
General Hospital Spoilers: Nina and Valentin’s Shocking Discovery- Charlotte Goes After Anna Cassadine Style

Charlotte goes after Anna
Charlotte goes after Anna

Remember when Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) brought her pet snake Nagini to Violet Finn’s (Jophielle Love) birthday party? Yeah, well we didn’t forget it either. Back in 2020, Charlotte attended Violet’s birthday party and brought an uninvited guest.

Since then, General Hospital rumors ran wild with speculation surrounding Charlotte. Is she a true Cassadine through and through? For starters, Charlotte purchased herself a pet snake, which she named Nagini, with her dad’s limitless credit card. From then on fans were immediately reminded of the Cassadine blood that runs through her veins. Is Charlotte a little Helena Cassadine in the making? It’s quite possible.

According to General Hospital spoilers and previews, Nina and Valentin’s shocking discovery leads them to answers about Anna. Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) helps her friend figure out what is going on with Anna. His lady love is terrified that someone is out to get her.

Nina and Valentin discover Charlotte goes after Anna

GH spoilers and rumors tease that Valentin and Nina find that Charlotte goes after Anna! Apparently, she could be the one to write the eery message on Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) mirror. Does Charlotte have it out for Anna because she’s a risk to her Papa? We all know that Charlotte will do anything for Valentin. Moreover, having her mother in a coma and not around when she needs her the most has taken its toll. Will the dark Cassadine side come out of Charlotte?

General Hospital Spoilers: Martin’s In Hot Water, Turns Lucy Against Him

Martin turns Lucy against him
Martin turns Lucy against him

Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight) can’t keep up with his own shenanigans. He lied to Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) about the Deceptor, and now he’s gaslighting her to no end. The more she tries to give him credit for the idea, the more that Martin quickly shuts it down.

General Hospital Recaps: Moreover, Martin knew darn well that what he was doing when he leaked Blair’s business idea. Of course, his ex-wife was right. She played him like a violin and set him up to take himself and Lucy down. Blair no longer wants to pay her ex $50K per month in alimony. I mean, who would? Besides, he’s a lawyer for crying out loud. Yes, anyone would accept $50K a month from an ex-spouse. But does he really need it?

Blair’s plan to get Lucy so broke that she has to marry Martin to stay afloat. But, if those two say “I do,” then Martin won’t be living off of his Blair any longer. Additional, when Lucy finds out that Martin has been lying, gaslighting, and essentially manipulating the situation, will she want to become his bride?

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Martin’s in hot water. Apparently, his actions don’t just get under Blair’s skin, but Martin turns Lucy against him as well. Also, let’s not forget Tracy. All she wants his Lucy’s 1% of ELQ. She definitely doesn’t care about Martin. Will Martin manage to turn three women against him over this Deceptor ordeal?!

General Hospital News: Cousin Of Three-Time Emmy Winner Billy Miller Speaks Out On His Death

Billy Miller passes away at 43
Billy Miller passes away

It is with a heavy heart that I not only had to share this news with you early this morning, but that it is indeed a reality. While still in disbelieve, the tragic news continues to pour through each and every media outlet.

General Hospital news reports confirm the death of three-time Daytime Emmy winner Billy Miller. He has won two Daytime Emmy’s for his role in Y & R, along with a win for playing Jason Morgan/Jake Doe on General Hospital. At this time the cause of death remains unknown. However, GH spoilers reveal that a family member has taken to social media with the news.

Known for his roles in Suits, The Young and the Restless, and of course, General Hospital, Billy Miller was an extraordinary talent and a beloved fan favorite. According to the mastery GH news and story developments, Miller’s cousin reached out on social media and provided slightly more information about the tragedy. She mentions that Billy is her second cousin, and his mother Pat is her first.

Billy Miller passes away

Billy Miller passes away on what was two days prior to his 44th birthday. Today, September 17th is Billy’s birthday. Please keep Billy Miller in your prayers as his family mourns his loss. General Hospital Blog will provide updates as the story develops.

General Hospital Spoilers: Too Late For A Clean Slate? Chase Finally Learns Of Brook Lynn’s “Deception”

Brook Lynn tells Chase about Deception
Brook Lynn tells Chase about Deception

What I really want to know is why in the world didn’t Chase ask Brook Lynn what Tracy had her do? Maybe he did and I missed it, but something tells me that he should have been more up on things. You know, being a detective and all.

Over at Deception, Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) are reeling over Brook Lynn’s (Amanda Setton) latest act of malice. General Hospital recaps recall Maxie’s blasting her so-called friend, telling her, “this isn’t high school.” Rightfully so, Maxie is livid and told Brook Lynn exactly what’s up. The sheepish look on BLQ’s face indicates that Maxie’s words hit close to home.

According to General Hospital spoilers, confessions spill out like over over-filled kiddie pool with the hose still running. Apparently, no one has to break her arm to come clean this time. GH spoilers and rumors hint that Brook Lynn tells Chase about Deception and exactly what she had to do for Granny The Tyrant, Tracy.

Still, it seems odd that Brook Lynn admitted that Tracy blackmailed her over Chase’s position at the PCPD, yet the topic of what she made BLQ do hasn’t come up. Regardless, Chase founds out soon enough. Has BLQ exceeded her 9 lives?

General Hospital Spoilers: Esme Reverts To Her Old Ways, Avery Kristen Pohl Reveals Esme’s Feelings For Spencer

Esme Prince reverts to old ways

When it comes to love in the afternoon, often times a juicy love triangle is what sucks fans in. While it’s true that many GH fans want to see at least one couple who is happy and settled, that’s not always possible given the nature of soap operas. If you’re looking for stability odds are it won’t be in a soap opera couple’s relationship.

Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) arrived in Port Charles with Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and an agenda. Their exclusive relationship seemed solid for a while as he’d defend her to his friends. But soon everyone came to find out just who Esme is. And now that she’s yet an even different person(ality) she wants people to get to know her all over again.

According to a recent interview with Soap Opera Digest, Avery Kristen Pohl reveals Esme’s feelings for Spencer. Ever since suffering amnesia, the young mother has turned a new leaf.

“I think that Esme is trying to have a little bit of a new lease on life,” is what Pohl explained regarding Esme’s new perspective. “She’s much happier and I think she’s trying to accept her scenario for what it is and she’s starting to sort of find some semblance of a routine- and Spencer has become a huge part of that.” The actress continued, “I think a lot of [her view of Spencer] is tied to wanting Ace to be happy and giving him a semblance of stability,” she went on to explain. “But I think Esme also wants some semblance of stability and she can see that within Spencer, but in a very different light than the sort of ‘old’ Esme did.”

Spencer and Esme

Esme Reverts To Old Ways

At first, much skepticism about Esme’s amnesia challenged her authenticity. Was she really a new and improved Esme Prince, or was this known con artist doing what she does best? To answer that question, it looks as though Esme indeed suffered from amnesia as a result of her tragic experience of Wyndemere’s parapet. She truly has a new outlook, but that doesn’t mean the old Esme isn’t down deep inside.

According to GH spoilers, Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) shouldn’t get too comfy with Spencer. In fact, Pohl reveals that, “Esme isn’t fully aware of how her actions are going to impact others,” Avery continued, “which may be similar to old Esme in a certain capacity, but I don’t think realizes her little mini crush on Spencer yet.”

So what happens

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Maurice Benard Reveals Upcoming Guest, This Blast From The Past Sends Fans Back To The Golden Era

Maurice Benard reveals upcoming guest
Maurice Benard reveals upcoming guest

Maybe it’s just me but I find that nostalgia has a way of bringing communities together. Like, when you and a life long friend begin to reminisce about the days of old, and reflect on the good times. In doing so we tend to remember certain people and events that bring a sense of comfort to mind.

For me, the same goes for television and music. Almost all of today’s top 40 pop songs contain music samples from the past. So when you hear this fresh sound with a familiar twist, you kinda feel right at home. Well, that’s how it is for me when my faves from the past return.

I started watching General Hospital in the 1990s like many of you. And I can honestly say that this era seems to have left the most permanent mark on GH fans. That said, do you remember the popular character, Karen Wexler, played by Cari Sheen? She was right there in the middle of heated storylines involving strip clubs, drugs, and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard).

General Hospital 1992 The Island

It was the age of “The Island,” when Karen, Jason Quartermaine (Steve Burton), and Jagger Cates (Antonio Sabato Jr.) got stranded on an island. Moreover, it was the first jig storyline my pre-teen self really got into. And for that I will always remember and be grateful I beg and watching GH when I did.

Maurice Benard Reveals Upcoming Guest

Karen Wexler Sonny Corinthos

At a recent fan event in Royal Oak Michigan, Maurice Benard discussed GH, mental illness, and everything in between. A hot topic was definitely his YouTube channel, State of Mind. He uses the platform to interview past and present co-stars, and anyone who wants to share their story.

General Hospital Spoilers: Drew’s Held Hostage In Pentonville, He’s Used As A Pawn

Drew’s held hostage in Pentonville
Drew’s held hostage in Pentonville

The city of Port Charles in it’s entirety was in total shock when Drew Cain received his sentence. No one expected such a harsh sentence, yet the judge really threw the book at him. Now, he sits in Pentonville amongst experiences criminals organized crime.

Ever since his sentencing, GH rumors ran wild with speculation. Fans have been trying to figure out the meaning behind such a hard punishment for such an insignificant crime. So, GH Blog shared that Drew’s sentence is most likely the result of an inside job. Someone wants him in Pentonville, and they’ve got him right where they want him.

Meanwhile, the sh!t hits the fan back in Port Charles as Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) strategies to save his own butt. It could have been anyone’s guess that Sonny would run to Carly Spencer [Corinthos] (Laura Wright) in his darkest hours. Actually, he knows well enough to run to his ex-wife before the hours become a stark night. Because he knows he can count on her strength and abilities to to what needs to be done. Not just for their family, but for him as well.

Cyrus Renault Pentonville

According to GH spoilers, Sonny and Carly are on their way back to one another. However, that’s neither here nor there at the moment. Instead, the focus is on Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison). But when Carly showed up at Pentonville with Sonny, they all got to thinking. Sonny is certain that his enemies reside within Pentonville walls. So having Drew there has to benefit someone. But who? Although Cyrus admits to helping take down star formidable mobster, it sounds like he might be a spectator in the Pikeman deal. This comes as a shock to many fans since Cyrus has been the number one pick for Pikeman. If not him, then who? And why is Drew held hostage in Pentonville?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: CONFIRMED! Rena Sofer Returns To GH

Rena Sofer returns to GH as Lois Cerullo
Rena Sofer returns to GH as Lois

It’s no secret that the 1990s made a comeback in the 2020s. From fashion to music, pieces of a millennial’s golden era made its way back into our culture. Television reboots and movie remakes also drudge up the 90s. In fact, even the soap opera genre wants the nostalgia.

Ned and Lois Eddie Maine and Lois Cerullo wedding

General Hospital news and spoilers confirm that Rena Sofer returns to GH as Lois Cerullo. As Ned’s ex-wife and mother to their daughter, Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton), Lois has many reasons to return to Port Charles. In addition, her dear friend Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) always has time for Lois. Despite his hectic life with kids, Carly, Nina, and of course his enemies, Sonny is always grateful to see Lois.

According to the latest GH news, Rena Sofer disclosed that she’s already taped her first scenes. Previously, GH Blog shared reports that Sofer’s contract at The Bold and The Beautiful expired in May of last year. And as predicted, she’s headed straight to General Hospital!

According to GH spoilers and rumors, Lois shows up to help deal with Ned/Eddie. However, who says that she thinks Ned should be Ned? Will she help bring Ned back or encourage Eddie to stay true to himself? Besides, GH spoilers tease that Llivia is falling for Eddie… maybe Ned is never coming back!

Look for Rena Sofer’s return debut as Lois hits Port Charles this coming October! Who is ready for her return?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: The Mystery Is Over! Kassie DePaiva’s Role

Blair Cramer is Martin’s ex-wife
Blair Cramer is Martin’s ex-wife

Spoiler Alert! It looks like you won’t have to wait for Kassie DePaiva’s GH return to find out what she’s doing in Port Charles. Instead, you are privy to the know DePaiva’s GH role prior to her arrival. So if you just can’t wait to find out what business OLTL’s Blair Cramer has in Port Charles, then keep on reading!

Previously, General Hospital Blog reported that DePaiva was set to bring Blair to PC. While fans were left unaware of the details, many put the pieces together. Blair’s purpose in PC remains the hot topic as DePaiva’s return debut approaches.

Lucy Coe and Martin Grey GH Spoilers

Let’s just say that Martin should start preparing himself as his ex-wife reveals herself as such. As GH news reports confirm, OLTL’s Blair Cramer is Martin’s ex-wife! Now, poor Lucy deals with her personal life on top of the Deception drama.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Makes An Unexpected Confession Even After Vindication

Sonny makes an unexpected confession General Hospital spoilers Sonny

Although Federal charges were dropped, Sonny makes an unexpected confession!

…I hate to say I told you so, but, who am I kidding? When it’s about General Hospital, I don’t mind one bit ????. Everyone was all up in arms about Sonny’s arrest when the Feds stormed in and swept him away in cuffs. Somehow, things seemed different this time.

Sonny and Nina GH

Previously, General Hospital Blog shared the latest spoilers which claimed that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) had nothing to worry about. As it turned out he knew what was going on the entire time because he’s the one who set this all up. Now that he’s been cleared, Sonny and his family breathe a sigh of relief. Furthermore, Nina survived her first mob-wife scare. But was it even really to write home about? Nah, it wasn’t real. Truthfully, Sonny’s never really out of the woods, so there’s still a lot more for Nina to worry about. Essentially, only time will tell whether or not she’s cut out for this.

According to GH spoilers, Sonny makes an unexpected confession despite being a free man. So, what type of secret could the mobster have to get off his chest? And who needs to know?