
Tony Geary Will Be Honored By ABC.com as Part of His Farewell

LukeEmmySaying goodbye to Tony Geary (and Luke Spencer) after 37 years isn’t going to be easy for fans. Ever since the announcement made by Geary that he will be retiring this July, there has been an outpouring of well wishes, along with expressions of sadness to see him go.

The ABC network has been a home to Tony for over 3 decades, and will come to a close at the end of July. ABC.com will be honoring Tony Geary with the release of his iconic moments in daytime history. Starting July 13th, ABC.com will be releasing his most memorable moments. This 8 time Daytime Emmy winner has numerous Emmy nominated performances and memorable moments throughout the years.

Which Luke Spencer scenes have made the most impact on you? Let us know what you would like to see in the release of these iconic scenes and events over the past 28 years.

GH Head Writer Under Attack by TV Guide’s Michael Logan

RonCIt seems like there are bouts of real life General Hospital drama every now and again, and it’s usually the writers vs. the world. General Hospital Head Writer, Ron Carlivati has to deal with a lot from fans. Being constantly criticized, it must be exhausting.

Twitter seems like the place to be if you want to incessantly complain about something… and in this case it is a perfect outlet for fans to whine about General Hospital, directly to it’s creators, Ron and Frank. Except this time it isn’t just a fan. TV Guide’s Michael Logan had a few choice words for GH’s Head Writer, Ron.

Check out the Twitter conversation between Ron Carlivati and Michael Logan!
For the full Twitter conversation, follow Ron @carlivatiron

General Hospital News: Seeking New Character

General Hospital spoilers and news have revealed that GH executives have posted a casting call. It looks like we will be getting a new face around Port Charles. The question is, will this new face be a replacement for an actor who has left the canvas, or will this be an entirely new character altogether?
They are seeking a new character, an African-American male. This man is said to have to be in his mid 30s, and should be “very handsome, dynamic, and charismatic.”
This will be for a contract role on GH.

General Hospital rumors have speculated, guess that this may be a recast for Sean Blakemore’s character, Shawn Butler.

Let us know what you think. Is this casting call for a recast or a new character? General Hospital Blog will keep fans updated on any new information, and any confirmation of an actor chosen for this role.

Get Well Soon, Ryan Paevey

RyanPGH’s Ryan Paevey (Detective Nathan West), had some real life hospital drama over the weekend. Many actors and fans alike use social media to convey messages out to the masses. Ryan Paevey announced via Instagram, that he was involved in a motorcycle accident, which shattered his right wrist. He is otherwise doing well, and will make a full recovery. It has yet to be determined whether or not his injury will be written into the script, or if it will be able to be covered up and ignored.
General Hospital Blog wishes Ryan the best in a speedy recovery.
Check out his Instagram message, below.

Find Out What Tony Geary Said About Genie That Will Make You Swoon

GearyInterviewLuke and Laura are legends, but they would be nothing without the fire and chemistry between the two people who have portrayed them for over 3 decades. Tony Geary and Genie Francis came together unexpectedly to make television magic.

In an interview with Paolo Presta for his show, A Spoonful of Paolo, General Hospital’s Anthony Geary (Lucas Lorenzo Spencer), touches on what it was like to work with certain stars over the years. “Her husky voice drove me crazy. I thought she was hot stuff.” That is a statement Geary made about Demi Moore, who played Jackie Templeton on GH. He referred to another star, Roseanne Barr as, “A tough lady,” and went on to tell Paolo that he asked her to marry him  when they met.

What Tony Geary said about his long time friend and co-star Genie Francis will melt your heart. His statement regarding Genie, and his relationship with her put their entire existence ans Luke and Laura into perspective. Geary tells Paolo, “Her talent was spectacular, and is spectacular. Her vulnerability, her ability to use her emotional range, is unsurpassed. It’s hard to even go there because there’s so much…” As if THAT wasn’t amazing enough, Geary proceeded to say, “Our artistic souls met somewhere in outer space. In the early days, I felt very protective of her, which I think fed the relationship of Luke and Laura.”

It’s apparent that Tony Geary and Genie Francis have an undeniable chemistry and bond that compares to nothing else we have seen on television. Their off screen admiration for one another shaped the dynamic of their characters, Luke and Laura.

As Anthony Geary prepares to leave General Hospital after 37 years, he told Paolo Presta that it will be the people he will miss the most.

Check out the full interview video below.

Watch: Fox 4 Interview with GH’s Jonathan Jackson

EnationIn this interview, General Hospital’s Jonathan Jackson (Lucky Spencer) talks about his time at our favorite soap, GH, his current role as Avery on ABC’s Nashville, and his music career with his band, Enation.

Check out Jonathan in this interview video below.


General Hospital Spoilers and News: Tony Geary’s Last Air Date

LukeairdateGeneral Hospital co-stars and fans of Tony Geary have been preparing for his big farewell from General Hospital, as he is retiring from the show. His character, Luke Spencer is involved in his last adventure with his great love, Laura (Genie Francis). Everyone is tangled up in this story line as Luke and Laura set out to save their son Lucky (Jonathan Jackson). Jennifer Smith (Holly Gagnier) was contacted to lure Luke and Laura, and mke them aware that Lucky has been captured. We will soon be seeing Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) and Ethan Lovett (Nathan Parsons) involved. Lulu (Emme Rylan) is currently in Port Charles awaiting any information on her brother. Tracy (Jane Elliot) was left broken hearted, in order for Luke to get his son back before it’s too late.

This story will mark Tony Geary’s last air date on General Hospital. That date has now been revealed as July 27th, 2015.

We have less than one month left with the iconic character Luke, and legendary actor Tony Geary on our favorite soap. Geary is excited to begin a new chapter in his life, and we at General Hospital Blog will miss him and wish him all the best.

Don’t miss a beat of this sizzling how drama this Summer on General Hospital!

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Gives Avery Back!

SonnyAveryBaby Avery was born into chaos with Ava Jerome being her mother, and initially, the father unknown. Ava didn’t know if the father of her baby was her boyfriend Morgan’s, or his father Sonny’s baby. Ava slept with her boyfriend’s father in a night filled with guilt, drama, anger, and passion.

Sonny has had it out for Ava ever since he found out what she is really capable of. Sonny had been planning on how Ava will die once he found out that she is the one who killed his fiance, Connie Falconeri, causing Sonny to kill AJ out of anger and rage, and revenge. Ava’s only saving grace was that fact that she was pregnant… and when the time came, the DNA test revealed that Sonny is the father of her baby.

After Ava gave birth to Avery and then was presumed dead shortly after, Sonny was granted custody of his daughter. Michael, still angry with Sonny for killing AJ, fought tooth and nail to get custody of his adoptive sister. Claiming that Sonny’s life is far too dangerous for a child, with the help of Monica’s involvement with the judge, Michael was granted custody.

So much has happened between then and now, and Michael’s circumstances are quite different. He endured public humiliation and almost lost Avery for good because Morgan and Kiki sabotaged him by making appear to be unfit to care for a child.

Michael has lost ELQ to Nikolas Cassadine, and his life is coming apart at the seams. According to Soap Opera Digest, General Hospital spoilers reveal that Michael will make the difficult decision to give Avery back to her (presumed) father, Sonny.

Although Sonny is absolutely grateful to have Avery back, he is still looking to win Michael over, but still, Michael resents Sonny for killing AJ.

There is much more to this story than the scenes have lead on thus far… according to some General Hospital rumors, Sonny might just lose Avery all over again…. to Morgan!

Keep checking back with us for the latest and juiciest General Hospital Spoilers!




“She Said Yes” General Hospital Stars Engaged!

Two very special people shared a life changing event with fans via social medial. General Hospital actors Bryan Craig (Morgan Corinthos) and Kelly Thiebaud (Dr. Britt Westbourne) announced their engagement.

The two have shared a pretty public romance, sharing their relationship photos with fans on Instagram, Twitter, and more for the past couple years. Fans of the couple have been rooting for their happiness together.

Bryan asked Kelly to marry him over the weekend while vacationing in Bali, and well, as Bryan wrote, “She said yes!”

General Hospital Blog would like to congratulate these fan favorites on a lifetime of happiness together!

She said yes!!! @keeelyt #myfiancee

A photo posted by @bryan_craig on

The Spencer Adventure of the Summer

EpicSpencerIn the last few weeks, General Hospital Blog has been able to share exciting casting news with the fans due to recent General Hospital spoilers. This Summer will be one for the books, and it will involve an iconic General Hospital family. GH casting news and spoilers have revealed that there will be quite a few character returns for Luke Spencer’s big send off story.
ABC’s General Hospital teases fans with an intriguing, upcoming story. This Summer will lead to “An Epic Spencer Adventure,” according to those over at GH. As we say goodbye to a legend, Anthony Geary will be accompanied by Luke’s closest loved ones. Jonathan Jackson (Lucky Spencer), Nathan Parsons (Ethan Lovett), and Emma Samms (Holly Sutton), will be joining Genie and Anthony as Luke and Laura set out to save their son, Lucky.

If Jennifer Smith, Frank Smith’s daughter doesn’t really have Lucky, then who does? Jennifer told Luke and Laura that she received a phone call with instructions to go about the scheme she pulled on the Spencer’s. Who could it be? If you have any thoughts or theories, let us know in the comment section.

We can’t wait to see how this story will unfold and we are certainly looking forward to seeing Nathan, Jonathan, Emma, and more to bid farewell to Luke!

Photo credit: General Hospital