
General Hospital News: Maurice Benard’s Emotional Announcement- Thanks Fans, “Without You Guys We Wouldn’t Have These Things”

Maurice Benard’s Emotional Announcement
Maurice Benard’s Emotional Announcement

I can’t think of a better person to make this announcement than General Hospital’s leading man, Maurice Benard. It seems like no matter who you talk to, everyone knows all about Sonny Corinthos. Over the years Benard’s portrayal of Sonny has become the show’s foundation. I mean, what better way to utilize a hospital than with victims of mob crime?

Needless to say but General Hospital as we know it wouldn’t be the same without Maurice, aka Sonny Corinthos. That’s why it’s most appropriate that Maurice Benard shares the news of this special achievement. Moreover, Maurice has personal experience with the milestone.

Maurice Benard’s Emotional Announcement

According to recent General Hospital news and spoilers, Benard joins ABC’s General Hospital on their official Instagram account. There he will unbox a plaque and announce an awarded achievement. As we know, social media holds unprecedented power in our society. They don’t call it social media influencer for nothing. That said, as an individual, organization, or group that produces significant societal impact typically strive to reach milestones. Therefore it’s imperative to grow your audience for increased engagement, hence influencing.

GH hasn’t been around for 60 years and counting for nothing. Clearly the iconic Soap Opera’s influential practices are in alignment with what fans. The Executives over at GH have stayed current with the times and utilize social media platforms effectively. So much so that GH has received an award for the show’s influence on our culture.

Benard announced that GH was given an award for reaching 100,000 YouTube subscribers. The three-time Daytime Emmy winner acknowledged GH’s hard work it takes to accomplish this milestone. That’s because Benard could relate, as he reached this milestone on YouTube as well. Most importantly, Maurice Benard thanks GH fans for their continued dedication. He states, “Without you guys we wouldn’t have these things.”

Be sure to catch the announcement in the video below.

General Hospital Spoilers: Drew Should’ve Taken His Interview As Seriously As Scout Did- Or At Least Make Sure It Doesn’t Fall Into The Wrong Hands

Scout’s recording lands Drew in hot water
Scout’s recording lands Drew in hot water

The people of Port Charles aren’t new to threats, blackmail, exposure, and dropping major bombshells. Furthermore, when was the last time a video or audio recording didn’t result in catastrophic consequences? Exactly. That answer is probably never. So what makes anyone think that this time is different?

According to recent GH news, Cameron Mathison embarks on a new film project. Previously, General Hospital Blog helped spread the news regarding his multi-picture deal with Great American Media.

Immediately, GH rumors began to spread surrounding Drew Cain, and Cameron Mathison’s GH status. The recent news has fans wondering if Cameron [and Drew] is leaving General Hospital.

Scout’s Recording Lands Drew In Hot Water

According to General Hospital spoilers, Scout’s interview could have damning implications for her father. She took her assignment very seriously and fulfilled her requirements from her teacher. Perhaps Drew divulged a little too much during the interview. Or, the recording may have been left running after the fact and could have cause some incriminating information. At this point it’s unclear what was said that could have adverse consequences. But what we do know is that Drew authorized the recorded interview while giving statements regarding Aurora Media. What ever it may be, that recording won’t end up a benign elementary school project.

General Hospital Spoilers: TJ Confronts Molly As They Face New Challenges

GH Spoilers: TJ confronts Molly
GH Spoilers: TJ confronts Molly

Lately, Molly Lansing Davis (Kristen Vaganos) has been making some big life decisions. The young twenty-something’s life is just getting started. At this stage is when some of our most life altering decisions must be made with little life experience.

General Hospital spoilers tease that Molly and TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) are at odds with each other after she neglected to consult him on a critical matter. Up until this point, Molly and TJ have had a mutual understanding and aligned expectations. But something has come over Molly. Sadly, her behavior is most likely a result of the grief she currently endures. She’s not acting like herself, and GH spoilers tease that TJ shows concern. That’s why the young doctor is caught off guard when he learns that his domestic partner didn’t even bother to speak to him on the topic.

GH Spoilers: TJ Confronts Molly

Meanwhile , TJ distracts himself with work, but he also grieves for their unborn child. They’ve always been able to leave on each other, but something is seemingly off this time. Reportedly, General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that TJ confronts Molly about a recent recent decision. Apparently, she said yes without even consulting TJ. Let’s just say that this raises a red flag and TJ doesn’t hesitate to question Molly.

General Hospital Spoilers: Who Killed Austin? Dante Questions Sonny About Austin’s Death

Who killed Austin Holt on General Hospital
Who killed Austin Holt on General Hospital

Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) and his father Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) have a mutual respect for each other’s career choices. Although they’re at opposite sides of the law, they’ve come to an understanding when it comes to family and business.

General Hospital previews indicate that a current situation puts Dante and Sonny’s understanding and respect for one another to the test. In a shocking twist, Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) was shot dead in cold blood. As a detective Dante must do what it takes to solve the crime, even if that means that he has to question his father.

Who Killed Austin Holt On General Hospital?

A doctor is dead and Dante has reason to believe that Sonny knows a little something about the situation. Of course, Sonny and Ava Jerome (Maura West) know more about Austin than some would guess, but that doesn’t mean they know who killed him. General Hospital spoilers tease that Dante investigates the crime and questions Sonny about Austin’s death. Some GH rumors claim that Cyrus Renault is the obvious choice, but something tells me that’s not the case. It just seems too easy.

Moreover, GH recaps recall the look on Austin’s face when he came face to face with his killer. He was puzzled to see this person but didn’t seem all that afraid. Did Ava lash out after she discovered that Austin’s been lying to her? Or is Nikolas Cassadine creeping around Port Charles with a vengeance?

General Hospital Spoilers: Russian Mob Uses Gloria To Get To Sonny, Is Yuri A Friend Or Foe?

GH Spoilers: Yuri Uses Gloria to Reach Sonny Yuri GH
Yuri Uses Gloria To Reach Sonny

Let’s be honest, the everyday grind isn’t easy. In fact, most of us fantasize about ways to live without being a slave to money until we die. Although the typical 8-5 workday isn’t the most appealing, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Taylor Swift once said, “Don’t you know that cash ain’t the only price?” Sure, someone you know might have body guards, an endless coffee supply, a private island as a safe-house, or designer clothes, a room at the Metro Court, or all of the above. But what is the price outside of monetary terms for the finer things in life? Often times money can buy frivolous purchases but it’s how the money was earned that sits uncomfortably with some people. Or not. Sadly, some people can sleep like a baby while knowing that they are the reason for someone’s pain and suffering.

On the flip side, others life everyday in constant fear of the enemy. That’s when protecting your own becomes more than your first priority. More importantly, an attempt to fortify your entire family’s world becomes your way of life. Port Charles mob boss Sonny Corinthos is a powerful man. Yet, he continues to find himself at odds with a new enemy.

Is Yuri A Friend Or Foe?

A body guard is a highly trusted, highly skilled professional that is hired to protect another person or group. So far, the Quartermaine’s bodyguard Yuri (Cyrus Hobbi) meets both of those expected attributes. He’s been nothing but kind and helpful to the Q clan, especially Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton). Yuri even called her by a nickname. From the looks of things, Yuri is quite fond of Miss BLQ and the entire Quartermaine family.

The Russian Mob 2008

Despite his big Teddy bear-like assets, Yuri could very well be a plant. No, not the kind that grows upon water and sunlight, but rather a decoy. Apparently, Yuri may not be the all-powerful protector like we all thought. Is Yuri there to carryout his obligation to serve and protect the Quartermaine family? Or is the Russian stationed with ulterior motives? General Hospital recaps highlight the year 2008 and its Russian storyline. Sonny had a new enemy, Karpov.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Yuri insinuates himself into Gloria Cerullo’s (Ellen Travolta) predicament with the Russian mob. He doesn’t rent to help Gloria. In reality, this is all part of a grander plan to get to Sonny.

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer and Trina Spark Nikolas and Portia’s Tawdry Affair

Nikolas and Portia’s Tawdry Affair
Nikolas and Portia’s Tawdry Affair

You’re probably wondering how in the Hell Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) and Nikolas Cassadine (last played by Adam Huss) would ever get together. Well, it’s complicated. It’s no secret that Portia can’t stand the entire Cassadine family, but ill feelings didn’t stop Ava Jerome (Maura West) and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) from their random crypt encounter. In fact, something much bigger than themselves resulted from that night.

So, does that mean that someone has to die inorder for Portia and Nikolas to throw themselves at one another? Odds are that won’t be the case. Instead, one thing leads to another upon Nikolas Cassadine’s return. General Hospital spoilers tease that Portia isn’t done meddling in her daughter Trina Robinson’s (Tabyana Ali) love life. Currently, Trina and Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) are at odds over this situation with Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) and baby Ace (Jay and Joey Clay). Regardless, Trina and Spencer truly love each other. Maybe they’ll work this out, maybe they won’t. But this is for Trina to decide.

Spencer and Trina Spark Nikolas and Portia’s Tawdry Affair

GH spoilers tease that Nikolas’s return triggers Spencer. Nikolas abandoned his son in the past and Spencer can’t see past the selfishness. So when Nik comes home, odds are he won’t receive a warm welcome from his son. But instead Spencer lashes out at his father. Additionally, GH rumors tease that Trina finds out that Portia has even sabotaging her relationship. After all, Trina’s mother is the reason that Esme moved into Laura Spencer’s (Genie Francis) home in the first place. Of course, Portia knew exactly what she was doing when she nudged Esme to move in close to her ex.

Shocking General Hospital spoilers and rumors claim that Trina is so angry with Portia that she shuts her out. Moreover, Spencer follows suit and writes off his own father. These dysfunctional parents both pushed their kids to the limit and now they face the consequences. As it turns out, life gets lonely when your children won’t speak to you. But how lonely will Nikolas and Portia get? Enough so that they lean on each other to cope with mistakes?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Link Inside! Fans Petition For Roger Howarth’s Return, Help GH Blog Find Petition, SIGN Petition For Roger’s Return

GH Fans Petition Roger Howarth’s Return
GH Fans Petition Roger Howarth’s Return

Since his memorable role as Todd Manning on ABC’s One Life To Live, Roger Howarth has been an icon and fan-favorite. Despite OLTL’s 2012 cancellation, Roger’s popularity grew. That’s because he landed himself a role on ABC’s longstanding General Hospital. Fast forward to today and we all know the rest.

General Hospital news and spoilers report that Roger Howarth’s GH exit caused quite a stir. So much backlash for TPTB flood social media platforms. No one wanted to see Roger go, and now the GH Executives are receiving backlash for their decision not to renew Roger’s contract.

According to GH news, GH fans petition Roger Howarth’s return. It’s true that there is a change.org petition to get Roger back on General Hospital. Evidently, fans are just as dismayed by losing Austin Holt as they were when Franco Baldwin was suddenly killed. It’s obvious the that common denominator is Roger Howarth. He’s a beloved actor in the Daytime Television community and GH fans aren’t ready or willing to let him go.

Our friends over at the General Hospital Blog Facebook Page have helped us by finding the petition link. Thank You, Judith Sugiura and Nancy Melman for sharing the link in our comments section!

Click the Link Below ⬇️

✍🏻Please sign the petition! Don’t forget to check out more information in the video below!

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Brooklyn Silzer On Emma Drake’s GH Return

Brooklyn Silzer On Emma Drake’s Return Robin and Emma
Brooklyn Silzer On Emma Drake’s Return

What a surprise! Real ones know exactly how to bring a friend out of a funk, even if it’s temporary. Thanks to Robert, Anna was reminded of all that she’s thankful for. So, is Emma Drake back in Port Charles temporarily to brighten Anna’s Thanksgiving, or is she here to stay?

There’s no doubt that Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) is a true friend. Even more than that he is loyal and authentic. He’s there for Anna in good times and in bad, and he’d never betray her trust. On the other hand, Valentin Cassadine claims to love Anna but doesn’t think twice about compromising her well-being to suit his needs.

General Hospital recaps highlight the recent events that lead to Anna’s less-than holiday spirit. Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) has been down in the dumps after she accidentally shot Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez). Since Anna’s melancholia set in, she planned to spend Thanksgiving alone. Well, Robert couldn’t bear to see the mother of his child sulk in the dark, alone. So instead he took action and did what he could to cheer her up. Now that’s a friend.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Emma Drake and Cameron Webber (William Lipton) return and get swept away by romance. However, GH news has yet to confirm any rumors that claim Lipton’s returns GH. Additionally, Brooklyn Silzer is back, but the question is how long.

Brooklyn Silzer on Emma Drake’s GH return Robin Patrick Emma

GH spoilers and news reports reveal Brooklyn Silzer’s statement regarding her GH status. Recently, Silzer spoke with Soap Opera Digest regarding her GH return. “My mom told me I was jumping for joy,” She admitted. GH spoilers reveal that Brooklyn Silzer also disclosed the duration of her time at the Daytime Emmy winning drama. “I was so excited to be back and see everyone! I was there for two days, and I was so glad I got to spend a little extra time with some of my favorite people, like [on-screen grandparents] Finola [Hughes, Anna] and Tristan [Rogers, Robert].”

Sadly, it looks like the all grown up Emma Drake was only here to brighten her grandparent’s holiday.

What Is Brooklyn Silzer Up To?

Reportedly, the 17 year old has been applying to nursing school. “I’m pretty busy with school,” Silzer explained. “I’ve been applying for nursing school. That takes up most of my time. I’m taking pretty hard classes this year, but I’m hoping to stay local for college,  maybe I can come visit General Hospital more often. That would be really cool.” It’s kind of an ironic career choice she and admits that her time on General Hospital “definitely inspired” her career path. She continued to divulge her reasoning, “ever since I started, I’ve known I wanted to be a nurse, I think since I was six years old. I always said, ‘I want to be a nurse when I grow up,’ and it just stayed with me, and I’ve become more inspired as I’ve been doing volunteer work throughout my high school years.”

General Hospital news and spoilers report that Silzer conformed that she’s all about visiting GH more often. It’s obvious that her experience as Robin and Patrick Scorpio-Drake’s daughter has been a positive light her life, along with her GH family.

General Hospital: Thanksgiving In Port Charles 2023

General Hospital Thanksgiving 2023
General Hospital Thanksgiving 2023

It’s never a dull moment in Port Charles, but excitement at this level should come with a warning! If you think that your family has holiday drama, then you need to take a seat and watch the Quartermaine family do Thanksgiving. As a General Hospital fan it’s just one of those things. If you know you know.

General Hospital Thanksgiving 2023

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Port Charles is right on track with the typical holiday season hijinks. The Quartermaine’s do not disappoint when they come together in celebration of the holiday. Despite the bickering, blackmail, and betrayal, the wild bunch is full of love for one another.

This year, the Q mansion has a little added spice to go around at this year’s Thanksgiving meal. Now that Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) is in town, the family has additional added Bensonhurst flare!

Previously, GH Blog shared the latest Thanksgiving spoilers. Robert came through for Anna in a big way! Brooklyn Silzer’s GH return took fans by surprise when Robert presented her to her grandmother. She’s just what Anna needs during this difficult time.

GH spoilers tease that there’s much more where today’s thrills came from! You won’t want to miss a beat when it comes to Thanksgiving in Port Charles!

General Hospital Spoilers: Robert Comes Through When Anna’s In a Funk

Robert Comes Through For Anna GH Thanksgiving
Robert Comes Through For Anna this Thanksgiving

Anna Devane has seen better days. Based on the nature of her work and her life as a whole, you’d think that Anna has had worse days as well. While that might be since she’s been through so much, there isn’t much worse than having shot a child. Anna’s really going through it and so she falls into a funk.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Anna deals with the guilt after she shot Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) daughter Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez). Clearly, the fault lies with Valentin as he neglected to come clean to Anna. GH recaps recall that Valentin knew for a good amount of time that his daughter was behind much of the suspicious attacks against Anna Devane (Finola Hughes). He and his trusted friend Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) conspited to conceal Charlotte’s crimes. Sadly, this lead to the tragedy that they now face.

According to General Hospital previews and spoilers, Anna is in a funk. She’s had a lot to deal with and what makes things worse is that she doesn’t even have Valentin to lean on anymore. Instead, she now deals with the reality of his betrayal. Thanksgiving is here and it’s time to celebrate with family and close friends. However, not everyone is up for celebrating. GH spoilers indicate that Robert comes through for Anna to pull her out of her funk. This Thanksgiving, Anna is thankful for friendship despite the hard times she’s going through.