
Dr. Obrecht’s Plan to Kill Anna, Will Duke Pay the Price?

Dr. Obrecht had every intention of killing Anna DeVane… after all, she is the one standing in the way of being with the one she loves, Cesar Faison. Cesar has been in love with Anna since the beginning of time. Dr. Obrecht’s plan was almost complete until she poisoned the wrong person. Instead of Anna drinking the toxic champagne, Duke was the one to take the deadly sips. Just before he fell over, Duke ran into and recognized Dr. Obrecht. Anna just discovered Duke laying lifeless outside… Will Duke get to the hospital in time to be saved?


Remember Sean Donely?

If you have been a General Hospital fans since the 1980s and 1990s, you’ll definitely remember the name of the man who popped up on Holly’s computer screen yesterday. If you are sort of a newbie to GH, here is a little history lesson:

Sean Donnelly was best friends with Robert Scorpio. Together the two worked at the World Security Bureau and Sean was Robert’s boss. Sean and Robert were such good friends that Anna and Robert chose Sean has Robin’s God Father.

Sean had a personal mission to take down Cesar Faison, as Faison poisoned his wife Tiffany, leaving her in a comatose state. Sean then joined forces with Anna and Robert to take Faison down and get the cure Faison was holding for Tiffany.

Sean’s character left the show after being send away to Boston to recover from a  gunshot wound as a result of a shootout. At the time, Sean was police commissioner and his mission was to take down crime Lord, Frank Smith. After all was said and done, he and his pregnant wife Tiffany left together so he could recuperate. Sean and Tiffany haven’t been seen around Port Charles since.

Yesterday we got a little cameo from Sean on Holly’s computer. Are Sean and Tiffany on their way back to PC? Stay up to date on General Hospital to find out!

Does Luke’s Quest to Save Himself Lead Straight to Robin?

Even from the grave Helena is able to cause Luke and the Spencer family misery. This time, Luke my pay the ultimate price, his life. Luke is on a quest to find the antidote for the radiation poisoning Helena gave to Luke via his own earring. Since last Summer, Jerry Jack’s life was in danger when he suffered from the same thing. He then poisoned the PC water supply and hit up the wealthiest residents in Port Charles to pay him for the cure. Jerry needed that money for his antidote. Luke is set to find Jerry in hopes that he has some answers.

I don’t know if you all remember, but back when Faison, Dr. Obrecht, Robert, Duke, Anna, and Robin were at the institution in Switzerland, there was a very brief Jerry Jacks cameo. Somehow he and Faison, Dr. Obrecht and Jerry are tied together. If you don’t remember, here is a little snippet from when this took place.

So will Luke’s quest to save himself lead to Robin’s return?


YouTube video by: LoriJoGH
Photo obtained via tumblr.

One Year Without Robin Scorpio

“I can’t believe it’s been a year without you.” Anna said to herself about her daughter Robin. Earlier in the week we saw Patrick reflect on the loss of his wife and Mother of his child. It has been a whole year since Robin Scorpio has left behind her friends and loved ones. In between, we have seen her come and go as we know she is being held captive by Cesar Faison. Still, her husband, parents, child, and friends do not know she is alive. General Hospital’s 50th anniversary is coming up this April 1st, 2013. We have been prepared that there are going to be many surprises waiting for us. Some of these surprises we already know about, such as Rick Springfield’s return as Dr. Noah Drake, Jackie Zeman reprising her role as Bobbi Spencer, etc. Some surprises we have already scene, including Jack Wagner as Frisco Jones, Scotty Baldwin played by Kin Shriner, Laura Spencer played by Genie Francis, and more. Could General Hospital be saving the biggest for last? Will Robin Scorpio returning for GH’s 50th and The Nurses Ball?


Gif from: jasamloverxo.tumblr.com

Will Robin Come Home for The Nurses Ball?

It has been months since Anna came close to finding out Robin was actually alive. Anna almost discovered that Heather was actually telling the truth, and that her daughter was indeed alive and being held at a clinic in Switzerland by Cesar Faison. Robin’s Father Robert was injured in the process of trying to get to the bottom of the Duke/Faison story and is now in a coma. Although Robin is spoken of often, we still have not seen when or how Robin’s loved ones will find out she is alive and be reunited. As we all know, General Hospital’s 50th anniversary is coming up, along with the legendary Nurses Ball. GH has been and continues to be full of surprises in anticipation for the big day, April 1st, 2013. This leads to a burning question that fans have been trying to find an answer to. Is Kimberly McCullough coming back to GH for The Nurses Ball? There hasn’t been any news confirming the return of actress Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio in time for the Nurses Ball. However, that may be because they are trying to keep at least one of the returns a surprise for the fans during the time of GH’s 50th anniversary celebration. I know Robin has been a hot topic for General Hospital fans and everyone would love to see her resurface for the big event. As of now, there is no confirming news that let’s us know either way whether she will be back or not. General Hospital Blog will update any news regarding Kimberly McCullough/Robin’s return.


Photo from: brittanycb4.tumblr.com

Kimberly McCullough Returning to GH

Robin is back! Last week we got to see the REAL Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough) alive and well, talking, and fighting for her freedom. We learned that Super Villain Cesar Faison has her captive and he lead Anna to believe he was her late husband, Duke Lavery. Everyone keeps asking about Robin. How long will she be on for, if she is back for good, when Patrick will find her, etc. Could we have our Scrubs back? It is still uncertain how long Kimberly has decided to stay, if at all. The way I see it is, we the fans have wanted her back since the minute we heard she wanted off the show. The writers, producers, and Kimberly herself have made that happen for us. I would like to just take it as it is and support the actress in whatever she decides to do. I would love for Robin (Kimberly) to stay on General Hospital for the foreseeable future, but we just don’t know how long this story line will take to play out or how long she will be staying. For now, I am glad she is back.

General Hospital Blog has a Forum!

General Hospital Blog has a new Forum/Message Board! Please feel free to register and join the discussions about the hottest GH topics! Click on the General Hospital Forum tab on the home page to register. Happy posting!

Is Anders Hove (Faison) Returning to the GH Canvas?

With so many classic General Hospital actors and the characters they portray having returned/returning to Port Charles, why not assume that there will be yet another? The powers that be over at GH have made many of our wishes come true by bringing back iconic characters like Anna DeVane, Duke Lavery, Robert Scorpio (s00n to be returning), and Helena Cassadine (said to be soon returning). It seems as if there is a missing villain that would tie all of these people together. Especially after Friday’s cliffhanger, where Robin discovered Duke wasn’t really Duke, and the man started to take off a mask, I think we may be seeing the face of villain Cesar Faison. Faison was one of the most dangerous/deadly villains in Port Charles/General Hospital history. He is definitely one to be feared as we saw the look on Robin’s face and her reaction when she saw the man behind the mask. Hopefully all will be revealed this coming Monday, November 12, 2012 on General Hospital!