
A Frisco Jones Return?

In the last year or so, the executives at GH have been known for bringing back fan favorites and vet characters. With all of the WSB and Frisco Jones talk that went on last week, could the writers be giving the audience a hint? Last week when Maxie was in her air plane dilemma, she reached out to her father, Frisco Jones to come to her aid and get her home to Nathan before the new year. Also last week, Agent Sloan brought up the fact that Frisco was now the head of the WSB to Anna Devane.

If Jack Wagner does return to his role as Frisco Jones, there are many possible story lines he could tie into. For one, his daughter Maxie will always hold a special place in her heart for her father, also he has many long time friends and colleagues that could be part of a Frisco story line. Since he is now head of the WSB, there is potential there as well with the involvement in the entire Fluke, Jerry Jacks, Helena Cassadine saga, since Victor Cassadine and Anna Devane have been linked to the WSB for many years.

Many times, name dropping like this is a way for the writers to hint that a certain character may be on their way back to Port Charles… but not always. Jack Wagner (Frisco Jones) was most recently part of General Hospital during the 2013 Nurses Ball. When the character was written off, fans had expressed opinions that implied their favorite character had been written out of character this go around. Jack Wagner himself had trouble with the direction the writers had taken Frisco and it was no secret that Wagner left the show on rocky terms with the executives. That being said, are the General Hospital rumors about Frisco returning true, or is it pretty unlikely to see Wagner back in the role of Frisco Jones? Perhaps fences have been mended between the actor and TPTB over at General Hospital. General Hospital Blog will keep fans updated with any information confirming or denying this GH rumor.

What do you think? Would you like to see Frisco return to Port Charles to possibly redeem his character from his most recent visit? Comment below!


Jack Wagner Speaks Out About GH

General Hospital vet Jack Wagner, aka Frisco Jones has caused quite a stir in Twitterverse with his latest tweets regarding General Hospital.
Wagner openly expressed his feeling on those in charge over at General Hospital. He says he is very disappointed in them and Wagner claims Frisco was “written out of character.” The tweets got very heated and expressive, causing fans to chime in, creating Twitter/General Hospital chaos. Needless to say it seems as if Jack Wagner may have burned all bridges with GH and he and his fans alike have lost any chance of a Frisco return any time soon. Read his tweets below! What do you think, is it a rant or is he right? Comment, SHARE, LIKE using the icons below and let us know what you think!




General Hospital Welcomes Back Jackie Zeman!

General Hospital is going all out for it’s 50th anniversary! Bringing back vets like Genie Francis (Laura Spencer), Jack Wagner (Frisco Jones), Kin Shriner (Scotty Baldwin), and more! General Hospital just announced the return of Jackie Zeman (Bobbi Spencer) March 21st 2013. This has been one hell of a year full of surprises for GH fans, and they keep on coming! Check out Jackie’s Tweet making the announcement!

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/JackieZeman/status/299208465912582145″]