Social media outlets are today’s way of circulating information. whether it’s news, entertainment, opinions, or building friendships, social media allows people to use a platform to get their thoughts and creativity out into the world.
General Hospital co-stars and real life friends, James Patrick Stuart and Jash Swickard are currently entertaining themselves and GH fans with their silly antics on social media. Although their characters may not have much interaction with each other on set, James Patrick Stuart (Valentin Cassadine) and Josh Swickard (Detective Harrison Chase) have been interacting quite a bit on social media. They have been going back and forth via Instagram and Twitter now that James Patrick Stuart is putting photoshop to good use.
General Hospital news and spoilers indicates GH will be back soon, but while the cast awaits being called back to work, they’re making the best of their time by having fun. Take a look at Stuart’s photoshop skills as he places Swickard’s head on the body of a member of The Doobie Brothers.