
Ron Carlivati Hints About Maxie and Spinelli’s Baby

Ron Carlivati often uses Twitter to let the GH fans know things. Although he is typically cryptic, he still let’s fans know what may be in store for us. Do you think Maxie and Spinelli will tell Dante and Lulu the truth about the baby this week? With Britt’s lies unfolding, it’s gotta be sooner than later that the truth comes out about both babies!


Spinelli Confronts Maxie!

Today will be a very heated General Hospital. Spinelli confronts the Mother of his child, Maxie, about her lies and deceit. Do not miss a second of this Cliff Hanger Friday episode of General Hospital!

Will Dante and Lulu walk in on this argument? Watch today’s GH to find out! See you in Port Charles!

Britt Finally Tells Patrick About the Baby!

This wasn’t a tease, or a beat around the bush type of revelation. It was a full out reveal that the baby Britt is carrying is indeed not Patrick’s. Patrick was so angry with Britt about all the other lies she has been telling and the fact that her Mother, Dr. Obrecht is a dangerous threat. He doesn’t want that woman anywhere near “his” baby. He really laid into Britt and demanded that he would get full custody of their son. Britt was so alarmed that she actually blurted out the words, “He’s not your son!” Patrick finally knows that he has no baby on the way with The Britch. How will he react tomorrow?

There is one loose end that still hasn’t been confirmed. Is this baby even hers? Let’s hope for everyone’s sake that it actually belongs to Dante and Lulu. Stay tuned to General Hospital to watch it all unfold.

Does Patrick Find out the Truth About the Baby Today?

Today on General Hospital, Britt reveals a secret to Patrick about her baby. Patrick already knows who her Mother is, maybe Britt will come clean.

So whose baby is she actually carrying? We know it sure isn’t Patrick’s. Is the baby even hers? Every time she has mentioned Patrick not being the Father, she has never really addressed whether the baby was even her own. Could Britt have had Dante and Lulu’s embryos implanted in her to make her pregnant? See what Britt decides to tell Patrick today on General Hospital!

A Match for Danny is Found Tomorrow!

Tomorrow on General Hospital, there is a major breakthrough in the well being of Sam’s baby Danny. A bone marrow match has been found! Will Sam and Alexis find out who Derek aka Julian really is and come face to face with Danny’s biological Grandfather?



GIF by: mscott83.tumblr.com

Will Maxie and the Baby be OK?

Maxie went into labor but it hasn’t been the smoothest ride. The doctor informed Maxie that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck causing a drop in her heart rate.

If the baby’s heart continues to decelerate, they will have to seek other options in order to successfully deliver the baby. What does this mean for Maxie?

SHARE if you want to see Maxie and her baby survive!
Check out this recap video of today’s episode!

Video from YouTube user: Liasonfan427