
Johnny Zacchara: The Prince of Darkness

Brandon Barash has returned to General Hospital and he is taking his character to a whole new level. In the past, Johnny Zacchara was called The Prince of Darkness, but honestly, he didn’t quite live up to that name. Compared to his (grand)father Anthony Zacchara (Bruce Weitz) and sister, Claudia, Johnny (Sarah Joy Brown) was a walk in the park. He always had a soft spot for the special ladies in his life. Kristina Corinthos (Lexi Ainsworth), although he used her to get a rise out of Sonny and make him vulnerable, he genuinely cared for the young girl. There was also Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero), Carly Corinthos Jacks (Laura Wright), and real life wife, Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) to name a few. Johnny wasn’t as ruthless and calculating as the rest of the Zacchara clan. Then one day things changed, Johnny had turned into someone we hadn’t quite seen before. We always knew he wasn’t squeaky clean, but when he killed Anthony, his own father, it was obvious that Johnny had changed.

Johnny went to Pentonville and is currently serving time for his crimes. It doens’t seem like his punishment has had any positive effect on his conscience that’s for sure. If anything, being in Pentonville has hardened the once kind-hearted, son of a mobster. He has already encounterd his arch enemy Sonny Corinthos, as Sonny is in prison for the murder of AJ Quartermaine. Johnny introduced Sonny to the head of the Mexican cartel, and Heavy gave Sonny a taste of prison life. Johnny sat around and watched Sonny get the crap kicked out of him.

Johnny isn’t going to stop with just roughing Sonny up in the slammer. Johnny wants Sonny to take care of the crime in Port Charles, but on his orders. Johnny told Sonny that his brother Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) is alive, and that Johnny has Ric. He told Sonny that if he didn’t do what he wanted, he could have Ric cut up piece by piece. Johnny really has taken his role in the mob to a whole new level. Prison life has hardened him to the core. What will Sonny be facing in prison at the hands of his long time enemy, Johnny Zacchara?


Spinelli Returning to General Hospital

Damian Spinelli has many close friends in the city of Port Charles, including the mother of his daughter Georgie, Maxie Jones, and one of his best friends Sam Morgan. Spinelli was best friends with Sam’s (late) husband, Jason Morgan, and he also worked for Jason and Sonny as the mob tech genius.

After the first custody hearing when Maxie Jones lost custody of her own daughter, baby Georgie, Spinelli and his girlfriend Ellie moved to Portland, Oregon. Ellie made a huge career move, she took a job that she had been waiting for, for a long time. Spinelli just learned that although Maxie lost custody of their daughter, he was granted full time custody. He and Ellie decided to start a life together in Portland, with baby Georgie. General

Spinelli is always willing to come to the aid of his friends when there is a dire situation. His good friend and ex wife of Sonny Corinthos, Carly Jacks, paid him a visit in his new home in Portland. She needed his assistance with the audio recording that was found on AJ Quartermaine’s cell phone. He was able to clean it up so they could make out exactly what happened the night AJ was shot.

It looks like Spinelli is needed yet again. This time, it is Fair Samantha who needs his help. After she was held at gunpoint and used as a hostage to distract the PCPD, Sam is determined to find the man who aided in Faison’s escape. Sam still thinks that her husband Jason is dead, and she has no clue that the gunman who grabbed her is actually Jake, aka Jason.

Sam might not be the only person Spinelli will be helping. General Hospital rumors indicate that Spinelli plays a part in Maxie being able to be reunited with their daughter by Christmas.

It would make sense that Spinelli would return as his two close friends, Maxie and Sam really need him. General Hospital Blog will keep fans updated on confirmation supporting this General Hospital rumor. SHARE this post with friends if you miss Spinelli!


Helena’s Mind Control: Does ‘Fluke’ Even Exist?

For almost a year, General Hospital fans have been battling with their brains, (and the writing team over at GH), trying to wrap their heads around this entire ‘Fluke’ story line. For many months there have been General Hospital rumors and speculations in regard to who is impersonating Luke Spencer. We the audience know that Helena has him locked up, has had him kept away from his family and loved ones, and he has been continuously drugged.

GH rumors have pointed the finger at many past and present characters and villains. Bill Eckert, Cesar Faison (which we know now was only a decoy), Jerry Jacks, Anthony Zacchara, Larry Ashton, to name a few. Still, there are too many holes in those theories for the vast majority of the fans to settle on one.

When Faison was in the interrogation room with Anna, he brought up Helena and how the two of them kidnapped Lucky and tried to condition his mind. Why did he bring that up? There is reason to believe that it was more than just to torment Anna with the possibility of her being under his spell and fall in love with him. Anna knows better. He tried that with her in the past, and it didn’t work. Faison went on to question whether or not Helena has perfected the art of mind control. This entire back story about Lucky gives good reason to believe that Helena is up to some old tricks.

What if ‘Fluke’ doesn’t actually exist? In the physical sense that is. Perhaps Helena has in fact perfected her art of mind control. We have seen the result of her conditioning so far in Jason Morgan. She tells him what to do and he goes out and does it. He later forgets that a certain series of events ever took place, and he forgets that Helena was ever involved. Now, that being said, what if Fluke is all in Luke’s head? Earlier in the year, when Fake Luke was acting “off” in Port Charles, that could have been because Helena’s mind control still needed a little work. Now that Fluke is back, and acting more like Luke than before, it’s possible that Helena just needed some more time to perfect her hold on Luke Spencer’s mind.

It’s entirely probable that Luke Spencer takes orders from Helena, and doesn’t remember what he has done once his tasks are through. Could Luke have an alter personality due to Helena’s mind control? At this point in the story, anything is possible, even playing around with the idea that Fake Luke isn’t another person at all. Is Fluke just Luke under Helena’s mind control?

Weigh in and let General Hospital Blog know what you think about this theory.


Kelly Thiebaud’s (The Britch) Goodbye Message to Fans! MUST READ

Social media ran wild today as Kelly Thiebaud aired her last episode as Dr. Britt(a) Westbourne, aka The Britch. Daughter of iconic villain, Cesar Faison, and the eccentric Dr. Liesl Obrecht, Britta was one of a kind. A coniving little Britch but with a soft heart when it came to a certain few. The ones that truly brought out the good in her were Nikolas Cassadine, his son Spencer, and we got to see that she could actually be nice to someone when she was with her pal, Brad. Britt did a lot of damage around PC including meddling in and disrupting the lives of Patrick Drake, his wife Robin, daughter Emma, and her fellow co worker, Sabrina Santiago.

Today on General Hospital, Britta left Port Charles with her father, Cesar Faison. Dr. O stayed behind to look after her son and Britt’s brother, Nathan West.

After the airing of her last performance on General Hospital, Kelly Thiebaud sent out a heartfelt message to fans via Twitter and Instagram. Check out what she has to say to all her fans.

General Hospital Spoiler: Sonny Gets What’s Coming to Him

Which side of the fence are you on? Do you still have a soft spot for mob boss Sonny Corinthos, or do you think that it’s been a long time coming for Sonny to finally pay for his crimes?

Sonny is finally facing his demons and comes face to face with the harsh reality of being behind bars. With newcomer, new villain, “Heavy” out to stick it to Sonny, there is no telling how he will handle what’s about to happen to him. We all know Sonny’s mental health has been a barrier for him in the past when it comes to those tiny holding cells… will Sonny finally go off the deep end?

Crispin Alapag plays one good rough, tough, inmate, and “Heavy” isn’t going to go easy on Sonny Corinthos. As the enforcer of the Mexican cartel within Pentonville, “Heavy” is about as real as they come. Will Sonny be able to stand up to his new peers in prison and hold his own, or will he face a psychotic break?

Let us know what you think by commenting below.

Kelly Thiebaud Leaving GH

Back in early November, it was confirmed that Kelly Thiebaud will be off of her contract with ABC’s General Hospital. The actress has gone from contract to recurring status with the 51 year old daytime drama. More recently, there has been rumors that Kelly’s character, Dr. Britt Westbourne will be leaving the canvas altogether.

From the looks of the onscreen evidence, it seems to be that the General Hospital rumors regarding Britt’s departure from Port Charles is actually true. Britt is leaving town with her father, Cesar Faison, after Nikolas found out about her scheme with Spencer to get back into Nikolas’ heart. Helena was helping Dr. Obrecht and Faison out of town, and Obrecht was bringing Britta along with her. But when Nathan got shot, Dr. O decided to stay to keep watch over her precious son.

Keep checking back with GH Blog for more info regarding comings and goings and the status of your favorite GH actors.


Pentonville is About to Get a Little “Heavy”

A lot is about to go down in Pentonville. As Carlos Rivera (Jeffrey Vincent Parise) said, “There are a lot of people who hate the heeellll outta you” to mob kingpin Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)… so Sonny better watch his back.

Sonny has already run into Carlos and Johnny (Brandon Barash) during his “stay” in the slammer. Now that “the mighty have fallen” Sonny will be facing some real danger in prison. Sonny and Johnny Zacchara have always been arch enemies. The Corinthos and Zacchara families have been at war for many years, but with Johnny getting his own (grand)father, Anthony Zacchara out of Sonny’s way, maybe this will be an opportunity for Sonny and Johnny to face prison together, on the same side… or maybe not.

The Mexican cartel is huge in Pentonville and with how many people are frothing at the mouth just to sink their teeth into Sonny, things won’t be going well for the once over privilegded mobster. Did you notice someone new today? Yeah, General Hospital Blog introduces to you, “Heavy.” Heavy is the head enforcer in the Mexican cartel that runs the ring within Pentonville. Actor Crispin Alapag will be involved in making Sonny’s time behind bars a complete nightmare. Heavy is as tough as they come. WIll Sonny be able to withstand prison life?

Alapag also has a recurring role on Comedy Central, working alongside Ben Stiller and Cuba Gooding Jr. This project is scheduled to debut March, 2015. For more information regarding General Hospital’s newcomer, Heavy, played by Crispin Alapag, please visit imdb.me/crispinalapag.

Follow him on Twitter and welcome Heavy to the GH family! @crispinalapag

General Hospital News and Spoilers: General Hospital Wants James Franco Back!

General Hospital Wants James Franco Back
General Hospital Wants James Franco Back

ABC’s General Hospital Head Writer, Ron Carlivati, expresses his desire for the amazingly talented James Franco to return to the set of GH via Twitter.

‘Saturday Night Live’ star Vanessa Bayer tweeted a photo of herself with friend, James Franco. The two were together on Saturday, December 6th for James’ appearance on SNL. She mentioned that she was showing Franco the ‘new’ Franco of General Hospital, aka Roger Howarth. Ron Carlivati replied to her tweet stating that she can tell Franco he is welcome back any time.

General Hospital Wants James Franco Back

Does this mean that Roger Howarth would be on his way out? Not a chance! Carlivati expressed an idea of “battle of the Francos.” Now that would be an interesting story!

Check out the tweet convo below.

Let us know what you think? Would you support a “Battle of the Francos?”

@vanessabayer @JamesFrancoTV @GeneralHospital Hi, Vanessa. Please tell Mr. Franco he’s welcome back anytime to do the Battle of the Francos!

— Ron Carlivati (@carlivatiron) December 5, 2014

General Hospital Rumor: Find Out Who Kidnapped Sam!

General Hospital’s week came to close with a bang after all the crazy events that happened to the residents of Port Charles. Who would have ever thought that Helena would be the one to tell “Jake” he is really Jason Morgan? And it was so easy! There wasn’t any hesitiation or beating around the bush. No interruptions, and no lies. It was as straight forward as you could possibly get. Helena told Jake he was actually Jason Morgan, that he is a dear friend to Robin Scorpio Drake, and that he is married to Sam and that Danny is his son.

But of course, there was a catch. Especially with “The Queen of the Damned” herself, Helena Cassadine. After divulging the truth and information Jason of his true identity, the ease of the entire truth came to a screeching hault. Helena told Jason that he worked for her, meaning she has conditioned his mind to obey her commands and not remember that she has anything to do with his behaviors. Helena wants Jason to work for her because of his extraordinary skills in the mob enforcement industry. She knows how valuable he is and wants him all to herself.

What was once so seemingly simple quickly turned into a very complicated situation for Jason. Sure, Helena told him who he was and who his loved ones are, but he isn’t going to remember her telling him this. Helena mentioned that she had a job for him under his newly conditioned mind. At the end of the episode on General Hospital’s Cliffhanger Friday, someone grabbed Sam from behind while she was watching Faison get moved into lockup at he PCPD. General Hospital rumors suggest that the masked man who grabbed Sam is none other than her own husband, Jason Morgan. Under Helena’s orders, maybe the job she had for her new employee was to kidnap his own wife.

What do you think? Will this GH rumor turn out to be true? Did Helena order Jason to kidnap Sam? Let us know by leaving comments below.


Sam and Patrick: The Fallout

Anyone who has seen Thursday’s episode of General Hospital could agree that the scenes with Anders Hove (Cesar Faison), Jason Thompson (Dr. Patrick Drake), and Kelly Monaco (Samantha Morgan), were nothing short of intense. Others will describe the scenes as extremely emotional. Kelly Monaco killed it with her passion and obvious fury for Faison.

When Sam confronted Faison regarding Jason’s murder, it was easy to feel her raw emotion. Jason Thompson did any amazing job with just the look on his face. That look showed sorrow, guilt, fear, and shame all in those two eyes of his. Patrick looked as though he had lost his best friend and it was all his fault.

What will happen when Sam finds out straight from Patrick that he has known about Jason being alive for all this time? Granted, Patrick believes now that Jason is dead, because that is what his wife Robin, had to tell him in order to protect her family. Sam is going to have a ray of hope ripped right from under her after she learns that Jason didn’t die on that pier, but that he is now believed to be dead anyways.

Will Sam be able to forgive Patrick from hiding this enormous secret about her husband? After this fall out, is there any hope to save their friendship? Let us know what you think by commenting below.