General Hospital Spoilers: Laura’s Thrown For A Loop, Kevin’s Behavior Becomes Strange But Familiar

Laura sees Ryan in Kevin

Laura sees Ryan in Kevin?! Dr. Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) spent many years trying to disarm the bomb in his twin brother’s head. They spent years as opposites. Ironically, Kevin and Ryan looked just alike but couldn’t be more different.

After decades of terror, Ryan Chamberlain’s (Jon Lindstrom) murderous destruction is over. General Hospital recaps recall Ryan and Ava Jerome’s (Maura West) final standoff. She suffered through Ryan’s confession about Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) and Nikolas (Marcus Coloma). And relived her daughter Kiki’s (Hayley Erin) death. But, this time Ava wins. Finally, Mac Scorpio (John J. York) shows up and saves the day. It was then that Mac didn’t waste any time when going foe the kill. Ultimately, Ryan can’t hurt anyone again.

Now that Ryan is dead, his twin brother Kevin is filled with mixed emotions. The grieving process is complex and no two people grieve the same. According to General Hospital spoilers, dealing with his twin brother’s death becomes complicated. Ryan’s death takes a toll on Kevin’s mental state. While Kevin has always been of sound mind, something starts to change.

Laura Sees Ryan In Kevin

General Hospital rumors speculate that Mayor Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) is thrown for a loop when she notices her husband acting strangely. After some time, Kevin’s behavior grows increasingly out of character. As a result, Laura sees Ryan in Kevin.

Just as Ryan’s death brings a sigh of relief, Kevin becomes the next psycho killer stalker. Grieving his twin brother brought forth extreme cognitive dissonance. As Kevin battles the Ryan inside of him, Laura fears Ryan may win.

Will Kevin develop DID or some other form of split personality disorder?

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Goes To Bat For Esme, Esme Has A Different Way Of Thinking

Laura helps Esme keep her baby Esme starts to remember Esme Laura Ace Spencer

Laura helps Esme keep her baby! So far, Esme Prince’s (Avery Kristen Pohl) amnesia is considered as such by medical staff. Prior to her parapet plunge, Esme had a reputation. She committed crimes, tortured lives, and lied. Moreover, Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) revealed himself as Esme’s father.

Thus, Esme faking her memory loss wasn’t off the table. However, the new mom genuinely fears her so-called mother, Heather Webber (Alley Mills) and her late father Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom). Esme showed a side of herself that no one has seen before. Still, her ex-boyfriend Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) remains skeptical. He’s stuck on the notion that he will win custody of Esme’s baby. While Esme faces charges and possible jail time, Nikolas Cassadine’s (Marcus Coloma) whereabouts remain unknown.

According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Laura goes to bat for Esme. Sadly, Spencer’s plan to do right by his baby brother means cutting Ace’s mother out of his life. Because of this, Ace’s grandmother admits that big brother Spence isn’t the the baby’s best chance at a good life. Since Esme’s brush with death, her new personality shows promise. At this time, she isn’t faking her amnesia, but, there’s no telling how long she’ll remain a new woman. Her outlook is much different now, and she shutters when thinking of her past crimes.

Laura Goes To Bat For Esme

Despite her turnaround, Spencer believes Esme is unfit to be a mother. Also, he wants to shield the baby from its alleged father. Right now Nikolas isn’t around to put up a fight. However, Nik’s mom takes it upon herself to step in where she’s concerned. Laura helps Esme keep her baby by becoming Spencer’s biggest obstacle.

General Hospital rumors claim that Esme begins seeing things differently. While amnesia is credited for her altered temperament, the condition may not last forever. Naming her baby came as natural to Esme as breathing. “Ace” is the name she gave her baby while in captivity which carries over from prior days.

GH previews indicate that Esme won’t give up without a fight. Unfortunately for Spencer, Laura helps Esme keep her baby. Fans are loving the new and improved Esme. So, whether she regains her memory or not, fans want yo see her choose the right path. Does she have what it takes?

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer’s Custody Plans Come To A Screeching Halt- Grandmother Knows Best?

Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request

Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request! Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) is trying to keep it all together while her family and everything around them falls apart. In addition to leading her family amidst the drama, Mayor Collins is responsible for leading an entire city.

Some time last year, Laura’s focus turned toward protecting the city’s people. General Hospital recaps recall when the people of Port Charles became targets in mysterious hook attacks. Out of nowhere, Ava Jerome (Maura West) became the hook killer’s first victim in a vicious attack. From then on, no one was safe.

Meanwhile, as Laura and the PCPD worked to find the killer, Laura’s own family was under attack. As the tension grew between father and son, Laura tried to play peacemaker for her son Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss) and her grandson Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). However, the damage had been done and the fallout became too severe for repair. There was nothing Laura could do to save Nik and Spencer’s relationship.

According to General Hospital spoilers, recent circumstances require Laura’s attention once again. Her family is in ruins since Nikolas vanished just as Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) brought her and Nik’s baby into the world. Despite the Cassadine’s dark times, baby Ace’s birth sheds a little light on the family.

In Nikolas’s absence, Spencer feels a sense of responsibility to do right by his baby brother. With Esme facing jail time, Ace will need a stable home. And while Spencer thinks he’s the man for the job his grandmother sees things differently.

Grandmother Knows Best

General Hospital spoilers and rumors indicate that Spencer runs into a roadblock. Although his intentions are in the right place, his grandmother thinks that he’s too young to take on the responsibility of father figure.

Laura just wants peace among her family. But, being the reason Spencer’s custody plans fall through probably isn’t the best way to keep the peace. Based on recent GH rumors, Laura rejects Spencer’s custody request. As a result, Laura risks creating a rift between herself and her grandson. Will Laura drive Spencer right into Victor’s clutches?

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia Has Something Of Ryan’s That Heather Will Never Have

Is Esme’s mom Heather or Felicia

Is Esme’s mom Heather or Felicia?! Back in the day, Felicia experienced having been the object of Ryan’s obsession. Today, he carries a torch for his beloved Ava. Does that make Heather chopped liver? Well yes, but it gets even worse for Heather. Heather Webber’s (Alley Mills) jealousy runs deeper than having been Ryan’s third choice.

Surely, Heather isn’t too thrilled about Ryan’s past obsession with Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner) and current infatuation with Ava Jerome (Maura West). Being second choice never feels pleasant, let alone coming in third. Heather knows that Ryan’s adoration for Felicia and Ava far surpass whatever she thinks they had/have.

Heather or Felicia… Who Is Esme’s Real Mom?

According to General Hospital rumors, Heather is clinging onto Ryan by one little detail- Esme. Heather doesn’t stand a chance against the mother of Ryan’s child. Therefore, she tekks herself (and everyone else) that she is Esme’s mother. However, recent GH rumors speculate that this is just another one of Heather’s twisted mind games.

Meanwhile, while Heather is gushing to Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) about how Esme has her smile, Esme wants nothing to do with the family she’s told is hers. It’s apparent that Esme Prince’s (Avery Pohl) amnesia was the first step in the young woman’s redemption story. For the life of her, she cannot remember any connection with her father Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom), or any of the horrible things she’s done in Port Charles. Luckily, Laura sees the sincerity and genuine fear in Esme’s eyes.

General Hospital spoilers indicate that without her memory, Esme is nothing alleged biological parents. Even prior to amnesia, Esme only did what she was told by Ryan. And before that, Esme was a lonely girl seeking love and acceptance from family. Then, that is when she began helping Ryan carry out his evil agenda. She desperately sought approval and was willing to do whatever it took. Fortunately, her escape from Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) may be the key to escaping that crazy life.

Esme Gets A Makeover

Previously, General Hospital Blog shared Avery Pohl’s take on what’s to come for Esme. The actress believes her character is getting a makeover. General Hospital spoilers reveal redemption is in the cards and it’s much more than from memory loss. It’s possible that all odds aren’t against Esme. According to recent GH rumors, her biological makeup isn’t as crazy as we think. Some GH fans speculate that Heather isn’t really Esme’s mom. Instead, Felicia is rumored to hold that title. That being said, with one sane parent (Felicia), Esme’s chances of being at the mercy of her biological makeup decrease. Does Felicia have something Heather never will?!

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Fears The Worst, Spencer Feels The Weight Of His Words- What’s Nikolas Going To Do?

What’s Nikolas going to do

What’s Nikolas going to do?! Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and his father Nikolas Cassadine’s (temporarily Adam Huss) relationship has hit rough patches to say the least.

General Hospital news reports confirmed that Adam Huss is a temporary recast who will finish what was meant to be Marcus Coloma’s final scene. This news sparked General Hospital rumor related to what’s in store for Nikolas’s future.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Spencer’s plan to gain full custody of Nik and Esme Prince’s (Avery Kristen Pohl) baby results in an unexpected outcome. Spencer threatened and essentially blackmailed his father with a confession video. Provided by Ava Jerome (Maura West), the video has the power to destroy Nikolas. However, Spencer doesn’t necessarily want to destroy his self destructive father. Instead, Spence wants the video used as leverage to gain custody of his future brother or sister.

Unfortunately, Spencer went ahead and ran on his emotions as opposed to taking advice from those who care for him. Surely, his plan seemed like an iron clad shot at becoming victorious, but, he didn’t expect other possible outcomes.

What’s Nikolas Going To Do?

After Spencer blackmailed the Dark Prince, Nikolas pointed out that Spencer is acting in true Cassadine form. He’s especially livid about the part where Ava is lending a helping hand in his downfall. As a result of this family feud, Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) fears the worst.

GH previews show Nik at Ava’s new dwelling place. Wyndemere is her home now after having been ripped right from under Nik. He isn’t in the best state of mind after hearing what Spencer had to say. That being aaid, we know Nikolas is capable of more than we can imagine. So, will he lose it on Ava? Some GH rumors tease Nik could go off the rails and either harm Ava, harm himself, or completely disappear. Whatever he does, Spencer will feel the weight of it as if he’s to blame for what happens next.

General Hospital Spoilers: Adam Huss Finishes Out Storyline; Is Nikolas Cassadine Going to Die?!

Is Nikolas going to die

What happens to Nikolas Cassadine?! Is Nikolas going to die? The role of Nikolas Cassadinr has been recast. Previously, General Hospital news reports confirmed Marcus Coloma’s GH exit.

General Hospital spoilers revealed Marcus Coloma was let go from his role as Nikolas Cassadine, aka, The Dark Prince. GH rumors began after coloma’s suspicious, social media behavior. Fans denied the possibility of his exit just to be saddened by it becoming reality.

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal Adam Huss stepped into Coloma’s shoes to finish out Nikolas Cassadine’s storyline. That being said, if Nik’s storyline is ending; is Nikolas going to die? Huss replaced Marcus Coloma because Coloma couldn’t fulfill his obligation to his last scenes. However, GH rumors claim Adam Huss was only recast temporarily.

If he was cast just to wrap up Nik’s storyline, it’s possible Nicolas dies or goes off somewhere until they find a permanent recast. Some GH rumors tease that Mayor Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) will have Nik placed in Witness Protection. While others believe Nikolas will leave, but, believe he will be Victor’s prisoner instead of under protection.

Can Laura save her son from Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) and whatever else seeks out to harm him? What happens to Nikolas Cassadine?

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Takes The Reins From Victor, Puts Nikolas In Witness Protection?!

What happens to Nikolas on GH

Nikolas goes into witness protection?! Laura is fighting for her family’s strength as Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) reach has a tight grip on her son. After all his bad choices and Victor’s threats; we have to wonder, what happens to Nikolas?

General Hospital news reports confirm Marcus Coloma is wrapping up his 3 year run as Nikolas Cassadine. The news devastated fans while GH rumors surrounding the exit details spread like wildfire.

General Hospital comings and goings news reports that Coloma’s last scenes will air at the end of January. That being said, Nikolas Cassadine’s future is in question.

What Happens to Nikolas?

There are a few theories floating around the General Hospital rumor mill. One claims Nik will pay for what he’s done to Esme Prince (Nikolas). As a result of becoming her captor, Nik could wind up in Pentonville. Another theory involves Victor, claiming Nik will now become his prisoner! On the contrary, GH rumors hint that Laura turns the tables and takes the reins from Victor. As Mayor of Port Charles, Laura has the capability to ensure safety for Nikolas if she works quickly. GH spoilers reveal Laura desperately pleads for her son’s well being. Will her efforts deliver a positive outcome?

General Hospital News And Spoilers: Jane Elliot Returns- Tracy Brings Insight To Victor’s Plans And What Happened to Luke

Tracy Quartermaine returns

Tracy Quartermaine returns. Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) is plotting for a massive Cassadine takeover. His involvement in practically every major upset in Port Charles has left many curious. What is Victor Cassadine planning in the name of family? And what the Hell really happened to Luke Spencer?

General Hospital news and spoilers indicate Jane Elliot reprises her role on GH. After retirement in 2017, the ironic daytime star has popped back in and out a few times, adding a familiar element to storylines. The last time Elliot returned as Tracy Quartermaine she brought with her some terrible news. Tracy told Laura Spencer (Genie Francis), Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), The Quartermaine’s, and all of those who knew and loved Luke Spencer (Tony Geary), of his passing.

Tracy’s Return Brings Insight To What Happened to Luke

Laura, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers), and Anna DeVane (Finola Hughes) were left dumbfounded. They can’t fathom how someone like Luke could perish in such a meaningless and anticlimactic. Similarly, Genie Francis feels the exact same about Luke’s death as does her character Laura.

In previous General Hospital news, GH Blog shared thoughts from Geary’s co-stars. Genie, Tristan, Finola, and Jackie Zeman expressed their thoughts on the situation surrounding Luke Spencer. Genie revealed, “I feel like they’re setting the stage, really, for a wonderful comeback,” she confessed, “and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for that.” Genie also told an ABC reporter, “George, no one stays dead on a soap. I don’t know how many times I’ve been dead. Really!” The others weighed in as well, which created general hospital, rumors involving an investigation to get to the bottom of what really happened to Luke. Please CLICK HERE for the full story.

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal ABC’s General Hospital is coming up on 60 years! If that isn’t grounds for celebration, I don’t know what is! 60 years brings thrilling storylines with twists and turns and major revelations. The celebration brings forth familiar faces as General Hospital comings and goings reports confirm Jane Elliott returns to General Hospital as Tracy Quartermaine. According to GH rumors, Tracy Quartermaine’s return will have a lot to do with Luke; and Victor’s involvement in what really happened to the Cassadine nemesis.

General Hospital News And Spoilers: Why She Left- Kelly Thiebaud Opens Up About The Reason Behind Her GH Exit

Why Kelly Thiebaud left GH

Why Kelly Thiebaud left GH! Flashbacks of Kelly Thiebaud and Kathleen Gati’s performance depicting Britt Westbourne’s desolating death reel in our minds. Britt died in her mother’s arms, leaving no chance for the role to make even a soap opera style resurrection.

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal Britt’s sudden death as written into the script when Kelly Thiebaud chose to leave General Hospital. As a result of her decision, GH executives decided to kill off Thiebaud’s character as opposed to finding a recast for Dr. Britt Westbourne. Now, GH fans are left to mourn Kelly Thiebaud’s portrayal of Britt Westbourne.

GH recaps recall news relating to Kelly’s status with the daytime drama. GH comings and goings reports revealed Kelly was reprising her role as Eva Vasquez in ABC’s Station 19. Along with that news came confusion among the fans regarding the actresses status she took to Instagram to confirm she would be working on both Station 19 and General Hospital.

General Hospital rumors previously claimed Kelly was expected to leave the show in November. However, she remained as Britt Westbourne giving fans hope that she can stay. sadly Kelly Thiebaud decided to exit her role as Britt. General Hospital news in Spoilers reveal the reason why Kelly Thiebaud left GH.

Kelly Thiebaud exit Liesl Obrecht The Britch Fest

Why Kelly Thiebaud left GH

Kelly revealed her reason in a recent statement to Soap Opera Digest. “One is that I’m in love,” she admitted, “and have been doing long-distance for almost a year now, and my partner cannot move to the States at the moment.” Additionally, Thiebaud reveals another element to her personal decision. Kelly said, “But also… I am very interested in doing other things with my career,” she continued. “As much as I love Britt and I love the fans and I love General Hospital, I just felt like I had to go and pursue those other dreams and goals of mine.” Kelly spent over a decade on General Hospital as Dr. Britt Westbourne. Her schedule did not allow her the freedom to pursue other things.

The halls of the hospital will definitely be different without its Chief of Staff, Dr. Britt Westbourne. Sadly, we all have to say goodbye to a bright light, a spunky spark, and overall inspiring actress and role. Kelly and The Britch left a mark on our hearts. We will forever be grateful for the writing and performances that brought us Dr. Britt Westbourne.

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