
General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Unleashes On Nina

Ava Jerome (Maura West) isn’t the most morally sound person in Port Charles, but she does have a lot of life experience. She especially has experience in handling Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), which is why Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) should have listened to Ava when she gave advice on how to deal with Carly.

Carly Corinthos may seem like she rules this town, but how can anyone deny the weight she throws around when she’s typically right about everything. She tried to warn her son, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), about being so generous when it comes to letting Nina spend time with Wiley (Erik and Theo Olson). Of course. Cart was right. Wiley told Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) that she isn’t his real mother, which could only have been learned after spending the afternoon with Nina. Carly knew Nina would try to fill Wiley’s head with information about Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) that he’s much too young to understand.

General Hospital spoilers and previews show Carly having it out with Nina after Willow came to Carly very upset. Willow was upset with something Wiley learned while alone with Nina. Nina has crossed the line Carly knew that she would, and now Carly has to set her straight.

General Hospital rumors hint instead of backing down as advised by Ava, Nina will push Carly even harder. Is Wiley safe in Nina’s presence?

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael And Willow’s Kindness Backfires When Jealously And Tension Grow

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) tried to warn her son Michael (Chad) about the risks of having Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) spending so much time with his son, Wiley (Erik and Theo Olson).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Michael and Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) kindness backfires as things start to get uncomfortable with Nina.

General Hospital spoilers and previews show tension growing to between Nina and Willow when Willow refers to herself as “mommy,” when talking to Wiley.

General Hospital rumors suggest Carly’s warnings would have served as great advice if Michael and Willow had only listened. GH rumors claims Nina will do exactly as Carly warned, Nina will feel resentful toward Willow, and start bringing up Nelle to Wiley, and things may get out of hand.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle Lost In A Strange Town, Goes To Desperate Measures To Survive

A small town has been shaken after a series of robberies have taken place among small business. Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), aka “Mike,” was accused by local law enforcement of being a potential suspect in the recent events that have happened to local restaurants, bars, hardwares stores, and other businesses in the area.

Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy) and her husband, Lenny, have vouched for their new friend, validating his innocence in the recent crimes. The Tan-O has been the most recent establishment victimized by the robberies, and now it’s more important than ever that the culprit is found.

General Hospital spoilers reveal the perpetrator is still out there, and the possibilities range from the obvious to the unexpected. A few weeks ago, Sonny stopped a man from robbing the Tan-O and harming Phyllis and Lenny.

Some GH rumors claim that man is the one going around and robbing local businesses, while other GH rumors hint that the culprit could be a very familiar face.

General Hospital rumors indicate Nelle Benson’s (Chloe Lanier) reign of terror is far from over. Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) can’t shake the feeling that Nelle is still around, and their intuition could be spot on. These rumors raise the question of, if Nelle is alive, where is she and how is she surviving out there, alone? It’s possible Nelle is the one robbing local businesses as a way of survival. Whether she has her memory after the fall or not, she is still lost and alone. If she does remember who she is; she could be trying to make her way back to Port Charles and needs money to get back to New York. If she suffers from amnesia like Sonny, she may not even know who she is or where she came from. A clean slate would make it possible for Nelle’s redemption, and for Nina to establish a real relationship with her child.

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Confidence Is Shattered When Jax Makes Shocking Decision To Turn On Her

Jasper Jax (Ingo Rademacher) has always been there for Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) through thick and thin. He always has her back, and honors her as the mother of their child, Josslyn (Eden McCoy).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly is about to suffer a huge blow to her ego when Jax turns on her and chooses to tell the whole truth about what happened the night Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) fell from the cliff.

Jax is the one who convinced Carly to lie to the police about the events leading up to Nelle’s “tragic death.” He convinced Carly that if she told the truth, she would just be accused of killing Nelle regardless of what she said to law enforcement. Now that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is at stake, General Hospital rumors indicate that Jax will turn on Carly after being the one to come up with the lie in the first place.

In the latest GH previews, Carly is confident that she and Jax are on the same page, and that he’ll tell the same story to the police. But Jax might have other plans. GH previews show Jax having second thoughts about keeping up with the lie, and contemplates telling the whole truth. GH rumors claim Jax will do just that, tell the truth and turn on Carly.

It looks like for once, Carly won’t come first. But will it be a bough for Nina to see how much Jax loves her, or is it too late?

General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Comes Up With A Plan To Help Nina And Wiley

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is not in a good place after finding out that Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) is her biological daughter. Not only is she grieving for a daughter she never got to know, but she is also struggling with betrayal from people who love her. Right now, all she sees is that Jax (Ingo Rademacher) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) conspired to keep Nelle a secret, including what happens that night in the woods.

General Hospital previews show Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) having a discussion with Michael (Chad Duell), telling him she has a way to help Nina and Wiley (Erik and Theo Olson). As for now, it is believed that Nelle is Nina’s daughter, making Wiley her grandson.

General Hospital rumors suggest that Willow’s plan to help Nina and Wiley is to offer Nina a place in Wiley’s life as opposed to having to fight for her rights as a grandmother. Nina has made it clear that she feels she has been kept from her grandson because of Carly and Jax’s lies, and is determined to get her place him Wiley’s life. With Willow’s help, hopefully Nina will not have to go to desperate measures to ensure she has a relationship with the grandson she shares with Carly Corinthos.

General Hospital spoilers have previous confirmed that Nelle Benson is in fact Nina’s long lost daughter, but still, GH fans believe there is still more to the story. General Hospital rumors hint that while Willow is extending her kindness to Nina, they may discover they have a deep rooted connection. Will Nina’s daughter turn out to be Willow after all?

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Remembers!

The drama and suspense in Port Charles is intense as family and friends say goodbye to a very much alive, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). The situation with Sonny, combined with Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) learning about Jax (Ingo Rademacher) and Carly’s (Laura Wright) involvement in her daughter, Nelle Benson’s (Chloe Lanier) death, is a recipe for secrets, lies, and suspense.

General Hospital spoilers and previews show Sonny Corinthos at The Tan-O, saying that he remembers… someone!

Could this be a turning point for Sonny in his quest to find out his true identity? Nina has already heard his voice when calling Phyllis (Joyce Guy), and GH rumors indicate she will get her revenge on Carly by keeping his status a secret. Will Sonny’s memory spark before Nina takes advantage of the situation?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Teams Up With Valentin, Pushes Jax Out Of The Picture

Jasper Jax (Ingo Rademacher) seemed to be the silver lining after all the pain Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has endured from one betrayal after another. It turned out, Jax lied to her too, leaving her feeling broken and

Although Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) is one of those people who lied to Nina, betrayed her, and let her down, his intentions for her, just like Jax (Ingo Rademacher), have always been good. But Nina is tired of the people in her life trying to “protect” her from her feelings. She’s an adult and wants to be treated accordingly. Of course it’s a huge blow for Nina to learn that not only is her daughter was Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) she still deserves the right to know. Nina is about to snap and Carly Corinthos is going to pay the price. Nina is pushing Jax out of the picture just after he confessed his love. She’s scorned and over it all.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Nina and Valentin team up to get her revenge on Carly. GH rumors claim that Nina is about to go off the deep end, displaying behaviors that are all too similar to Nelle. Then is it true what they say, like mother like daughter?!

General Hospital Spoilers: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree When Nina Displays Nelle-like Behavior

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) wants revenge on Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), and the perfect opportunity just fell into her lap.

Nina discovered Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), Carly’s husband whom is presumed dead, is actually alive, and staying with her nurse, Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy).

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Nina will use this newfound information to get her revenge on Carly. However, GH rumors suggest that Nina’s behavior is more than just getting revenge on someone who did her dirty. When Nina first came to Port Charles, her mean streak was focused on getting revenge on Silas Clay (Michael Easton). She was unhinged and even dangerous but managed to turn things around.

General Hospital spoilers have confirmed that as of now, Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) is Nina Reeves’ long lost daughter, but sadly for Nina, Nelle is dead.

General Hospital rumors indicate that Nina will lash out, start lying, and will become self destructive as well as a danger to others. Keeping Sonny Corinthos life status from Carly, knowing she’s grieving, knowing the entire family is grieving, fits right up there with something her daughter, Nelle, would do. If Nina and Nelle are truly mother and daughter, it’s no surprise that Nina exhibits the same types of crazy behavior.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina Takes Advantage Of Sonny’s Amnesia; It’s The Ultimate Revenge On Carly And Jax

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is out for blood after being betrayed by Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Jasper Jax (Ingo Rademacher). She’s on a mission tk dig deeper into the details on how Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) could possibly have been her daughter.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Nina will use what she learned when calling Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy) to her advantage.

General Hospital rumors claim that Nina will use Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) amnesia as a way to manipulate him into trusting her. GH rumors hint that Nina will keep his identity a secret and ultimately sleep with Sonny! Now that would be the ultimate revenge on both Carly and Jax.

General Hospital News: CONFIRMED! GH Head Writer Confirms Nelle Is Nina’s Daughter

The big speculation is over! Although the clues surrounding the half heart necklace, the area in Florida, Nelle’s age, and more, point to Nelle being revealed as Nina’s long lost daughter, some GH fans were stuck on the notion that there would be another twist.

General Hospital spoilers reveal there will be no big twist in discovering the identity of Nina’s daughter. Many fans believed that Nelle and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) could possibly have been twins, or the big twist would be that Harmony was involved and Willow was actually Nina’s daughter.

General Hospital news reports, soap journalist, Michael Fairman had an interview with one of GH’s Head Writers, Dan O’Connor. In the interview, major spoilers were revealed with it comes to Nina’s long lost daughter saga.

Soaps In Depth reported, and according to O’Connor, Nelle is definitely Nina’s daughter. Not only is she her daughter now, he revealed that the plan was always to make Nelle Benson be Nina’s child. He explained, “The truth is, the idea that Nelle was Nina’s daughter has been part of the conception of that character,” he said, “and over the last few years, the story evolved, and we ultimately got to reveal the truth to the audience.”

As for Chloe Lanier, General Hospital rumors claim that just as Josslyn (Eden McCoy) suspected, Nelle isn’t done with the Corinthos family just yet. GH Blog will keep fans posted on any GH comings and goings news regarding a possible return for Chloe Lanier as Nelle Benson.