
General Hospital Spoilers: A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure
Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Ned Quartermaine, who?! Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) wanted to live the good life, full of music and mayhem. Overnight, Ned Quartermaine went from business man to front man after a slip and fall accident at the Metro Court. Although his loved ones were devastated by the incident, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) will feel relieved that Ned woke up as a completely different man. One that she wasn’t around to see.

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure Ned is Back

The 1990s were really something, and General Hospitals relevance in society weighed heavily on its entertainment value and social issues. Back then the popularity of the Nurses Ball allowed for a great platform to spread AIDS awareness during the 90s.

Music has always been a part of General Hospital. Many recall Rick Springfield from the ABC Soap Opera, General Hospital. He played Dr. Noah Drake. He was a doctor by day and a rockstar by night. Hannah Montana, oops, I mean Frankie.

Eddie and Olivia’s Underwater Adventure

GH spoilers tease that Ned is back after Eddie took his polar plunge. So, why did Eddie jump into undesirably cold waters? Was he faking the whole time and used this moment to remember his life? Regardless, it doesn’t even matter if he was faking the entire time or not. What matters is that Nina is going to be shaking harder than if she has 10 cups of Corinthos Coffee. Will Ned tell Nina’s SEC secret scandal?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: BREAKING! Brand New Posts Shared From Tyler Christopher’s Instagram Account Raise Suspicions

New Posts From Tyler Christopher’s Instagram
New Posts From Tyler Christopher’s Instagram

It’s been almost two full weeks since the world lost a great talent and a kind soul. The outpouring of love and support for Tyler Christopher at the time of his passing speaks volumes.

Many co-stars, friends and family took to social media to share their memories of Tyler. Behind the scenes pics of Tyler and his pals at General Hospital flooded our timelines. Thankfully, social media platforms help spread news, show support, and come together in solidarity and support for certain causes. Despite social media being a positive force in todays world, there are also many downsides.

BREAKING! New Posts From Tyler Christopher’s Instagram

General Hospital news reports reveal that there is activity coming from Tyler Christopher’s official Instagram page. The odd posts started surfacing earlier today, while Facebook groups have been made in his honor. Or so that’s what some want us to think. According to the mysterious Instagram posts and stories; one in particular names a Facebook group that’s dedicated to Tyler as fake.

According to the latest General Hospital spoilers, a post was shared warning fans not to donate to a fundraiser that claims to be for funeral expenses and Tyler’s last wishes. However, Christopher’s page shared posts that oppose this “fake” fundraiser. So far, two posts have been shared onto Tyler’s official IG feed along with a few “stories.” If you’re unfamiliar with the Instagram platform, stories are highlights that stay up for 24 hours and then disappear. That’s there a video displays a post from a Susan “P” Baker, and giving details of a fundraiser.

Naturally, many who mourn Tyler are also most likely willing to lend a helping hand or some monetary gesture to the family. That said, be careful not to fall for a fundraiser scam out of the goodness of your heart. Please hang tight as this story is still developing. General Hospital Blog will keep you updated on the latest involving Tyler Christopher’s Instagram account as well as fraudulent messages.

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Eden McCoy Mourns Her Mother’s Death, “She Is Responsible For Every Good Part Of Me, And She Took Me With Her When She Left”

Eden McCoy Mourns Her Mother’s Death
Eden McCoy Mourns Her Mother’s Death

Devastation and loss seem to have come in surplus lately as the General Hospital community suffers great heartache. From Sonya Eddy to Jackie Zeman, Billy Miller to Tyler Christopher- and more in between, it’s undoubtedly been a hard year.

According to General Hospital news reports, sadness continues to loom over the GH community. Just 6 short days after Tyler Christopher’s death, another loss hits close to home. For General Hospital star Eden McCoy, everyone else’s “close to home,” is her actual home. Sadly, Eden McCoy mourns her mother’s death.

GH news and spoilers reveal that Eden became very vulnerable in her public, emotional message. The young star shared the news via Instagram, which she referred to as, “the most impersonal space.” Her post contains a picture of her mother, along with another picture consisting of Eden and her parents.

Eden’s touching message not only displays her pure love for her mom, but she also puts things into perspective. I can somewhat relate to Eden as she grieves for her mother. When I was pregnant with my first child, my mom passed away suddenly. As it turns it, she had Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and she died within two days of going to the ER. Although not all situations are the same, the pain of losing a mother is uniform. According to Eden’s post, her mom suffered a two and half year battle with cancer. No matter how you look at it, losing a mother hits different regardless of how it happened.

I recommend you you read Eden’s beautiful tribute to her mother. The images and words shared can be seen below. Please keep Eden and her family in your prayers.

Eden McCoy mourns her mother’s death

General Hospital Spoilers: Deal Or No Deal? Ava Sells Wyndemere To Nikolas Or Cyrus?

Ava Sells Wyndemere to Nikolas or Cyrus
Ava Sells Wyndemere to Nikolas or Cyrus?

Ava Jerome (Maura West) wants to wash her hands of her newly acquired creepy castle. She recently became the proud owner of the dark castle but has since put the mansion on the market.

General Hospital spoilers indicate that someone wants to acquire, or regain power in Port Charles. Recently, Ava caught wind that someone wants to buy Wyndemere and Spoon Island. The anonymous buyer brings the element of mystery as Ava ponders her options. According to GH spoilers and rumors, the mystery buyer’s clandestine intentions make a world of difference in selling the property. But how is Ava to know why someone wants to buy Wyndemere and Spoon Island if she doesn’t even know their identity.

Ava Sells Wyndemere to Nikolas or Cyrus Spoon Island

Ava Sells Wyndemere To Nikolas Or Cyrus?

Let’s be honest, anyone that wants to buy Wyndemere has to be a bit eccentric. Or, the potential buyer wants back what’s theirs. According to GH rumors, Nikolas Cassadine’s Port Charles return is on the horizon. However, GH news reports have yet to confirm a Nikolas Cassadine recast. The last actor to step into the role was Adam Huss, who stepped in for Coloma. GH Blog will keep fans updated on any fresh information about Nik’s return and any casting changes to go along with it.

Meanwhile, Ava must decide to sell or not to sell Wyndemere and Spoon Island. She’s eager to rid herself of the property but the offer’s risky nature could pose a threat. Will Ava consider the adverse effects or selling to the unknown? GH rumors go back and forth regarding the buyer’s identity. While Nikolas is the obvious guess since the castle once belonged to him. However, his new connection to Mason and Austin leads to new GH rumors. It’s possible that Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) is behind the anonymous offer. It could be that he wants Wyndemere and Spoon Island for himself, or he’ll fight Nikolas for it. Do you think Cyrus and Nikolas will fight for Wyndemere?

General Hospital Spoilers: Adam Develops An Unhealthy Fixation, Josslyn Has A Stalker

Adam Becomes Josslyn’s Stalker
Adam Becomes Josslyn’s Stalker

Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is trying to live her best life and experience college the way she’s meant to. Unfortunately, her college experience began with an unusual setback to both her academic and social growth.

Although Esme Prince did a number on Josslyn’s personal and college endeavors, the young Carly clone gets her strength from her mother. And despite Esme’s attempt to ruin her, Josslyn has thrived. She and her boyfriend Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) live on the edge as a Carly Corinthos, and Jason Morgan minis. On top of that, Josslyn is making new connections as she studies for her future.

Josslyn and her new friend Adam started out a little rocky. Soon after their first awkward run-in, Adam apologized for his inappropriate behavior and joss was gracious enough to accept. According to GH spoilers and rumors, Joss and Adam spend more time together as the semester continues to challenge them. The latest General Hospital spoilers tease that Josslyn becomes more dependent on her study buddy and Adam misreads the signals. So far, Dex hasn’t revealed himself to be the super jealous type, but soon he might want to step up and protect his girl.

A shocking new GH rumor claims that Adam becomes Josslyn’s stalker as his persistence morphs into an obsession for the mobster’s girlfriend.

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia’s New Job Confuses GH Fans- Filler Story Or The Beginning Of Something Unexpected?!

Felicia’s new job at GH Felicia and Stella patient advocate
Stella’s new job

Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner) has chosen Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) as her guide. Not long ago, Felicia made a decision to embark on a new life journey. She reflected on her life’s accomplishments, shortcomings, and even some regrets. That’s when she entertained the idea to shadow Stella over at General Hospital.

Recent General Hospital spoilers indicate that Felicia is read for a new kind of fulfillment, and she seeks it out in social work. Becoming a patient advocate is important her next step toward a different lifestyle. Since she can remember, Felicia has known herself to be an adventurer and a thrill seeker through her work as a WSB agent.

Before becoming a grandmother to Maxie’s three children Felicia lived a risky life. Consequently, many of her spy missions kept her from her family. Maxie and her children are Felicia and Mac Scorpio’s (John J. York) world. She’s happy help Maxie whenever she she’s in need. Of course, spending time with family is very important to Felicia. But now she has found another important outlet through her new job at the hospital.

Felicia and Esme GH

According to the latest GH rumors, Felicia’s new direction is a nice change. And while her intentions are in the right place, this position as a patient advocate might not cut it for a someone like Felicia. That is, unless one of the patient’s that Felicia is assigned to leads her to another mission. Or something along those lines.

GH spoilers tease that although Felicia’s new job at GH as a patient advocate starts out slow and seemingly uneventful, (in the sense that she isn’t out saving Port Charles from disaster), something makes her feel right at home. Certainly, Stella and Felicia’s job at the hospital isn’t something to overlook. Helping patients connect with their doctor and to understand their condition is an essential part of medical care.

However, many GH spoilers and rumors tease that when something big arises, Felicia also rises to the occasion. Apparently Felicia is just the person this patient needs.

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Cries For Help Before Nikolas Unveils Himself

Nikolas unveils himself to Ava
Nikolas unveils himself to Ava

Ava Jerome (Maura West) killed Nikolas Cassadine, or so she thinks. She’ll do anything to protect her daughter Avery Corinthos (Ava and Grace Scarola). That’s why she didn’t think twice when she clubbed Nikolas over the head when he threatened to take her daughter. Even still, she didn’t mean to kill him, and with Austin’s help, that’s exactly what she thinks.

Nikolas unveils himself to Ava

Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) helped Ava move Nik’s seemingly lifeless body, but neglected to tell her the truth. GH recaps recall that Austin knows exactly where Ava’s ex-husband disappeared to, and that he’s been kept alive. Now, he’s in hiding until the moment is right.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that it’s about that time when Nikolas shows himself. Meanwhile, Mason (Nathanyael Grey) boldly abducted Ava straight from Wyndemere. In fact, he didn’t even try to disguise himself. While GH fans question where Mason takes Ava, GH spoilers tease that Ava’s headed straight to Nikolas.

According to GH rumors, Mason kidnapped Ava to bring her to the man with which she once shared a home. Now, all of the lies and deceit have created a monster. Recent hard times invoked the dark side in this Cassadine, and now he’s taking it out on Ava. She got on his bad side and then tried to kill him. Consequently, now he wants her to pay.

General Hospital Spoilers: Eddie Remembers Lois- Eddie Names Lois “The Woman Of His Dreams”

Eddie Maine remembers Lois

Eddie Maine knows what he wants out of life while simultaneously being a lost soul. He’s passionate about his music and his free spirits. So far, thats what Eddie strives for- a successful music career, and to able to be himself.

On some days, the 1990s feel like yesterday- as if I’m wait for next week’s new episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And sometimes, the golden era (the 1990s) seems like a lifetime ago. Nevertheless, the past is the past, but sometimes the past has a way of creeping in. And that’s exactly what’s happening with Ned and the rest of the Quartermaine family.

General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) has a dream. But he doesn’t really address it until the right moment happens to arise. According to GH previews, Eddie encounters a face that he recognizes. Since he doesn’t recall a thing about his life as Ned Ashton Quartermaine, his dream becomes a lot more interesting once he sees a certain someone.

GH spoilers reveal that Eddie Maine and Lois Cerullo meet again! See, memories of his time as Eddie are still in tact. It’s Ned he doesn’t recall. However, Lois has connection to both Ned and his alter ego, Eddie. Therefore, Lois bound to spark some time of recollection. In fact, Ned and Eddie’s ex-wife is an evocation of the 1990s and their time together. So, what does that mean for Olivia Falconeri Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero)?

General Hospital Spoilers: Mason Saves Ava’s Life While Risking His Own

Mason saves Ava’s life Cyrus Nikolas
Mason saves Ava’s life

I can just hear it now, “Mason the Hero!” Will Austin Holt’s mysterious, bald headed, lollipop licking cousin go from a miscreant to a knight in shining armor? From Ava’s worst nightmare to her rescuer?

If you missed any part of Fridays 9/29/23 episode, then you may have missed the dramatic scene on Spoon Island. General Hospital recaps indicate that Ava’s in a bad way! Over at Wyndemere, Ava Jerome (Maura West) collects her thoughts. She’s finally alone for the night and can kick back when she’s interrupted by an unwanted guest. Then, Mason appears right before her eyes! Well, we can assure you that he didn’t whisk her off her feet and head to Paradise. But we do have an inkling that if Mason chooses differently, Ava will be dead.

Mason Does The Right Thing… For A Reward?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Mason saves Ava’s life while risking his own. As of now, Ava thinks she killed her ex-husband. In fact, she had a witness. But neither of them even checked to see if he was actually dead. And besides, Austin’s lying to Ava anyway. He knows darn all that Nikolas is alive but he’s playing this game with Mason and their mystery boss. While it’s apparent that Austin can’t be trusted, he doesn’t aw all bad. Perhaps he’s being forced or coerced? Either way, Ava can’t trust him.

Now she’s been abducted by his cousin and her life is in danger. However, GH spoilers and rumors hint that Mason makes a decision that saves Ava’s life. As more about Cyrus’s connection to Mason and Austin unfolds, GH rumors speculate that Cyrus ordered Mason to kill Ava but Mason can’t go through with it. Instead, he brings her to Nikolas Cassadine. But before you get all starry eyed over Mason’s act of heroism, take into consideration that it wasn’t all selflessness. Nope, he didn’t do this out of the pure kindness of his heart. Ok, maybe a little.

GH spoilers and rumors tease that Nikolas offered Mason a generous reward if he delivered Ava to him. From this point on, Mason has a target on his back.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sasha Records Gladys and Montague’s Confession

Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession
Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession

To say that Gladys and Sasha’s scenes were heartbreaking is a gross understatement. Because not only is this entire storyline heartbreaking, for some it’s truly disturbing. I for one admit that I found it very difficult to continue watching after Gladys called the authorities.

In that moment my heart sank down to my stomach. Presumably, GH fans across the board felt the same sucker punch to the gut.

According to the latest General Hospital news and spoilers, GH fans express their distaste for this storyline and what’s happening to Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Truthfully, I’m all for the storyline. While I understand and empathize with Sasha’s pain and suffering, I’m still able to appreciate the entertainment value. To be clear, yes, it’s difficult for me to watch what’s being done to Sasha. But that’s the entire point. The actors have made us feel exactly how we’re supposed to feel in a situation such as this.

According to GH spoilers, Sasha’s dark and tragic life could soon see a ray of light. Currently, fans are up in arms over what Gladys is doing to Sasha. We watched Gladys tip off the authorities so that she can continue to stay out of under Sonny’s radar. But under his radar is where she’ll be once word gets out. However, some are banking on the PCPD to bail them both. With Sasha’s help, that’s very possible if Sasha records Gladys and Dr. Montague’s confession!