers reveal Portia warns Stella not to go near her daughter. Although now she knows, Portia never wanted Trina to find out about her affair with Curtis years ago. Some General Hospital rumors still claim Curtis Ashford is Trina’s biological father.

General Hospital Spoilers: Jordan Isn’t Going To Make Things Easy For Curtis

Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) is dragging her feet when it comes to signing the divorce papers which will officially end her marriage to Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner).

Auntie Stella (Vernee Watson) hasn’t always been Jordan’s biggest advocate, but now that she and Curtis are calling it quits, Stella wants Jordan to fight for her marriage.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Stella can’t help from putting on her two cents and meddling into the romantic lives of the people she cares about.

General Hospital previews show Jordan and Stella discussing the inevitable end of Jordan’s marriage to Curtis. Curtis is ready to move on with Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr), and Stella isn’t happy about that.

General Hospital rumors claim Jordan’s conversation with Stella gets her thinking about her situation and will end up making an impact on Curtis and his readiness to move on. Rumors hint that Jordan will make thins difficult for Curtis and Portia, as she hesitates to sign the divorce papers.

General Hospital Spoilers: Curtis Speaks From Experience When Giving Advice To Brando

Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor) is trying to make a relationship work with his unborn baby’s mother, Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Brando is ready to give up the dangerous mob life to properly care for Sasha and their baby, but Sasha seems hesitant.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) has some relationship advice for Brando, and it’s coming from a place of personal experience.

In the latest General Hospital previews, Curtis is telling Brando he has to say what he wants, even if that means he might lose what he has. Communication is key and many times we miss out on opportunities because we are too afraid to speak our minds. It’s obvious that Brando cares for Sasha and their unborn baby. He’s making an effort to let her know that he’ll always be there for her no matter what she needs.

Curtis feels like he may have missed his chance with Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) after expressing his feelings maybe a little too late. Now she is afraid of losing him altogether, and doesn’t want to face rejection again.

General Hospital rumors indicate things aren’t going to be smooth for Brando as he tries to have a relationship with Sasha. His mom, Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) could play a big part in Sasha’s hesitant attitude since Gladys hasn’t been the nicest to Sasha. And let’s be honest, no matter Brando’s intentions on leaving the mob, that life will always follow. Almost never do people here a clean break from that dangerous life.

General Hospital Spoilers: Shawn Faces Auntie Stella As A Free Man

One thing we know about Auntie Stella (Vernee Watson) is that she doesn’t hold back when she has something on her mind. She tells it like it is and Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) knows a thing or two about that.

Stella has now moved on to Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr). She doesn’t like Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) moving on too fast after his marriage with Jordan. But that isn’t Stella’s only beef in town.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Shawn Butler (Sean Blakemore) is a free man and headed back to PC to reconnect with TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and the rest of his family. However, there’s one person who isn’t happy to see him.

General Hospital previews show Shawn having to face Stella as a free man. But his freedom doesn’t exempt him from Stella’s vocalized opinions of him. She gives him a stern warning as she demands, “Stay out of my way!” Stella is blames Shawn for the death of Thomas, and is still bitter that Jordan cheated on Tommy with Shawn, making Shawn TJ’s biological father. She seems to have forgiven Jordan, but the same doesn’t go for newly free, Shawn Butler.

General Hospital Spoilers: Stella Isn’t Giving Up On Curtis And Jordan

Auntie Stella (Verne Watson) is a fighter. She speaks her mind and doesn’t hold back to tell the ones she loves how she feels. Some think she oversteps, but realize she’s coming from a good place.

Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) was surprised when Auntie Stella expressed her sadness when she heard the news that Jordan and Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) were getting a divorce. Stella have Jordan a hard time for quite a while, as if she wasn’t good enough for Curtis. Now, things have changed and she is fighting for them to stay together, while making Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) feel unworthy.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Stella believes there’s still a chance at happiness for Curtis and Jordan. She even told Jordan to fight for her marriage, and GH previews indicate Jordan is taking Stella’s advice.

In today’s General Hospital previews, Stella is having a heart to heart with TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow), and tells him, “It ain’t over until it’s over.” Curtis pays Jordan a visit to her office asking if she’s fighting the divorce. Although conflicted, it seems like Curtis has already started to move on in his heart. If his heart is moving back toward his old flame, Portia, she will have to endure the wrath of Auntie Stella.

General Hospital Spoilers: Curtis Fears He’s Too Late

Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) is currently one of Port Charles’ big heroes, along with his ex-wife, Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), and friend, Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis).

Before the big showdown with Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober), Curtis and Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) had sort of a showdown of their own when Portia got the nerve to shoot her shot, only to be humiliated by Curtis. But things aren’t as they seem as he explained to Laura.

Curtis and Portia have been through a lot together, including their past relationship while she was married to Taggert (Réal Andrews), and now surviving the threat of Renault.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Portia still has feelings for Curtis and Curtis wanted Portia to know what was really going through his head when she kissed him.

General Hospital previews show Curtis confiding in his friend Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), now that she’s back from Nixon Falls. He tells Nina that he thinks he missed his chance.

General Hospital rumors claim Curtis is referring to his shot with Portia, after pulling away from her kiss she so bravely initiated. Curtis shouldn’t give up so easily on Portia, her feelings for Curtis are real and they aren’t going away any time soon.

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Takes Curtis Ashford’s Concerns Seriously

Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) and Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) have developed a mutual friendship. They have confided in each other as well as helped one another through some of life’s recent obstacles.

Laura could sense that there was something askew with her friend when she personally delivered the official liquor license for, The Savoy. His enthusiasm was on the back burner, which Laura pointed out. This led him to disclose what happened with Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr). Now, an uncomfortable kiss is the least of Curtis and Portia’s problems.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Curtis has a bad feeling after his strange phone call to Portia. He knows Portia didn’t just hang up on him given what had just happened; he senses trouble. Laura knows that her brother Cyrus is capable of the unthinkable and more. His location at the moment remains unknown to Laura, Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), and the rest of Port Charles.

General Hospital previews show Laura hearing the concern in her friend’s voice, and she knows he’s right. Portia is in trouble. Will it be obvious to Laura that her brother Cyrus is involved? GH rumors suggested Laura knows right away and decides to intervene. Is it too late?

General Hospital Spoilers: Portia And Trina Face The Consequences Of Their Mistake

Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) is under immense pressure to keep to her Oath and help Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) regardless of what kind of human being he may be. He trusts that she holds her Oath and honor dearly, and won’t do anything to jeopardize her ethics.

It looked like Portia and Trina has gotten through the worst of things when she removed Renault’s bullet and watched him pass out from the pain. But what they didn’t do will serve as their biggest mistake.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Portia and Trina are still at the wrong end of Cyrus’ gun. The Portia has the perfect opportunity to remove the gun from his hands as he was momentarily unconscious

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Intervenes As Brother Cyrus Hits A Breaking Point

Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) is a big talker when it comes to valuing family. But talk is all that his sister, Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) ever gets from her newfound brother. Renault’s actions tell Laura all she needs to know about what type of man her brother is.

General Hospital spoilers and previews reveal Laura Spencer stepping in as her brother Cyrus bleeds from a gunshot wound. After showing up at Portia Robinson’s (Brook Kerr), things get worse before they get better.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest Cyrus needs Portia to tend to his wound, but receiving resistance from Portia is not something Cyrus has time for.

In the latest General Hospital previews, a scream is heard by Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner), Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), the PCPD, and more, related to the situation involving Cyrus Renault and Portia Robinson. Laura hears the scream as and General Hospital rumors suggest Laura will try to take control of the situation, hopefully before it becomes too late.

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Puts Portia In A Compromising Position

Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) just came from an emotional night after her conversation with Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) went on different directions. Portia and Curtis reminisced about their times of being there for each other, she confides in him about how she felt being married to Taggert (Réal Andrews), and how his life as a Police Officer still fillers her today. They discussed the new roads in life that Curtis is taking after his divorce from Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry).

It’s apparent that Portia still has feelings for Curtis all these years after their affair while she was married to Taggert. Portia thought she and Curtis were on the same page while their friendship began to grow as his marriage to Jordan ended. Portia believed she and Curtis had a second chance at live after all these years. She obviously still cares for him deeply, and was hoping he felt the same. Her feel song were left unreciprocated and she left The Savory with a flood of various emotions. Going home to think and lay down her head was exactly what Portia needed after such an emotional situation with Curtis. Instead, something much different awaits.

General Hospital previews show Portia walking into her own front door, inky to discover a trail of blood in her dark, and what she thought would have been empty, home.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) made his way to Dr. Robinson’s house for medical attention after being shot during the shootout on Pier 55. Portia was already aware of the shooting since she was on duty at GH when Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) was brought in by her son, Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor), with a gunshot wound. Cyrus wants Portia to tend to his wound without contacting the PCPD or anyone else for that matter. She took an oath to proved the medical attention to the best of her abilities without discrimination. But it’s also the law to report any gunshot wounds to the police. Either way you slice it, Cyrus is putting Portia into a compromising position.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest Cyrus threatens Portia’s life if she doesn’t give him the help he needs, on his terms. She’s a good doctor and won’t let him die. Portia still risks Cyrus Renault eliminating her because she’s now a witness.