
Kelly Sullivan SAVED?!

Just a few moments ago @kellysullivanNY tweeted a photo of herself and GH’s Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) captioned, “SoCo Lives.” Interpret that as you may, and take it with a grain of salt but we cannot help but wonder if the actress who currently plays Connie Falconeri is trying to tell her fans something. Recently we were all informed that Kelly Sullivan has been let go from General Hospital and that Connie has been written off the show. Immediate responses from the fans led to measures of trying to save their facvorite character from leaving, and their favorite actress from losing her job. Fans gathered together to show their support by petitioning the decision that Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati made to let her go. Fans rallied together and were successful in getting the hashtag #KeepKelly trending on Twitter on numerous occasions. General Hospital Blog took part in spreading the word and getting the fans voices heard on this topic. We are hoping that Kelly was trying to get a message out to her fans without actually coming out with this information. If you want Kelly to stay on General Hospital, please comment, LIKE, and share this post!


Help Save Kelly Sullivan (Connie Falconeri) From Being Let Go!

Here is what is going on… Earlier today, Kelly announced that her character Connie Falconeri has been written off of General Hospital. Thus resulting in Kelly Sullivan being let go from the show. General Hospital Blog is calling all Kelly Sullivan, Connie/Kate fans, SoCo fans to try and help get this situation reversed!

A couple years ago, there was an announcement made that Rebecca Herbst had been let go from her role as Elizabeth Webber. With support from her large fan base, petitioning and protesting, fans were able to save Rebecca’s job and Elizabeth Webber has continued to be a beloved and adored character on General Hospital.

That being said, there is no reason fans cannot try the same thing for Kelly Sullivan. We know there are many Sonny and Connie (SoCo) and Sonny and Kate (SKate) fans out there who do not want to see her go. Kelly Sullivan has a very large fan base and GHB believes we have a chance to turn this thing around.

Here is what you can do:

CALL the comment lines @ 323-671-4583 (GH), 818-460-7477  ext. 1 (ABC)

TWEET Executive Producer Frank Valentini using the hashtag #KeepKelly @valentinifrank

SHARE this post using the Facebook, Twitter, Google + icons

MAIL letters in protest to Frank Valentini C/o General Hospital4151 Prospect Ave Los Angeles CA 90027

General Hospital Blog on Facebook!

Stay up to date on General Hospital news, preview, spoilers, recaps, and discussions! If you haven’t done so already, please click and LIKE General Hospital Blog on Facebook! Share the posts and help spread the word!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary to General Hospital Blog!

One year ago today marks the first blog post by General Hospital Blog! It has come a long way in one year due to continuous GH fan support and interest! Thank you all so much for frequenting this fan site blog. I am so pleased to be able to discuss my favorite daytime drama with all of you die hard General Hospital Fans! General Hospital Blog’s success would not be possible without the amazing show that General Hospital has proven to be and without it’s extraordinarily strong fan base.

Love you all! xoxoxo


If you love General Hospital and this blog, please follow us on Twitter @lolasmommy08 and LIKE us on Facebook!

Enter the General Hospital Blog Contest!

General Hospital Blog will be giving away 3 #JaSam T Shirts! All you have to do is head over to Twitter and follow @lolasmommy08 and retweet the tweet featured below. You will then be entered to win and 3 lucky JaSam fans will be chosen at random. The contest ends Wednesday at Noon Eastern/Standard time. This contest is for the US only.

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Thank You for Visiting General Hospital Blog!

We would like to thank you all for visiting this site! We really appreciate the interest and all the support. General Hospital has been a phenomenal soap for what will be 50 years this April 1st! This is such exciting news. I am so happy to be able to write about this show and keep everyone informed and entertained in between episodes. Thanks again for all your support. If you like General Hospital Blog, please LIKE it on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @lolasmommy08 (GeneralHospitalBlog).




Photo taken from: lessthannotatall.tumblr.com