General Hospital Spoilers: Drew Awaits His Fate! Will Nina Become Consumed With Guilt?

Drew’s Pentonville sentence

Drew’s Pentonville sentence came as a shock to him and his loved ones. Despite willingly turn himself in for a lesser sentence, his punishment doesn’t seem to match the crime, let alone the good behavior. Now, thanks to Nina’s revenge plot, he’ll be ripped away from his family.

Does Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) have even the slightest bit of remorse for what she’s done? She set all of this SEC drama in motion, and now good people face terrible circumstances. As usual, Nina only thinks about how her actions will affect her, and not consider who she would hurt along the way.

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Drew receives a harsh punishment. Even though he ran through the possible outcomes, he never expected that it would be like this. Drew’s Pentonville sentence Sadly, two years in Pentonville for insider trading is his fate.

Of course, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) is furious. Not to mention Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco). She’s already upset about his decision, and doesn’t know how to explain Drew’s absence to Scout. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse, and her daughter is the one who will suffer. Sam is beyond angry. So, where will she point her finger? Carly?

General Hospital Spoilers: Chase Questions Nina!

Chase questions Nina

Chase questions Nina! Remember last week when Harrison Chase got those mysterious texts? Then, he glanced over at Nina with suspicious eyes? It’s coming down to the wire here and we are ready with our popcorn!

Previously, General Hospital Blog shared the latest GH spoilers regarding the SEC drama. Over at the hospital, Chase receded texts that drew his attention to Nina. Now, General Hospital spoilers tease that Harrison Chase questions Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) regarding a sensitive subject. Odds are he approaches Nina regarding those texts.

According to GH rumors, Nina gets closer and closer to exposure, but another bombshell softens her blow. Will Tracy’s drama overshadow what Nina has done?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Was Never Cut Out For This, Sonny Calls Out Nina’s Strange Behavior

Sonny calls out Nina

Sonny calls out Nina! …Sonny prides himself on doing whatever it takes to protect his family. In his line of work threats are part of the territory. Sadly, it’s not uncommon for enemies to send messages through spouses and even children. Moreover, whichever enemy makes the threat against the family will be dealt with. That is, if he outsmarts the enemy.

The mob is no place for the faint of heart. If you sign up for this lifestyle, you better know what you’re getting into. So basically, choosing this path takes a special type of person. While falling in love with a mobster is a choice, having been born to a mob family certainly is not. No matter how you look at it, the boss, the spouse, and the children must know their role.

Over the years, Sonny and his family have made a name for themselves around Port Charles. And when we refer to Sonny’s family, Carly Corinthos immediately comes to mind. After all, she and Sonny were the most powerful couple in PC. Individually, Carly and Sonny are forced to be reckoned with. And with put together, they were unstoppable. General Hospital recaps recall the dynamic duo and the strength they display as a team. But when Nina came into Sonny’s orbit, things began to unravel.

Sonny Catches On, Calls Out Nina

General Hospital previews indicate Sonny calls out Nina for her strange behavior. Unlike Carly, Nina isn’t cut out for the mob life. She doesn’t understand how one small act can send a domino effect in motion, taking down everyone he loves, one at a time. Because Nina was never cut out for this, she made a move any mob wife would never make. She didn’t think things through, ultimately putting Sonny at risk. Now that that Feds are involved in Carly and Drew’s SEC scandal, Sonny could be skating on thin ice… all thanks to his lovely bride-to-be.

According to recent General Hospital spoilers, the walls are closing in on Nina. As she feels pressured by friends and her own conscience, Nina’s erratic behavior raises red flags. Sonny calls out Nina for her strange behavior. Will she crack?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Calls Off The Wedding!

Nina calls off the wedding will Sonny and Nina get married

Nina calls off the wedding!?!? …Will Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) make it to the altar?

GH Spoilers: Well, what do you know? This just might be the first unselfishly motivated act that we’ve seen out of Nina in a long time. Honestly, I’m impressed, and even surprised by this. So, let’s stop and think before we give her credit. Odds are that her decision is not completely selfless.

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has a one-track mind. She holds onto hope that her chosen path will lead to everything she’s ever wanted. The problem is that Nina doesn’t consider the damage inflicted on others. In her quest for a happily ever after, she sets the fires and then plays the victim. Because in Nina’s mind the end justifies the means. Additionally, anyone in her way is collateral damage.

General Hospital recaps highlight Nina’s latest revenge tactic. She’s got her eyes on the prize but gets in her own way with her jealousy and insecurities. Obviously, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) is the source of Nina’s insecurities. So it’s just like Nina to try and eliminate the competition. Despite Sonny’s proposal and profession of love, Nina’s insecurities caused her to take action against her enemy.

How would she ensure that Carly is out of the picture?! Easy. That’s when she pulled out the incriminating information about Carly sent to jail. Although the plan seemed like a good idea to Nina, she’s quickly learning what a colossal mess she’s made. Most importantly, she fears she’ll lose Sonny when he finds out what she’s done to Carly and the entire family.

Ava Advises Nina On The Sonny Situation- Nina Calls Off the Wedding!?!?

Luckily for Nina, she still has a friend left in her corner. But, this friend isn’t going to tell her what she wants to hear. Ava Jerome (Maura West) has ties to both Sonny and Carly. According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Ava gives Nina some advice. So, what could Ava possibly say that would make Nina call off the wedding?

General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Ned’s Slip and Fall Triggers Dissociative Identity Disorder After His Slip and Fall Accident

Ned’s split personality Eddie Maine Ned dissociative identity disorder

Will Ned’s split personality have lasting implications ? …Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero) anxiously awaits for an update on Ned. So, just when you thought things couldn’t get crazier in Port Charles, all-out lunacy breaks loose. Unfortunately, the current state of affairs has everyone on edge. Families are feuding over unscrupulous business dealings among personal family troubles. Basically, trauma is all around, causing emotional distress to so many.

When it comes to the Quartermaine family business, it’s pretty obvious that everyone wants a piece of the ELQ pie. Truthfully, the Q family’s cut-throat nature to climb the corporate ladder is like taking candy from a baby for most. The Quartermaine family members wear shady business dealings like a pair of their favorite sunglasses.

According to the latest General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that ELQ’s future is at stake. It seems like there are too many hands in the cookie jar. Traditionally, only the Quartermaine’s were in a position to call the shots. Somehow anyone and everyone can get on the ELQ board these days.

GH recaps recall when Ned hurried over to spill the tea about Nina. He geared toward exposing Nina as she laid back and let him take the blame. Then, in a split second everything changed. Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) and Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot), didn’t get to hear what Ned had to say, but he can tell us when he’s feeling better! Or maybe he won’t because some wild GH spoilers tease that recent events could trigger Ned’s split personality disorder, aka dissociative identity disorder.

Will Ned take on the “Eddie Maine” persona for the foreseeable future?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Ned Awakens Ready For His Next Gig- Could This Be Eddie Maine’s Big Comeback And Brook Lynn’s Lucky Day?

Ned awakens as Eddie Maine

Ned awakens as Eddie Maine!

…It just might be Brook Lynn Quartermaine’s (Amanda Setton) lucky day! While it’s true that many would argue otherwise, Ned’s (Wally Kurth) accident could very well be Brook Lynn’s stroke of luck. It’s safe to say that Olivia won’t share BLQ’s sentiments. Instead, odds are that Ned’s misfortune leaves Olivia feeling unmoored as the unexpected incident that left Ned hanging on for dear life.

Oddly enough, Ned’s daughter isn’t the only one who could benefit from his near death experience. According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) breathes a little easier when she learns that Ned woke up with an identity crisis. For obvious reasons, Nina’s pleasantly surprised with Ned’s new persona. Furthermore, while some GH rumors hint that he’s faking the condition, others question why he’d pretend to keep Nina’s secret… unless he’s planning the ultimate exposure and needs time to her or right.

Meanwhile, Brook Lynn’s music career has suffered over the past couple years. She went from Singer/Songwriter to Songwriter/Manager when a tragic incident left her unable to sing. Ever since Chase (Josh Swickard) returned to the PCPD, Brook Lynn’s career as a Music Manager providing any managerial support. That being said, General Hospital rumors speculate that BLQ uses her dad’s condition for her own benefit.

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General Hospital News and Spoilers: Fans Weigh In When Cynthia Watros Singles Out SoNa Fan- Watros Shows SoNa Support

Cynthia Watros supports SoNa

Cynthia Watros supports SoNa fanbase in recent social media post.
Over the years, many iconic GH actors establish a large following with their fans. For instance, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) began playing Sonny back in 1993. Now three decades later, and he has a huge fan base. Correspondingly, every woman on Sonny’s arm better measure up in the fan’s eyes. In addition, every leading lady he associates with is picked apart from head to toe. Of course, some fan bases are larger and stronger than others, and many fans of particular couples engage in all-out, online-brawls.

GH recaps recall the iconic rivalry between Jason and Sam (aka JaSam) fans, and Liz and Jason (aka Liason) fans. Similar to JaSam and Liason, CarSon and SoNa fans share a counterpart as well. Among these iconic pairings, Jason is the common denominator for Jason and Sam and Jason and Liz rivals. And in this current fan rivalry, Sonny is the common denominator among the Sonny and Nina, and Carly and Sonny fans.

According to recent General Hospital news, Maurice Benard’s on-screen counterpart, Cynthia Watros shared a special message on social media. As mentioned above, fan bases, especially those of couples, don’t shy away from speaking their minds. Whether GH fans ship a couple or are bored to tears, social media helps fans get their opinions out in the open. Sadly, many times kindness isn’t displayed.

According to GH news. recent tweets reveal that Cynthia shows support for SoNa fans. In fact, she calls out one fan in particular, and makes it clear that she supports and loves her fans!

Cynthia Watros Singles Out SoNa Fan

She recently reached out to single out one fan in particular who is a huge Sonny and Nina fan. Her tweet features an image of a shirt with the caption, “Sonaritas and Richard We love even when it’s not easy.” Then, that’s when someone asked who Richard is. Well, @Richard75432 is a HUGE Sonny and Nina fan, and this tweet gives him recognition from none other than Sonny’s latest arm candy, Nina Reeves.

General Hospital Spoilers and Speculations: Nina’s World Unravels When Sasha Turns To Sonny

Nina loses Sonny and Sasha

Nina loses Sonny and Sasha! …When all is said and done, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has set herself up to lose everything. And by everything, we mean, everyone. She only has a few allies as it is, so Nina doesn’t have room for friendly fire. Sadly, in true Nina form, she manages to burn more bridges.

Although her circle may be small, Nina knows she can count in a handful of people to have her back. However, she also knows people can only tolerate so much before they turn their backs on her! Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison), and Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) believe in Nina. Also, Sonny is blinded by love, Liesl Obrecht is family, so there’s an element of obligation there, and finally, there’s Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). As GH recaps recall, Sasha and Nina had a mother-daughter type of bond. Sadly, Sasha and Valentin’s scheme broke Nina’s heart.

General Hospital spoilers and speculations tease that Nina loses Sonny and Sasha, along with everyone else. Between Willow’s health and the SEC drama, Nina’s had a lot going on. Meanwhile, her dear friend Sasha has some troubles of her own. According to the latest GH previews, Sasha and Gladys have a talk.

Moreover, GH rumors tease that Sasha turns to Sonny about her Gladys problems. Consequently, this causes a rift between the young widow and Sonny’s girlfriend. In addition, Sasha learns what Nina did to Carly and Drew, and ultimately takes Sonny’s side. Nina is about to get pretty lonely…

General Hospital Spoilers: Ned Takes The Fall For Nina- Literally! Then, Ned Sues Nina For His Slip And Fall- Owning Half The Metro Court Has It’s Down Side

Ned falls and sues Nina

Ned falls and sues Nina! It’s Nina’s lucky day! It’s true, Ned can’t possibly spill her secret if he’s unconscious or can’t remember what he knows. Luckily, Nina doesn’t have to save the music quite yet, but she won’t bask in her relief for very long. Currently, Nina believes that she’s in the clear after witnessing Ned’ slip and fall accident.

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) thought her life with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Corinthos) was over when Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) called her out. Confidently, he admitted to overhearing her conversation with Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight).

Meanwhile, General Hospital recaps recall, the ELQ Executive made it abundantly clear that he knows exactly what Nina is up to. Even down to her halfwitted regret. Nina tried to gaslight her accuser, but Ned wasn’t letting up. After having been blamed by even his own wife and daughter, Ned wasn’t about to take the fall for Nina- or anyone else. Shockingly, it looks like he’s done exactly that!

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Ned falls and sues Nina for damages. To her dismay, Nina was presented with what would be the end of her relationship with Sonny. Unexpectedly, someone else figured out what Nina had done and was continuing to cover up. It just so happened to be the very person who’s been accused of Mine’s own actions. Now, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison), and many other’s lives are flipped upside down. Not to mention, Ned’s as he’s been falsely named the snitch.

General Hospital Spoilers: The Feds Are On Martin’s Tail, He Warns Nina That Time Is Running Out, The SEC Wants Nina!

The SEC wants Nina

The SEC wants Nina! Things started to turn around for Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) when his wife and daughter changed their minds. Having Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Olivia’s (Lisa LoCicero) support is important to Ned. After all, he didn’t do what everyone think he did, but surely he wants to find out!

Wouldn’t you want to clear your name if you were accused of something you didn’t do? Luckily, Ned isn’t the only one who wants the truth. From the big dogs to the gossipers around Port Charles, many use their resources to find the truth. Even Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) believes that Ned is innocent. With so many on Ned’s side, someone is Boi d to uncover her secret.

According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Nina faces her own reality. However, it isn’t from anyone trying to vindicate Ned. The latest General Hospital previews indicate that Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight) has a talk with his client. Inevitably, Nina is running out of time before her jig is up. And now, Feds are on his tail because the SEC wants Nina. Well, they want to know the identity of who tipped them off, which ultimately leads to Nina.

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