It’s sad to say it but Baby Ace Cassadine (Joey and Jay Clay) is essentially an orphan. Ok, not technically. But his mother Esme Prince (Avery Pohl) is presumed dead, and in my opinion his father Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) may as well be dead too! He’s proven to be an unfit father, just as Spencer has suspected for years.
Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) had his dad’s number back when he played dead the first time around. Since then, their relations on and family dynamic hasn’t been the same. Now Nik continues to prove himself as an unfit parent as he recently displayed to his mother Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis).
General Hospital spoilers tease that Laura (Genie Francis) and her husband Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) have a long road of parenting ahead of them. That is, unless things change. GH previews indicate that Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) pays her ex-mother-in-law a visit. She’s surprised to learn what Laura has to say and that’s when things could get complicated.
Kevin and Laura Offer Elizabeth Their Blessing
According to General Hospital rumors, Elizabeth generously offers to help Laura. Although Laura and Kevin are happy to take on the responsibility of becoming Ace’s adoptive parents, GH rumors hint that there may be another way. Apparently, Elizabeth makes things easier on Laura and Kevin when she offers to adopt Ace.