Gregory Chase’s illness brings a new doc to Port Charles!
…Is there hope for Gregory Chase and his battle with ALS? The cat’s out of the bag- well, at least to Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton). ALS is a devastating disease that targets motor neurons. In other words, it attacks the nerves responsible for voluntary movement. But, enough of that because I am in no means a doctor. I am a writer, however, and I will keep you up to date on GH spoilers, news, and more!
General Hospital recaps recall Gregory Harrison’s current battle with ALS. He recently brown down and told his some Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) about his illness. They both broke down and trades and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t too!
According to the latest GH spoilers, Gregory Chase’s illness brings a new doctor to Port Charles. Now that Finn knows what’s going on, Gregory is going to need a specialist for his illness. Without a doubt, Finn will encourage his father to do whatever it takes to prolong a good-quality life. Reportedly, actor Jeffrey Stubblefield joins GH as Dr. Bronson, Gregory’s new specialist. GH spoilers and news reports confirm that Stubblefield is somewhat familiar with the GH family since he once played on General Hospital spin-off, Night Shift as Roger Walker.