
Robin Calls Home

Today on General Hospital, Robin calls home! She finally got a signal from a cell phone and calls Patrick. Will she get through to him?

General Hospital Shake Ups!

Wow, after that Anna/Dr. Obrecht shocker, whose to say what we are in for next! These recent story lines have been so intense and the actors have been doing such an amazing job conveying every single feeling and emotion into their stories. I don’t know about you, but I cried the entire time I saw Patrick, Emma, Elizabeth, and Robin on my screen. The whole time “Anna” was talking to Faison, I didn’t for one second think that it wasn’t really Anna. I loved the scene, and felt for Anna when she heard straight from the horses mouth that her daughter Robin was actually alive. Little did I know, it wasn’t Anna at all, but Dr. Obrecht in a mask. Faison has betrayed Obrecht and now she knows it. Faison was willing to tell Anna their entire plot and plan because he loves HER, not Dr. Obrecht. Disguised as Anna, Dr. O learned the harsh truth that Faison will always love Anna and will never return her feelings.

What will happen now that Dr. Obrecht knows Faison would have outed her and Jerry about Robin? I can only imagine she would be out for some intense revenge.

Now that Dr. Obrecht knows Faison will never love her and will always love Anna, will she reveal a secret? Who is Britt’s Father?

Will Robin make it home in time before her birthday is over?

The Truth is Out About the Baby, Now What?

Now that Spinelli and Maxie have owned up to the lie that baby Connie was Dante and Lulu’s but is actually their baby, what happens next? For months, Lulu and Dante have prepared for their baby and loved her from the moment everything was set in motion. This whole time they were led to believe that Connie was indeed their baby that their best friend, Maxie was carrying for them. Although Maxie’s intentions were purely out of love, Lulu and Dante have had their hearts ripped out and unable to see things from Maxie’s perspective. It seems as if Lulu isn’t going to give up baby Connie without a fight, and Maxie and Spinelli don’t know what to do next. Will they try to get their daughter back?

Both woman broke my heart today in their emotional performances. I see both sides, but I do have to say, I may feel a little more sorry for Maxie. Although I do understand where Lante are coming from, and I see how they are not able to see past the fact that Maxie has lied, and turned their world upside down. This is heart wrenching for all parties involved. Maxie had every intention of giving her best friends a miracle baby, and when she miscarried, she didn’t have the heart to tell them their dreams of having a child had been lost. When Maxie found out she was already pregnant with Spinelli’s baby, she was willing to give up her own child, for the happiness of her friend. That in my opinion, is one of the most selfless things any person could ever do.

So my question to all General Hospital fans is this, who do you sympathize with, Maxie or Lulu and Dante? Please comment below and let us know what you think.



Luke Spencer Lives!

“Luke Spencer Lives” is what Luke himself shouted out to Helena after she came to him in a near death experience. Luke is determined to live and we have every reason to believe he will do so. Not only because he is Luke Spencer and, but also because Robin is the one supposedly working on the cure. Luke is a legend and Robin is a brilliant doctor. His chances of survival are very high in my opinion.

In Olivia’s vision, she saw Luke lying in a casket but then awaken and say he needs Spanks. Will Tracy get to Luke? Will they find the cure, or the person working on the cure in time?


Finally! Dante and Lulu Find Out About the Baby!

This week on General Hospital, Dante and Lulu find out the truth about Maxie and Spinelli’s baby! Check out the tweet by GH’s Head Writer, Ron Carlivati!


How Will Sonny Handle Connie’s Memorial?

Michael convinced his Father to make a last decision involving him and Connie. He told him not to do anything that he can’t live with. Ultimately. Michael convinced Sonny to attend Connie’s memorial service.

Things are looking pretty intense and Sonny’s emotions are running high.

How do you think he will handle himself at the funeral?

Check out what Maurice Benard tweeted today regarding what’s next! @MauriceBenardMB

Surprise Visitor for Sam

Today on General Hospital, Sam heads out to Pier 52 to remember Jason on his birthday. Along comes a surprise visitor… who can it be?

Is Jason Morgan Returning to General Hospital?

It’s all about Jason…

If you have seen the episode of General Hospital that was aired today, then I bet you’re wondering what that rest of us have on our minds. With all the talk about Jason today, we can’t help but have thoughts of his possible return cross our minds. There have been many surprises on General Hospital in the recent past and currently. Iconic characters and fan favorites have been returning to Port Charles. If you want Steve Burton to come back as Jason, share this post! General Hospital Blog will keep fans updated on any information regarding the return of actor Steve Burton as Jason Morgan.

Kimberly McCullough’s Return and Contract!

Kimberly McCullough will be returning to General Hospital this October to reprise her role as Robin Scorpio Drake, Mother of Emma Drake (Brooklyn Silzer), wife to Dr. Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson), and daughter to Anna DeVane (Finola Hughes) and Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers). McCullough has signed a contract with General Hospital.

In an interview with On-Air On-Soaps, Michael Fairman, McCullough explains that she was ready to come back to General Hospital for a few reasons. She mentioned that she is in her second year of directing school so her schedule is no as busy as it was when she had to leave GH. She also said that Frank and Ron have been building a story and laying the foundation for Robin’s return, and that time is now. Kimberly also made it known that she is very excited to work with all the vets she hasn’t had a chance to work with in a long time. Including, Ian Buchanan (Duke Lavery), Finola Hughes (Anna DeVane), Kin Shriner (Scotty Baldwin), and Lynn Herring (Lucy Coe), to name a few.

In the interview, Kimberly divulges information on what could happen with the story involving Robin, Patrick, Sabrina, Britt, etc. She also mentions the possibility of amnesia. For the full interview with Kimberly McCullough, please visit www.michaelfairmansoaps.com


What Will Sonny Do Next?

Sonny is beside himself over the loss of his fiance, Connie. He is in so much pain and sometimes situations become more than he can handle. Taking his mental illness, bipolar disorder into consideration, do you think Sonny will do the unthinkable? Will he end his own life in an attempt to be with Connie?