Is Willow’s masked nurse a set up? …If you found yourself feeling a bit awkward as you watched yesterday’s General Hospital, then you are not alone. There’s no doubt that scenes between Willow Tait Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) and her masked mystery nurse were a bit curious.
Understandably, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) wants to get close to the daughter she has longed to meet. Never in a million years did Nina imagine that Willow would turn out to be her OTHER daughter. Shockingly enough, General Hospital recaps recall that the late Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) is Nina’s long lost daughter. And by some random twist of fate, it was discovered that Nina had another child out there. It just so happens that her daughter was living right under her nose in Port Charles. But close proximity doesn’t guarantee closeness of the heart.
General Hospital spoilers reveal there is something quite curious about Willow’s masked nurse. The thing sshe was saying seemed forced and completely inappropriate. As we know, television dialogue is typically a bit over zealous, especially in serious scenes. So, it’s not uncommon to hear some majorly dramatic dialogue between characters. However, the nurse’s bluntness may have been a guilt trip tactic from none other than Nina herself.
According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, Nina set up Willow to receive an earful from her caring nurse. But was it really Nina who set this conversation in motion? Or did Willow receive a guiding light?
Will Ned confront Nina?! …Out of nowhere, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) were outed to the SEC. Everyone, including his wife and daughter were quick to blame Ned. The Quartermaine family has a reputation for their unethical business practices. Because of this, Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) inadvertently became Nina Reeves’ (Cynthia Watros) scapegoat.
While Ned pleads with trusted family, Nina sits back and lets someone else take the blame for her impulsive actions. She knows that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) will destroy whoever it is that’s done this to Carly. So instead of speaking up, she let Sonny believe it was Ned in order to save herself. Well, GH spoilers hint that she’s running out of lives when it comes to surviving as Sonny’s fiancé and beyond. Nina turned Carlt and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) into the SEC because she finds Carly a threat to her relationship with Sonny. The one thing Nina’s right about is that Carly sure is a threat. But inexperienced Nina went about things all wrong. Sadly, what she’s done will only bring Sonny and Carly closer.
Nina won’t be able to hide much longer once everyone finds out Ned is innocent. According to GH spoilers, Ned confronts someone and says. “It was you all along,” with chilling confidence. Does he know? Will Ned confront Nina about turning Carly and Drew into the SEC?
Michael pressures Carly about Sonny! Will Carly listen to her son hand so what he thinks is best for their family?! Carly Corinthos’s (Laura Wright) future is at stake. Thankfully, Carly’s loved ones rally around in support of her freedom.
There’s no denying that her son, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) knows her worth. He can’t fathom how his siblings will get along without their mother if Carly goes to Federal prison. Forget Pentonville, that establishment is for petty crimes compared to what Carly’s facing. Therefore, Michael knows that they must take extreme measures to ensure she stays out of prison.
According to the latest General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Carly and Michael’s conversation becomes heated when he incessantly tries to convince his mom to throw Sonny under the bus. Carly wants nothing more than for Michael to get rid of that video. However, Michael sees that evidence as the only way his mom stays out of prison. He knows that if Carly goes down for this, his siblings will suffer.
Obviously, Michael is willing to sacrifice one parent for the other. His current situation with Sonny is what makes this such an easy decision for Michael. But as for Carly, that’s not the case. GH spoilers and rumors hint that Michael lays it in thick with the guilt trip about Donna and Avery. If he strikes a nerve with his mom, she just might have to do whatever it takes to make sure she’s there for her girls and entire family.
Nina heads to Shadybrook! After everything Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has done, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) is likely to become Nina’s biggest threat. It’s almost better for Nina if she ends up in Pentonville or even better, Shadybrook. Because if Nina’s locked up, she stays safe from Carly’s wrath.
According to General Hospital history, Nina’s no virgin to trauma and breakdowns. In fact, when she first arrived in Port Charles, Nina’s mental health was not exactly in a good place. Upon her arrival, she had been in a coma for years. She did some things most consider to be unforgivable, but on a soap opera everyone reaches redemption.
GH spoilers and rumors claim that Nina’s about to lie in the bed she made for herself. Once Nina started seeking revenge on Carly, she just couldn’t help herself. For everything that goes wrong in her life, Nina blames Carly and then reacts. She lashes out with her impulsive actions geared to take Carly down. But in reality, Nina’s destruction ultimately falls on herself. Sadly, Nina has a one track mind that leads to her own demise. She lets her anger and jealousy get the best of her, but ends up suffering more than her intended target.
The latest General Hospital spoilers tease that Nina heads to Shadybrook after a series of events cause her to have a breakdown. At least there she’ll be safe from Carly’s wrath!
Carly defends Sonny to her kids! Carly defends Sonny! …Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and her mother Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) are two peas in a pod. Both are strong, independent, capable women who stand up for themselves, their families, and their beliefs. Carly has a little mini me, right down to the mobster of a man in her life, and the hypocrisy. Sure, we love Carly. And compared to Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), Carly’s ethical practices start to look like Mother Theresa is her guiding light. But there’s no mistaken that Carly has ruffled quite a few feathers in her day.
As it seems, hypocrisy runs in the family. Currently, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and his sister are both keeping a secret from their mom. In addition to this secret, Michael’s hypocrisy shines as we’ve seen him engage in mob-like activities, all while claiming to take down his father because of his immoral practices. As for Joss, she’s entangled in the mob while looking down on Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).
According to the latest General Hospital spoilers, Carly defends Sonny to Michael and Joss. Carly and her current boyfriend, Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) are in hot water with the SEC. However, because of Carly’s ties to Sonny, the SEC and the Feds are willing to cut a deal. Once Michael and Joss heard about the deal, they didn’t hesitate to share their opinions. Obviously, Carly’s kids would rather throw Sonny under bus than see their mom go to jail. Honestly, that’s understandable. But what Carly never expects will break her heart.
Down the road… General Hospital rumors indicate that Carly learns about Michael’s plot to take down Sonny. And with that, she discovers that Josslyn has known all along. How will Carly take the news? Look for the film story in an upcoming post from General Hospital Blog!
Nina leads Sonny to Carly! …What goes around comes around is one way to describe karma. If it’s negativity that you put out into the universe, then negativity is what comes back on you. On the contrary, putting positive energy out there inevitably rewards you with matched energy. No matter who you are or what you do, “karma’s gonna track you down.” -TS
As for Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), there’s no doubt that karma’s gonna track her down. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be the positive kind for Sonny Corinthos’s (Maurice Benard) fiancé. Nina hasn’t exactly been shedding love and light to those around her. In fact, she’s only focused on self benefit and Carly’s downfall.
Nina Leads Sonny to Carly… CarSon Feature in Nina’s Nightmarish Alternate Reality
General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest that Nina’s ruthless plan to have Carly put away has already begun to unravel. For starters, two people know she’s behind the SEC tip. That’s two people other than herself that could potentially spill the tea. Moreover, Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero) and Diane Miller (Carolyn Henessy) confirmed with Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) that the SEC could the case on to the Feds. If so, the Feds will gladly overlook Carly’s crimes to get their hands on Sonny Corinthos.
How will Sonny and Carly protect each other from going to prison? Well, GH rumors tease that when all is said and done, Nina leads Sonny to Carly. Because of her vindictive behavior, she hurts herself in the end. Will Sonny and Carly get married so they won’t have to testify?
…Carly and Drew’s legal situation is about to get really messy. Thanks to Sonny’s fiancé, the SEC received a tip which incriminates Carly (Laura Wright) and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) in an insider trading scandal. The pressure is on for Carly and Drew to fight for their freedom. However, it won’t be easy, and freedom comes with a price.
According to General Hospital spoilers, Nina takes her relentless pursuit to destroy Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) to a whole new level. Now that she and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) are engaged, Nina is more obsessed with Carly than ever. She wants her out of the way for good and she’ll stop at nothing to make it happen. General Hospital recaps recall Nina and Ava’s discussion about the SEC drama. She bounced ideas off of Ava Jerome (Maura West) as she vowed to get rid of Carly for good.
As Carly and Drew try to save themselves and each other, problems and conflict consume the entire situation. Nina’s plot against Carly has ruinous implications. Because of Nina, Drew is lead to believe that Carly will turn him over to the SEC to save herself. Moreover, Nina believes that if Drew thinks Carly’s only out for herself, he will beat her to the punch. Ultimately, things don’t work out the way Nina expects.
Sonny chooses Carly! As off the wall Sonny’s been acting, there isn’t much he could do to redeem himself. If ever there comes a time when Sonny realizes that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is a callous, vindictive tyrant, he will cut her off. Once Sonny is done, he’s done.
General Hospital previews indicate that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) overhears Nina boast about her engagement to Carly’s ex-husband. Sadly, their entire relationship is based on lies and vengeance, and Sonny can’t see through it- yet. Although Sonny has been warned multiple times, he can’t seem to see the truth. At this stage in the game, Sonny may be too far gone to get out of this death trap of a marriage. The fierce delusions in his head about who Nina is and how she sees him will cost him. Will he wake up before it’s too late?
General Hospital spoilers reveal, Sonny and Nina move forward with wedding plans, while his ex-wife Carly makes tracking down the snitch her priority. It’s Carly’s mission to track down the person who turned her and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) into the SEC. Once the truth about Nina is exposed, Sonny should have a better understanding of who Nina really is. This is the final straw that will make Sonny finally turn his back on Nina and see that his true love has been Carly this whole time.
According to General Hospital rumors, Sonny chooses Carly in the end. What Nina thought she won will soon be lost.
What happened to Sonny Corinthos? Is Sonny possessed? Has Sonny Corinthos taken leave of all his senses? Because what we witnessed yesterday was like watching Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (which I’ve never actually seen). Sadly, Sonny’s been a changed man since Nixon Falls. It’s almost like he now suffers from delusional thinking and doesn’t know who he truly is anymore. True, that fall from the bridge caused amnesia and really messed him up. But you know what (or who) else messed up Sonny? Nina.
General Hospital recaps recall how this began and unfolded in Nixon Falls between Sonny and Nina. Honestly, it’s really just plain and simple. Phyllis Caulfield saw a man in need and took Sonny in. She and her husband Lenny cared for Sonny as he tried to navigate his new life. Without any recollection of his own identity, he was unable to give any insight on who is he or where he’s from.
Then, Nina came along and further complicated things. Some Carly haters (and that’s ok, it’s just a show) deny that Nina is a wretched, selfish, manipulator, but her true colors are crystal clear. Anyone who can discovers a human being that is presumed dead, and doesn’t reach out to the family SHE SHARES with said man, must have too many rats in the attic. She took advantage of Sonny, disrespected him and his family by making them believe he was dead, manipulated him, and basically turned him against his own family in her sneaky way. It’s mind boggling how Sonny didn’t see Nina for the wacko that she is after he recovered from amnesia. Therefore, the best explanation suggests that the man can’t be playing with a full deck at this point.
According to General Hospital previews, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) overhears Nina blurt out her relationship status. Disgusted by what she heard, Carly gave a death stare in Nina’s direction. Now, General Hospital spoilers reveal Sonny and Nina are in the peak of their puppy love. From here, things can only go downhill for these two.
How many times did we have to hear Sonny ask Nina to marry him? Furthermore, his sappy little speech about loving everything about her made no sense. The falsities in his dialogue truly made me wonder if I was watch if the same show all those months ago. Really? Nina just let Sonny be? No. She molded and manipulated him into who she wanted him to be. Now, he’s so far gone he’s talking nonsense about things that never happened. In fact, Nina is the opposite of who the delusions in Sonny’s head think she is.
Was Sonny’s proposal a pity ask? Something about his delivery, and the conversation leading up to the question that gives off a disingenuous vibe. It almost seems like Sonny proposed out of pity!
General Hospital Recap: A couple years ago, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) was led astray by a master deceiver. In Nixon Falls, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) took advantage of a vulnerable man who she knew had a family back home. Because of this, the Corinthos family was torn apart. Oddly enough, Sonny thinks he’s fallen for his captor. And now they plan to ride off into the sunset.
Sonny Buys Nina’s Pity Party, But It’ll Cost Her In The End
Nina’s little sob fest was a manipulation tactic to get Sonny on her side. Once again, she played victim as she cried wolf. Then, Sonny’s random marriage proposal took the audience, as well as Nina, by surprise. Although she’s yet to answer him, we should probably just assume that she goes forward with the engagement with her secret hanging over like a dark cloud.
General Hospital rumors storyline speculations hint toward a disastrous outcome for Sonny and Nina. It’s clear that their lives don’t align. Love should come naturally. Neither party should have to jump through hoops in hope for peace. In relationships, family dynamics play a major role in the health of the couple’s relationship. So, because Sonny’s entire family cannot stand her, it just doesn’t seem realistic for Nina and Sonny when so much stands between them.
According to the latest General Hospital rumors, Sonny was influenced by Nina’s pity party and sheer desperation for validation drive him to blurt our a marriage proposal. She was really laying it on thick. Obviously, she guilt tripped him after he voiced his stance on Carly, Michael and Willow. She was unhappy that he declared himself Switzerland, and not her full supporter. It’s a classic move from an entitled, self-serving person to make someone feel guilty for having boundaries. Luckily for Nina, this worked in her favor. Now, GH fans wonder if Sonny proposed out of pity.
Let’s be real here. Would Sonny have proposed if it wasn’t for their conversation?
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