
General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Turns Sonny On To Nina’s Suspicious Generosity When Asks For Answers He Doesn’t Have

Carly turns Sonny on to Nina and her suspicious generosity
Carly turns Sonny on to Nina

Carly Corinthos Spencer (Laura Wright) and her ex-husband Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) get along quite well considering why and how their separation began. Considered Daytime Television’s most powerful couple by a large majority of fans, Sonny and Carly remain fan favorites despite the couple’s split. So what that tells us is that we can’t even fathom the possibility that CarSon is over for good.

Carly turns Sonny on- while that statement in itself might be true, we must finish the thought… According to General Hospital previews and spoilers, Carly turns Sonny on to Nina and her suspicious generosity. Why all of a sudden does Nina find the workload to be overwhelming? So much so that she not only wants to sell, but she’s oddly compelled to give first dips to Carly.

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Carly takes her suspicions to Sonny. Now that they’re married, it’s only natural that he’s aware of what his wife is up to, right? Wrong. Luckily for Nina, Michael is the only one in the Corinthos family who knows what Nina has done. However, it’s unfortunately for Sonny’s new wife, Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth) is back and remembers exactly what Nina did.

More and more people find out as the days carry on. But who will be the one to expose Nina and finally reveal the truth?

General Hospital Spoilers and Rumors: Selina Wu Shot Curtis?! It’s Not Over For Selina Just Because Sonny Said No

Selina Wu Shot Curtis
Selina Wu Shot Curtis?!

In an instant, Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) life was turned into unfamiliar territory. What he once walked through like nothing and knew like the back of his hand, is now a foreign concept. Curtis’s life as he knew it is gone, but thankfully he has the important things to hold on to.

Aside from his beloved family, Curtis’s next love is his business. He started The Savoy as a result of his life altering decision to take a new career path. He was sick of the danger, and over the unpredictability of that lifestyle. That’s why he decided to open up a club in Port Charles. Thankfully, business has been a success since he opened its doors. Despite The Savoy’s success, Curtis made a big mistake. Getting into [illegal] business with Selina Wu has already presented consequences. Her eery threats and passive aggressiveness is just added stress that no business owner needs. Furthermore, Selina isn’t just some pushy business woman. She’s that and then some. She’s all business, and her business isn’t your normal everyday interaction.

General Hospitql spoilers and rumors tease that Selina is a lot more involved in this than they think. Sure, she’s sticking her nose into the situation now that Curtis is paralyzed. It’s obvious that she wants the club and eceb went to Sonny about it. So why would anything think that a woman like Selina stops there? She won’t. Actually, new GH spoilers and rumors tease that her interest in The Savoy post [Curtis’s] injury wasn’t the beginning.

General Hospital Spoilers: A Troubled Childhood Sheds Light On Dex Heller’s Parents

Dex Heller’s Parents
Dex Heller’s Parents

It’s pretty wild to look back in retrospect and realize how quickly things changed. General Hospital recaps recall hard times for the Corinthos family. In May of 2022, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) was dead set on destroying his father’s life and the lifestyle that he’s built for himself and his family. Because in Michael’s eyes Sonny betrayed their family when he developed feelings for Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros).

From what it looks like, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) could have been an orphan. We know that is wasn’t, but his willingness to put his life on the line leads to certain assumptions. It’s almost like the young man has nothing to lose. Dex joined the military straight out of high school, and he’s estranged from his two brothers. The young army Veteran is seemingly willing to risk his life to work for Michael, and now Sonny.

Who Are Dex’s Mystery Parents?

The identity of Dex’s parents has become a burning question among GH fans. According to General Hospital rumors, multiple scenarios surrounding Dex Heller’s parents continue to circulate. It’s hard to know what to believe because the the possibilities are plentiful. I mean, that’s the fun of it isn’t it? At least it is for me. I love the mystery behind the story and the strategic guessing game that we the fans play.

After a recent GH episode, fans went back to the drawing board to come up with more ideas about Dex’s background. General Hospital spoilers indicate that Dex may have dropped a hint about his troubled past when he empathized with Spencer. Dex was quick to chime in about his Spencer’s dilemma with his brother Ace. It almost seemed like Dex knew all too well what Spencer was going through.

Is Dex referring to a long lost little brother of his own?

General Hospital Spoilers: Elizabeth Condemns Anna, Her Holier Than Thou Attitude Strikes Debate, Is Jake In Danger?

Elizabeth condemns Anna and endangers Jake
Elizabeth condemns Anna and endangers Jake

Jake Webber (Hudson West) and Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) are growing up right before have become close friends throughout the years. Now that they’re teenagers, the time they spend together isn’t always supervised. Hence how Charlotte had the opportunity to slip away from her friends when Valentin trusted her alone.

As one of the youngest Cassadines, Charlotte seems to be leaning toward the dark traits of the family. General Hospital recaps recall a long history of malicious acts by Valentin and Lulu Spencer’s daughter. Lately, Charlotte’s behavior has become very Cassadine-like. While GH rumors hint that young Charlotte’s on her way to becoming Helena 2.0, many GH fans hope she turns herself around.

Anyone who knows anything about General Hospital knows that Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) is lethal. The Cassadines are known for their deadly usurpation schemes which have no bounds. Power, control, and revenge are what drive these dark Cassadines. So it makes sense that Victor would use his granddaughter to get revenge on Anna. But by having Charlotte carryout his dirty work, she becomes a danger to those around her.

Elizabeth Condemns Anna and Endangers Jake

Elizabeth condemns Anna and endangers Jake

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Elizabeth Webber’s son is in potential danger. His friendship with Charlotte could put him at risk if she continues to be held under Victor’s mind control. That is, unless his mom shakes that holier than thou attitude and sees the truth. Elizabeth is so quick to condemn Anna when she has no clue that her son is hangs around Helena Jr. Then again, Elizabeth knows all too well what it’s like being involved with a Cassadine. After all, Liz is the one who helped Nikolas imprison a young pregnant woman.

If Elizabeth doesn’t wake up, who knows what could happen to Jake.

General Hospital Spoilers: A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure
Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Ned Quartermaine, who?! Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) wanted to live the good life, full of music and mayhem. Overnight, Ned Quartermaine went from business man to front man after a slip and fall accident at the Metro Court. Although his loved ones were devastated by the incident, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) will feel relieved that Ned woke up as a completely different man. One that she wasn’t around to see.

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure Ned is Back

The 1990s were really something, and General Hospitals relevance in society weighed heavily on its entertainment value and social issues. Back then the popularity of the Nurses Ball allowed for a great platform to spread AIDS awareness during the 90s.

Music has always been a part of General Hospital. Many recall Rick Springfield from the ABC Soap Opera, General Hospital. He played Dr. Noah Drake. He was a doctor by day and a rockstar by night. Hannah Montana, oops, I mean Frankie.

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

GH spoilers tease that Ned is back after Eddie took his polar plunge. So, why did Eddie jump into undesirably cold waters? Was he faking the whole time and used this moment to remember his life? Regardless, it doesn’t even matter if he was faking the entire time or not. What matters is that Nina is going to be shaking harder than if she has 10 cups of Corinthos Coffee. Will Ned tell Nina’s SEC secret scandal?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Is Mason Sticking Around GH? Nathanyael Grey’s Shocking Confession Light On Mason’s Good Side

Mason sticking around GH
Mason sticking around GH

Time sure flies when you’re a bad guy! Maybe that’s why the past year and four months seem like a blink of an eye. Grey joined General Hospital’s cast in June of 2022 and first aired on the 15th of that month. Since July of 2022, the GH newcomer was placed on recurring status.

Mason Gatlin struck a chord with GH fans from the moment he popped in the scene. Mysterious but on a creepy level, Mason’s no-nonsense interactions became increasingly intimidating with each scene. General Hospital recaps recall that he and his cousin Dr. Austin Gatlin Holt butted heads from the start. But when when Mason interrupted Austin’s news life, no one knew their backstory. Even Maxie had the woo pulled over her eyes as she was trying to get to know the man who delivered her baby.

General Hospital news reports confirm that Grey disclosed GH spoilers in a Ew ent Soaps In Depth interview.

Nathanyael Grey’s Shocking Confession About Mason

GH spoilers reveal that the recent interview sheds light on Mason’s good side- well, sort of. But according to Grey, Mason is not good or bad. Instead, he reveals that Executive Producer Frank Valentini told the actor that Mason is a gray character.

“He’s just doing what he’s told to the best of his ability,” Grey explained. “I tried to reflect that with some of the dialogue that they would allow me to change here and that, that he’s just a guy doing his job, but he’s morally ambiguous with what the job entails.

“One time, they wrote that Mason was directly threatening Georgie,” he added. “I changed the line to ‘Don’t make me.’ Like, ‘I don’t want to do it but I will,’ as opposed to ‘I will totally kidnap a kid!’ Once I knew that Mason’s family has a trucking company and who the boss was, I was like, ‘Oh, okay, well, he doesn’t want to lose his family business, so he kind of has to do these things.’ And Frank [Valentini, GH’s executive producer] backed that up; he said, ‘You’re actually a gray character. You’re not all bad.’”

From the sound of things, it’s possible that General Hospital is prepared to keep Grey on to portray Mason for the foreseeable future. GH Blog with keep fans updated on any GH casting changes regarding Nathabyael’s GH status.

General Hospital News and Spoilers: GH’s Kristina Wagner Shares Update, John J. York Is All Smiles Over His Medical Team

John J. York’s Medical Team
John J York’s Medical Team

Yesterday, General Hospital star John J. York began his stem cell transplant treatment. The 100 day process begins with 8 days of “heavy chemo.” Reportedly, York explained the risks that go along with the transplant and chemo. In the post below, General Hospital Blog shared details of John’s interview with the news outlet, TV Insider. The full article can be read by clicking on the box below, the link ⬆️.

Today is a new day/week, with new hope for the future. General Hospital news reports reveal that today is also John J. York’s first week of treatment.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that York’s long time co-star and friend, Kristina Wagner reached out to fans via X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. She shared a photo of John with his medical team as all three share the brightest smiles. Below you will find Wagner’s post with the photo including Dr. Kassim, and Medical Practitioner, Anne.

According to Wagner, the chemo portion stats this week while the transplant begins on November 17th. Please keep John, his medical team, his family and supporters in your thoughts and prayers.

Despite the smiles, York knows the risks that come along with everything from the illness to the treatment itself. “I’ll probably lose my hair, and that’s OK,” he told the outlet. “And, you know, there’s just all kinds of issues. I could, I could pass away. I mean, maybe not from the chemo, but when the transplant starts.”

General Hospital News and Spoilers: GH Star Enters “Rocky Terrain” As John J. York Begins Stem Cell Treatment and Chemo

John J York shares stem cell treatment details
John J York shares stem cell treatment details

First, I want to start off by asking that we all keep John J. York, aka our beloved Mac Scorpio in our prayers and healing thoughts. General Hospital’s John J. York has a smile that could brighten anyone’s day. His positive outlook and upbeat personality is a gift to himself as well as those who know and follow him. Additionally, York exhibits great strength as he shares with the world of his current medical condition.

Previously, GH Blog shared the news that John J. York, also known as GH’s Mac Scorpio, announced that he’d be taking a hiatus from the ABC daytime drama. Then, shortly after he gave fans something to think about, York returned to social media for the details. That’s when the iconic actor revealed that he was told he has 3-5 years to live. According to General Hospital news and spoilers, his diagnosis lead to a bone marrow search with Be A Match.

Fast forward and York has come forward with a health update. Reportedly, the stem cell transplant is a 100 day process. According to General Hospital news reports, York tells TV Insider the details of what he faces in the coming weeks. He shares, “The first week is an 8-day process of heavy-duty chemo, where I’ll probably lose my hair, and that’s OK,” he told the outlet. “And, you know, there’s just all kinds of issues. I could, I could pass away. I mean, maybe not from the chemo, but when the transplant starts. So after the eight days of these different chemo treatments that they’re doing, they’re basically wiping my body of what I’ve been living with in terms of my blood and DNA and all this stuff for my entire life. They’re wiping that clean and then they’re gonna put new stuff in me from the donor. And that’s going to be the new me.”

John J York Takes His Stem Cell Treatment One Day At A Time

Treatment takes place everyday unless the doctors see positive results from early on. He admits, “that would be wonderful. Then they may say, ‘You don’t have to come in tomorrow, come in the next day. And then we’ll test after that.’ That goes on for 100 days, and I would say the first probably 20 days [after the transplant] are the crucial days,” is what York told news outlet TV Insider.

The 22 year GH actor continued to describe his upcoming challenges with a positive and bright outlook. However, the long, demanding process can take its toll, but York displays the strength to stay the course. Unfortunately, the treatment doesn’t cease after the 100 days. Instead, he faces more testing. Those tests include biopsy and bone marrow aspiration. “I thought I was done doing bone marrow biopsies, but I still have like five bone marrow biopsies out there. Those are just not my favorite things in the world to do,” the actor admitted. For now, he’s taking things “one day at a time.”

General Hospital Blog continues to keep John J. York in our prayers as he faces these health challenges. His smiling face is enough to carry many through their bad days. Let’s shine our smiles on John to bright his too!

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer and Laura Clash Over Esme, Laura Doesn’t Want To Hear It From Her Grandson

Spencer and Laura Clash Over Esme

Oh no! Now Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) is upset with his grandmother, Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis). I swear, this poor woman doesn’t catch a break! As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. When Laura isn’t being written the riot act for simply doing her best for others, she faces other challenges and suffers great loss.

Enough is enough. Spencer Cassadine has hit his grandmother’s limit when it comes to his incessant ridiculing of anyone and anything involving baby Ace. According to General Hospital spoilers, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) can’t wait to shout from the mountaintops! She’s got something to get off of her chest so she spills the tea. Apparently, Miss Independent Esme shares the good news about her future. After her talk with Laura, Esme’s ecstatic from the idea of taking hold of her own life. Moreover, she has Laura’s support this time around.

GH spoilers and rumors tease that Spencer and Laura clash over Esme after he finds out about Esme’s plans. Although Ace is Spencer’s brother (for now), he has taken on the father figure role in Nikolas’s absence. Some fans think he’s taken things too far. And I must admit that I am one of them. However, everything happened for a reason and GH rumors claim there’s a reason Spencer feels so attached to Ace. Yes, they are “brothers,” but rumor has it that it’s more than that.

Obviously, Spencer is upset because he doesn’t want Esme and Ace to move out. As much as he says it’s because of Ace, how much of his feelings include Esme? Maybe more than we think.

General Hospital Spoilers: Adam’s Dark Side Becomes Part Of His Epic Story, Josslyn Should Buckle Up For The Wild Ride

Adam takes Josslyn for a wild ride Joshua Benard Eden McCoy
Adam takes Josslyn for a wild ride

Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Adam Wright (Joshua Benard) didn’t exactly make fast friends with each other. Instead, he offended and insulted the freshman college student. Let’s just say that Joss wasn’t too trilled when Adam approached her regarding the viral sex video. That said, it’s a wonder that these two are not study buddies, and even friends.

According to General Hospital rumors, Adam’s fixation with Dex’s girlfriend grows stronger. Right now Adam and Josslyn have spent a little time together, but not enough time to have really gotten to know each other. Although his behavior seems a bit suspicious, Josslyn has yet to catch on.

Reportedly, General Hospital news and spoilers reveal that Joshua Benard and Eden McCoy prepare Adam for a front burner storyline. Joshua seems to be the perfect actor to portray Adam, who happens to have a dark side. In fact, he reminds me of someone, don’t you think? Hmm, who else has a good heart and a dark side?!

Maurice Benard’s son first appeared on General Hospital in November 12th, 2018, as a young Sonny who shot Joe Scully (1985).

Adam Takes Josslyn For A Wild Ride

Fast forward a few years and Joshua Benard returns to GH as his own character. Now, Joshua plays a complex role as Adam Wright sheds his skin and shows his vulnerabilities. General Hospital spoilers tease that Adam’s under a lot id pressure from his parents. His GPA is their number one priority. Because of this, Adam has already confided in Joss as they study hard as college freshmen.

While GH rumors tease that Dex warns Josslyn about Adam, new GH spoilers indicate that there’s a reason for the madness. It’s no secret that something is off with Adam. As it turns out, Joshua walks in his father Maurice’s footsteps as his role in General Hospital struggles with mental health. It’s yet to be confirmed whether Adam is bipolar, or possibly has borderline personality disorder. But according to recent reports, Adam will exhibit sort of a chameleon effect of behaviors toward the object of his affection- Josslyn Jacks.

GH spoilers warn, Josslyn better buckle up for this wild ride.