
Is There a Connection Between Fluke, Levi, and Jerry Jacks?

The Fluke saga has been an ongoing mystery that we have been trying to solve for many months. We know that the real Luke Spencer has been drugged and locked up at miscavige where the crazy Heather Webber was institutionalized. Someone “stole” Luke’s face and is running around Port Charles living Luke’s life. He has interjected himself into Luke’s love life with Tracy, his family life with Lulu and Dante, and he is getting close to long time friend of Luke, Sonny Corinthos. Fluke is manipulating everyone in town, especially Tracy. Fluke is in this to take down Sonny and to get his hands on ELQ.

There are still many missing pieces to this puzzle, but some seem to be coming together rather nicely. Who has been ruthless and crazy with no limitations of what he is capable of ? Jerry Jacks. He has committed some completely erratic crimes in Port Charles. We know Jerry is still alive because the last time we saw him he had Bobbie held hostage on top of the Metro Court. Why was he there holding Bobbie hostage? Well because LUKE stole his cure for polonium poisoning. There is motive right there. How is Jerry Jacks involved with Julian? Well when Jerry and Luke were fighting on top pf the Metro court, we saw Jerry fall, but we also saw him get rescued and driven away by Julian Jerome.

Now… how does this tie in with the obnoxious newcomer Maxie brought back with her? Levi is an Aussie. Jerry Jacks is an Aussie. Big connection possibility right there. Levi is manipulative and deceitful and he is trying to get his mitts involved with sabotaging ELQ, just like Fluke. Could Levi be Jerry’s son? Levi quite possibly be using Maxie as his ticket into the lives of the residents in Port Charles. Inching his way into situations he doesn’t belong, he is causing trouble for everyone. On today’s episode of GH, Levi convinced Maxie to protest with him where Michael, Morgan, and Kiki are preparing for the revival of the new ELQ Brownstone project. In conversation, Maxie brought up Jerry Jacks to Levi. That right there seems like  a hint that there is a connection between the two Australians. Rumor has it that Levi is muc more sinister than we could ever imagine… not a far stretch from being related to the evil Jerry Jacks.

SHARE this post if you think Fluke is Jerry Jacks and Levi is connected to Jerry.


General Hospital: The Ultimate Setup

What if? That is a question General Hospital fans are constantly asking themselves and other fans on a daily basis. Social media is filled with fans eager to get to the bottom of General Hospital’s newest daytime drama. Lucky for us there are many things going on at once, keeping those wheels turning.

When we take a look at the current story line involving Patrick and Sabrina’s car accident, there are many characters to evaluate in order to try and figure out who ran them off the road. So far there was Britt, who showed up right at that moment but was cleared of any suspicion, there is Levi, who we have yet to figure out a purpose for being in Port Charles, we also have troubled Rafe, and now we have Silas, whose car was named to be the car that caused the accident when Sam and Patrick pulled up the mechanic’s files. Since we know it’s most likely not Silas, perhaps Rafe borrowed his car, and caused the accident. That result would be pretty cut and dry and what we see is what we get. But… WHAT IF?

What if Nina set this entire thing in motion? What if her resentment for Silas runs so deep that she is crazy enough to set him up like this? Nina may have set up Silas, and Rafe may actually be blamed because of his recent drug use and poor decision making. In today’s episode of GH, Nina’s physical therapist made the observation that she isn’t too fond of her husband, Silas. Nina responded with a very sinister grin and replied, “You have no idea.” That being said, it leads us to believe that Nina has a lot more up her sleeve when it comes to tarnishing Silas’ image. Not only is she trying to ruin his relationship with Sam, it seems like she is trying to ruin his life in general.

Do you think Nina has set up Silas and Rafe will end up taking the fall? Comment below and let us know how you think this will all unravel.


We Know Who Caused the Accident!

Sam the Private Investigator and friend Patrick Drake are on the case to find the individual responsible for Sabrina and Patrick’s accident. As a result of the accident, Sabrona went into very premature labor and baby Gabriel passed away just shortly after he was born. Sabrina left Port Charles to be with her cousin Juan Santiago and family in Puerto Rico in order to deal with the grief of her loss. Patrick, a distraught Father, is sticking around PC and is determined to find the person who did this to his family.

Lately there has been a lot of speculation on who could have caused the accident. The writers have been making it look a lot like it was Rafe, and some fans thought that it was too obvious. Others suspected Nina, since she can walk and all, why not drive too? They also suspected Levi because well, no one is really sure what that creep is up to and doing in Port Charles.

But according to an article in Soap Opera Digest, it has been revealed that the person who caused the accident is in deed Rafe! The writers wanted to incorporate the story with the drug trafficing that has been going on with Fluke and the Jerome family. Head Writer Ron Carlivati commented on the drug use in Port Charles, he said, “With the influx of drugs in town, we thought that someone should be doing them, and Rafe drew the short straw.”


What Does Levi Want with Maxie?

Ever since Maxie brought Levi to Port Charles back from her soul searching journey, he has been nothing short of controlling, sneaky, and down right annoying. He is obviously manipulating Maxie. There is some reason that Levi doesn’t want Maxie to be with her daughter Georgie. We all know that he was the one who told the judge that Nathan lied to protect her. When he made that phone call, he conveniently lost his Aussie accent. The question is, does he even have an Aussie accent at all, or did he drop his accent to disguise his voice when giving his anonymous tip to the court? Maybe he isn’t from Australia at all and perhaps he only is pretending he is to get in better with Mac. Regardless, Levi is definitely up to something. Who is he connected to? What does he want in Port Charles, and why is he deliberately sabotaging Maxie’s chances with baby Georgie?

Comment below with your thoughts and theories!

Does Franco Have a Reason to be Jealous?

Sonny and Carly gave a long history and explosive chemistry. They have been through thick and thin, the good and the bad, and no matter what they do to one another, they always seem to find their way back to each other.Since Carly, Sonny has found love with many women. Connie, Olivia, Brenda, and Emily just to name a few. Carly has had a few great loves as well. Jax is probably her second great love, whose last name she still carries although they are divorced. Currently Carly is with Franco. Artist, and ex-sociopath, all due to a brain tumor that was causing him to be crazy. Carly sees past what once was with Franco and was able to forgive him for the things he could not control. So if Carly and Franco are so good together now, why should Franco be jealous?

Currently, Sonny and Carly both are up to their necks in the whole AJ’s murder situation. No, Carly didn’t help Sonny shoot him, but she did however give Sonny the only evidence that could pin him to the murder. There are a lot of things to consider in this drama. Ava is a huge complication. Sonny can’t even get the word out that she is the one who killed Connie without implicating himself at the same time. Then there is Michael. When Michael finds out Sonny killed AJ, and Carly has known for all this time, things are not going to be pretty for the entire Corinthos family. This is a time where Carly and Sonny will most likely stick together and have one another’s backs.

Franco is already showing signs of jealousy, and according to Ava, he is the jealous type. Will Franco take his insecurities to a level where Carly won’t be able to forgive him? Franco just might spill the beans about the recodring of Sonny shooting AJ, and Carly just might resent him forever, leaving Carly to run back to Sonny.

Who wants a CarSon reunion? SHARE if you would like to see this power couple back together!

Fan Favorite Returning to General Hospital! Check out the Script!

There is a lot going on in Port Charles right now, especially a lot of people coming back from the dead. Wives and husbands surprising their spouses with life after death. Villains are resurfacing and Cassadines are getting unfrozen.

Victor Cassadine is headed back to Port Charles… the one who took Robin away from her family in order to bring Jason back to life. He is frozen along side some Cassadines that Victor wants thawed out. He needed Robin’s help, and since Jason is her best friend, she jumped at the opportunity even though it meant leaving Patrick and Emma behind again.

It looks like Robin (Kimberly McCullough) will be accompanying Victor (Thaao Penghlis) back to Port Charles this time around. Earlier today, actress Kimberly McCullough posted a photo on Instagram of  a script. Her caption reads, “Try to say something bad about soap actors. I dare you. I freaking date you;) this is one day people and only my scenes, not the whole script.”


Check it out!


Who is Mickey Diamond?

It turns out that fake Luke, aka “Fluke” has a partner in crime. Let’s call Mickey Luke’s right hand man. Mickey is to Fluke as Jason is (was) to Sonny. He made his debut walking into the art gallery where Julian and Jordan were discussing their “real boss.” Lucky for Julian, he didn’t disclose that information to Jordan.

Mickey will be in charge for the foreseeable future as Fluke’s portrayer, Tony Geary is on vacation.


Nina the Walking Psycho

After today’s shocking outburst by Nina Clay, we are now aware that her sweet as pie persona really is fake and our gut feelings about her have been spot on. It seems as if Sam can see there is something off about her but Silas cannot. Isn’t that how it always works? The one who really needs to be watching out is the one who has the blindest eye. Not only is Nina playing Silas with her blessing for his and Sam’s relationship, but she also can walk, and well, she is CRAZY!

She has been hated by most since her debut in the park, crashing little Danny’s birthday party. The writers did something right, we hated her, and we were meant to. General Hospital Blog gives a big shout out to actress Michelle Stafford for doing such an amazing job with her new character. Goal accomplished. Stafford has succeeded in making the fans loathe Nina.

What is Nina up to exactly? Is all this to get back at Silas for cheating on her 20 years ago with Ava Jerome? Some speculate that Nina was never even in a coma, but a mental ward. Some say that because we saw her wake up, that she was indeed in a coma. But that could have been an awakening from a catatonic state or a number of other reasons.Others speculate that her Mother is in on this entire thing and it’s payback time for a cheating husband. Rumors have been flying that Nina knows more about Jason Morgan than she is leading on and that perhaps they were in the same facility. She sure is prying Silas and getting under his skin when it comes to Sam’s feelings for Jason.

We now know that Nina has been watching Silas for months and that she was in fact the one to trash his apartment, not her Mother, Madeline Reeves. What does she have in store for Silas and Sam, and for Ava?

Keep watching General Hospital to find out what happens next!


Donna Mills Headed Back to GH?

She blasted into Port Charles reeking havoc on the residents of Port Charles. Madeline Reeves, Mother-in-law of Silas clay, and sister of Liesl Obrecht turned the lives of her loved ones (or enemies) upside down. She came into town because she wanted Silas to sign over his rights to her daughters finances. Her daughter, Nina Clay was said to be in a 20 year coma. When Silas started to ask questions, Madeline told him that she had past away. Her son, Nathan West, (which we found out was actually her nephew, and son of Dr. Liesl Obrecht, sister of Dr. Britt Westbourne), also was lead to believe that his sister, now cousin, Nina had died.

Nina is far from dead. She is alive and out for her husband Silas. Since encountering her in the park, Silas and Sam have hit a speed bump in their relationship. Nina, Silas’ wife, whom he thought was dead, is now found to be alive, and is driving a wedge between him and his girlfriend, Sam.

Now that Nina is back, and already causing trouble, will her Mother be close behind? Surely Silas will have a lot to say to Madeline, as will Nathan. She made them believe Nina was dead, therefore it’s obvious she has something to hide. What could she be hiding? Fans have speculated that Nina’s child just might be alive. Who will it be? SOme say they have a feeling Kiki is not Ava’s and perhaps Madeline made a deal with Ava to raise Kiki as her own.

Rumors have been circulating that Donna Mills is already taping and is expected to make another appearance in Port Charles as Madeline Reeves very shortly.

Comment and share to let us know if you are looking forward to all the upcoming drama that is in store for Nina, Silas and Sam, Nathan, Britt, and the rest of the gang!

Did Levi Ruin Maxie’s Chance With Her Daughter?

When Maxie came back from her soul searching journey, she brought something back with her, a complete nuisance! At this point, GH fans and friends of Maxie alike are sick and tired of Levi’s antics.

Aside from being self righteous and annoying, he may have done something that Maxie will never forgive him for. Maxie has a very important court hearing this week in regards to the custody of her daughter, Georgie. She missed the first hearing because she was afraid and wasn’t ready to face things. Levi also had a part in convincing her that she should just “let it go.” When she asked Diane to ask the jusde for a new hearing, the judge was ready to give her a flat out “NO” until Nathan stepped in. He told the judge that it was his fault and he thought the court order Maxie received in the mail was junk main and he threw it away. Levi, knowing the truth, and expressing to Maxie that it was not OK to lie to the judge, may have something to do with the judges decision this week.

Do you think Levi told the court the truth? Do you think he told the judge that Nathan lied to cover for Maxie?

Let us know by commenting below!