
General Hospital Spoilers: Anna Suspects Valentin Is Cheating

Anna suspects Valentin cheats with Nina
Anna suspects Valentin is cheating

Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) isn’t shy about who he loves. When that man loves a woman, he lets the world know. Honestly, Valentin is the last person to be suspected of cheating on his woman. Out of all the people in Port Charles, Anna’s secure in her relationship. Valentin has been openly in love with Anna for years, so there was never a reason to believe he’d be unfaithful.

Anna is going through a lot right now while she tries to uncover her mysterious threat. Every passing day adds more fear and more confusion despite the investigation. In fact, she is more confused than ever. While the arson attack indicates that Anna’s enemy is a professional, the other strange incidents don’t align. Plus, Valentin has given Anna false information regarding the security footage.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Anna’s suspicions about Valentin intensify. She can’t quite put her finger on it, but she knows he’s still hiding things from her. Is it Pikeman? Is it the WSB? Previously, she and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) tossed around the idea that the two could be connected.

According to GH spoilers, Anna suspects Valentin is cheating with Nina. He’s not acting like himself, being evasion and even aloof in conversation. GH rumors hint that Charlotte has something to do with Anna’s new inkling about Valentin. Will she call him out? Or maybe Nina gets a visit from Sonny’s friend Anna.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny and Nina’s Wedding Day Is Almost Here! Sonny’s Too Distracted To Notice The Red Flags

Sonny and Nina’s upcoming wedding
Sonny and Nina’s upcoming wedding

There’s never a dull moment when it comes to life in Port Charles. Drama and chaos is at a constant flow, streaming through the entire city. At times, a surge will come through Port Charles like a tidal wave, causing mayhem among the city’s residents. Usually, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) is at the forefront in some way, shape or form.

Currently, Sonny and Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) seem to be the main targets in what they believe could be connection. Perhaps between Pikeman and the WSB? Anyways, that means that Sonny is quite busy protecting his loved ones while trying to get to the bottom of this. Moreover, he and his fiancé Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) are getting married!

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Sonny and Nina’s wedding day is coming up quickly. Admidst the mob drama, Nina keeps more secrets from Sonny. Not only is she the one who tipped off the SEC, but now she knows exactly who is doing creepy things to Anna. Of course, Sonny’s too distracted with Anna, and now Sasha and Gladys, so he’s bound to overlook some red flags. So will Nina marry the man of her dreams while he’s none the wiser of her secrets? GH rumors tease that Sonny and Nina’s upcoming wedding exposes the truth as relationships end and new ones begin.

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Laura Wright Speaks Out- Is Carly Leaving Port Charles?

Laura Wright GH exit
Laura Wright GH exit rumors IG @jeremyjfisher

In Port Charles, the Corinthos family faces some hard times in the here and now. So much has changed in the last few years since Sonny (Maurice Benard) was presumed dead. That’s when Carly Corinthos’s (Laura Wright) life took a drastic turn.

In 1996, in came Caroline Benson (Sarah Joy Brown). She was an alluring pool shark with an agenda to seduce her mother’s husband. Despite her ill intentions, Carly and Bobbie Spencer (the late Jackie Zeman) eventually became very close. Fast forward to 2005, and Laura Wright joins General Hospital as the 4th actress to take on the role of Caroline Benson, aka Carly Corinthos. Laura’s portrayal hit home with GH fans, making the role one of the most popular in daytime tv. Carly and (ex-husband) Sonny Corinthos became household names as General Hospital’s main focus (while also focused on the hospital).

The Latest Laura Wright GH Exit

Recently, Carly’s had a rough go ever since Sonny was presumed dead and returned in love with Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). There’s no doubt that Carly has seen better days. Especially losing the Metro Court to the same woman who took her man. But GH spoilers tease, mark Carly’s words, she WILL get EVERYTHING back that Nina stole from her. Carly may have gotten knocked down, and even kicked while she was already on the ground, but she’s formidable and always comes out on top.

Recently, GH rumors claimed that Laura Wright was on her way out and ready to exit General Hospital. Every so often it seems that this very same rumors starts, usually on Twitter. Thankfully, Wright is active on the social media platform, and engages with fans on a regular basis. Due to the recent GH casting rumors Laura took to Twitter to set the record straight. As stated above, Carly vowed to take everything from Nina that she had stolen. So why in the world would Carly leave Port Charles when it’s her time to shine?

Carly Joss Bobbie

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal that Laura Wright confirms that she isn’t going anywhere.

Carly is determined to take back everything!

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Makes A Desperate Call

Valentin makes desperate call about Charlotte
Valentin calls Laura about Charlotte

Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) recently entered into what could be considered every father’s nightmare. Evidently, Valentin’s daughter Charlotte displays troubling behavior as security footage shows incriminating actions.

At the Metro Court offices, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) helped her friend get to the bottom of Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes). Al thought she’d assisted in retrieving the footage, there isn’t anything more that Nina can do about his daughter Charlotte. However, GH spoilers tease that Valentin has an idea for who to call. Since he really can’t depend on the rest of the Cassadine’s, Valentin reaches out to Charlotte’s mother’s side.

Valentin Calls Laura About Charlotte

Valentin calls Laura for help with Charlotte

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Valentin makes a desperate call about Charlotte. From the looks of things, something has come over Charlotte, and she’s acting out of character. Or, is it really that out of character for her? ???? Thankfully, her mothers side is just as strong and resourceful, and without an evil steak! According to GH previews and spoilers, that’s when Valentin calls Laura Spencer. Of course! Why didn’t he think of her sooner? There’s a good chance that Charlotte’s grandmother Laura can help. Now if only Charlotte’s mom Lulu would wake up! ????

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Emme Rylan Breaks Silence On Lulu

Emme Rylan breaks silence on Lulu
Emme Rylan breaks silence on Lulu

It’s incredible how time flies! One day it’s December of 2020, and a fan-favorite leaves General Hospital. Then before you know it, it’s creeping up on four years since then, and whispers of a return fill social media news feeds.

General Hospital recaps recall when Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) and Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) went to visit Lulu at her care facility. This past August, Charlotte teared up at her mother’s bedside. She struggles with her mother’s absence, in addition to other family issues. That’s why many fans believe that it’s the perfect time to wake up Charlotte’s mother, Lulu.

Meanwhile, Valentin’s got his work cut out for him on the home front. He’s a father first and foremost, but a Cassadine nonetheless. With that comes challenges that he and Charlotte struggle to handle on his own. According to recent GH spoilers and rumors, it makes perfect sense to wake Lulu from her coma at this time. Naturally, Lulu is a Spencer! She’s strong, resourceful, and most importantly, the Spencer family gives the Cassadines a run for their money. Currently, Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) reach has gone beyond the grave, making Lulu’s daughter his target.

Emme Rylan Breaks Silence On Lulu Spencer’s Return

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal the latest on Emme Rylan and her role as Lulu Spencer. Finally, the actress addressed all the buzz as storyline dialogue recently began to name drop Lulu Spencer. The actress made it crystal clear that she’s open and willing to return to General Hospital as the iconic Lulu.

Emma Rylan Lulu Spencer

Additionally, Rylan disclosed that she’s under the impression that TPTB will call her if and when they plan for Lulu to awaken from her coma. In regard to the flood of fan messages and inquiries the actress started by saying, “I am getting approximately one million messages asking if Lulu is waking up and… I don’t want to ruin storyline ever. I am very much into the integrity of storylines whether I’m in them or not. So I’ve been putting it off and putting it off and putting off talking. Because I’m getting so many messages! I don’t know what to say!”

There’s a fine line between what is allowed to be disclosed and what satisfies the fan’s inquiries. Emme addressed the situation the best she could. She concluded her explanation by stating, “So basically, the bottom line, no matter what the internet says, I have made it very clear to GH that I am always available to play Lulu should she ever want to wake up. It is my understanding that when they choose to wake her up, they would be calling me. That could always change. Who knows? But that is my understanding. When they want to wake her up, they will call me. That’s as much as I know and I have not heard from them.”

What do you think? Are the writers preparing to wake up Lulu just as Charlotte needs her mother the most?

General Hospital Spoilers: Dante Breaks Sam’s Heart In A Shocking Turn Of Events, Homeless Lulu Has Nowhere To Go

Dante breaks Sam’s heart over Lulu
Dante breaks Sam’s heart over Lulu

The inevitable is closer than we all think. Often times, a storyline is left open-ended, kinda like a cliffhanger Friday. Except the resolution doesn’t occur the following Monday. Instead, it could take months or even years to see a storyline conclusion. Particularly, an ongoing storyline has fans speculating for years. Yes, years. Its truly hard to believe that it’s been over three and a half years since Lulu Spencer Falconeri (Emme Rylan) fell victim to her Uncle Cyrus Renault (Joff Kober).

GH recaps recall that she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, making her collateral damage. Sadly, Lulu slipped into a coma in December, 2020. Since then her family lives their lives day to day. Charlotte misses her mother dearly, as does Rocco. As for Dante, he misses Lulu too. But he and Lulu weren’t even together at the time of the tragedy. However, she was just about to tell Dante (Dominic Zanprogna) that she was done with Dustin and wanted to try again. Then Julian Jerome set off the bomb before Lulu got her chance.

Dante Breaks Sam’s Heart When Lulu Comes Home

According to General Hospital spoilers, a shocking twist brings Lulu back home. And not just back home, but back home with Dante. First, she must awaken from her coma and go through the routine examinations in order for clearance to go home. Then, Lulu must recuperate in a comfortable atmosphere. Unfortunately, Lulu wouldn’t have anywhere to go if she were to awaken right now.

What’s more comfortable than a familiar place or familiar faces to care for you? Nothing. Especially when you’re sick or recovering. Hence the reason for the upcoming dilemma. Maxie and her kids just moved into Lulu and Dante’s old home. Maxie needed a bigger place, and Dante moved in with Sam.

GH spoilers and rumors tease that Dante breaks Sam’s heart when a homeless Lulu needs a place to live. Whether or not Lulu moves in with Maxie, or everyone plays musical houses, Lulu’s return causes Sam and Dante’s split.

General Hospital Spoilers: Mason Saves Ava’s Life While Risking His Own

Mason saves Ava’s life Cyrus Nikolas
Mason saves Ava’s life

I can just hear it now, “Mason the Hero!” Will Austin Holt’s mysterious, bald headed, lollipop licking cousin go from a miscreant to a knight in shining armor? From Ava’s worst nightmare to her rescuer?

If you missed any part of Fridays 9/29/23 episode, then you may have missed the dramatic scene on Spoon Island. General Hospital recaps indicate that Ava’s in a bad way! Over at Wyndemere, Ava Jerome (Maura West) collects her thoughts. She’s finally alone for the night and can kick back when she’s interrupted by an unwanted guest. Then, Mason appears right before her eyes! Well, we can assure you that he didn’t whisk her off her feet and head to Paradise. But we do have an inkling that if Mason chooses differently, Ava will be dead.

Mason Does The Right Thing… For A Reward?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Mason saves Ava’s life while risking his own. As of now, Ava thinks she killed her ex-husband. In fact, she had a witness. But neither of them even checked to see if he was actually dead. And besides, Austin’s lying to Ava anyway. He knows darn all that Nikolas is alive but he’s playing this game with Mason and their mystery boss. While it’s apparent that Austin can’t be trusted, he doesn’t aw all bad. Perhaps he’s being forced or coerced? Either way, Ava can’t trust him.

Now she’s been abducted by his cousin and her life is in danger. However, GH spoilers and rumors hint that Mason makes a decision that saves Ava’s life. As more about Cyrus’s connection to Mason and Austin unfolds, GH rumors speculate that Cyrus ordered Mason to kill Ava but Mason can’t go through with it. Instead, he brings her to Nikolas Cassadine. But before you get all starry eyed over Mason’s act of heroism, take into consideration that it wasn’t all selflessness. Nope, he didn’t do this out of the pure kindness of his heart. Ok, maybe a little.

GH spoilers and rumors tease that Nikolas offered Mason a generous reward if he delivered Ava to him. From this point on, Mason has a target on his back.

General Hospital New and Spoilers: OLTL and GH’s Kristen Alderson Makes BIG Announcement

GH’s Kristen Alderson announces pregnancy
Kristen Alderson pregnant

Kristen Alderson made a name for herself in one of the most memorable daytime T star roles. At just six years old, Alderson landed the role. From then she was known as Star Manning, daughter of the iconic couple, Todd Manning (Roger Howarth and Blair Cramer (Kassie DePaiva).

Sadly, One Life To Live ended in 2012. But according to GH news, Alderson joined the cast of General Hosoital. First, she continued her Llanview role and brought Star Manning to Port Charles. Then, due to legalities ABC was no longer permitted to use the. Jaya get names from OLTL and AMC. Thankfully, that’s not the case today.

Kristen Alderson Pregnant!

GH news reports confirm that Alderson’s boyfriend Taylor Crousore popped the question, and they became engaged on July 15th, 2023. Kristen and Taylor’s baby girl is expected in January of 2024!

Alderson joined General Hospital as a crossover from OLTL. However, Starr Manning didn’t stay in Port Charles for long due to legal issues with the network. That’s when the writers brought on Kiki Jerome. Ultimately, Alderson left GH and Kiki behind in 2020.

Congratulations to Kristen, Taylor, and their families on the upcoming birth of baby girl Coursore.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sasha Records Gladys and Montague’s Confession

Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession
Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession

To say that Gladys and Sasha’s scenes were heartbreaking is a gross understatement. Because not only is this entire storyline heartbreaking, for some it’s truly disturbing. I for one admit that I found it very difficult to continue watching after Gladys called the authorities.

In that moment my heart sank down to my stomach. Presumably, GH fans across the board felt the same sucker punch to the gut.

According to the latest General Hospital news and spoilers, GH fans express their distaste for this storyline and what’s happening to Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Truthfully, I’m all for the storyline. While I understand and empathize with Sasha’s pain and suffering, I’m still able to appreciate the entertainment value. To be clear, yes, it’s difficult for me to watch what’s being done to Sasha. But that’s the entire point. The actors have made us feel exactly how we’re supposed to feel in a situation such as this.

According to GH spoilers, Sasha’s dark and tragic life could soon see a ray of light. Currently, fans are up in arms over what Gladys is doing to Sasha. We watched Gladys tip off the authorities so that she can continue to stay out of under Sonny’s radar. But under his radar is where she’ll be once word gets out. However, some are banking on the PCPD to bail them both. With Sasha’s help, that’s very possible if Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession!

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava, Carly, and Nina React! Ava’s Spooked, Carly Is Determined, and Nina Is Desperate

Ava, Carly, and Nina react
Ava, Carly, and Nina react

It seems that everyone in Port Charles has their mind set on something. Presumably killing your husband, blackmailing a Judge, and covering up your own lies to hold onto your man would surely steer anyone’s focus.

It’s no coincidence that these three ladies are intertwined amidst separate and mutual issues around Port Charles. Obviously, being close enough to Sonny Corinthos will put you in this position/predicament. All three woman are former lovers of the monster, as well as mothers of his children.

Will Ava, Carly, and Nina Get Answers?

According to General Hospital spoilers, Ava Jerome (Maura West) can’t take her mind off of a pressing issue. Aside from presumably killing her husband Nikolas Cassadine, Ava’s focused on her new friend Austin Holt (Roger Howarth), and what he’s hiding. The former Mrs. Cassadine has lost trust now that Ava’s aware that the other half of her situationship has been taking meetings in Pentonville. The latest General Hospital previews indicate that Ava’s spooked and drops her drink. Something or someone startled her enough, to the point that she dropped her drink and it shattered into pieces on the floor. Does Nikolas come clean to Ava?

Meanwhile, Carly is determined to keep Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) out of Pentonville. GH spoilers tease that Carly has dirt on the Judge who sentenced Drew and she’s not afraid to use it. Will her plan work or backfire?

At this point in their lives, Nina Reeves is closest to Sonny as he walks into a mob war as naturally as breathing. Unlike Carly and Ava’s mob experience, Nina lacks the knowledge and the know-how it takes to stand by Sonny’s side and face your first mob war as a close loved one. GH spoilers tease that Nina’s desperate to keep her lies and unjustified entanglements under wraps. Her desperate comes from her fear of losing Sonny. However, she only has herself to blame.