
General Hospital News: Breaking! GH Will Run Out Of Episodes, Here’s What Will Take The Place

Breaking news regarding the production of ABC’s, General Hospital surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic has been released. This General Hospital news has been an ongoing concern since the early days of the quarantine/lock-down for the Corona Virus.

General Hospital news has just been confirmed that General Hospital will run out of new episodes as of Thursday, May 21st. After the 21st of May, GH fans can expect to see classic Nurses Ball episodes for the first three weeks of repeats.

The Executives at GH made the decision to spread out the broadcast of new material and incorporated flashbacks within the scenes of the new episodes. Friday episodes have been repeats to further extend the length in which new episodes were aired.

The restart of production has yet to be determined as the Covid-19 outbreak is running it’s course. General Hospital Blog will keep fans posted on any developing information.

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Confronts Chase With A Warning

Carly Corinthos (Laura wright) isn’t known for keeping out of other people’s personal business, however, in this situation, her son Michael (Chad Duell) is involved and has been hurt. Mama Bear Carly doesn’t like to see her children in any type of discomfort and will go to great lengths to make sure those who have harmed one of her children better watch their back.

This time it won’t be as dramatic since Detective Chase (Josh Swickard) hurt Michael to actually help Michael win custody of Wiley. But Carly still confronts Chase with her strong will to keep up the charade. For the week of May 11th-15th, General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly will confront Chase with a warning. General Hospital rumors claim Carly will warn Chase to keep the truth under wraps about faking the cheating scene with Michael’s girlfriend, Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Carly knows all about what Chase and Sasha did to Michael and Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) to benefit Michael and his chances at custody. As Wiley’s Grandmother, Carly needs to make sure Michael and Willow aren’t distracted by their ex’s, and keep focus on marrying each other.

Carly comes on strong but will good intentions. Will Chase and Sasha stick to the plan, or will they cave and feel the wrath of Carly?

General Hospital Spoilers: Where Is Nelle?! Michael Prepares For Court With Willow By His Side, Nelle Makes A Dramatic Entrance

This week on General Hospital, the custody battle between Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) for Wiley begins with intense drama. In the latest General Hospital spoilers promo, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is shown sitting beside Michael, united, in the fight for Wiley.

General Hospital spoilers for the week of May 11th-15th reveal Michael struggles in court and Nelle is late. Other General Hospital rumors claim Nelle has something BIG planned, which will be the reason she is late. But GH rumors hint Nelle will make a grand entrance!

What does Nelle have up her sleeve? Will blackmailing Julian Jerome (William DeVry) work to Nelle’s advantage?

General Hospital Spoilers: Hot Couple Alert; Julian Bails Brook Lynn Out, Brook Lynn Keeps Julian’s Secret, Leading To More

Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) and Detective Chase (Josh Swickard) have had their third run in where at some point Brook Lynn manages to inflict harm or insult Chase. This time her actions resulted in Chase issuing a ticket, Brook Lynn ripping the ticket up in his face, and then getting hauled down to the PCPD.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Julian Jerome (William DeVry) and Brook Lynn will cross paths more often in the near future. After Brook Lynn’s encounter with Chase, she is taken to the PCPD where she needs to make bail. General Hospital spoilers indicate Julian Jerome will be the one who bails Brook Lynn out of jail after her disorderly conduct and assault on an officer.

In the coming weeks, there will be more drama and chemistry surrounding Julian and Brook Lynn. General Hospital spoilers reveal the two will have a private conversation regarding Julian’s involvement with Brad and Lucas’ car accident, and Brooklyn is rumored to keep his secret. Keeping each other’s secrets and bailing each other out of jail is a recipe for romance, and new General Hospital rumors point directly to a new relationship in the works for Brook Lynn and Julian. They started off hostile and are steadily revealing undeniable chemistry.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle Overhears A Private Conversation, Uses Newfound Info To Blackmail Julian

Next week on General Hospital, secrets will be leaked and Nelle will use every piece of new information to her advantage. Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) is about to enter a difficult but not impossible fight for custody of her son, Wiley. Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) is preparing to face Nelle in court in a dramatic attempt to keep his son Wiley away from her.

Nelle is desperate for someone to be in her corner, which would strengthen her chances of the court hearing to go in her favor. Nelle has pleaded with her new boss, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) to be the one person to have her back. Nelle asked Nina to support her and testify on her behalf in court, stating that she is a caring and fit mother for her son.

General Hospital rumors hint Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) strongly believes there is a strong chance Nelle will be able to manipulate Nina with more lies, leading to Nina agreeing to testify. If Nina turns Nelle down, she will have to find another way.

General Hospital spoilers indicate Nelle will overhear a private conversation between Julian Jerome (William DeVry) and Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton). GH rumors claim Brook Lynn will mention Julian’s involvement in Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) and his son Lucas Jones’ (Ryan Carnes) car accident that left Lucas in a coma for months.

General Hospital rumors point to drama for Julian as the information has now fallen onto the wrong ears. Nelle Benson is rumored to now be able to blackmail Julian into helping her in her quest to get custody of Wiley. If Nelle can’t get Nina to testify on her behalf with her manipulation and lies, she will likely go to Julian with his secret, blackmailing him into testifying for her in exchange for her silence. Surely Julian never wants his son Lucas to know what he did, and to make sure that happens. Will Julian cave and agree to Nelle’s terms to keep what he did a secret?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Chances Are Slim, Nina Steps Up On Nelle’s Behalf

It seems the entire city of Port Charles has beef with Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) or has at least heard about the terrible things she has done, likely to someone they know.

Nobody will stand in Nelle’s corner as she prepares to fight for custody of her’s and Michael Corinthos’ (Chad Duell) child, Wiley (Erik and Theo Olson). Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) and Nelle carried through their dirtiest scheme yet when they passed off Wiley as the baby Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) gave up for adoption. Brad and Nelle had Michael thinking his baby died, and Willow thinking Wiley was her biological son, while Brad’s husband, Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes) believed Wiley to be the baby he and Brad adopted.

Now that Nelle is working for Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros), Nelle is working her way into Nina’s potentially vulnerable heart as she still grieves for her own long lost daughter. General Hospital rumors claim Nelle is actually Nina’s daughter, which would explain Nina’s sudden liking and attachment to the town psychopath, Nelle.

General Hospital spoilers and previews show Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) bringing up a valid point about Nina softening to Nelle’s side, and there is no guarantee the judge can’t do the same. General Hospital spoilers hint that Nelle won’t be alone at the custidy hearing, and that Nina will actually step up on Nelle’s behalf. This could be very bad for Michael, since Nelle is the child’s biological mother.

Other General Hospital rumors claim Michael and Willow will show up to the courthouse already married. Don’t forget to tune into the drama this week on GH!

General Hospital Spoilers: Nikolas Checkmates Ava, Hiding His Wife Hayden Barnes

Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) isn’t about to let Ava Jerome (Maura West) run away with his family’s fortune. Nik and Ava are united legally, without love, under a ridiculous pre-nuptial agreement which states if either of them cheat on the other while remaining celibate with one another, that purpose will lose the right to the Cassadine fortune- with some tiny ins and outs about Spencer getting something no matter what).

Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) went missing shortly after Nikolas’ return to Port Charles. She was ran out of town and General Hospital rumors claim Nikolas knows exactly where Hayden is and he is actually the one keeping her in hiding. Hayden left behind her ex, and father of her daughter, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton), along with leaving her daughter, Violet (Jophielle Love) with her dad and his fiance, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Hayden Barnes is very much alive and eager to come back to Port Charles to see her daughter. General Hospital rumors hint Nikolas is waiting for just the right time to produce Hayden, revealing he is still legally married to Hayden, therefore his marriage to Ava Jerome is meaningless in the eyes of the law.

If General Hospital rumors regarding

Nik and Hayden’s marital status is true, Ava will stand no chance in getting her hands on the Cassadine fortune, checkmate for Nik!

General Hospital Spoilers: The Davis Girls Downward Spiral, Sisters Fallout, Alexis’ Love Triangle

The Davis Girls have always been a close knit band of sisters, with Mama Bear leading the way. Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn), and her daughters, Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco), Kristina Corinthos Davis (Lexi Ainsoworth), and Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos), love and support one another through every part of life. They have been there for each other through it all, never afraid to tell it like it is just to knock some sense into one of the girls who hasn’t been on the right path. That’s exactly what Sam did and so much more when she risked so much to save her Sister Kristina from the Dawn of Day cult.

Molly’s latest predicament with TJ (Tajh Bellow) and Brando has done more than bring these sisters and their mom together. This time, they aren’t seeing eye to eye in the midst of an even bigger problem than Molly’s one night stand with Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor). Kristina called Sam out for risking her family just to sneak away and see Jason. Sam fired right back at Kristina, stating she wouldn’t be in this situation if she didn’t have to save Kristina from the cult in the first place.

General Hospital spoilers indicate this is the beginning of a downward spiral for these women as they all face separate battles.

Sam can’t seems to come to terms with her parole. Staying away from Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), even though is risking her family, is still too much to bare. Sam is harboring resentment for Kristina, leading Kristina to question has choices in life. Molly will be reflecting on her one night stand with Brando as she tries to figure out what she wants in life. Finally, General Hospital rumors hint there will be a love triangle for Alexis as Julian Jerome (William DeVry) continues to show signs he still cares deeply for Alexis. General Hospital rumors claim, Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan) and Alexis still have a spark but Alexis is torn with Julian so prominently back in her life.

Will The Davis Girls be able to look past their differneces to help each other through life’s dramas?

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer Gives Nikolas An Ultimatum

Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) and Ava Jerome (Maura West) have united in marriage for a common goal, access to the Cassadine fortune. They have a special deal involving a pre-nuptial agreement and a non-cheating clause. Each party is standard that they are not to cheat and if they do, that person receives none of the fortune. However, Spencer Cassadine (Nicolas Bechtel) has other stipulations of his own.

General Hospital Spoilers reveal Nikolas will receive a letter from his son, Spencer. General Hospital rumors claim the letter contains new information regarding the ins and outs of the Cassadine fortune. General Hospital rumors hint Spencer has something to demand of his dad. In the letter, Spencer apparently has the authority to call shots,and demand Nikolas divorce Ava or else he will keep Nikolas from inheriting any of the fortune.

General Hospital spoilers indicate the drama will commence as Ava is preparing to host the unveiling of her portrait. There’s never a dull moment in Port Charles!

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Finds Out About Brando And Molly, Brando Gets Warned

Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) met his distant cousin for the first time after Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor) showed up out of nowhere during an attack from enemy Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). Brando was thought to have been dead, as his mother Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs) told Sonny and his family that her son had passed away.

Brando seemed to have shown up at the right place at the right time, placing himself directly into the crossfire, and saving Sonny’s wife, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). After some questions, it was revealed that Brando is Gladys’ son and he is far from deceased. Sonny and Jason had their suspicions about Brando and his intentions, but shortly after talking with him, Sonny let his guard down and trusts Brando isn’t working for Cyrus or anyone else that would be against Sonny. Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is always a little more cautious when it comes to trusting people. Jason still has his reservations about Brando but at this time, it’s not enough to do anything about it. General Hospital rumors suggest that Brando may have ulterior motives since Jason is typically right about people when his instincts tell him there is something off.

So far Brando has shown to be a stand up and trustworthy guy. However, Sonny may not see it that way after he learns of Brando and Molly’s (Haley Pullos) one night stand. General Hospital spoilers indicate Sonny will somehow learn that the woman Brando was talking about when Sonny stopped in to check on how he was doing at the garage was Molly, and that they ultimately had a one night stand. Since Molly is Sonny’s niece, he will find reason to justify his involvement when he confronts Brando about the situation.

General Hospital rumors claim Sonny will confront Brando with a direct warning to stay clear of his niece Molly. But will this incident be enough for Sonny to stop trusting and completely turn his back on Brando?