
General Hospital Blog YouTube Video Contest!








Hey GH fans! General Hospital Blog is looking for a General Hospital fan who creates montage videos on YouTube. If you like to create music montages for your favorite General Hospital couples or characters and are looking to get more views and publicity for your videos and YouTube channel, then this contest is for you!

General Hospital Blog is holding a contest for the best General Hospital couples video. This round we are asking you to pick your favorite song and super couple, highlighting scenes that display what makes that couple a GH “Super Couple.”

We will be taking submissions via email until 5PM Eastern on Thursday, August 14th. The winner will have their video featured as a main post on General Hospital Blog with a link back to your YouTube channel and credit back to your name. The video will also be featured on General Hospital Blog’s YouTube page for 2 weeks.

If you are creative with YouTube and love making videos for your favorite GH couple, please submit your creation to generalhospitalblog82@gmail.com by Wednesday, August 13th.


If you don’t create YouTube videos yourself, please SHARE this post so another candidate can have a chance to create a winning masterpiece!


We look forward to your submissions, good luck!


Victor Cassadine Was the One Behind the Accident, Did He Have an Accomplice?

One General Hospital mystery finally solved! On yesterday’s (August 7th) episode of General Hospital, Victor Cassadine revealed to Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake that HE in deed was the person responsible for causing Patrick’s accident that ultimately killed baby Gabriel. His intention was to prove his authority to Robin and let her know that he has the power to hurt her family if she doesn’t follow his rules at the Crichton-Clark Clinic. He divulged almost all the information fans have been waiting to hear for months. He explained that it was he who set the accident in motion, and that he put Rafe up to driving Patrick, Sabrina and Emma off the road by telling Rafe there was a possibility his Mother Alison Barrington, was still alive. Robin asked him how he even knew “that poor boy” and he gave a sketchy response.

Soon after Robin and Victor’s conversation, the scene cut to Nina. It would make sense that Victor has an accomplice to explain how he got his hands on Rafe to talk him into doing something like that. It sure seems like Nina and Victor know one another since she was also at the Crichton-Clark Clinic when she was recovering from her supposed coma. Did Victor use Nina to get to Rafe? When Silas told Nina the news he had just heard from Molly, that Rafe told her someone put him up to it, Nina has a strange look on her face as if she were guilty.

Do you think Victor had an accomplice in this whole thing? SHARE if you think Nina is as guilty as she is crazy!





Who Caused the Accident is REVEALED!








Technically, we all know that Rafe was behind the wheel of the car that caused Patrick and Sabrina’s car to go off the road. As a result, Sabrina went into preterm labor and ultimately, Patrick and Sabrina lost their son because of it. Luckily Emma wasn’t hurt.

During Rafe and Molly’s intense get away cop chase, Rafe revealed to Molly that someone put him up to it. Unfortunately Rafe wasn’t able to finish telling Molly the entire story before he passed away.

On today’s episode of General Hospital, the culprit will be revealed! Make sure you watch GH on ABC at 2PM Eastern.

Who do you think was being the accident? Take a guess and comment below!

General Hospital’s Jason Shocker! Is He IN or is He OUT?

It seems like the executives over at ABC’s General Hospital have been going back and forth on whether or not the iconic role of Jason Morgan would be recast after the departure of Steve Burton. Steve Burton played Jason Quartermaine (later Jason Morgan) for 21 years. After leaving General Hospital due to conflicts of interests with General Hospital executives, Burton soon after joined the cast of  CBS The Young and the Restless as Dylan McAvoy. He has signed a 2 year contract with Y&R, therefore, has no intention of going back to General Hospital in that time.

Just because GH doesn’t have Steve Burton, doesn’t mean they can’t have the character, Jason Morgan. We have seen it done many times through General Hospital’s 51 years of existence, Amazing actors and fan favorites have been forced to be recast all the time. Edward Quartermaine, Carly Corinthos Jacks, AJ Quartermaine, Lulu Spencer, Nikolas Cassadine, Helena Cassadine, just to name a few. What makes Steve Burton any different? Although Steve Burton made the character of Jason Morgan who we all know and love today, there comes a time where the show must go on.

We have been hearing for many months now that the role of Jason Morgan would be recast, and the actor to play that role would be Billy Miller from The Young and the Restless. However, nothing has been confirmed or denied. Many credible sources have admitted seeing Miller around LA with GH cast members. When Miller was asked the direct question if he has joined the cast of GH to play Jason Morgan he danced around the question.

Due to many rumors circulating the media, fans were expecting to see Jason return to GH (in the form of Billy Miller), this August 7th-8th. After today’s SHOCKING episode of General Hospital fans are left with more uncertainty and confusion about this subject than ever before. Robin telling Patrick “Jason is dead,” is not exactly what fans expected to hear just one day before Billy Miller has been said to make his debut. It looks like Robin is willing to push Patrick over the edge just to be able to save him from Victor’s wrath. Robin denied that she is being threatened and being held captive. She assured Patrick that she is there because she wants to be even though Jason is dead. She is claiming that her research and work will be of the greater good and that she is helping terminally ill people in the future. What happens next? Is Robin lying to Patrick in order to protect her family?


General Hospital’s Daniel Morgan Recast! Jaxon and Jakob OUT

We will be seeing some new faces on the set of General Hospital in the upcoming weeks. As the time for Jason Morgan to be awakened from his cryogenic state approaches, it looks like the Morgan family will not only be seeing a new face on Jason, but for baby Danny as well.

The Mother of current twin actors Jaxon and Jakob Kring has announced that the boys have been recast in the role of baby Danny Morgan. Danny is the son of Sam (Kelly Monaco) and ex-Jason Morgan (Steve Burton).

Check out the Tweet confirmation!


The role of Daniel Morgan will now be played by Corbin and Caden Rothwither.

Dunkleman’s Got a Gun!






Get ready for some crazy drama the day of Maxie and Levi’s wedding! Mac and Nathan both wish Levi would get deported and get as far away from Maxie as possible. Instead, they may have to stand there and watch as he and Maxie get married so that Levi doesn’t have to leave the country.

Shots are fired the day of Maxie and Levi’s wedding. Will Maxie see Levi for the manipulative slime ball he really is?

Who do you think will be at the receiving end of that gun? Is Levi aiming at Mac, Nathan, or someone else entirely?

Check out General Hospital this week to find out!


This Week on General Hospital: Secrets Revealed! Promo Video

This week on ABC’s General Hospital, your undying questions will finally be answered. Is Jason Morgan coming back? Who put Rafe up to causing the accident? Will Maxie really marry Levi?

If you choose not to read/view spoilers please don’t scroll any further. This article contains General Hospital spoilers and previews, along with a GH promo video.

Molly tells Silas that someone put Rafe up to causing Patrick and Sabrina’s accident, Nathan confronts Levi, Robin tells Patrick that Jason is waking up, and more!

Check out the promo video, posted by General Hospital.

Michelle Stafford (Nina) Tweets About Upcoming ‘Fun’ with Maura West (Ava)

General Hospital newbies Nina Clay (Michelle Stafford) and Ava Jerome (Maura West) are about to go head to head and face their past! Nina Clay, the wife of Dr. Silas Clay was cheated on by Silas, with Ava Jerome  some years ago. Nina is said to have been in a come for  years. Now that she is “awake” she is ready for revenge. Of course the woman her husband betrayed her with would be on “the list” of people to bring down. Ava Jerome is definitely gonna have a fight on her hands when the loony Nina gets a hold of her.

Nina believe that Silas and Ava have a daughter together, Kiki Jerome. There may be a lot more to the story with an exciting twist. Silas also believes Kiki is Ava’s daughter. But Ava and Nina’s Mother, Madeline Reeves (Donna Mills) may have a secret that they are hiding from Silas, Nina, and Kiki.

Check out Michelle Stafford’s Tweet below!


The Return of Jason Morgan

There is one topic on General Hospital as of lately that just cannot be put down. Fans across the board can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that Steve Burton is gone from General Hospital and is not returning for the forseeable future. Steve Burton has signed a 2 year contract with CBS The Young and the Restless, as Dylan McAvoy. He is happy there, and has no intention of coming back to General Hospital as of now.

But what about all the hype that Jason Morgan will be returning to GH? As we know, Jason Morgan is presumed dead, Sam a widow, and Danny is left without a Father. All of a sudden, Victor Cassadine comes traipsing into Port Charles, pressuring Dr. Robin Scorpio to come away with him. He knows she would do anything for her best friend Jason, so he informs Robin that Jason is alive, and just needs some medical help to wake him up. So, now the fans are well aware that Jason Morgan is supposed to be alive. For months now, the media has gone back and forth on whether or not the role of Jason Morgan would be recast. Things finally seemed to settle on one particular rumor. The rumor that Billy Miller, (ex-Billy Abbott Y&R), will be taking over the role of Jason Morgan has seem to sit well with most fans. There are indeed still some fans that want Steve Burton or no Jason at all. If these rumors are true, we may be seeing Jason Morgan resurface as early as the first to second week in August. Sam and Patrick are investigating Nina Clay at Crichton-Clark medical clinic where Patrick runs into his wife Robin. Knowing that Robin is working on bringing Jason back to life, Patrick is aware that his best friend’s husband is most likely in the near vicinity. Even now, Patrick keeps quiet regarding what he knows about Jason, leaving his pal Sam in the dark about her husband.

Will these rumors regarding Billy Miller taking on the role of Jason Morgan come true? Officials have not yet confirmed this news, and no concrete validation of a signed contract has been revealed to the general public. However, many actors have hinted toward the mews that Miller has joined the cast of General Hospital.

Look for a possible Jason Morgan sighting this week on General Hospital!

Some Familiar Faces Headed to Port Charles

The residents of Port Charles are always engaged in some sort of life altering drama that involves, lies, deceit, murder, baby drama, and rising from the dead.

This week on General Hospital Patrick runs into his wife Dr. Robin Scopio Drake (who was once thought to be dead) while helping his good friend Sam, investigate her boyfriend Silas’ wife, Nina Clay. Wow, that was a mouthful. All the while, it has been rumored that Sam’s presumed dead husband, Jason Morgan, is also in that very clinic (Crichton-Clark) that she and Patrick are in, searching for dirt on Nina Clay. Sam is convinced that she isn’t as helpful as she presents her self to be, and that she may indeed be able to walk.

Along with Robin, it has been rumored we will be seeing another familiar face. The man that brought the brilliant doctor Robin with him to save Jason’s life, Victor Cassadine. Of course to save Jason’s life there was a catch… she also was obligated to resurrect a few Cassadines. Has Robin succeeded in saving Jason’s life? Sam may just come face to face with her husband. Who do you think will be coming back from a cryogenic state? Helena, possibly Stavros?

What familiar faces of past PC residents and the un-dead are you hoping to see in the upcoming weeks?